I have to admit right now I'm suppose to be engrossed within my homework. Instead I found my blog to be a bit more fun to write about. My homework is a project that's due next Thursday. I didn't realize that it was due so soon until last night in class when our teacher reminded us we only have one week to complete it and have it handed in. YIKES! I'm only half way done. The assignment is to observe a child 10 times 15 minutes each time and write down EVERYTHING they do. I mean in detail. Example: "he lifts up his right arm to face level, and with right index finger scratches the the right side of his nose". Let's just say after 15 minutes you have a cramp in your hand from trying to keep up with the writing. It's a really fun project. Now I have to highlight the different areas in development (Physical (fine/gross motor skills) / Social/Emotional / Moral / and Cognitive) within my notes. Then I have to write a summary on each one and then do a final summary. So I'm done the observations themselves...now it's just a matter of doing the sit down grueling work. haha.
As well as doing my homework I'm suppose to be doing my laundry. I really should do that....I'll be right back. Alright laundry is officially on the go. And I am still actively avoiding my homework. It's hard to motivate ones self when there kitty is so cuddly and you just want to snuggle.
My boyfriend is gone for 2 weeks and I find myself indulging into my cats world more often. I believe this drives Puss N Boots (my cat) crazy. She tends to be running from me quite a lot. I'll see her, she sees me...we have a few minutes of cuddles and then it ends in a hiss from one of us and she is usually the one to break up the hissing match. I'm only kidding...except for the hissing coming from her side. If you believe this or not she has turned to my brother (her nemesis) and has started giving him kisses and cuddling up to him. So weird!
With my boyfriend gone it is hard. When he left we weren't on the best of ships to be sailed. It had a few holes in the bottom of the boat that we hoped wouldn't cause a big deal along the journey but instead those holes have gotten a little larger and need to be dealt with. Don't fret fellow readers they are holes that can be fixed, it just may take a little time and elbow grease, sweat and tears but it will be a fixed boat by the end of the journey. It's a good boat to be on. But him being away for 2 weeks doesn't help the matter because I'm needy and have an incredibly hard time dealing with things over the computer or phone.
Well I think it's that time that I stop avoiding my homework...apparently Puss N boots doesn't want to suck it up and do my homework for me. So I guess I'm going to have to do it myself. Until next time. Michelle.
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