Hello everyone. Thank you for your concerns and outreaches. It is greatly appreciated! I have been dealing with my feelings in a private way as well as having a way to let them out (talking) has helped tremendously!
B and I went out on a date yesterday. Things are still shaky but I want to give him his space to think things through. It's like my dad said, "Everyone has to go through the forest, sometimes they come out the other side, and sometimes they get lost".
Also when it rain it pours right? There have been a lot of stresses in my own little world that I didn't take into consideration. Such as my one work, serving. They are only giving me one shift a week when I'm available for 3 or 4 a week. So that blows big chunks. Then my other job has just started so trying to make ends meet is really difficult until my hours start to add up to a real paycheck. Training sucks that way eh? Then there's school. I love it but it's just another stress. I want to excel and put a lot of pressure on myself. I don't know if it's to "prove" myself or what but I strive for that great mark. I'm also passionate about what I'm going into and learning about it comes naturally for me. Then there's Christmas season and I have all these great ideas but don't seem to have time to fulfill them. Ahh....just so much on my own plate. So to take someone else's journey personally is recipe for meltdown. I do that. I take on other people's problems as though they're my own. I try to stop doing that...and have people who understand me (my dad) to remind me when I'm doing it.
Again thank you to all who read and listened!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Don't read if you don't feel like listening.
Hello all in blogland. I don't know who all reads this any more but hopefully for this post there are only few. It's not going to be a very uplifting post. Quite the contrary it's going to be a debbie downer. You see I've been bottling my emotions now for quite a while and I am no longer feeling like myself. I am numb to my feelings and feeling things I've never felt before in my life. Thoughts of hurting myself physically in order to "feel" something. It's not something I'm proud of and just need to vent in order to get it out of me.
At the same time I don't want to vent on here because I know a few people who do read this are very close to me and don't want to scare anyone. I would not hurt myself physically because I find it is the most selfish thing anyone could do. I also don't want those close to me to make a big deal about what I'm feeling. I just need to get it out some how and since the people closest to me aren't around right now and haven't been for quite some time I need somewhere to turn. It's the loneliest I've ever felt. I seriously just want to rip my skin off and escape from this body I'm stuck in.
I pray, I pray every day. I feel God's warmth and his embrace and I cry. I cry so much. I feel so helpless. I feel used. I'm not going to go into deep description of what has been going on. Just know that B and I are on very rocky grounds right now. He's going through some personal growth that is ugly. It's not a fun place to be, a lot of transition. And in so has said that he's doing a lot of thinking on "us" as well as all the other things on his plate.
I'm so broken and hurt. I don't know where to turn. Nobody around seems to care...but only because I haven't expressed myself. I still keep on the smile to the people on the outside so they can't see the hurt. But if you were to look at me, like really look at me you'd see I'm sad.
I feel as though I don't matter. My feelings don't matter. I can express them, the person hears me but doesn't listen to what I'm actually saying. Does that makes sense? My dreams are pointless. I have no purpose. So why am I here? I don't know. I feel like I'm a waste of skin. I feel ugly and disgusting. Yet I am so mad at myself for feeling this way. I hate feeling selfish. I hate these thoughts that bring me down. I hate the way I feel and therefore cut off those feelings so I don't have to feel at all.
I long to be happy again.
At the same time I don't want to vent on here because I know a few people who do read this are very close to me and don't want to scare anyone. I would not hurt myself physically because I find it is the most selfish thing anyone could do. I also don't want those close to me to make a big deal about what I'm feeling. I just need to get it out some how and since the people closest to me aren't around right now and haven't been for quite some time I need somewhere to turn. It's the loneliest I've ever felt. I seriously just want to rip my skin off and escape from this body I'm stuck in.
I pray, I pray every day. I feel God's warmth and his embrace and I cry. I cry so much. I feel so helpless. I feel used. I'm not going to go into deep description of what has been going on. Just know that B and I are on very rocky grounds right now. He's going through some personal growth that is ugly. It's not a fun place to be, a lot of transition. And in so has said that he's doing a lot of thinking on "us" as well as all the other things on his plate.
I'm so broken and hurt. I don't know where to turn. Nobody around seems to care...but only because I haven't expressed myself. I still keep on the smile to the people on the outside so they can't see the hurt. But if you were to look at me, like really look at me you'd see I'm sad.
I feel as though I don't matter. My feelings don't matter. I can express them, the person hears me but doesn't listen to what I'm actually saying. Does that makes sense? My dreams are pointless. I have no purpose. So why am I here? I don't know. I feel like I'm a waste of skin. I feel ugly and disgusting. Yet I am so mad at myself for feeling this way. I hate feeling selfish. I hate these thoughts that bring me down. I hate the way I feel and therefore cut off those feelings so I don't have to feel at all.
I long to be happy again.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Slept in.
Today has started out as a good day. Seeing as it started for me an hour ago. That's right. I didn't wake up until 1 in the afternoon. It was the first time I've slept in since about 2 weeks ago when I slept in until 11. I don't know why I think this is blog worthy because now you're all probably thinking I'm a lazy bum. That's ok, I'm a refreshed lazy bum! ha.
Last night I was up until 2. I was watching a show called "crash test mommy" and let me tell you that girl was retarded. She is single and has a job and thinks her sister with 4 kids has it easy. So when her and her sister traded places for 48 hours I was worried. By the end of the show I had cried for the kids because I felt so bad for the kids. Their aunty had tried "cutting corners" but the corners she cut were crucial ones...like lunch time. She only fed the 5 month old half of her breakfast...and then didn't get to feeding her lunch until 4:30 in the afternoon! I was mortified! By the very end of the show her sister (the mom) shared her feelings of being proud of her sister. But she (the aunty) replied, I think we understand where each other is coming from more now. She still didn't say that, yeah your job is hard and valuable. I think that's what her sister wanted from the entire experience.
That's my rant for the day.
Last night I was up until 2. I was watching a show called "crash test mommy" and let me tell you that girl was retarded. She is single and has a job and thinks her sister with 4 kids has it easy. So when her and her sister traded places for 48 hours I was worried. By the end of the show I had cried for the kids because I felt so bad for the kids. Their aunty had tried "cutting corners" but the corners she cut were crucial ones...like lunch time. She only fed the 5 month old half of her breakfast...and then didn't get to feeding her lunch until 4:30 in the afternoon! I was mortified! By the very end of the show her sister (the mom) shared her feelings of being proud of her sister. But she (the aunty) replied, I think we understand where each other is coming from more now. She still didn't say that, yeah your job is hard and valuable. I think that's what her sister wanted from the entire experience.
That's my rant for the day.
Monday, December 01, 2008
Manic Monday
Today is Monday. Just another manic Monday. Do you remember this song? Sung by the Bangles. I have to say that it was a chill Monday. The sun was out, it was +6 out and lets not forget that it's December 1st. That's right. Warm and sunny on December 1st! I wore my white skirt and blue top to school this evening. While I walked into the class I noticed how un-cold I was compared to how cold I thought I should have been.
Well, that's about all there is to report today. I'll keep it short and sweet and to the point tonight. December 1,2008 = warm and sunny.
This is the site for the post-weather report. I tell you how the weather was instead of what it's going to be. Should I add this skill to my resume?
Well, that's about all there is to report today. I'll keep it short and sweet and to the point tonight. December 1,2008 = warm and sunny.
This is the site for the post-weather report. I tell you how the weather was instead of what it's going to be. Should I add this skill to my resume?
Thursday, November 27, 2008
No longer in my hands.
It has been handed in. No longer can I think, rethink and re-do my assignment. It's out of my hands. In some ways I think I over-did it. In others I wonder if there was something more I could have done. When I looked at one of my other classmates assignment I noticed that she had labelled which each color of high lighter meant what. I didn't do that. I asked the teacher if it was necessary...she said,"n
o". Whew! I was gonna shoot myself..it would have been a simple print out. I even thought of it at one point but decided against it. Others looked at my project...it got passed around and I got comments like, "
You have too much time on your hands" in which I replied, no I'm in lack of sleep and mental awareness! I noticed today while driving that I didn't know how I gotten to my destination. Yikes! Also in class this evening my eyes were heavy and we watched a very dry video. I ended up doing something I never thought I would do. I sent a couple of text messages to my boyfriend while in class! I'm not a teenager and yet I act like one. If
you find that I'm rambling it's because I'm tired. I get a thought, I write it down. It may not relate to the previous sentence. But that's my thought pattern.
I know that in the last picture (the one labeled..."hockey" the net doesn't look like a net. But that's because I am not all that artistic and it looks more like the view of someone bending over from the backside angle. It kind of makes me laugh, but hopefully I won't be graded on my un-artistic ability. There is also the written work, the observations themselves and the summaries...I didn't include these in the pictures because they are confidential. Plus it's like looking at a typed report...nothing too exciting there! So I only included the pages I thought were more fun. Although all my summaries are in colored ink with the parts that were to be mentioned in different ink so it leaps off the page...yeah can we say "nerd alert"?
I have one classmate which I find challenging to deal with. B calls her "negative lady". Inside it's what I call her too. She never has anything nice to say. She critics the teachers with no mercy. And I am finding it difficult to remain friendly. I want to ask why she's in the course if she doesn't like what is being taught. One of our teachers was in a bad car accident before the start of school. She complained about back pains, and a sore arm for the first 6 weeks of school. (which was only 3 times that I saw her because we have class with her every second Saturday. Anyways, a couple of classes with her ago she came in with a cast. She had found out that all along she had a broken wrist. There were a couple of times within those classes that she had asked one of us to give her a little extra help opening a container or lifting something heavy because it hurt her arm. (Not a big deal right? Who wouldn't in that situation) Well negative lady always has a comment when our teacher asks for help, such as...one time I heard her say, "Why would you teach a class if
ou're not physically able to". Um she's teaching art. It's not like she can't teach us she just needs a hand. In tonight's class she made comments about our teacher in class and I just simply toned her out. I know this is rude but instead of listening to negative lady I thought it was more important to not only listen to what our teacher was talking about, but make notes...seeing as though this is about the career I want to get into and it's kind of important! I noticed moments after negative lady noticed I wasn't paying any attention to her and actually writing something down she started copying my notes off my paper! These are just notes that i make up from LISTENING! They're not off an overhead or anything. I was like, um, ok. Annoying! I am just finding myself down by the end of class in attitude when I end up sitting by her. I try not to, she just kind of follows me. I should try sitting in the very front row. Anyways, negative lady left half way through the class because she was tired and didn't want to pay attention any more. I didn't know that was an option. Someone else is going to take my notes for me so I can go home and relax?! That must be nice. I wonder who took her notes? Enough on that rant. I just had to get it off my chest. Today at Staples I had a great day. The time goes by really fast. Especially when it's busy. I was put on the till by myself and then they said, actually you're going to be on till 1 so you can get comfortable doing returns. By the end of the day I could do returns just as fast as a regular sale! Woot! It was really exciting in my little world. I really like the people I'm working with. They're really friendly and fun. The one lady I am with the most is funny. She said to me, I don't know what it is, but I think the people gather together at the back of the store and then charge for the check out at the same time. Then it's dead until we get the next herd. haha. I agree with her! Cause it totally comes in swarms. It's fun though. Today is my Dad's birthday! Happy Birthday dad!!!! You're 25! Woop! I told everyone that asked me why I was happy that it was my dad's birthday. It was funny to get their responses to that. "It's your dad's birthday so you're happy?". My response, "Yep". Their next statement..."you're going to do something to celebrate?", "Well, he's not in town, he's in Calgary". They usually left a little confused but I was still smiling at them and waving with enthusiasm. ok, I wasn't waving..but I was smiling. haha. Good times! They'll be back! For some reason people enjoy the confusion that I bestow upon them! They usually leave laughing or at least smiling. And I'm having a blast! Maybe I'm the only one having a blast and everyone else just thinks I'm crazy. Whatever, I'm having fun, the day's going by fast and I'm getting paid for it. Win, win, win!
I know that in the last picture (the one labeled..."hockey" the net doesn't look like a net. But that's because I am not all that artistic and it looks more like the view of someone bending over from the backside angle. It kind of makes me laugh, but hopefully I won't be graded on my un-artistic ability. There is also the written work, the observations themselves and the summaries...I didn't include these in the pictures because they are confidential. Plus it's like looking at a typed report...nothing too exciting there! So I only included the pages I thought were more fun. Although all my summaries are in colored ink with the parts that were to be mentioned in different ink so it leaps off the page...yeah can we say "nerd alert"?
I have one classmate which I find challenging to deal with. B calls her "negative lady". Inside it's what I call her too. She never has anything nice to say. She critics the teachers with no mercy. And I am finding it difficult to remain friendly. I want to ask why she's in the course if she doesn't like what is being taught. One of our teachers was in a bad car accident before the start of school. She complained about back pains, and a sore arm for the first 6 weeks of school. (which was only 3 times that I saw her because we have class with her every second Saturday. Anyways, a couple of classes with her ago she came in with a cast. She had found out that all along she had a broken wrist. There were a couple of times within those classes that she had asked one of us to give her a little extra help opening a container or lifting something heavy because it hurt her arm. (Not a big deal right? Who wouldn't in that situation) Well negative lady always has a comment when our teacher asks for help, such as...one time I heard her say, "Why would you teach a class if
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
New pens = Exciting day!
Hello. How is everyone in blog land doing today? I'm surprisingly happy today! (That was B's reaction to me today any ways). Today I bought some new pens and I'm excited about my purchase. See many people give me this weird look when I say that because I'm being genuine in my excitement and they don't seem to understand the excitement that comes with buying new pens. I'm a server people(actually most of the people I was expressing my excitement to were servers and they still didn't get it.) And they think I'm weird! ha As soon as I brought out these said pens they understood my excitement and thought that I was ridiculous for buying them. "Those a
ren't going to fit in your apron". (Oh, all of one did!). And that's silly...but really when I brought them out with kids at the table it was a hit. So who's retarded now? Kids happy/entertained = happy parents = bigger tip! Hello!? Here are a couple of pictures of the new pens and you'll now understand wh
at the excitement is about. Oh and the price 99cents with a 15% discount! Yeah! Can't really beat that now can you peeps!

I love the one new busser at work. She and I speak the same language and have a blast with each other. I just found out that she's in university and all along I thought she was still in high school. (oops). She's a sweetheart although when you hear us talk to each other it's usually in threats. Again, we understand each other and know it's all just joking around. Yesterday in computer class we learned how to put a powerpoint presentation together. Let me tell you it's a fun thing to do. I would have been done earlier but I got lost in my own world and all the features I could use to express my world. When I demonstrated my presentation I received laughs in all the appropriate spots which tells me that I did it right! Woo hoo! My world made sense to others...Can someone please mark that on the calender? Crazy Cat Lady Moment: (I haven't done one of these for a very long time) Today Puss N Boots came over to me and I picked her up. Usually she can only tolerate me holding her for a few minutes in the baby cradle hold. Well this morning she allowed me to hold her in that position, she fell asleep and when she woke up allowed me to keep on holding her. I think it's safe to say someone missed their momma! When I put her down I got a really long sad meow. Between my shifts this afternoon I decided to come home and talk to B and little PB (short for Puss N boots...and now that I wrote that the whole point of putting it in short hand is gone) came over and wanted to repeat the cuddle session from this morning. She can have her cute moments too! Crazy Cat Lady moment is over. So yeah, that's pretty much my day.

Over all : good day....oh except I looked over my project, didn't like it any more and decided to do the presentation of the written work over again...now I like it! So yay my project is done....AGAIN!
I love the one new busser at work. She and I speak the same language and have a blast with each other. I just found out that she's in university and all along I thought she was still in high school. (oops). She's a sweetheart although when you hear us talk to each other it's usually in threats. Again, we understand each other and know it's all just joking around. Yesterday in computer class we learned how to put a powerpoint presentation together. Let me tell you it's a fun thing to do. I would have been done earlier but I got lost in my own world and all the features I could use to express my world. When I demonstrated my presentation I received laughs in all the appropriate spots which tells me that I did it right! Woo hoo! My world made sense to others...Can someone please mark that on the calender? Crazy Cat Lady Moment: (I haven't done one of these for a very long time) Today Puss N Boots came over to me and I picked her up. Usually she can only tolerate me holding her for a few minutes in the baby cradle hold. Well this morning she allowed me to hold her in that position, she fell asleep and when she woke up allowed me to keep on holding her. I think it's safe to say someone missed their momma! When I put her down I got a really long sad meow. Between my shifts this afternoon I decided to come home and talk to B and little PB (short for Puss N boots...and now that I wrote that the whole point of putting it in short hand is gone) came over and wanted to repeat the cuddle session from this morning. She can have her cute moments too! Crazy Cat Lady moment is over. So yeah, that's pretty much my day.
Over all : good day....oh except I looked over my project, didn't like it any more and decided to do the presentation of the written work over again...now I like it! So yay my project is done....AGAIN!
Monday, November 24, 2008
I think my project exploded! If you look around there's a little piece here and piece there...it's everywhere! I'm finally done the writing part. Now it's just a matter of putting it together! I just finished my orientation at Staples (I'm going to be a cashier there for the Christmas season). It went by rather quickly because he didn't have much spare time for us. We had a quick tour and then went over the schedule. I start tomorrow morning at 10am! I have 3 shifts this week and two next. They're very flexible with the hours that they give. I had given them my availability before and then told them I would have to change it and they didn't even bat an eye. It was, ok, when are you available? haha. So freakin' awesome! My availability to them is Monday to Friday open to 4:30. Then my availability to the restaurant is Monday/Wed/Fri/Sat nights from 5-10. And school is Tues/Thurs nights and Saturday during the day until 4. Whew! Don't forget there is a Sunday in the week too...and don't worry I have nothing planned on that day except to catch up on homework and relax.
Update: my project is done...I never want to see it again!
Update: my project is done...I never want to see it again!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
T's engagement party
I need to really crunch down and finish my homework. I have 10 summaries to write on my 10 observations that I did over a six week period. It's not hard work, just time consuming and I really want it to just miraculously do itself so I can do the fun part of putting it together.
It also doesn't help that I haven't seen my B (my boyfriend...his nickname is B and in order to protect his privacy that's how I will refer to him) in a week. Not only that we haven't had a conversation that has lasted more than 10 minutes in that week. So I will post a picture of us that will cheer me up. :) I hope you have some enjoyment from it as well.
Today I woke up a li
ttle late (9 am) and started in on my homework. The first part of my project was already done (the observations) and I was determined to have the second part of my project done before leaving the house. The second part was the highlighting part. I had to go through all 10 observations and highlight the different types of development that I could see. It is divided into 4 parts....physical/social-emotional/moral and cognitive. Anyways, who knew that highlighting could take 2 hours to complete? As soon as I was done I got ready to go out to B's aunts house. His brother has just gotten engaged and the girls were holding an engagement party for T (the soon to be bride).
When I arrived it started out real casual. Hangin' around eatin veggies and crackers with spread. We talked about their wedding plans and girlie things. Then the homemade turtle cheesecake that B's aunt made made its debut. And let me tell you it was delicious. Had I been thinking I would have take a picture of it. I thought I was eating it too fast, not savoring it long enough until someone mentioned that I was the slowest eater..haha. At least it wasn't like my friend Pam's 10th birthday party when the activities continued with me still eating at the table. As soon as the plates were put away B's mom announced that it was time for initiation. Both T and I looked at each other (seeing as both of us had never been to one of these events with B's family before we both didn't know what was coming). B's mom ran downstairs and returned with not one but two packages of stick on tattoos. We proceeded to put not just a couple, but all of the tattoos on T. There was a lot of laughter and fun to be heard in the room. It even drew B's male cousin to come and check out the action...in which he was sent
back downstairs.
After all the fun we realized that the time was now 4:30 and was time to dismantle the party. On our way out to the car T told me she scared now to think what's to come in the future if that was just the engagement party. She was/is such a great sport. Work your new look T (until you have a shower). Congratulations A & T!
It also doesn't help that I haven't seen my B (my boyfriend...his nickname is B and in order to protect his privacy that's how I will refer to him) in a week. Not only that we haven't had a conversation that has lasted more than 10 minutes in that week. So I will post a picture of us that will cheer me up. :) I hope you have some enjoyment from it as well.
Today I woke up a li
When I arrived it started out real casual. Hangin' around eatin veggies and crackers with spread. We talked about their wedding plans and girlie things. Then the homemade turtle cheesecake that B's aunt made made its debut. And let me tell you it was delicious. Had I been thinking I would have take a picture of it. I thought I was eating it too fast, not savoring it long enough until someone mentioned that I was the slowest eater..haha. At least it wasn't like my friend Pam's 10th birthday party when the activities continued with me still eating at the table. As soon as the plates were put away B's mom announced that it was time for initiation. Both T and I looked at each other (seeing as both of us had never been to one of these events with B's family before we both didn't know what was coming). B's mom ran downstairs and returned with not one but two packages of stick on tattoos. We proceeded to put not just a couple, but all of the tattoos on T. There was a lot of laughter and fun to be heard in the room. It even drew B's male cousin to come and check out the action...in which he was sent
After all the fun we realized that the time was now 4:30 and was time to dismantle the party. On our way out to the car T told me she scared now to think what's to come in the future if that was just the engagement party. She was/is such a great sport. Work your new look T (until you have a shower). Congratulations A & T!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Why would you complain when you got it for free?
Good evening. I hope I find you in good tidings. Tonight I went to work at the restaurant. First time since last Saturday. That's right nearly an entire week since the last time I worked. Well all I can say was that I was refreshed and ready to take on the hungry people. Except to my dismay it was a quiet Friday night! Geez! I was making jokes and the people were looking at me as though I had plopped into their presence from a UFO or some other planet. I checked my microphone to make sure it was on and I just got a lot of feedback. People, do your server a favor and try to find them entertaining when it's obvious they're trying to make the effort. You may not find their "lame over used" jokes funny, but for the sake that they do this job 8 hours (sometimes less, sometimes more) a day just give them a slight smile, maybe even a lift and lower of your shoulders....maybe even a quiet chuckle...something to show that you've noticed them.
Don't get me wrong..I had great people in my section tonight. Only one table that stands out that I wanted to punch. Oh yes, servers want to punch people. There is one guy I work with in particular when ever he has small children in his section who scream, cry, talk, blink, breath he gets very violent thinking. Commonly he can be heard saying, "If I had sharpened my toothbrush today I would stab someone with it." Or "I'm going to punch that baby." Remember, this isn't me...this is me quoting someone I work with. I'm quite the opposite. When a baby comes into my section you can't get me away from their table. I have been know (in my Humpty days) to take the child for a walk with me around the restaurant to help calm them down. Babies are a happy time for me. Not like my co-worker where he would be happy to have a child-free zone for the entire shift.
My one table tonight that stood out as being the one I would like to punch happened like this. First they weren't even in my section. They were in section 1, but found out that they had another person joining them and the table they were at was only a 2 seater table. First mistake, calling over a busy server(me) to fix the problem when the hostess is only 2 feet away. Second mistake, asking to move tables AFTER you've not only ordered your drinks but your entire meal including starters and entrees. This does not make your new server(me) happy when now in the midst of my already 5 tables on the go, I have to figure out what you're having to drink, what are your starters, what you have as an entree so I make sure you have the proper set ups and don't forget to let the "expo" know that you're no longer at table # 1 you're now at table #3 so if I'm not around when the food is ready they know where to run it. Oh and also that I'm their server now and not server #1. Honestly I think we should be able to just say, tough luck you're stuck at this table now...but "customer gets what they want" gets in the way of that thinking. But I don't think they should move people out of that "servers" area. This particular restaurant when the one particular manager is on has done this to me 3 times. The first and third time was not a big deal with a party of 2 or 3 but the second time this happened it was with a table of 16. That was hectic and completely stressful. Anyways, we won't get into that now. Let me finish about why I wanted to punch this particular table. Where did I leave off....oh yes...they have now moved into my section...I've gotten the information from server #1 and everything is ready to go. No biggy. I go down to their table with their drinks and they inform me that they have the order for the person coming and can it come out with their meals. Yeah, no problem. I go and tell the kitchen and it's all set. Their person arrives at the same time their meals are being delivered. Perfect timing. I ask if she would like something to drink, yes a diet pepsi....(seriously people when you've ordered fries and chicken fingers you may as well splurge and get the regular pepsi). As we are having this discussion I can hear the one guy telling the girl who put the pizza down that there was something wrong with it. (This is where it gets hairy because I wasn't the original server and I wasn't the one to take the food out so I wasn't able to inspect the "special instructions" before it left the kitchen.) So his cheese wasn't melted like he had asked. Ok, no prob I will get the kitchen to put it back in the oven to melt the cheese. I take it back and discuss it with the cooks...."but that's how it's suppose to be" they protest, "I know, but they've requested it to be melted"...."You're going to have to upcharge them for extra cheese"...."No, cause you're just melting what on there already for them...no extra cheese is to be added"..."Fine"..."Thank you". (Don't forget when you give your server a hard time, they're getting it on the other end (from the kitchen) as well. ) I head out to the table to take them their pizza when the busser comes up to me and says "you're table #3 wants more sauce." Instead of asking her my question, before I ring it in I go to the table..."I hear you want more sauce, it's an extra $1, is that ok?" "NO, that's not ok. Can I just have some for the inconvience of waiting for our pizza?" I was like, um no...I'm sorry but the servers don't make up the rules...we just follow them. I don't know why it's an extra dollar...but the only way to get more sauce is through the kitchen. If they don't have a bill for it, they don't make it. It's that simple. (This is where my punching reaction comes into play).
1. People always want something for free.
2. When people use a rude tone it really turns my care factor off. - Normally I'm very caring and want to help...it really is up to the server if they "get anything" for their troubles.
Let's just say I felt bad because of the confusion of switching sections and the pizza not coming out right I threw in the extra sauce. However, had I known they were still going to complain about the "normal upcharge for extra sauce" to the manager I would have charged them. That's right...they still complained about the charge when they DIDN'T get charged for it! That is punch them entitlement! My manager came up to me and said, "Michelle, what was wrong with this table?" And I told her, "Oh, their pizza came out without the cheese being melted so I got them to re-bake it". "No," she continued, "about the extra charge for more sauce". So I told her what happened and she rolled her eyes and said, "some people".
Now lets recap a happy friendly table I experienced tonight so you don't think I only have negative things to say about serving. If it was all negative I don't think I would have continued in this field for the last 13 years. I had quite a few really nice tables. My first table of the night in fact was the most friendly, happy table. They were from out of town doing a shopping day. Not only were they shopping for themselves but picking up orders of things for other people in their town. They were so happy to do their friends a favor and expressed to me the joy they got out of doing it. I find people are people and most just want to tell their story. I hear many life stories and journeys and learn from them. I've gained many friends and "regulars" over the years that I have grown to appreciate and love. You build a lot of relationships as a server (as long as you're open to it). However, within the next year or so I plan to hang up my apron and take on a new journey.
So the moral of the story....
Don't mess with the people who handle your food. (haha...just kidding)....but seriously! (In some cases....never mind you don't want to know!) The real moral, if you get something for free don't complain about it!
Don't get me wrong..I had great people in my section tonight. Only one table that stands out that I wanted to punch. Oh yes, servers want to punch people. There is one guy I work with in particular when ever he has small children in his section who scream, cry, talk, blink, breath he gets very violent thinking. Commonly he can be heard saying, "If I had sharpened my toothbrush today I would stab someone with it." Or "I'm going to punch that baby." Remember, this isn't me...this is me quoting someone I work with. I'm quite the opposite. When a baby comes into my section you can't get me away from their table. I have been know (in my Humpty days) to take the child for a walk with me around the restaurant to help calm them down. Babies are a happy time for me. Not like my co-worker where he would be happy to have a child-free zone for the entire shift.
My one table tonight that stood out as being the one I would like to punch happened like this. First they weren't even in my section. They were in section 1, but found out that they had another person joining them and the table they were at was only a 2 seater table. First mistake, calling over a busy server(me) to fix the problem when the hostess is only 2 feet away. Second mistake, asking to move tables AFTER you've not only ordered your drinks but your entire meal including starters and entrees. This does not make your new server(me) happy when now in the midst of my already 5 tables on the go, I have to figure out what you're having to drink, what are your starters, what you have as an entree so I make sure you have the proper set ups and don't forget to let the "expo" know that you're no longer at table # 1 you're now at table #3 so if I'm not around when the food is ready they know where to run it. Oh and also that I'm their server now and not server #1. Honestly I think we should be able to just say, tough luck you're stuck at this table now...but "customer gets what they want" gets in the way of that thinking. But I don't think they should move people out of that "servers" area. This particular restaurant when the one particular manager is on has done this to me 3 times. The first and third time was not a big deal with a party of 2 or 3 but the second time this happened it was with a table of 16. That was hectic and completely stressful. Anyways, we won't get into that now. Let me finish about why I wanted to punch this particular table. Where did I leave off....oh yes...they have now moved into my section...I've gotten the information from server #1 and everything is ready to go. No biggy. I go down to their table with their drinks and they inform me that they have the order for the person coming and can it come out with their meals. Yeah, no problem. I go and tell the kitchen and it's all set. Their person arrives at the same time their meals are being delivered. Perfect timing. I ask if she would like something to drink, yes a diet pepsi....(seriously people when you've ordered fries and chicken fingers you may as well splurge and get the regular pepsi). As we are having this discussion I can hear the one guy telling the girl who put the pizza down that there was something wrong with it. (This is where it gets hairy because I wasn't the original server and I wasn't the one to take the food out so I wasn't able to inspect the "special instructions" before it left the kitchen.) So his cheese wasn't melted like he had asked. Ok, no prob I will get the kitchen to put it back in the oven to melt the cheese. I take it back and discuss it with the cooks...."but that's how it's suppose to be" they protest, "I know, but they've requested it to be melted"...."You're going to have to upcharge them for extra cheese"...."No, cause you're just melting what on there already for them...no extra cheese is to be added"..."Fine"..."Thank you". (Don't forget when you give your server a hard time, they're getting it on the other end (from the kitchen) as well. ) I head out to the table to take them their pizza when the busser comes up to me and says "you're table #3 wants more sauce." Instead of asking her my question, before I ring it in I go to the table..."I hear you want more sauce, it's an extra $1, is that ok?" "NO, that's not ok. Can I just have some for the inconvience of waiting for our pizza?" I was like, um no...I'm sorry but the servers don't make up the rules...we just follow them. I don't know why it's an extra dollar...but the only way to get more sauce is through the kitchen. If they don't have a bill for it, they don't make it. It's that simple. (This is where my punching reaction comes into play).
1. People always want something for free.
2. When people use a rude tone it really turns my care factor off. - Normally I'm very caring and want to help...it really is up to the server if they "get anything" for their troubles.
Let's just say I felt bad because of the confusion of switching sections and the pizza not coming out right I threw in the extra sauce. However, had I known they were still going to complain about the "normal upcharge for extra sauce" to the manager I would have charged them. That's right...they still complained about the charge when they DIDN'T get charged for it! That is punch them entitlement! My manager came up to me and said, "Michelle, what was wrong with this table?" And I told her, "Oh, their pizza came out without the cheese being melted so I got them to re-bake it". "No," she continued, "about the extra charge for more sauce". So I told her what happened and she rolled her eyes and said, "some people".
Now lets recap a happy friendly table I experienced tonight so you don't think I only have negative things to say about serving. If it was all negative I don't think I would have continued in this field for the last 13 years. I had quite a few really nice tables. My first table of the night in fact was the most friendly, happy table. They were from out of town doing a shopping day. Not only were they shopping for themselves but picking up orders of things for other people in their town. They were so happy to do their friends a favor and expressed to me the joy they got out of doing it. I find people are people and most just want to tell their story. I hear many life stories and journeys and learn from them. I've gained many friends and "regulars" over the years that I have grown to appreciate and love. You build a lot of relationships as a server (as long as you're open to it). However, within the next year or so I plan to hang up my apron and take on a new journey.
So the moral of the story....
Don't mess with the people who handle your food. (haha...just kidding)....but seriously! (In some cases....never mind you don't want to know!) The real moral, if you get something for free don't complain about it!
Homework vs. blogging.
I have to admit right now I'm suppose to be engrossed within my homework. Instead I found my blog to be a bit more fun to write about. My homework is a project that's due next Thursday. I didn't realize that it was due so soon until last night in class when our teacher reminded us we only have one week to complete it and have it handed in. YIKES! I'm only half way done. The assignment is to observe a child 10 times 15 minutes each time and write down EVERYTHING they do. I mean in detail. Example: "he lifts up his right arm to face level, and with right index finger scratches the the right side of his nose". Let's just say after 15 minutes you have a cramp in your hand from trying to keep up with the writing. It's a really fun project. Now I have to highlight the different areas in development (Physical (fine/gross motor skills) / Social/Emotional / Moral / and Cognitive) within my notes. Then I have to write a summary on each one and then do a final summary. So I'm done the observations themselves...now it's just a matter of doing the sit down grueling work. haha.
As well as doing my homework I'm suppose to be doing my laundry. I really should do that....I'll be right back. Alright laundry is officially on the go. And I am still actively avoiding my homework. It's hard to motivate ones self when there kitty is so cuddly and you just want to snuggle.
My boyfriend is gone for 2 weeks and I find myself indulging into my cats world more often. I believe this drives Puss N Boots (my cat) crazy. She tends to be running from me quite a lot. I'll see her, she sees me...we have a few minutes of cuddles and then it ends in a hiss from one of us and she is usually the one to break up the hissing match. I'm only kidding...except for the hissing coming from her side. If you believe this or not she has turned to my brother (her nemesis) and has started giving him kisses and cuddling up to him. So weird!
With my boyfriend gone it is hard. When he left we weren't on the best of ships to be sailed. It had a few holes in the bottom of the boat that we hoped wouldn't cause a big deal along the journey but instead those holes have gotten a little larger and need to be dealt with. Don't fret fellow readers they are holes that can be fixed, it just may take a little time and elbow grease, sweat and tears but it will be a fixed boat by the end of the journey. It's a good boat to be on. But him being away for 2 weeks doesn't help the matter because I'm needy and have an incredibly hard time dealing with things over the computer or phone.
Well I think it's that time that I stop avoiding my homework...apparently Puss N boots doesn't want to suck it up and do my homework for me. So I guess I'm going to have to do it myself. Until next time. Michelle.
As well as doing my homework I'm suppose to be doing my laundry. I really should do that....I'll be right back. Alright laundry is officially on the go. And I am still actively avoiding my homework. It's hard to motivate ones self when there kitty is so cuddly and you just want to snuggle.
My boyfriend is gone for 2 weeks and I find myself indulging into my cats world more often. I believe this drives Puss N Boots (my cat) crazy. She tends to be running from me quite a lot. I'll see her, she sees me...we have a few minutes of cuddles and then it ends in a hiss from one of us and she is usually the one to break up the hissing match. I'm only kidding...except for the hissing coming from her side. If you believe this or not she has turned to my brother (her nemesis) and has started giving him kisses and cuddling up to him. So weird!
With my boyfriend gone it is hard. When he left we weren't on the best of ships to be sailed. It had a few holes in the bottom of the boat that we hoped wouldn't cause a big deal along the journey but instead those holes have gotten a little larger and need to be dealt with. Don't fret fellow readers they are holes that can be fixed, it just may take a little time and elbow grease, sweat and tears but it will be a fixed boat by the end of the journey. It's a good boat to be on. But him being away for 2 weeks doesn't help the matter because I'm needy and have an incredibly hard time dealing with things over the computer or phone.
Well I think it's that time that I stop avoiding my homework...apparently Puss N boots doesn't want to suck it up and do my homework for me. So I guess I'm going to have to do it myself. Until next time. Michelle.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Once upon a time a blog existed
Ok, so it's been a long time since my last entry. Why you ask? Well I've been so run off my feet but that just means there is a lot to blog about. Together lets see how often I am able to blog now that I find myself with a little more time on my hands.
For the last two months I have found myself on the go 24/6. That was not a typo. I always had Sunday's off from work and school so I would have at least one day a week to "relax". Now we all know that that doesn't happen even when we "plan" it. I am finding myself using the """ marks a lot lately...but I've dealt with it and now you will too!
My Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays tend to be the busiest days. I would typically wake up at 4am(sometimes earlier, rarely later...if I saw a 5 on my clock I would consider it sleeping in). I would get on the road often greeted by deer or some kind of potential road kill. I have had to swerve to miss some in order to save their lives. I would promptly arrive at the school of the day earlier than the secretary and take those 5 minutes to catch a quick cat nap. I became really good at taking quick naps here and there to keep myself from passing out mid-shoot. Once in the school I would start my set up (at least an hour set up) and answer many questions while doing so from the school personal and parents. My day would end with the tear down and loading up of my vehicle. I loved it. Almost every minute. (There were some days I would get frustrated with the questions because it would be 5 people coming up to me with the same question, it would become old very fast.)
After my day would end as a photographer I would go into my magical phone booth and transform into either a server or a student. Monday's and Saturdays I would transform into a server at 5pm until 10pm. And on Tuesdays and Thursday nights I would turn into a student. Oh and also a student every second saturday for 7 hours. Woot. Needless to say I needed that Sunday to revamp and rejuvenate. But as anyone with a hectic schedule knows on your "day off" you try and fit everything you need to get done into one day. It becomes one of your busiest days of the week.
But now that it's "quiet time" in the school photo area I've somewhat been laid off until spring time. So I find myself with a lot of open time. I told the restaurant that I work at that I'm available more often and have been faced with "we don't have enough hours to go around" so I found myself out looking for a new job. So crazy after such a crazy 3 months. I find myself with the time off not knowing what to do. I could do my homework, clean the house *cough* right like I do that....I really need to though. I find myself bored and can't wait until this new job I got just today starts.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep this thing updated now that I find myself with all this freakin' free time.
For the last two months I have found myself on the go 24/6. That was not a typo. I always had Sunday's off from work and school so I would have at least one day a week to "relax". Now we all know that that doesn't happen even when we "plan" it. I am finding myself using the """ marks a lot lately...but I've dealt with it and now you will too!
My Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays tend to be the busiest days. I would typically wake up at 4am(sometimes earlier, rarely later...if I saw a 5 on my clock I would consider it sleeping in). I would get on the road often greeted by deer or some kind of potential road kill. I have had to swerve to miss some in order to save their lives. I would promptly arrive at the school of the day earlier than the secretary and take those 5 minutes to catch a quick cat nap. I became really good at taking quick naps here and there to keep myself from passing out mid-shoot. Once in the school I would start my set up (at least an hour set up) and answer many questions while doing so from the school personal and parents. My day would end with the tear down and loading up of my vehicle. I loved it. Almost every minute. (There were some days I would get frustrated with the questions because it would be 5 people coming up to me with the same question, it would become old very fast.)
After my day would end as a photographer I would go into my magical phone booth and transform into either a server or a student. Monday's and Saturdays I would transform into a server at 5pm until 10pm. And on Tuesdays and Thursday nights I would turn into a student. Oh and also a student every second saturday for 7 hours. Woot. Needless to say I needed that Sunday to revamp and rejuvenate. But as anyone with a hectic schedule knows on your "day off" you try and fit everything you need to get done into one day. It becomes one of your busiest days of the week.
But now that it's "quiet time" in the school photo area I've somewhat been laid off until spring time. So I find myself with a lot of open time. I told the restaurant that I work at that I'm available more often and have been faced with "we don't have enough hours to go around" so I found myself out looking for a new job. So crazy after such a crazy 3 months. I find myself with the time off not knowing what to do. I could do my homework, clean the house *cough* right like I do that....I really need to though. I find myself bored and can't wait until this new job I got just today starts.
Hopefully I'll be able to keep this thing updated now that I find myself with all this freakin' free time.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Newest news
It has been a very eventful summer indeed! I've been finding myself to be really busy and I'm loving it. All summer long I've taken a few visits out to Calgary or my special someone has come out here to visit me. We've seen each other every two weeks which is great...but in my selfish desire not enough! However! Good news report ss(special someone) is going to be moving away from Calgary and into the BC Province. Where?! That hasn't yet been decided. But hey, one step at a time.
Starting as of last week I have started my busy schedule. I now work at life touch(school photography) and at Boston Pizza. And starting in a week and a half I will also be in school. How will I not go insane you ask? Well it's too late for that. Instead I answer you with this, I have every Sunday off. This will help me to stay sane throughout the next ten months of my life.
I find myself really enjoying life touch. I successfully set up a photo studio by myself on Friday. In only a few short weeks it will become second nature and I won't even have to think of the steps I have to take to set it all up. First I must measure the mat 6 feet 4 inches from the wall. Then I tape it down. The next step I take is to measure 64inches from the mat to the back of the background. Then set up the background. Then I choose to either set up the accent light(background light) or the main light. After that comes the fill light. The fill light is my nemesis because it takes bending power to make it go together. After this I set up my camera and computer. Then I plug everything in and calibrate my camera. There are a few other steps in there before we get to that part but I'm not going to bore you with all the details. Let's just say it's a lot of fun. Now just to learn all the poses and where the camera goes. Eek! It will be a learning experience for sure!
Then there is the faithful Boston pizza. It is usually the same thing day in day out...but the people change and there are new memories that are created. Just to think that you are a fraction of a person's life is amazing to know. You are a part of that person's life, their experience and what they bring away from that is how they will remember you. I had these twins I served yesterday that made my day. They taught me some mind tricks and fun 2 - 3 minute games to play with people to get them to think. It was a lot of fun. And then the 3 grumpy girls I served at the end of my 9 hour shift. I some how got them to turn their frown upside down and helped them change their attitude towards the evening. That feels like an accomplishment to me.
And school starting. I'm so excited. I'm more excited about the Saturdays. They will be the workshops of the class. I don't know what that means exactly...but I'm excited about it. So that's what is new with me up to date. Exciting new developments and always an exciting day! Until next time...stay fit and have fun!
Starting as of last week I have started my busy schedule. I now work at life touch(school photography) and at Boston Pizza. And starting in a week and a half I will also be in school. How will I not go insane you ask? Well it's too late for that. Instead I answer you with this, I have every Sunday off. This will help me to stay sane throughout the next ten months of my life.
I find myself really enjoying life touch. I successfully set up a photo studio by myself on Friday. In only a few short weeks it will become second nature and I won't even have to think of the steps I have to take to set it all up. First I must measure the mat 6 feet 4 inches from the wall. Then I tape it down. The next step I take is to measure 64inches from the mat to the back of the background. Then set up the background. Then I choose to either set up the accent light(background light) or the main light. After that comes the fill light. The fill light is my nemesis because it takes bending power to make it go together. After this I set up my camera and computer. Then I plug everything in and calibrate my camera. There are a few other steps in there before we get to that part but I'm not going to bore you with all the details. Let's just say it's a lot of fun. Now just to learn all the poses and where the camera goes. Eek! It will be a learning experience for sure!
Then there is the faithful Boston pizza. It is usually the same thing day in day out...but the people change and there are new memories that are created. Just to think that you are a fraction of a person's life is amazing to know. You are a part of that person's life, their experience and what they bring away from that is how they will remember you. I had these twins I served yesterday that made my day. They taught me some mind tricks and fun 2 - 3 minute games to play with people to get them to think. It was a lot of fun. And then the 3 grumpy girls I served at the end of my 9 hour shift. I some how got them to turn their frown upside down and helped them change their attitude towards the evening. That feels like an accomplishment to me.
And school starting. I'm so excited. I'm more excited about the Saturdays. They will be the workshops of the class. I don't know what that means exactly...but I'm excited about it. So that's what is new with me up to date. Exciting new developments and always an exciting day! Until next time...stay fit and have fun!
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The boring story.
Wow, people are crazy. This is the conclusion that I've come to know as my reality. Yesterday I was called into work because a couple of girls had called in sick. Hmmm...Saturday morning and suddenly feelin' under the weather...this usually only means one thing..but who am I to judge. haha. Anyways, I answered the phone and said I would go in...well....my actual words were "Fo shizzle ma nizzle". The manager didn't quite know how to take that...and then I quickly backtracked and said, I mean, for sure.
I learned soon after that I may have been wise to not go in. The people I served were miserable and grumpy and super hungry. I've never encountered such misery in a long time. And misery seems to really enjoy company but I wouldn't let them get me down. Plus it wasn't my fault for their mood swings so I didn't take it personally. Anyways, once that shift was over I was happy I survived with all my limbs:)
Then this morning I woke up and looked outside to be greeted by a budget moving truck. My dad had gone down to Abbotsford to help get the furniture and such out of my grandma's condo. I called my brother to get his team together to come help unload. Once he arrived we started taking things off the truck. It didn't take very long..it took us longer to figure out where to put the stuff than anything. Right now it is just a bunch of furniture in the middle of the living room. It reminds me of an antique store...or a furniture shop...you know how everything is kind of piled in the middle of the room?!
This is pretty much all that's been going on as of late. Kind of a lame update...but an update nonetheless. Keep it real homes.
I learned soon after that I may have been wise to not go in. The people I served were miserable and grumpy and super hungry. I've never encountered such misery in a long time. And misery seems to really enjoy company but I wouldn't let them get me down. Plus it wasn't my fault for their mood swings so I didn't take it personally. Anyways, once that shift was over I was happy I survived with all my limbs:)
Then this morning I woke up and looked outside to be greeted by a budget moving truck. My dad had gone down to Abbotsford to help get the furniture and such out of my grandma's condo. I called my brother to get his team together to come help unload. Once he arrived we started taking things off the truck. It didn't take very long..it took us longer to figure out where to put the stuff than anything. Right now it is just a bunch of furniture in the middle of the living room. It reminds me of an antique store...or a furniture shop...you know how everything is kind of piled in the middle of the room?!
This is pretty much all that's been going on as of late. Kind of a lame update...but an update nonetheless. Keep it real homes.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The requested update.
The transition has started. I'm really excited for it! I start my new job at Boston Pizza on Wednesday. It feels like forever away..but it will go by fast because I have a cleaning shift tomorrow...then that special someone from Calgary is coming to town on Friday. Not sure what's going to take place on Saturday but on Sunday I have a 4 hour training shift. Then Monday and Tuesday will probably be beach days...because well, why not. And then the work begins again. Yay!!!
Today I had a hard day out in the sun. First I woke up and went to bootcamp where the instructor called me out, not once, not twice, not three times..but 4 times!! There was even one point when he called me a bunny cause my arms were up instead of on my hips. haha. It was funny and embarassing at the same time. I told him at the end of class that I expect carrots tomorrow! haha. The 9am class is a lot smaller than the 6 am class so he has more opportunity to notice if you're doing something wrong. It's good...but you can tell he gets a sick thrill from it...haha. Good times.
Then I went to my training shift. It was only a half hour of one on one training. I enjoyed it. I learned a lot about the computer system and how easy it is! I'm pretty excited. After that I got a sandwich for lunch from the best deli ever! And headed home. Once I got there I was greeted with a phone call from my friend Sherena. She asked if I was still into going to the beach with her....my answer, of course. So we headed on down. The people we originally invited to come with us backed out. So it was just the two of us. We got all set up and then got tackled by a puppy. She was the cutest little thing. Very hyper. I couldn't tell you what kind of dog it was...but just oober hyper. It ate some of Sherena's strawberries and covered us in sand numerous times. A little while later we heard our names called out and looked back to see Stephanie, Veronica, Veronica's boyfriend, jenn and Sam. They asked us if they could join us and now we had a mini-party on the beach. They brought along a getto-blaster and we listened to music and enjoyed the sun and conversations together. I had a blast!
After the beach I went out with some friends for wings. And that pretty much ended my relaxing day. I'm starting to go stir-crazy though. I need to work. Is it Wednesday yet? Oh it is...but just not the right one. haha.
Well there's the update someone asked for! :D Until next time, keep it real!
Today I had a hard day out in the sun. First I woke up and went to bootcamp where the instructor called me out, not once, not twice, not three times..but 4 times!! There was even one point when he called me a bunny cause my arms were up instead of on my hips. haha. It was funny and embarassing at the same time. I told him at the end of class that I expect carrots tomorrow! haha. The 9am class is a lot smaller than the 6 am class so he has more opportunity to notice if you're doing something wrong. It's good...but you can tell he gets a sick thrill from it...haha. Good times.
Then I went to my training shift. It was only a half hour of one on one training. I enjoyed it. I learned a lot about the computer system and how easy it is! I'm pretty excited. After that I got a sandwich for lunch from the best deli ever! And headed home. Once I got there I was greeted with a phone call from my friend Sherena. She asked if I was still into going to the beach with her....my answer, of course. So we headed on down. The people we originally invited to come with us backed out. So it was just the two of us. We got all set up and then got tackled by a puppy. She was the cutest little thing. Very hyper. I couldn't tell you what kind of dog it was...but just oober hyper. It ate some of Sherena's strawberries and covered us in sand numerous times. A little while later we heard our names called out and looked back to see Stephanie, Veronica, Veronica's boyfriend, jenn and Sam. They asked us if they could join us and now we had a mini-party on the beach. They brought along a getto-blaster and we listened to music and enjoyed the sun and conversations together. I had a blast!
After the beach I went out with some friends for wings. And that pretty much ended my relaxing day. I'm starting to go stir-crazy though. I need to work. Is it Wednesday yet? Oh it is...but just not the right one. haha.
Well there's the update someone asked for! :D Until next time, keep it real!
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Fun in the Sun!
Last weekend was a whirlwind of fun! I had messaged a guy(name undisclosed for his privacy) on a website(I know what you're thinking mom!). And a day later or so had decided I would shut down my profile because I was tired of some of the attitudes I was receiving. When I went on though he had messaged me back and caught my interest even more. After a couple of exchanged emails he told me he was coming to my town for his grandparent's wedding anniversary. This provided a chance to meet.
He told me that he had a friend along who had never been to Kelowna and was going to be giving him a tour and I was welcome to join them. I agreed and made plans to meet at a popular location. When I got there I was a couple of minutes late and saw two guys walking away. I was pretty sure they were the ones I was to meet but I was too far behind that I would have had to run to catch up...running in a skirt isn't the most comfortable thing to do so I took the option of sitting at this landmark knowing that the walk they were on wouldn't take too long. While I sat there I looked out at the lake, took a picture of a sailboat(the picture didn't really turn out that well) and people watched. Then I started blowing bubbles...cause who doesn't carry a bottle of bubbles in their purse for such occasions?
As I was mid-bubble I noticed these two fellas walking back...and the one gentleman waved. I knew it was them. :) I walked over and was greeted by a hug and a handshake by his friend. We walked along the water and stopped at the bird sanctuary. There was one duck that was bobbing his head with such passion. It was really funny to watch. It looked like he was trying to save on waddle gas by using his head to pull himself along. haha. Anyways, we chatted there for quite some time just getting to know eachother. Oh yeah, his friend had no idea that this was our first encounter. He had been told that we were old friends and we played with it so that it would be comfortable and not awkward. However, it came with such ease that I too forgot that this was our first time meeting eachother. Old souls I guess.
After hanging out at the bird santuary we headed to a restaurant for lunch. It was a very yummy lunch. He was very kind and treated both his friend and myself. After lunch we headed over for icecream. I have no idea how I made room for it, I was so full from lunch. But not only did I have icecream, but I had two scoops. He had two scoops as well! Crazy fun! Once we had our icecream the three of us walked downtown and came across the Japanese Peace Gardens. So pretty. As we were enjoying sitting along the water/pond we blew some bubbles and watched the fish. After we were all peaced out I brought out the water guns and we had a classic water gun fight! So much fun with the pond scum water!! hee hee. The people around us didn't seem to mind, the security guard thought it was funny. Then we headed to the park and played on the swings. I love the swings!!!! We chatted the entire time just having a wonderful time. Like I said it was like we had been friends for a long time. Everything was so natural and fun.
Then I had to head to work. Apparently the day in the sun made me look like Bob(the tomato)'s twin. :) It was well worth it. The next day we had made plans to see eachother between his activities involving his grandparents anniversary party and between my shifts at work. He came and picked me up from work and we headed to Starbucks. Then we headed to Costco where he went to get some photo's developed. After that we headed to a walking park and went for a walk. It was an amazing time because there was nothing to distract us but getting to know eachother. Plus the walk through the trees was a lot of fun. After a while we turned around and headed back. He drove me back to work so I could finish out my day there but we had made plans to see eachother again that evening.
After I was done work I headed over to the church where he was at for his grandparent's anniversary party. It was a little nerve racking. Once I found him though I felt more at ease. We came back to my house to play guitar hero 3! Woo hoo!!! So much fun. Then we watched Corner Gas. He very is very classy and asked permission to put his arm around my shoulder. It made me blush and I accepted. After Corner Gas we started to head him out to his car...however, we kept on finding things to talk about...and knowing that he was leaving the next morning we tried to get in as much as we possibly could. At 5am he reluctantly got into his car and headed back to his parents home. Oh, but before he did that there was one point where I had the urge to pray but I thought that would be weird so I didn't...but maybe a minute later he just busted out a prayer. It was amazing...I was left speechless.
The next day at work I was kind of tired..but nothing that 3 cups of coffee can't fix..hee hee. Plus I only worked the day shift so when I got home I had the opportunity to relax. That's not what I did though..hee hee. I did something....I can't remember what....oh yeah, I started to clean up a little bit and then Justin(Cameron's girlfriends' brother) came and picked me up and took me for icecream on the Westside. He wanted some girl advice. :) Then I came home and cleaned up a little more and then headed over to Becky's parents' house and sat in the hot tub....it was a really strenuous evening. When I got home I had a great conversation with this gentleman I had met 48 hours earlier on MSN. We talked until the early am once again.
The next morning I had bootcamp and almost slept through my alarm. Oops. But I got there. :) The day(Tuesday) was my day off and we talked on MSN for a large part of the day. Then we talked through Skype(I love the inventor of Skype) for the remainder of the evening. We both learned a lot about eachother.
However, the lack of sleep did catch up with me yesterday though. I slept right through bootcamp. And all the way until 11 am. I haven't slept in that long for an uber long time. When I woke up I was still tired...I think from over sleeping. I dragged myself around the house, talked on Msn to that special person and then headed out to go for a walk with my friend Melissa. We stopped for some fish and chips for lunch and then went down these really pretty paths I didn't know existed. We watched the ducks and chatted and admired some of the homes along the way. It was quite a nice walk. We ended up down by the waterfront and stopped in a couple of stores, picked up a slurpee and then headed back cause I had to get to work. It was an awesome time!
That's pretty much everything up to date. There's a lot to take in...but right now life is exciting!!! Until later...keepin' it real.
He told me that he had a friend along who had never been to Kelowna and was going to be giving him a tour and I was welcome to join them. I agreed and made plans to meet at a popular location. When I got there I was a couple of minutes late and saw two guys walking away. I was pretty sure they were the ones I was to meet but I was too far behind that I would have had to run to catch up...running in a skirt isn't the most comfortable thing to do so I took the option of sitting at this landmark knowing that the walk they were on wouldn't take too long. While I sat there I looked out at the lake, took a picture of a sailboat(the picture didn't really turn out that well) and people watched. Then I started blowing bubbles...cause who doesn't carry a bottle of bubbles in their purse for such occasions?
As I was mid-bubble I noticed these two fellas walking back...and the one gentleman waved. I knew it was them. :) I walked over and was greeted by a hug and a handshake by his friend. We walked along the water and stopped at the bird sanctuary. There was one duck that was bobbing his head with such passion. It was really funny to watch. It looked like he was trying to save on waddle gas by using his head to pull himself along. haha. Anyways, we chatted there for quite some time just getting to know eachother. Oh yeah, his friend had no idea that this was our first encounter. He had been told that we were old friends and we played with it so that it would be comfortable and not awkward. However, it came with such ease that I too forgot that this was our first time meeting eachother. Old souls I guess.
After hanging out at the bird santuary we headed to a restaurant for lunch. It was a very yummy lunch. He was very kind and treated both his friend and myself. After lunch we headed over for icecream. I have no idea how I made room for it, I was so full from lunch. But not only did I have icecream, but I had two scoops. He had two scoops as well! Crazy fun! Once we had our icecream the three of us walked downtown and came across the Japanese Peace Gardens. So pretty. As we were enjoying sitting along the water/pond we blew some bubbles and watched the fish. After we were all peaced out I brought out the water guns and we had a classic water gun fight! So much fun with the pond scum water!! hee hee. The people around us didn't seem to mind, the security guard thought it was funny. Then we headed to the park and played on the swings. I love the swings!!!! We chatted the entire time just having a wonderful time. Like I said it was like we had been friends for a long time. Everything was so natural and fun.
Then I had to head to work. Apparently the day in the sun made me look like Bob(the tomato)'s twin. :) It was well worth it. The next day we had made plans to see eachother between his activities involving his grandparents anniversary party and between my shifts at work. He came and picked me up from work and we headed to Starbucks. Then we headed to Costco where he went to get some photo's developed. After that we headed to a walking park and went for a walk. It was an amazing time because there was nothing to distract us but getting to know eachother. Plus the walk through the trees was a lot of fun. After a while we turned around and headed back. He drove me back to work so I could finish out my day there but we had made plans to see eachother again that evening.
After I was done work I headed over to the church where he was at for his grandparent's anniversary party. It was a little nerve racking. Once I found him though I felt more at ease. We came back to my house to play guitar hero 3! Woo hoo!!! So much fun. Then we watched Corner Gas. He very is very classy and asked permission to put his arm around my shoulder. It made me blush and I accepted. After Corner Gas we started to head him out to his car...however, we kept on finding things to talk about...and knowing that he was leaving the next morning we tried to get in as much as we possibly could. At 5am he reluctantly got into his car and headed back to his parents home. Oh, but before he did that there was one point where I had the urge to pray but I thought that would be weird so I didn't...but maybe a minute later he just busted out a prayer. It was amazing...I was left speechless.
The next day at work I was kind of tired..but nothing that 3 cups of coffee can't fix..hee hee. Plus I only worked the day shift so when I got home I had the opportunity to relax. That's not what I did though..hee hee. I did something....I can't remember what....oh yeah, I started to clean up a little bit and then Justin(Cameron's girlfriends' brother) came and picked me up and took me for icecream on the Westside. He wanted some girl advice. :) Then I came home and cleaned up a little more and then headed over to Becky's parents' house and sat in the hot tub....it was a really strenuous evening. When I got home I had a great conversation with this gentleman I had met 48 hours earlier on MSN. We talked until the early am once again.
The next morning I had bootcamp and almost slept through my alarm. Oops. But I got there. :) The day(Tuesday) was my day off and we talked on MSN for a large part of the day. Then we talked through Skype(I love the inventor of Skype) for the remainder of the evening. We both learned a lot about eachother.
However, the lack of sleep did catch up with me yesterday though. I slept right through bootcamp. And all the way until 11 am. I haven't slept in that long for an uber long time. When I woke up I was still tired...I think from over sleeping. I dragged myself around the house, talked on Msn to that special person and then headed out to go for a walk with my friend Melissa. We stopped for some fish and chips for lunch and then went down these really pretty paths I didn't know existed. We watched the ducks and chatted and admired some of the homes along the way. It was quite a nice walk. We ended up down by the waterfront and stopped in a couple of stores, picked up a slurpee and then headed back cause I had to get to work. It was an awesome time!
That's pretty much everything up to date. There's a lot to take in...but right now life is exciting!!! Until later...keepin' it real.
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Last Sunday I went paintballing for the first time ever. It was so much fun! At the beginning I got shot in the head 4 times. Then I realized that you have to keep your head down. haha. I came to the realization that I did not miss my calling into the military. I would not be a good soldier. lol. There was one course that we did and it scared me. I found a corner and sat in it. I didn't move. I felt like I was in a scary movie. My heart was pounding. I could hear shots from the guns around me. It was so intense. Then my friend Andrew(who was on my team) jumped into the area where I was hiding. I didn't even think I just shot him in the shoulder. He yelled at me, Michelle, Friendly fire!!! It was funny because earlier in the day we had had a conversation where I said I would shoot him even if he was on my team. haha, and then I did! It was a lot of fun though.. At the end of the game my friend Erin and I were the only ones left with any paintballs. So we decided to go onto one of the courses and shoot at eachother. I picked a really dumb spot to hide...behind a really skinny tree. As I jumped down into the trench she shot me in the back and in the back of the calf. I turned and shot back at her. When we ran out of paintballs we were heading out and she said, you never got me. I was like, I'm sure i got you at least once. Then she looked herself over and sure enough I had shot her right in the chest...right in the heart. lol. So funny!
Afterwards we looked at ourselves and we were soooo dirty and covered in paint. Such a great time! I loved it. So if you asked me, Would you do it again...My response would be. YES!
Afterwards we looked at ourselves and we were soooo dirty and covered in paint. Such a great time! I loved it. So if you asked me, Would you do it again...My response would be. YES!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Subway experience.
Hey there. Yesterday I went to Subway for lunch and while I was there I remembered that the guy behind the counter had told me that he had come to Canada from the middle east. So when he was putting the sauce on my sandwich I said, "Hallass" and he stopped and looked at me with the hugest smile on his face. Hallass means "enough". haha. So we started saying words in arabic while I finished my visit there. It was fun. Then today I went there for lunch again..I know two days in a row...crazy! When I walked in I saw him and we greeted eachother in arabic. It was so fun! Then he taught me a new word but I can't remember what it was now. haha. Good times. Who knew I would run into someone that I can practice with here in my very own local subway. haha.
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Bootcamp begins.
Hey there everyone. This past Thursday I went for a super fun bike ride with my friend Melissa. We rode all downtown and through the park. Then we stopped at the survivor bootcamp so I could register. They said if I wanted I could start the next day. So of course I said, sure! The next morning which was Friday, I went to my first bootcamp session. It was amazing. I loved it. I had to sit one cycle out though cause I had a dizzy spell.. but once that passed I got right back into it. I do have to say that burpsee's are not my favorite thing of all time. haha. They are so hard.
Then on Saturday after I was done my shift I asked one of my coworkers to go on a bike ride with me. She agreed and we decided on a meeting spot and time. I was running a little late and as soon as I sat on my bike I regreted proposing the idea. My legs were burning, my bum hurt and now I had to ride somewhere. Shoot. But I had no choice but to go. So I went. Once I was moving everything loosened up and I felt fine. We stopped and had a bite to eat and then continued our bike ride. As we approached the city park we got stopped by some walking cops. They gave us a warning instead of a ticket for not wearing a helmet. We continued our ride until it was time for her to go back to work. Then I rode home. It was such an amazing day weather wise. Perfect for a bike ride.
Today I was determined to give my body a break because starting tomorrow morning I have bootcamp again. I'm so excited. I can hardly wait. I sound like an insane person...haha. But when you leave you feel so good. I'll keep you updated on how the progress is. I should take some before and after pictures and post them...oooh...wouldn't that be fun?!
Until next time, stay classy. :)
Then on Saturday after I was done my shift I asked one of my coworkers to go on a bike ride with me. She agreed and we decided on a meeting spot and time. I was running a little late and as soon as I sat on my bike I regreted proposing the idea. My legs were burning, my bum hurt and now I had to ride somewhere. Shoot. But I had no choice but to go. So I went. Once I was moving everything loosened up and I felt fine. We stopped and had a bite to eat and then continued our bike ride. As we approached the city park we got stopped by some walking cops. They gave us a warning instead of a ticket for not wearing a helmet. We continued our ride until it was time for her to go back to work. Then I rode home. It was such an amazing day weather wise. Perfect for a bike ride.
Today I was determined to give my body a break because starting tomorrow morning I have bootcamp again. I'm so excited. I can hardly wait. I sound like an insane person...haha. But when you leave you feel so good. I'll keep you updated on how the progress is. I should take some before and after pictures and post them...oooh...wouldn't that be fun?!
Until next time, stay classy. :)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Wacky Wednesday
For most of the day I didn't work. In fact I only worked for 3 hours this evening! Rakin' in the cash I am. haha. I went rollerblading for the first time this season. That was a lot of fun. I'm totally rusty and sentence myself to a summer of practice. Oh darn, sounds like a rough life for me. haha.
I have signed up for the survival bootcamp. I'm pretty excited about it. I start at the end of April. Woo hoo!!!
Tonight at work I had this one table that had a really cute little girl. She kept calling me over to her and saying, "Excuse me," So polite. The one time she called me over and our conversation went like this.
Little girl (lg) "Excuse me,"
Me: "Yes"
lg: "I'm going to grow up and go to school"
Me: "Really, what are you going to take?"
lg: "A dress"
Me: "You're going to take a dress to school with you?"
lg: "Yes"
Me: "Are there going to be other kids there?"
lg: "Yes"
Me: "Are you going to make lots of friends?"
lg: With big eyes and a huge smile, "Yes"
She was so darn cute. She might have been 3 or 4 years old. So much fun. Then near the end of their visit she ran over and gave me a big hug. Then she looked up and seemed a little stunned that it was me. I don't think she meant to give me a hug..haha. It was really cute. Totally made my night.
I have signed up for the survival bootcamp. I'm pretty excited about it. I start at the end of April. Woo hoo!!!
Tonight at work I had this one table that had a really cute little girl. She kept calling me over to her and saying, "Excuse me," So polite. The one time she called me over and our conversation went like this.
Little girl (lg) "Excuse me,"
Me: "Yes"
lg: "I'm going to grow up and go to school"
Me: "Really, what are you going to take?"
lg: "A dress"
Me: "You're going to take a dress to school with you?"
lg: "Yes"
Me: "Are there going to be other kids there?"
lg: "Yes"
Me: "Are you going to make lots of friends?"
lg: With big eyes and a huge smile, "Yes"
She was so darn cute. She might have been 3 or 4 years old. So much fun. Then near the end of their visit she ran over and gave me a big hug. Then she looked up and seemed a little stunned that it was me. I don't think she meant to give me a hug..haha. It was really cute. Totally made my night.
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
It's just another Tuesday.
Sometimes I just like to ramble on. Today wasn't one of those days. I tried to get into the hype I've been in for the last couple of days but it just wasn't coming natural for me today. I really had to work hard at creating conversations with people at work. This is not normal. Usually I can stir up any kind of conversation about anything with anyone. Weird. It may have been caused by my frustration with the schedule in 3 weeks. I was telling one of the other servers and do you know what he said, (he's only been working there for a month), that I should cheat on my average check so that I can get more hours. Isn't that funny?! Crazy is what I think that is. I think it would be funny on my last week to cheat so incredibly much that it makes my average check $40 per person. You know how ridiculous that is?! haha. I think it would be funny. I also think it would be funny to invest in a b-b gun and hide in the bushes on my last day and shoot anyone who was remotely annoying or rude. haha. Apparently I have a wee dark side to me today. haha.
I was going to go rollerblading after work today but it was raining. Last time I went rollerblading in the rain it locked up my wheels so I decided I would just sit this one out. Instead I came home and had a really nice hot bath. I ended up falling asleep in the tube. I've never done that before but man, that was soooo nice and relaxing. It totally took my mind off everything.
That's all there is to report today. I hope you're all having one great day! Until next time. Michelle.
I was going to go rollerblading after work today but it was raining. Last time I went rollerblading in the rain it locked up my wheels so I decided I would just sit this one out. Instead I came home and had a really nice hot bath. I ended up falling asleep in the tube. I've never done that before but man, that was soooo nice and relaxing. It totally took my mind off everything.
That's all there is to report today. I hope you're all having one great day! Until next time. Michelle.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Good News Day.
Well this is good news day. Yay!!! I like good news day. On the day that I wrote that I was going to go job hunting, 20 minutes after writing that, my friend and I were talking and she said she has a job for me. The only catch is it's not until the end of May. 8 weeks. Then I went to work and had another pretty aweful day and decided that I would go out for lunch with some friends. On that lunch date I was offered another job, catch is...doesn't start for a month. haha.. Yay!!! I have options and people want me. Yippee!!!! It's such a good feeling. Needless to say at the maximum I will be there for 2 months more. I think I can deal with that...although some days it's super hard because I feel like going postal. haha. I think it would be really fun to invest in a b-b gun and hide in the bushes and shoot people in the bum as they are leaving. (Only if they're rude and deserve it). hahaha. My dark side is revealing itself. mwahahaha..
In other, unrelated news, I talked to my sister on the phone the other day. It was quite the conversation. It made me laugh pretty darn hard. I could hear Gabriel and Grace in the background. Grace asked me, "Aunty M, Are you fun??" haha. I was like, do you think I'm fun?? And she said yes so I agreed with her. What a funny kid. Then about half way through Dawn and my conversation she asked, "How are you doing today?" Just the way she asked made me laugh so hard. She sounded like an old british lady. haha. Then Gabriel in the background was telling me about the key to his room and how he likes to be locked in his room. Dawn told me that he requests this every night. haha. Kids are halarious!
Dawn also told me that one of the teachers at the school they attend asked if I'd be interested in coming back to the middle east and teaching english. I was like, I don't have a degree or anything apparently that doesn't matter much. So I'm seriously considering it when my schooling is done which would be next summer. Pretty exciting if you ask me. :)
This morning I'm going into work an hour early. I had a table yesterday and they liked me so much that they said they would come again today. I offered to make them a reservation and they said, on one condition...you have to be our server. I was like, ok. Then after they were gone I realized that I didn't start until an hour after their arrival time. I talked to my manager and she talked to the manager that will be working this morning and they confirmed that it would be ok for me to start an hour early so I could serve this family. That's such a great feeling that they would request me as their server!! Woot!!
Yesterday I also went to buy a pink hoodie, I never did find one...but I got a few new tops for the summer and a new summer dress. I'm pretty excited about them.
I love good news day. It's so much more fun!
In other, unrelated news, I talked to my sister on the phone the other day. It was quite the conversation. It made me laugh pretty darn hard. I could hear Gabriel and Grace in the background. Grace asked me, "Aunty M, Are you fun??" haha. I was like, do you think I'm fun?? And she said yes so I agreed with her. What a funny kid. Then about half way through Dawn and my conversation she asked, "How are you doing today?" Just the way she asked made me laugh so hard. She sounded like an old british lady. haha. Then Gabriel in the background was telling me about the key to his room and how he likes to be locked in his room. Dawn told me that he requests this every night. haha. Kids are halarious!
Dawn also told me that one of the teachers at the school they attend asked if I'd be interested in coming back to the middle east and teaching english. I was like, I don't have a degree or anything apparently that doesn't matter much. So I'm seriously considering it when my schooling is done which would be next summer. Pretty exciting if you ask me. :)
This morning I'm going into work an hour early. I had a table yesterday and they liked me so much that they said they would come again today. I offered to make them a reservation and they said, on one condition...you have to be our server. I was like, ok. Then after they were gone I realized that I didn't start until an hour after their arrival time. I talked to my manager and she talked to the manager that will be working this morning and they confirmed that it would be ok for me to start an hour early so I could serve this family. That's such a great feeling that they would request me as their server!! Woot!!
Yesterday I also went to buy a pink hoodie, I never did find one...but I got a few new tops for the summer and a new summer dress. I'm pretty excited about them.
I love good news day. It's so much more fun!
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Time for a change.
Hey there. Yesterday I kind of lost my temper a bit. I've pretty much had it at the restaurant that I'm working at. It's pretty freakin' retarded there. You see they base your hours of work on your average check. (The average amount each person spends). Well if someone at your table uses a coupon it brings your average down. (Not your fault but you're as a server punished hour wise because your average is down). Also a table full of children brings your average down because kids meals are a lot cheaper. And then the crack babies(known as managers) expect your average to be high when they only put you on lunch shifts. Um...last I checked not many people drink alcohol drinks at lunch time(which is an awesome way of bringing up your average check). I don't think that the system that they use is very effective or right. If you've hired me as full time I expect to be working fulltime. Look at my job performance...do I work hard?? I'm obviously trying to upsell the crap but if someone comes in with 25 dollars it's pretty much impossible to make them spend 30. You know what I'm saying?? Ahhhh I'm just so frustrated because last night, I like every other server, cheated on one of my bills saying there was only 1 person at the table instead of 2 making my average go up slightly. Well, I got pulled into the office because I was a cheater. I'm sorry...but look at everyone else too!! It's not just me...it's EVERYONE!!!!!!!! Why because we were hired to work and we all want the hours that we were hired for!
Needless to say I'm going job hunting today. I'm so tired of this petty crap. The management has gone down hill so fast. They're pretty imature and they don't give a rip about the staff at all. Since coming back it's gotten a lot worse. I didn't think it was possible. They change the schedule without telling anyone and then the staff get written up when they don't show up for the shift they didn't know they had. Where is the logic there???? I was thinking of trying to tough it out for the next 5 months until I start my new job(photography) and school but I don't think I want to put myself through this unneeded split shift stress for any longer. I'm sick of complaining about it and ready to take action.
Enough about work. I'm going down to the school today to enroll in my class. It's going to be a busy day. I'm excited about it. I'm also really excited that I was able to get some new under garments from a regular store!!!! That was sooo exciting. I kept telling the girl at the desk how excited I was and she really didn't care. haha. But it's been so long since I was able to buy a bra at a regular store because my size was never available...but since coming back from the Middle East I can shop wherever I want!!!! Woooooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
That was my random happiness of the day!!!! I also like to drive around with my hood and sunglasses on. It makes me feel a little secretive. haha. I pretend that I'm an undercover someone...haha. I'm sure anyone who notices me thinks I'm a total freak...but it's my new game I play with myself while in the car. Good times.
That's about all I have to say for now. Until next time....Michelle.
Needless to say I'm going job hunting today. I'm so tired of this petty crap. The management has gone down hill so fast. They're pretty imature and they don't give a rip about the staff at all. Since coming back it's gotten a lot worse. I didn't think it was possible. They change the schedule without telling anyone and then the staff get written up when they don't show up for the shift they didn't know they had. Where is the logic there???? I was thinking of trying to tough it out for the next 5 months until I start my new job(photography) and school but I don't think I want to put myself through this unneeded split shift stress for any longer. I'm sick of complaining about it and ready to take action.
Enough about work. I'm going down to the school today to enroll in my class. It's going to be a busy day. I'm excited about it. I'm also really excited that I was able to get some new under garments from a regular store!!!! That was sooo exciting. I kept telling the girl at the desk how excited I was and she really didn't care. haha. But it's been so long since I was able to buy a bra at a regular store because my size was never available...but since coming back from the Middle East I can shop wherever I want!!!! Woooooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
That was my random happiness of the day!!!! I also like to drive around with my hood and sunglasses on. It makes me feel a little secretive. haha. I pretend that I'm an undercover someone...haha. I'm sure anyone who notices me thinks I'm a total freak...but it's my new game I play with myself while in the car. Good times.
That's about all I have to say for now. Until next time....Michelle.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Manic Monday
Hello again blogger world. There is still not all that much to report. I got a new bike the other day. It's red and very pretty. I'm thinking of getting a basket for the front so I can take my kitty cat for a ride. Is that too strange?? Maybe I would look like a freak. Or worse, the crazy cat lady. Talking about crazy cats...my cat is a bit of a freak. There was a tie thingy from my skipass that had fallen on the floor and my cat went crazy for it. She chased it all around the house and went nuts. It was really funny to watch. But the last pounce wore her out. I was watching her eyes and at first they were all wide and full of glee...and the next moment they were heavy and she could barely keep them open. haha. I sometimes wonder what goes on in that little head of hers.
Oh yeah, and yesterday my brother had gone down into the basement not noticing that pb went down with him. It wasn't until quite a while later he came by the basement door and saw the little paw playing with her toy mouse on the other side of the door. She was pushing it back and forth trying to get someone's attention that she was trapped. What a funny/smart cat. As soon as she was released from her personal prison she let out a really sad meow. haha. Poor thing, yet her misery entertained us for the rest of the evening.
I'm going jogging today. I don't know if that's really blog worthy but there it is. I'm going with a friend of mine from work. When she asked yesterday I don't think she expected me to say yes. haha. Sucker!! I'm going to make her run!! Just kidding. Well, sort of. We are going to do a slow run which is called jogging. Sort of like what I said before....geez weren't you paying attention??
I'm also going to be going to do something with this guy I've started to see. That should be a good time. I think we're going to go for a bikeride or a walk or something fun. I'm looking forward to it.
That's really all there is to report for now. Until next time, stay classy. :) (I love that movie).
Oh yeah, and yesterday my brother had gone down into the basement not noticing that pb went down with him. It wasn't until quite a while later he came by the basement door and saw the little paw playing with her toy mouse on the other side of the door. She was pushing it back and forth trying to get someone's attention that she was trapped. What a funny/smart cat. As soon as she was released from her personal prison she let out a really sad meow. haha. Poor thing, yet her misery entertained us for the rest of the evening.
I'm going jogging today. I don't know if that's really blog worthy but there it is. I'm going with a friend of mine from work. When she asked yesterday I don't think she expected me to say yes. haha. Sucker!! I'm going to make her run!! Just kidding. Well, sort of. We are going to do a slow run which is called jogging. Sort of like what I said before....geez weren't you paying attention??
I'm also going to be going to do something with this guy I've started to see. That should be a good time. I think we're going to go for a bikeride or a walk or something fun. I'm looking forward to it.
That's really all there is to report for now. Until next time, stay classy. :) (I love that movie).
Friday, March 28, 2008
Not too much to report.
Well, there isn't much to report other than that I am still alive and kicking. Kicking anything that doesn't pose a threat to bite back anyways..haha. Tomorrow is back to work day. I had two days off in a row! I know, how is that even possible. Last time I checked I was still in the restaurant bizz. I can't believe it's almost April already. So crazy how the time flies. That means I've been back in Canada for a month now. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was gone..yet it seems longer. Does that make any sense?? Probably not. haha. Whateves.
I really like the song "Teardrops on my guitar" by Taylor Swift. It's a gooder. I like her green dress.
My dating life is back on. I had taken a break and now it seems to be up and running again. It's actually like a dream in a way. Going for a walk down by the water. Amazing!! Going for bike rides, so fun! Oooh...yeah, I just bought a new bike today because I had forgotten my bike in Brandon when I moved. It's probably still in the sunroom where I left it...unless some dishonest person took it as their own. Wouldn't be the first time. When I was looking a the bikes I forgot that there was a ladder behind me and when I backed up I tripped myself. They guy who works there caught me..haha. How embarassing. But it was funny at the same time. Luckily I don't get embarassed too easily. As I was leaving a guy volunteered to put my bike in my car for me. I told him I didn't need help but he insisted. It was nice of him to take the time to help me out.
Well, until next time.
I really like the song "Teardrops on my guitar" by Taylor Swift. It's a gooder. I like her green dress.
My dating life is back on. I had taken a break and now it seems to be up and running again. It's actually like a dream in a way. Going for a walk down by the water. Amazing!! Going for bike rides, so fun! Oooh...yeah, I just bought a new bike today because I had forgotten my bike in Brandon when I moved. It's probably still in the sunroom where I left it...unless some dishonest person took it as their own. Wouldn't be the first time. When I was looking a the bikes I forgot that there was a ladder behind me and when I backed up I tripped myself. They guy who works there caught me..haha. How embarassing. But it was funny at the same time. Luckily I don't get embarassed too easily. As I was leaving a guy volunteered to put my bike in my car for me. I told him I didn't need help but he insisted. It was nice of him to take the time to help me out.
Well, until next time.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
I hate split shifts
I'm pretty tired. Tired of split shifts that's for sure! Some of the reasons I hate them so much is 1) They take up your whole freakin' day. 2) You can't really make plans around them. 3) As soon as your done your first shift you know you have to start your next one soon. 4) You can't really relax between them because you know you have to get ready for work soon. 5) They're just really annoying! That's just five reasons...you know I could keep on going. But due to the word tracker I've almost reached my limit today and I don't want to waste any more talking/complaining about work.
Last night I had a really restless sleep. At first I had this dream that my car got broken into at Future shop. The next time I went there I made sure I put my alarm on. Then I came out of the store and their were two guys breaking into the car next to mine. They looked at me and said, "you're smart for putting your alarm on". The thing is there was a security guard who was suppose to be watching the car lot for this standing 5 feet away and he wasn't doing anything about it. So what did I do?! I invited these two theives for a ride in my car. Suddenly we're driving down one of the main streets in the middle east..haha. It made no sense.
Then that dream was followed up by a nightmare of me being covered in bugs. If you've ever had these dreams you know what I'm talking about when I say I woke up feeling very itchy and like I was being crawled all over. It was quite disturbing. Needless to say I didn't get a good night sleep last night at all.
Well...that's about all that I needed to get off my chest for now. Until laters.
Last night I had a really restless sleep. At first I had this dream that my car got broken into at Future shop. The next time I went there I made sure I put my alarm on. Then I came out of the store and their were two guys breaking into the car next to mine. They looked at me and said, "you're smart for putting your alarm on". The thing is there was a security guard who was suppose to be watching the car lot for this standing 5 feet away and he wasn't doing anything about it. So what did I do?! I invited these two theives for a ride in my car. Suddenly we're driving down one of the main streets in the middle east..haha. It made no sense.
Then that dream was followed up by a nightmare of me being covered in bugs. If you've ever had these dreams you know what I'm talking about when I say I woke up feeling very itchy and like I was being crawled all over. It was quite disturbing. Needless to say I didn't get a good night sleep last night at all.
Well...that's about all that I needed to get off my chest for now. Until laters.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Back to it....again.
Hello fellow bloggers...does anyone still read these now that facebook has taken over the world?? I just got back to Canada last week from being abroad. It was an amazing experience. Today was my first day back to work. Had it been any other day I probably would have gotten ticked off but because it was my first day I went along with things quite happily. I had the typical business men that don't notice you're even there standing like an idiot waiting for them to answer your question if they would like something to drink. Then the catty women who don't want you to talk to them and leave you 25 cents as a tip on a 30 dollar bill. I just smiled and loved every minute...why?! Because I was back at work and it felt great. The turnover was surprising with some. I expected them to be still there but they had left. The ones that have been there for a long time, the dinasours. A little shocking.
Life makes changes if you're ready or not for them. It's an amazing adventure that I'm so happy to be a part of.
Life makes changes if you're ready or not for them. It's an amazing adventure that I'm so happy to be a part of.
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