Friday, January 20, 2006

The Wait is Over

Hello. I am going to try to write this post as quick as I can. I've attempted to do so four or five times now and the computer keeps freezing up when I get to about this spot. Yeah...I made it past the usual point. What have I been up to these last two weeks? That's a good question. I wrote some stuff down so I wouldn't forget my funny stories. We'll start back when Cameron left Westman (short for West Manitoba). The explanation kind of defeated the whole point to a shortcut...oh well. Anyways, when mom and I took Cameron to the airport I chased him around taking about 50 pictures of him(not even exagerating). I was pretending I was with one of the tabloids. haha. I like to embarass him in public. So much fun. This next part is not for those who take offense that is you...skip to the next paragraph. While Cameron was here he bought some of those really good peanuts that are all covered with yummy sugar stuff...anyways, when my mom came back to the car I grabbed the bottle from him and he yelled, Mom, Michelle grabbed my nuts. heehee. This went on and on all the way to the Ranch..hehe. We had made several comment worse than that one but I'm suddenly too shy to share them with those of you who didn't skip over this paragraph like I told you to do.
After Cameron was gone life went back to normal. Man I missed the crazy days. The next week was such a blur. Without a computer I was on the phone with Cameron everyday begging him to send me something. Even if it was just the mouse. I would periodically sit in front of my blank screen. Unable to do anything with it. I would just sit and remember the good o'l days of blogging. During that week though, I picked up a few extra hours at work and my tv up and running. I bought ears for the tv so now I'm in the world of Doctor Phil and Desperate Housewives(I haven't watched this show but I have access to it now if I ever get the desire to watch it). So yeah, I don't really have any really funny stories. I probably do but I just can't remember them.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
I have been watching my cat for the last couple of weeks trying to find a really funny cat lady moment to post. I think the funniest one comes from today. I found her cuddled up on my bed. So I started to walk in the room and right away she started to meow at me(not the good kind of meow, the leave me alone kind). So of course I didn't listen. I went and curled around her and she looked at me and bit my nose. I'm sure there has to be a law against that. I just thought that was funny and totally worth bugging her over.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Last night at youth group we were playing with the special features in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We didn't watch the movie, we just played instead. You can learn two of the Umpa Lumpa dances. Well, there were about 5 people learning them and I just sat on the stage and supervised, I mean, watched. While I was watching my eyes decided to close, and man did that feel good so I let them. Then they didn't open and still I didn't resist and then I was in another suddenly got interupted with an Umpa Lumpa song and I realized that I was still at youth group. When I woke up the youth were still dancing and Dave was giving me a strange look. Yes, I fell asleep in front of everyone. It was a humbling experience. The night was full of them let me tell you. After that whole fiasco I went and sat on a chair beside the sofa. I was leaning back on the chair and felt really relaxed. Suddenly out came a loud noise. Everyone thought it was just the chair until I said excuse me. haha. That was the first time I farted in front of the youth and they all reacted by running away. Not even walking, running. haha. It wasn't even a stinker. They were all just shocked that I would pass wind before them(if I knew there was an order I would have waited my turn). I had a good time at youth.
Are you wondering why I was so tired at youth group? It was because of the stupid snow removing people who like to go right outside my bedroom window until 3:30am every night. From Sunday until Wednesday I didn't get to sleep before 3:30am. So harsh. Finally last night I beat them. I went to bed before midnight so I would be past out before they started with there racket. I'm sure they were playing tennis or something out there with their loud back up noises and such. I think it would have been funny to run out there and throw a shovel at them in my pj's. haha. (You know, like Brandon Fraser did in Encino Man). I always laugh at that part...what the driver must have thought...haha.
Well, that's it for now. I am glad to be back and all that stuff. Now the phone calls will stop. Yes I had phone calls begging me to come back and post a new entry. Wow, they love me...they really love me!!
Until next time
Peace Out!!


Sheila said...

So do tell: what is the (worse comments) that you are keeping from your adoring audience?? Enquirer-ing minds want to know!!!

Hey Priceless Girl......send all your hot air/wind to Estonia as they are all freezing to death.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back! A blog update is almost as good as a Tim Hortons Long John! Well, as good as candy coated nuts! Thank goodness you survived your computer drought! I am sure your blogging audience will also be relieved! :)
