Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Slept in.

Today has started out as a good day. Seeing as it started for me an hour ago. That's right. I didn't wake up until 1 in the afternoon. It was the first time I've slept in since about 2 weeks ago when I slept in until 11. I don't know why I think this is blog worthy because now you're all probably thinking I'm a lazy bum. That's ok, I'm a refreshed lazy bum! ha.

Last night I was up until 2. I was watching a show called "crash test mommy" and let me tell you that girl was retarded. She is single and has a job and thinks her sister with 4 kids has it easy. So when her and her sister traded places for 48 hours I was worried. By the end of the show I had cried for the kids because I felt so bad for the kids. Their aunty had tried "cutting corners" but the corners she cut were crucial ones...like lunch time. She only fed the 5 month old half of her breakfast...and then didn't get to feeding her lunch until 4:30 in the afternoon! I was mortified! By the very end of the show her sister (the mom) shared her feelings of being proud of her sister. But she (the aunty) replied, I think we understand where each other is coming from more now. She still didn't say that, yeah your job is hard and valuable. I think that's what her sister wanted from the entire experience.

That's my rant for the day.

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