Monday, August 30, 2010

Blur of a weekend

Hello, I'm alive! Just in case you were worried, but judging by the lack of comments in the comment section I don't know if anyone even reads this thing on purpose any more. Like the visit tracker could actually only be going up by accidental or unintentional page uploads.

Anyways, the new things in my life. Let me start by telling you about my weekend. Friday was a very draining day at work. So much that I cried at work. If anyone knows me, I hate to cry, especially in front of people. I became overwhelmed and my emotions got the better of me. Than I cried because I was embarrassed that I cried at work. Oh the cycle. But that's a story in itself.

After work B picked me up and we headed to Vancouver to see my sister and her family off at the airport. When we arrived it was almost 10pm. We convinced them to allow the two G's to stay up and play a video game. After the kids went to bed we (all the adults) connected the computer to the tv and watched funny you tube clips. This was hilarious! We finally hit the bed at 1:30am.

The next morning came really early. It was about 9 when I woke B up. (I had been up for about an hour before trying to fight off the urge to pee and go back to sleep). We got up and got ready and went for all you can eat sushi in Richmond. It was very yummy! After lunch we headed to the airport to get them checked in and visited until they had to go through the security gate.

B and I jumped back in the car and headed home. We hit up a Mr. Lube on our way to get an oil change since owning the car we haven't done that yet. It's a good thing we did. I am sure that thing hasn't had an oil change in a very long time! It looked worse than the Tracker and if you know me you know that got bad. (Luckily I now have a husband who is on it when it needs to be done). After the filter had been changed I noticed an immediate change in the vents. It actually blows air! Crazy!

We had to rush back to Kelowna though because we still had plans for the evening. Becky's Birthday party. We drove into town and went straight to the restaurant. It was fun and the company was great. We were sitting with her friends Ryan and Jill and they made me laugh all night long. Such a fun couple to hang out with. After the party we came home and by the time I finished brushing my teeth B had fallen asleep. (He usually takes a while before falling asleep). We were both sooooooo tired.

The next morning, Sunday, we actually dragged our sad, tired little bodies out of bed and sauntered off to church. We were late so we chatted with some friends in the foyer until church got out. Than we went for lunch with B's family. Great visit with them. I feel like I haven't seen them in so long because this summer has been so busy.

After lunch B headed off to his brother's place to help with the flooring. I tried to stay awake but failed. All the emotions of the weekend had drained me and I fell asleep. About an hour later B came and got me and we headed out to a BBQ and that was fun! We ended up seeing a Grey Horned Owl. It appeared to be injured but later on it flew away. It was really cool to see.
And that my friends is my weekend rolled up into one long blog post.

1 comment:

white girl said...

Cool weekend!

Did you show Becky the birthday video we made for her? Which restaurant did you go to? What did you eat? There are so many details I'm missing!
