No longer in my hands.
It has been handed in. No longer can I think, rethink and re-do my assignment. It's out of my hands. In some ways I think I over-did it. In others I wonder if there was something more I could have done. When I looked at one of my other classmates assignment I noticed that she had labelled which each color of high lighter meant what. I didn't do that. I asked the teacher if it was necessary...she said,"n
o". Whew! I was gonna shoot would have been a simple print out. I even thought of it at one point but decided against it. Others looked at my got passed around and I got comments like, "
You have too much time on your hands" in which I replied, no I'm in lack of sleep and mental awareness! I noticed today while driving that I didn't know how I gotten to my destination. Yikes! Also in class this evening my eyes were heavy and we watched a very dry video. I ended up doing something I never thought I would do. I sent a couple of text messages to my boyfriend while in class! I'm not a teenager and yet I act like one. If
you find that I'm rambling it's because I'm tired. I get a thought, I write it down. It may not relate to the previous sentence. But that's my thought pattern.
I know that in the last picture (the one labeled..."hockey" the net doesn't look like a net. But that's because I am not all that artistic and it looks more like the view of someone bending over from the backside angle. It kind of makes me laugh, but hopefully I won't be graded on my un-artistic ability. There is also the written work, the observations themselves and the summaries...I didn't include these in the pictures because they are confidential. Plus it's like looking at a typed report...nothing too exciting there! So I only included the pages I thought were more fun. Although all my summaries are in colored ink with the parts that were to be mentioned in different ink so it leaps off the page...yeah can we say "nerd alert"?
I have one classmate which I find challenging to deal with. B calls her "negative lady". Inside it's what I call her too. She never has anything nice to say. She critics the teachers with no mercy. And I am finding it difficult to remain friendly. I want to ask why she's in the course if she doesn't like what is being taught. One of our teachers was in a bad car accident before the start of school. She complained about back pains, and a sore arm for the first 6 weeks of school. (which was only 3 times that I saw her because we have class with her every second Saturday. Anyways, a couple of classes with her ago she came in with a cast. She had found out that all along she had a broken wrist. There were a couple of times within those classes that she had asked one of us to give her a little extra help opening a container or lifting something heavy because it hurt her arm. (Not a big deal right? Who wouldn't in that situation) Well negative lady always has a comment when our teacher asks for help, such time I heard her say, "Why would you teach a class if
ou're not physically able to". Um she's teaching art. It's not like she can't teach us she just needs a hand. In tonight's class she made comments about our teacher in class and I just simply toned her out. I know this is rude but instead of listening to negative lady I thought it was more important to not only listen to what our teacher was talking about, but make notes...seeing as though this is about the career I want to get into and it's kind of important! I noticed moments after negative lady noticed I wasn't paying any attention to her and actually writing something down she started copying my notes off my paper! These are just notes that i make up from LISTENING! They're not off an overhead or anything. I was like, um, ok. Annoying! I am just finding myself down by the end of class in attitude when I end up sitting by her. I try not to, she just kind of follows me. I should try sitting in the very front row. Anyways, negative lady left half way through the class because she was tired and didn't want to pay attention any more. I didn't know that was an option. Someone else is going to take my notes for me so I can go home and relax?! That must be nice. I wonder who took her notes? Enough on that rant. I just had to get it off my chest. Today at Staples I had a great day. The time goes by really fast. Especially when it's busy. I was put on the till by myself and then they said, actually you're going to be on till 1 so you can get comfortable doing returns. By the end of the day I could do returns just as fast as a regular sale! Woot! It was really exciting in my little world. I really like the people I'm working with. They're really friendly and fun. The one lady I am with the most is funny. She said to me, I don't know what it is, but I think the people gather together at the back of the store and then charge for the check out at the same time. Then it's dead until we get the next herd. haha. I agree with her! Cause it totally comes in swarms. It's fun though. Today is my Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday dad!!!! You're 25! Woop! I told everyone that asked me why I was happy that it was my dad's birthday. It was funny to get their responses to that. "It's your dad's birthday so you're happy?". My response, "Yep". Their next statement..."you're going to do something to celebrate?", "Well, he's not in town, he's in Calgary". They usually left a little confused but I was still smiling at them and waving with enthusiasm. ok, I wasn't waving..but I was smiling. haha. Good times! They'll be back! For some reason people enjoy the confusion that I bestow upon them! They usually leave laughing or at least smiling. And I'm having a blast! Maybe I'm the only one having a blast and everyone else just thinks I'm crazy. Whatever, I'm having fun, the day's going by fast and I'm getting paid for it. Win, win, win!
1 comment:
And your b/f thanks you for being sneaky and texting during class.
w00t! w00t!!
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