Thursday, September 26, 2013

Mod Podge of what's in my head

Did you notice the new decor on the blog? I decided that since it's fall now I shall embrace it and put leaves on my blog, yes leaves! Don't worry these ones don't get wet and soggy and stick to your shoe, they're the pretty ones that you can just look at and enjoy - so you're welcome.  

I am procrastinating once again, but this time from something I enjoy.  I know I don't get it either.  It's baking day and I need to bake some chocolate chip cookies.  Not hard, I know.  So why am I procrastinating, I have no clue.  I have my favourite baking moving plugged in and all I have to do is hit play and away I'll go.  I think it's because I just had some lunch and so now I'm letting it sit, you're not suppose to bake until 30 mins after eating right?  So then I have another 20mins to kill.  I don't think I'll wait that long.  Just another 5 or so.  I also have a to do list once Kiwi is awake.  We have some errands to do.  After being cooped up for the last couple of days I am excited to get out and venture into the world of errands.  (I've been down with a cold).  And I'm afraid to say that my cold resembled a man cold.  I was pure pathetic for a couple of days where standing up was not a fun place to be.  Now I just have the lingering sniffles and raw nose (from blowing it so much).  That I can deal with.  

This coming weekend I have a fall festival I am going to.  I will be setting up my second ever table with some treats and home made kid items. Aprons and baby wraps.  It should be fun.  We'll see how it goes as it's held outside and it's a freezer outside been super cold out lately so I am not really looking forward to that part of it. Hopefully summer decides to make a brief return for that day.  A girl can hope right? I guess I should remember to pack my gloves.  Dagnabit.  

My hands are super sensitive to cold since I've had frost bite on both of them, thank you Manitoba.  So I am usually the crazy person who is wearing gloves extremely early in the season, where most people would say, it's not that cold?!  Alas, if I don't my hands change funky colours (they look really dirty) and they start to lose feeling. So to keep my hands, I will ever be the crazy girl with gloves on in October.  

This has been fun. But I now can hear the oven calling my name and it's time to embark on some baking fun.  Julie and Julia by my side here we go. 

Love ya

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