Friday, January 25, 2013

Friday blurb

Good Friday evening to all my readers. Yes I'm so lively I am sitting at home on a Friday night updating my blog! Watch out, I'm a wild one! Today was an action packed day. But before I go into that I have to say my right hand is hurting sooo much. Can you believe it, a cooking injury! And it's not even a cool story therefore making it blog worthy. Yeah I can't find the logic there either. Anyways my can opener(yes I use a manual can opener) decided that it wasn't going to work anymore as I was part way done, too late to turn back now. So I did the logical thing, I switched to my I already know it's so broken can opener that I haven't thrown out yet. Then I switched back to this other one thinking maybe I was just holding it wrong. Well I finally finished the job but not without consequence. I tweaked something in my hand and wrist and every now and then I get a very sharp pain and it's quite annoying. Not really worth mentioning but it came to my mind as I was typing and it began to really hurt. Back to telling you about my day. I woke up way too much through the night. I don't know why but Kiwi decided he wanted to be up more than 3 times and then wake up early. Oh well, parenthood at it's best right? Then we got ready for the day and headed to go and see B's Grandma. She is so super cute. She was telling me how her and her hubby had met and then said, at least I thinks that's how. haha. I couldn't tell her any differently cause I don't know. It sounded nice though :) Kiwi is such a ham when we go there. He loves the attention that he gets from basically everyone. We joked today that he was flirting with all the ladies and trying to pick them up. Good visit overall. When we got home Kiwi was hungry and soooo tired. So he ate and then went to sleep for a 2 hour nap. This is a new thing he's been doing for almost a week now. Sleeping for 2 hours. It throws me off because I'm use to getting up to half an hour (and that's if I'm lucky) so this new 2 hour thing is HUGE! But I never plan properly and feel like I waste that time. Like today, I should have had a nap at the same time. But didn't plan for a 2 hour stint. Oh well. I feel like if I assume it's going to be a 2 hour nap he'll change his pattern and then I'll feel like I jinxed it. After his nap we went swimming. The pool here has a $2 swim on Friday afternoons and children under 18months are free. So it's a cheap fun outing. Kiwi loved it! He loves to swim. Today I wouldn't be surprised if he was the happiest kid in the pool. A couple of our friends came and met us there and it was a lot of fun. I put in a load of laundry and now I'm so ready for bed and it's only 8pm. Tomorrow my mom comes to town. She'll be here for not quite a week. So I have decided to clean the house tomorrow because then it might actually stay clean for when she arrives. Ha! I still have to put the finishing touches on her Christmas gift. (Don't worry I didn't miss Christmas with her yet. It's on Sunday). Well I think that's all I got for you today. I hope you got enough to fill your bellies at "Table Discussion" Until next time, Michelle

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