Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Weekend Flop

This past weekend B and I headed down to the coast to welcome my sister and her family back to the country. We left on Saturday morning to spend some time with family and friends who live down there. When we arrived we were hit with the reality that people have lives outside of us. Everyone was out or busy or not even in the country. So what did we do? We booked ourselves into our hotel and then went for a swim. It was fun! We had a game where we would go jump in the freezing cold pool, then go and soak in the warm hot tub. Then we would repeat. It was so fun! Then we went and grabbed some dinner....Subway (which is lately my favorite place) and a slurpee...can't beat that combo! It was so delicious. We were able to grab a quick visit with some friends who were on their way out, but were able to squeeze us in just before they left. Than we went back to the hotel and called it a day.

The next day (Sunday) we were woken up by the phone telling us that my sister and her family weren't coming until the following day because they g
ot bumped. (Really an understandable situation). I also woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Just grumpy about anything and everything. We headed to church and then met up with some friends and went to their place for lunch. We ended up spending the whole day visiting, B beating their children with pillows with my friend K's husband. It was funny to watch, especially after the kids bumped heads and started crying. Watching B and T settle the kids was funny. Then we headed back to Abby to see my Uncle and Aunt and cousins. It was a funny visit like usual. (I just noticed I used the word "funny" in this update multiple times....weird).

The next day (Monday) we made a quick stop in to see my one friend who just had a baby. That whole situation was a little weird so we kept the visit
short. Then we headed into to Vancouver to pick up Sis and fam. After being stuck in traffic for (no exaggeration) 2 hours due to an accident our first stop was 7/11 for a slurpee, this was their number 1 priority of entering back onto Canadian soil. I am so happy to have them back in the country! I'm so excited for what this summer is going to bring and can't wait to see them soon!

Well until next time

(This picture is a blast from the past when I had blond hair - about 2 years ago)


white girl said...

You didn't talk about how much FUN we had creeping the people out on the other side of the highway and SCREAMIN-singing Bon Jovi. I love being stuck in highway traffic with fun people. Totally reminds me of May long weekend returning from YC. Weee!!

Amy said...



I'm glad you are home now :)

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