It also doesn't help that I haven't seen my B (my boyfriend...his nickname is B and in order to protect his privacy that's how I will refer to him) in a week. Not only that we haven't had a conversation that has lasted more than 10 minutes in that week. So I will post a picture of us that will cheer me up. :) I hope you have some enjoyment from it as well.
Today I woke up a li
When I arrived it started out real casual. Hangin' around eatin veggies and crackers with spread. We talked about their wedding plans and girlie things. Then the homemade turtle cheesecake that B's aunt made made its debut. And let me tell you it was delicious. Had I been thinking I would have take a picture of it. I thought I was eating it too fast, not savoring it long enough until someone mentioned that I was the slowest eater..haha. At least it wasn't like my friend Pam's 10th birthday party when the activities continued with me still eating at the table. As soon as the plates were put away B's mom announced that it was time for initiation. Both T and I looked at each other (seeing as both of us had never been to one of these events with B's family before we both didn't know what was coming). B's mom ran downstairs and returned with not one but two packages of stick on tattoos. We proceeded to put not just a couple, but all of the tattoos on T. There was a lot of laughter and fun to be heard in the room. It even drew B's male cousin to come and check out the which he was sent
After all the fun we realized that the time was now 4:30 and was time to dismantle the party. On our way out to the car T told me she scared now to think what's to come in the future if that was just the engagement party. She was/is such a great sport. Work your new look T (until you have a shower). Congratulations A & T!
I'm leaving myself a comment so that others may follow and do the same. When I see comments it gives me hope and inspiration because it lets me know that there are people actually reading it. You know? Plus I like to hear for now, it will be my own. haha.
I'm related to you? Must I admit that in public?
Will you have your own initiation to celebrate soon?
Huh? Huh? Tell me more?!!!
Did she have tattoos on her face? When is the wedding date?
I miss you! And I'm glad that you are writing again!
Nope no tattoos on her face. We kept it so it would be covered by her clothes because she had to go to her sister's birthday party right after. They're planning on getting married at the end of June or early July.
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