Thursday, November 20, 2008

Once upon a time a blog existed

Ok, so it's been a long time since my last entry. Why you ask? Well I've been so run off my feet but that just means there is a lot to blog about. Together lets see how often I am able to blog now that I find myself with a little more time on my hands.

For the last two months I have found myself on the go 24/6. That was not a typo. I always had Sunday's off from work and school so I would have at least one day a week to "relax". Now we all know that that doesn't happen even when we "plan" it. I am finding myself using the """ marks a lot lately...but I've dealt with it and now you will too!

My Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays tend to be the busiest days. I would typically wake up at 4am(sometimes earlier, rarely later...if I saw a 5 on my clock I would consider it sleeping in). I would get on the road often greeted by deer or some kind of potential road kill. I have had to swerve to miss some in order to save their lives. I would promptly arrive at the school of the day earlier than the secretary and take those 5 minutes to catch a quick cat nap. I became really good at taking quick naps here and there to keep myself from passing out mid-shoot. Once in the school I would start my set up (at least an hour set up) and answer many questions while doing so from the school personal and parents. My day would end with the tear down and loading up of my vehicle. I loved it. Almost every minute. (There were some days I would get frustrated with the questions because it would be 5 people coming up to me with the same question, it would become old very fast.)

After my day would end as a photographer I would go into my magical phone booth and transform into either a server or a student. Monday's and Saturdays I would transform into a server at 5pm until 10pm. And on Tuesdays and Thursday nights I would turn into a student. Oh and also a student every second saturday for 7 hours. Woot. Needless to say I needed that Sunday to revamp and rejuvenate. But as anyone with a hectic schedule knows on your "day off" you try and fit everything you need to get done into one day. It becomes one of your busiest days of the week.

But now that it's "quiet time" in the school photo area I've somewhat been laid off until spring time. So I find myself with a lot of open time. I told the restaurant that I work at that I'm available more often and have been faced with "we don't have enough hours to go around" so I found myself out looking for a new job. So crazy after such a crazy 3 months. I find myself with the time off not knowing what to do. I could do my homework, clean the house *cough* right like I do that....I really need to though. I find myself bored and can't wait until this new job I got just today starts.

Hopefully I'll be able to keep this thing updated now that I find myself with all this freakin' free time.

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