Monday, September 30, 2013

Crazy train = mood swing central

Hey, so I have noticed lately that I seem to get grumpy easily.  Then I remembered that I am now on hormone stuff to help produce baby number 2.  Therefore the moodswings are right on schedule.  Once I remembered this I was a little bit relieved because I was genuinely confused as to why I was so irritable.  Not that I use this as an excuse, I believe you choose your attitude.  It just helps my mind know that there are other factors to consider these days.  Officially back on the crazy train.  

For an example of this mood-swinging-ness I was at the grocery store today with Kiwi.  We were minding our own business looking at the bread on the discount rack when a lady suddenly started, not yelling, but talking loudly and sternly at me.  I was caught off guard and didn't even see her coming.  She was mad because she said that she almost ran right into me because she was booking it.  Ok, 1. I was standing still, 2. she was booking it and almost ran into me, when and how did this become my fault??  I pulled my cart back an inch and she carried on her hurried way  (to the washroom).  As she went passed I muttered under my breath, "then maybe you should slow down".  I just don't get why I got scolded.  

Another example, yesterday at church....oy. I was talking to my second cousin when a lady came up and said, "I don't mean to interrupt, but..."  I replied, "yes you do".  Brenton said this made me socially awkward.  Whatever.  I guess a little back story needs to be put in here, this particular lady interrupts me quite regularly, therefore I thought it was ok to bring it to her attention.  Was this done tactfully, no, it wasn't.  Was it humourous (we all laughed so I'm guessing so).  Did it get the point across, yes.  Did it make a difference? Nope, she interrupted me again shortly after.  Was I grumpy after this? Yes.  Also as soon as you say "I don't mean to" - but still do then yes you do mean to do it.  Another thing, the word "but",  erases everything that was previously said in my opinion.  It's like when someone apologizes and then follows it with a but - creating an excuse.  You're either sorry or you're not.  Ahh.  (Again with the mood swings.) I know this isn't a big deal, I really do.  But for whatever reason I can't seem to let it go.  

I have a house I need to clean.  I will harness this negative energy and clean with it.  I don't know why but I enjoy cleaning when I'm angry.  Anybody else do the same?  


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