Friday, May 06, 2011

Walking through the Forest (I'm not really, I just couldn't think of a clever title)

Emotional. I think that is what best describes me today. I don't know what is bringing it on, but weird things are triggering me today. I may just be over tired from a long week of work. Or the upcoming holiday may be triggering some emotions I have buried deep. I think it's the earlier of the two since it seems to be really weird things that make me tear up. I also think I have a cold coming on and this may or may not be playing with my feelings a bit. But I'm not going to whine about it ;)

My momma came into town today. It is really nice to see her. She's a bit quirky....ok a lot quirky but she's my mom! Today with all the kids I worked with I made them each make a Mother's Day card. It's the least I could have done. I often wonder about the parents of the children I work with. They must battle a field of emotions on an ongoing occurrence. I'm very thankful for all the mom's in this world do. Their insight and care and compassion are truly admired.

Wow, that was a lot more cheesy than I was planning and it doesn't really make sense as I read over it...but am I going to go back and re-type it? Nope. Do I really care? Nope. I'm sure people can hear my heart in their somewhere and it may have a glimmer of something sensible. Whateves. Anyways...

Happy Mother's Day



Sheila said...

My Michelle,

Ahh sorry to hear this. Pretend you are an elevator:Going up-oh darn someone wants to get on--k then we are going to stop before we get to the top floor---Happiness.

I appreciate you are talking about the good, bad and ugly. Shows how human you are.

Happy Saturday

Happy (Birdy) Mother's Day

white girl said...

I love you!
