Wednesday, November 26, 2008

New pens = Exciting day!

Hello. How is everyone in blog land doing today? I'm surprisingly happy today! (That was B's reaction to me today any ways). Today I bought some new pens and I'm excited about my purchase. See many people give me this weird look when I say that because I'm being genuine in my excitement and they don't seem to understand the excitement that comes with buying new pens. I'm a server people(actually most of the people I was expressing my excitement to were servers and they still didn't get it.) And they think I'm weird! ha As soon as I brought out these said pens they understood my excitement and thought that I was ridiculous for buying them. "Those aren't going to fit in your apron". (Oh, all of one did!). And that's silly...but really when I brought them out with kids at the table it was a hit. So who's retarded now? Kids happy/entertained = happy parents = bigger tip! Hello!? Here are a couple of pictures of the new pens and you'll now understand what the excitement is about. Oh and the price 99cents with a 15% discount! Yeah! Can't really beat that now can you peeps!

I love the one new bus
ser at work. She and I speak the same language and have a blast with each other. I just found out that she's in university and all along I thought she was still in high school. (oops). She's a sweetheart although when you hear us talk to each other it's usually in threats. Again, we understand each other and know it's all just joking around. Yesterday in computer class we learned how to put a powerpoint presentation together. Let me tell you it's a fun thing to do. I would have been done earlier but I got lost in my own world and all the features I could use to express my world. When I demonstrated my presentation I received laughs in all the appropriate spots which tells me that I did it right! Woo hoo! My world made sense to others...Can someone please mark that on the calender? Crazy Cat Lady Moment: (I haven't done one of these for a very long time) Today Puss N Boots came over to me and I picked her up. Usually she can only tolerate me holding her for a few minutes in the baby cradle hold. Well this morning she allowed me to hold her in that position, she fell asleep and when she woke up allowed me to keep on holding her. I think it's safe to say someone missed their momma! When I put her down I got a really long sad meow. Between my shifts this afternoon I decided to come home and talk to B and little PB (short for Puss N boots...and now that I wrote that the whole point of putting it in short hand is gone) came over and wanted to repeat the cuddle session from this morning. She can have her cute moments too! Crazy Cat Lady moment is over. So yeah, that's pretty much my day.

Over all : good day....oh except I looked over my project, didn't like it any more and decided to do the presentation of the written work over I like it! So yay my project is done....AGAIN!

1 comment:

white girl said...

I love the pens!

Who's retarded nowwwwwww? I love it.
