Ok, so I told you all that I have started my training for becoming a server. My first night on was a lot of fun. I got to know a couple of the regular customers and learned a lot. Last night I was in the middle of learning when it started to get really busy. We had a line up at the door. This usually wouldn't be an issue but the hostess that was suppose to be on the door called in sick. The hostess that was suppose to be working the back making sure the food was going out on time had also called in sick. We were still good with staff because the manager was going to work the door. But wouldn't you know it one of the cooks cut part of her finger off and was no longer able to work. She did this in the afternoon and was rushed to the hospital. But when she came back they took one look at her and said she wasn't going to be able to work. So the manager who was working the door now had to go back onto the cook line to help out. This left the door unattended. So he, the manager, asked if I could work the door because he wasn't able to be in two places at once. I agreed. And preformed my magic. I even ended up taking an order for one of the servers. It was so much more fun.
Before all this madness started happening though I had this one table. It was an older couple. Not old, but older than me. I'd say probably in their 50's. Anyways, I brought the lady her wine and the gentleman his beer. He responded in saying you just gave Santa a beer. I kind of laughed and then said, "What?" In a confused manner. He looked like Santa but I didn't want to say anything rude. He told me that he goes to the old folk homes around town dressed as Santa. I was like, oh cool. He had the real beard and everything. If I had had my camera I would have taken a photo and posted it. He really did look like a real Santa. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told him, free dinner. Later on when I was checking on him and his wife's soup progress the girl I was shadowing overheard what I said. I had said, "How's your soup Santa?" When I came back to where she was she asked me what I said. I told her and she looked at me in horror....almost like you can't be going around insulting our guests like that. haha. I explained to her what he had told me earlier and ease washed across her face. It was Awesome.
Oh and by the way I did get to go back to shadowing in the bar after the restaurant calmed down. Plus my manager said I could have a dinner for free for switching and helping out. SCORE! Santa has really come to town!
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Countdown Central
What's up? I'm in countdown heaven here in Kelowna. Not only do I have one countdown for Christmas but I have four on the go. I did have five but one of them ended today. We have 7 more glorious sleeps until Christmas day. I have 9 more sleeps until my family Christmas. Only 13 more sleeps until the new year. So that means that there is only 12 more sleeps until New Years Eve. The countdown that ended today was how many more sleeps until I get to start my training for becoming a server. I don't think the serving manager knows that I have 6 years experience in serving because he acts as though I'm completly new to the whole scene. Whatever, I'll just look like a really fast learner. haha. I'm ok with that. They will think I'm really smart and witty! Little do they know that I'm really smart and witty. Oh shoot...that's the same thing.
Last night I wrote one of the big tests that they have you write before you can start serving on your own. I was just busy writing it in the corner when one of the bartenders asked me what I was doing. I told him and he was like and you waited until now to ask for help? I was like what? He told me that they all help eachother through the test. The bartender was also surprised that I didn't have a menu beside me helping me out. I guess I'm just too freakin' honest. But I did get him to help me out with four questions. These were questions that weren't in the reading so I had no clue what the answers could be. But I'm pretty confident that I did well on it. I kind of feel like I'm back in school...having to learn stuff and write tests..heehee. I'm sixteen again!
Last night I wrote one of the big tests that they have you write before you can start serving on your own. I was just busy writing it in the corner when one of the bartenders asked me what I was doing. I told him and he was like and you waited until now to ask for help? I was like what? He told me that they all help eachother through the test. The bartender was also surprised that I didn't have a menu beside me helping me out. I guess I'm just too freakin' honest. But I did get him to help me out with four questions. These were questions that weren't in the reading so I had no clue what the answers could be. But I'm pretty confident that I did well on it. I kind of feel like I'm back in school...having to learn stuff and write tests..heehee. I'm sixteen again!
Friday, December 15, 2006
The Price is Wrong
Funniest episode of The Price is Right ever was on today. As I was eating my cereal before I go to work I was watching TV. I almost choked on my cereal from laughing so hard and ran and got my dad to share this funniness with someone else. Today's episode was full of bloopers. Did anyone else see it? The first blooper was when he ended a game right in the middle of it. Then he was like, oops I just screwed up...ah, give her the car anyways. Then the contestants in contestant row started beating on each other when one of them would bid one dollar more than the first person. One girl resorted to karate kicking the guy next to her after punching him. After this one of the games pieces didn't work so Bob had to go and take it off the stand and throw it backstage. If you think that's all that happened you're wrong. He then proceeded to tell a fat joke about one of the contestants. He later apologized for it. It was just a really funny way to start a day. If you didn't see it you surely missed out because today's episode topped them all to date.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Why I Don't Ski Part 2
It took 3 years after the first ski trial for me to give it another try. When I was 17 my best friend Karen and her family invited me to join them in a winter retreat. It was to celebrate our last winter vacation before graduation. So we all rented out a condo for a week at Whistler. I was determined to try snowboarding and so was Karen. She was already really good at skiing and had her own ski's. Lucky duck. So our first day there we both rented a snowboard. Just in case nobody has told you yet, I will tell you...never go by your first day impressions of snowboarding. You will spend the whole time on your bum watching other boarders for little tips you might catch onto. After the first full day we were both really sore. I mean so sore we had to help eachother change because we couldn't lift our arms.
That evening we were already in bed with the curtain drawn(that's what seperated the rooms...a curtain). Suddenly Karen's mom started laughing really hard so we slowly pulled the curtain back to be faced with Karen's dad wearing a snorkel set. It was so funny. That really has nothing to do with the skiing stories I'm telling but I thought I would throw that in.
The second day we both tried skiing. Ok, Karen went skiing and I tried to keep up. After half the day gone Karen asked me if it was ok that she go on ahead and we meet up at the condo later. I said that was fine because I knew I was painfully slow for her. When I was about half way done the run I was on I hit a patch of ice and went sliding down quite a ways. When I finally stopped I realized that one of my ski's had come off and was still up the mountain where I had hit the ice. So I started up slowly to collect my fallen articles. I finally collected them all and tried to figure out how to put my ski back on in the middle of a hill. I couldn't get it on because I kept falling over. I looked over to see a little shed sticking out of the snow and headed over to it to help me balance. Once I got there I still couldn't get it on. After about an hour of trying to get my stupid ski back on I decided it would be better to take off the other one and slide on my bum down to the flatter area. That idea still didn't work. I wrote a couple of poems while I was out there because the view was unbelieveable. Suddenly a guy came up to me and said that I had to get off the hill because it had been closed for about half an hour already. I told him that I would love to get off but I couldn't get my ski's back on. He helped me put them back on and away we went. He told me I was really good at it but I told him that it was the last time I was ever going to ski. I had enough of if. But I would instead pick up snowboarding because at least I could keep it attached to my feet while I sat on my bum. And that is what I did. I stuck with snowboarding and by the end of that week I knew how to carve. Awesome!
Another funny story about staying at the condo with Karen's family was that one night the fire alarm went off. The system had frozen wires and because of it's safety precaution it went off. We had to stand outside in the freezing cold in our pj's and wait for the fire person to come and tell us that it was ok to go back in. All I can say is that I'm glad I wasn't part of the couple wrapped in a blanket. Hee hee...I wonder what they were doing.
But now I have the feva peeps. I'm ready to go boarding whenever with whomever. Just say the word and I'm there.
That evening we were already in bed with the curtain drawn(that's what seperated the rooms...a curtain). Suddenly Karen's mom started laughing really hard so we slowly pulled the curtain back to be faced with Karen's dad wearing a snorkel set. It was so funny. That really has nothing to do with the skiing stories I'm telling but I thought I would throw that in.
The second day we both tried skiing. Ok, Karen went skiing and I tried to keep up. After half the day gone Karen asked me if it was ok that she go on ahead and we meet up at the condo later. I said that was fine because I knew I was painfully slow for her. When I was about half way done the run I was on I hit a patch of ice and went sliding down quite a ways. When I finally stopped I realized that one of my ski's had come off and was still up the mountain where I had hit the ice. So I started up slowly to collect my fallen articles. I finally collected them all and tried to figure out how to put my ski back on in the middle of a hill. I couldn't get it on because I kept falling over. I looked over to see a little shed sticking out of the snow and headed over to it to help me balance. Once I got there I still couldn't get it on. After about an hour of trying to get my stupid ski back on I decided it would be better to take off the other one and slide on my bum down to the flatter area. That idea still didn't work. I wrote a couple of poems while I was out there because the view was unbelieveable. Suddenly a guy came up to me and said that I had to get off the hill because it had been closed for about half an hour already. I told him that I would love to get off but I couldn't get my ski's back on. He helped me put them back on and away we went. He told me I was really good at it but I told him that it was the last time I was ever going to ski. I had enough of if. But I would instead pick up snowboarding because at least I could keep it attached to my feet while I sat on my bum. And that is what I did. I stuck with snowboarding and by the end of that week I knew how to carve. Awesome!
Another funny story about staying at the condo with Karen's family was that one night the fire alarm went off. The system had frozen wires and because of it's safety precaution it went off. We had to stand outside in the freezing cold in our pj's and wait for the fire person to come and tell us that it was ok to go back in. All I can say is that I'm glad I wasn't part of the couple wrapped in a blanket. Hee hee...I wonder what they were doing.
But now I have the feva peeps. I'm ready to go boarding whenever with whomever. Just say the word and I'm there.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Reasons Why I Don't Ski....Part 1
It was a Friday night. The air was clear and free of wind. Our spirits were high. I was excited to go skiing for the very first time. As I approached the top of the bunny hill I asked my friends some questions. They answered and said, you'll be fine. Let's go. One question that I forgot to ask was how to stop. As I was cruising down the hill in a moderate yet accelerating pace I realized that I was going to have to come to either a stop or slow down. I tried the snowplow moved they showed me. That worked a bit...but I needed to stop. I thought to myself...why don't you lean forward and fall on your knees and hands. The idea seemed smart at the time. As I leaned forward I realized that this was a bad idea. I started to go faster and then I started to tumble...head over feet. I went over once....then the second time my nose made contact with my ski....I kept on going...the third flip I hit my head and when I came to my face was in the snow. I had no idea what was going on...I couldn't breath and there was blood all over the snow. The first aid people had already been alerted and were on their way. By the time they got there I could breath again...but still shocked and confused told them I was alright. Let's go for another round. I first asked my friends how to stop...oh, fall sideways...good to know. When I got down to the chairlift guys they gave me a really worried and weird look...I just passed it off as they had heard about the girl tumbling down the hill. I thought that maybe they told them what I was wearing. Whatever...let's go skiing. So I got on the chairlift and went up. I did about 3 more runs...each time the chairlift operator giving me strange looks. Whatever. On the way up after the 3 run I wasn't paying attention when we got to the top of the hill. I didn't pull my polls up in time and they snapped from the pressure of being squeezed between the chair and the cliff's edge below us. That's it. I thought and I quit for the night. When I went in to return my ski's and polls I told the young guy behind the counter that I didn't have any money to pay for the broken polls. His reply was that I didn't have to pay for them because he could tell I lost a lot of blood. I was like, WHAT??? Whatever. I headed to the washroom because everyone around me was looking at me in horror. When I entered into the washroom I looked in the mirror and was faced with something that looked like it walked out of a horror movie. I had dried blood all over my face. Why didn't someone tell me? Oh well...didn't have to pay for the broken polls.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Weird is normal isn't it?
I really have nothing new to report...but I feel bad about not posting anything new in a while. So really I'm just here to babble today. Welcome to my babble day! It's official.
So people have been telling me lately that I'm a weirdo. I don't find that this statement is true...I'm just different. I like to have fun and break the box mold of normal.
At work I'm a hostess...working my way up to becoming a server. I work with about 5 other girls who are also hostess'. I like to have fun while I'm working and part of this fun is to bug them. The one girl, let's call her Alisha(that is really her name and that's why I said let's call her that...so it's not that I'm being creative and making up names to call these people..I just use the names they gave me...it's more convienient and honest). Anyways, Alisha was working in the back of the restaurant making sure all the plates were garnished properly and all that. Every time I walked past her I would tell her that she was in my way. This was funny because there was always at least 3 feet between us and she was never in my way. Sometimes I would yell it at her when she was on the opposite side of the room from me. It made me laugh and yet some would say that this behaviour was what they would call "Weird". It reminded me of the movie Night at the Roxberry when the club owner would accuse Huewy of grabbing his rear. Little things people, little things make me smile. My attitude is you gotta find your own funnies.
Random thing: I really can't wait to try out snowboarding again this winter. Oh yes people, I'm going to conquer and distroy! Ok, maybe just distroy.....my body. But it will be fun and I'm sure it will indeed bring about a whole new load of update stories.
So people have been telling me lately that I'm a weirdo. I don't find that this statement is true...I'm just different. I like to have fun and break the box mold of normal.
At work I'm a hostess...working my way up to becoming a server. I work with about 5 other girls who are also hostess'. I like to have fun while I'm working and part of this fun is to bug them. The one girl, let's call her Alisha(that is really her name and that's why I said let's call her that...so it's not that I'm being creative and making up names to call these people..I just use the names they gave me...it's more convienient and honest). Anyways, Alisha was working in the back of the restaurant making sure all the plates were garnished properly and all that. Every time I walked past her I would tell her that she was in my way. This was funny because there was always at least 3 feet between us and she was never in my way. Sometimes I would yell it at her when she was on the opposite side of the room from me. It made me laugh and yet some would say that this behaviour was what they would call "Weird". It reminded me of the movie Night at the Roxberry when the club owner would accuse Huewy of grabbing his rear. Little things people, little things make me smile. My attitude is you gotta find your own funnies.
Random thing: I really can't wait to try out snowboarding again this winter. Oh yes people, I'm going to conquer and distroy! Ok, maybe just distroy.....my body. But it will be fun and I'm sure it will indeed bring about a whole new load of update stories.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I had the crap scared out of me....never was meant to be taken literally
Funny story. My dad was chasing my cat around the house with a plastic bag. Normally she loves plastic bags but this time she was acting scared of it and was running away making noises that I've never heard come from her before. As she ran away from him she left something behind. Poop! She literally had the crap scared out of her.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Embarassment 101
Ok, so even though I made two out of three comments on my last blog post I still technically still received one. So with that said I am now able to update my blog with a clear conscience. So I'm going to tell you a couple of embarrassing stories just to put a smile on your face. I'm going to start with the one about the guy at the door. This just happened the other day so it's very fresh in my mind.
This young lad came to the door and rang the doorbell. I was sitting in the family room watching tv and got up and ran to the door. As soon as I opened the door I shouted at the guy thinking it was either my brother or one of his friends. I shouted "WE DON'T HAVE ANY MORE CANDY NOW LEAVE US ALONE!!!!" At this the young lad replied, "Can you please sign this?" That's right people he was just delivering a package. I was so embarrassed and tried back peddling. I told him that I'm not really a crazy person I just thought that he was one of my brother's friends. He didn't seem to really care, he just wanted to get away from me as quickly as possible. I can't say that I blame him.
Today was a good day for blog material. Two stories came out of today. If my brother had a blog he too would have a great material day. Maybe I'll use his wonderful/tragic stories to enhance my blog updates. Hmm...I think my brain cell is working. Ok, so do you want to hear my stories from today? How about I tell them to you then. The first one is something that looking back on I should have said, ok that's a great sign of how the rest of my night is going so maybe I should go home and stay there. But no I didn't listen to that little voice. Instead I said I am here let me work. My boss asked me to go to the store to pick up some Clamato juice. He needed 4 of the really big ones. I was like, sure. So I went. When I was walking out of the store a penny kept falling out of the bag. I thought this is weird but I'm just going to keep going. My car isn't very far away. So I got to the car no problem. When I got back to work I pulled the two bags of juice out of my car. Just then one of the bags broke. I was like, oh dear. So I put them down gently before the bag completely broke. I rebalanced them and took two steps. Just then the other bag broke. I was like what is going on here. So now I'm balancing four bottles of juice and my purse. Can we say awkward?? While I was working on getting balanced out I heard a guy across the parking lot yell at his friend to come and see. I sure hope he wasn't watching me struggle. I finally reached the door and one of the guys I work with offered to help me. What an angel. What kind of store gives you such flimsy bags?
My second story is a lot more embarrassing than that. Tonight was really busy. Every seat was taken and I had a line up at the door. One of the servers came and asked me if I could help him clean up a mess he made. He dropped two glasses of ice tea and there was ice everywhere. So I cleaned up one handful and went back for the second handful of ice. When I came back though I slipped on a piece of ice that had escaped my hand on the first trip and slipped and fell on my knee and was left lying on the floor in the entry way. Yes people, sprawled out. I heard a lady ask me if I was ok. I was like, yep. Then she asked me if I was sure, I replied nope. Then she asked me again, are you ok. I said, yeah I'm just going to walk it off. I headed to the back of the restaurant and I don't know if it was embarrassment or pain or maybe both but suddenly I started crying. I ran into the washroom and closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked out loud, why I am crying??? Then I lifted up my pant leg and realized that I had done a number on my knee. So I tried composing myself but my eyes were still red and I headed back to the front of the restaurant to clean up the rest of the water so nobody else would wipe out. The whole time with my eyes on the floor so no one would see that I had been crying. I got to the front and cleaned up with nobody noticing...whew. But I say slip and slide is for outside only! And not on concrete. The first thing that went through my head when it happened though was not oh my goodness everyone has just seen this...but now I know how ice skaters feel when they wipe out on ice...and I only had a cube of it. I think something is seriously wrong with me to think of jokes while trying to cling onto life. Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic. Ah, let's just go with that. So I hope you're having a better day!
This young lad came to the door and rang the doorbell. I was sitting in the family room watching tv and got up and ran to the door. As soon as I opened the door I shouted at the guy thinking it was either my brother or one of his friends. I shouted "WE DON'T HAVE ANY MORE CANDY NOW LEAVE US ALONE!!!!" At this the young lad replied, "Can you please sign this?" That's right people he was just delivering a package. I was so embarrassed and tried back peddling. I told him that I'm not really a crazy person I just thought that he was one of my brother's friends. He didn't seem to really care, he just wanted to get away from me as quickly as possible. I can't say that I blame him.
Today was a good day for blog material. Two stories came out of today. If my brother had a blog he too would have a great material day. Maybe I'll use his wonderful/tragic stories to enhance my blog updates. Hmm...I think my brain cell is working. Ok, so do you want to hear my stories from today? How about I tell them to you then. The first one is something that looking back on I should have said, ok that's a great sign of how the rest of my night is going so maybe I should go home and stay there. But no I didn't listen to that little voice. Instead I said I am here let me work. My boss asked me to go to the store to pick up some Clamato juice. He needed 4 of the really big ones. I was like, sure. So I went. When I was walking out of the store a penny kept falling out of the bag. I thought this is weird but I'm just going to keep going. My car isn't very far away. So I got to the car no problem. When I got back to work I pulled the two bags of juice out of my car. Just then one of the bags broke. I was like, oh dear. So I put them down gently before the bag completely broke. I rebalanced them and took two steps. Just then the other bag broke. I was like what is going on here. So now I'm balancing four bottles of juice and my purse. Can we say awkward?? While I was working on getting balanced out I heard a guy across the parking lot yell at his friend to come and see. I sure hope he wasn't watching me struggle. I finally reached the door and one of the guys I work with offered to help me. What an angel. What kind of store gives you such flimsy bags?
My second story is a lot more embarrassing than that. Tonight was really busy. Every seat was taken and I had a line up at the door. One of the servers came and asked me if I could help him clean up a mess he made. He dropped two glasses of ice tea and there was ice everywhere. So I cleaned up one handful and went back for the second handful of ice. When I came back though I slipped on a piece of ice that had escaped my hand on the first trip and slipped and fell on my knee and was left lying on the floor in the entry way. Yes people, sprawled out. I heard a lady ask me if I was ok. I was like, yep. Then she asked me if I was sure, I replied nope. Then she asked me again, are you ok. I said, yeah I'm just going to walk it off. I headed to the back of the restaurant and I don't know if it was embarrassment or pain or maybe both but suddenly I started crying. I ran into the washroom and closed the door. I looked at myself in the mirror and asked out loud, why I am crying??? Then I lifted up my pant leg and realized that I had done a number on my knee. So I tried composing myself but my eyes were still red and I headed back to the front of the restaurant to clean up the rest of the water so nobody else would wipe out. The whole time with my eyes on the floor so no one would see that I had been crying. I got to the front and cleaned up with nobody noticing...whew. But I say slip and slide is for outside only! And not on concrete. The first thing that went through my head when it happened though was not oh my goodness everyone has just seen this...but now I know how ice skaters feel when they wipe out on ice...and I only had a cube of it. I think something is seriously wrong with me to think of jokes while trying to cling onto life. Ok, maybe that was a little dramatic. Ah, let's just go with that. So I hope you're having a better day!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
My weekend Adventures Part 2
So I left off telling you that Dawn and I were going out on the town. We were heading towards a birthday party. On the way there Dawn laughed and said that every time she goes down this one street she is reminded of what I said about it. You see to me it seems like a street that I wouldn't ever go down because it doesn't look like it goes any where. But she likes to take this route to go into downtown Vancouver...Who would have known. If it was me driving I totally wouldn't have gone that way. But I also don't live there and I would most likely get us lost so it's a good thing she was driving. Anyways, when we got to the restaurant Dawn prayed that God would open up a parking spot that she could just drive into instead of parallel park. Well people, he answers prayers. So we parked and headed over towards the restaurant. Just as we started walking it started to rain. So we ran. When we got to the restaurant nobody was there yet so we were going to call them. But Dawn realized then that she forgot her phone in the car. So she ran back to the car to get it. Oh yeah, on our run to the restaurant we ran into a guy who asked us for some money so he could stay at a hostel. So I gave him a loonie because that's all I had and apparently he didn't take debit(I asked) and Dawn gave him the rest that he needed. So awesome of her. Anyways, back to the birthday party thingy. When Dawn got back from the car she pulled me out of the restaurant and told me that they changed their minds and location of the party. So we walked to the new destination. When we got there we were greeted by the birthday girl and a few of her friends(and sister). She explained that they couldn't seat us until half of the party was there. As we waited(for a whole 5 minutes) the hostess' gave away one our tables. So now instead of having 3 tables for 15 people we now had 2 tables for 15 people...Not going to work. So understandably the birthday girl was upset. She had been there for 40 minutes already waiting to guarantee a table and within the last 5 minutes they gave away one of her tables(they don't take reservations at this restaurant). So 15 of us squeezed into a place meant for only 10 until another table kitty corner from us opened up. So 10 of them went and sat over there while the other 5 of us sat at the original table. It was still a lot of fun though. Our waitress did a great job. I ordered the diva salad. And when I ordered it I did the criss cross snap motion...That's right people I'm a diva(at least when I eat salad). It was soo yummy though. It had dried cranberries which was my favorite part. I use to hate cranberries until I was about 23 and then I tried them at a place called "Lady of the Lake" in Brandon on my turkey sandwich and since that moment I could put them on almost any thing. So good. Anyways, it was a really great salad. At the end of the meal we all sat around and talked and had a great time getting to know eachother.
At the very end the waitress came over and asked us if anyone had used valet parking. A few of us had and she said she would get the cars ready so that we wouldn't have to wait outside in the rain. In other words we were getting kicked out. This wouldn't have been such a big deal to me normally because we had been sitting there for a long time after we were done but we were still with the other table that was still eating. People, just because we aren't sitting together any more because of your stupid giving away tables doesn't mean that we are now two parties. It's still one birthday party. Needless to say I was very unimpressed with the hostessing staff.
We then went back to Dawn and Corrie's house and relaxed and talked about the evening.
The next morning I headed back to Kelowna, I wanted to beat any kind of extreme weather that might be coming. And according to the news it was a good thing I did. Apparently there was a mud slide that I missed by coming home early in the day. Yay!!! Until next time peeps, peace out.
At the very end the waitress came over and asked us if anyone had used valet parking. A few of us had and she said she would get the cars ready so that we wouldn't have to wait outside in the rain. In other words we were getting kicked out. This wouldn't have been such a big deal to me normally because we had been sitting there for a long time after we were done but we were still with the other table that was still eating. People, just because we aren't sitting together any more because of your stupid giving away tables doesn't mean that we are now two parties. It's still one birthday party. Needless to say I was very unimpressed with the hostessing staff.
We then went back to Dawn and Corrie's house and relaxed and talked about the evening.
The next morning I headed back to Kelowna, I wanted to beat any kind of extreme weather that might be coming. And according to the news it was a good thing I did. Apparently there was a mud slide that I missed by coming home early in the day. Yay!!! Until next time peeps, peace out.
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Weekend Adventure Part One
This past weekend I went down to the coast to visit my sister and her wonderful family. The trip down was quite the adventure. It was extreme weather the entire time. When I first left Kelowna it was 3 in the afternoon. It was cloudy but nice. Once I got into the mountains(a whole 15 mins later) I was surrounded by fog. Not just any fog but fog so thick I couldn't see a car length in front of me. After I finally came out of the fog, which lasted all the way to Merritt from before Brenda Mine Road(so roughly an hour and a half because I could only go 30 clicks at some parts), I stopped for something to eat and some gas. Not gas from the stuff I would eat but gas for my car...sicko..where was your mind at? Anyways, then I headed back onto the road to encounter a new extreme weather condition. Rain. Yes rain is extreme in BC. I could hardly see anything and my car kept getting caught in puddles and pulled in different directions. Destination desired...Dawn and Corrie's house. Direction the puddles wanted me to go...over the cliff. But I won that battle. So getting to their house took me 5 hours to get to. That's right people..5 hours. That's like an hour and a half too long. Once I got there the first thing Gabriel told me was that he wasn't allowed to have candy because he had misbehaved at school. Then he continued on to ask me if I wanted to have one of his candies. I of course can not refuse candy and agreed. I thought, wow how sweet is he. He asked me if I wanted smarties but I said no because I know those are his favorite. But he insisted that I take them. So I agreed after a long debate. As soon as I opened the box both Grace and Gabriel were there waiting for me to share. So of course I shared them. It's just not right to eat candy in front of kids. After we ate the Smarties I sent home the babysitter(actually she asked me if it was ok that she left and I said sure...there goes my chance of making a new friend). Then I got Grace ready for bed and asked Gabriel if he could get his PJ's on but he didn't need to go to bed yet. He did right away. So easy to take care of these two kids....love it! Then Grace went to bed shortly after and Gabriel and I stayed up and watched half of Spider Man 2. Then he went to bed and I read a magazine. A little later Dawn and Corrie walked in the door. But before they came home I had talked to Dawn on the phone and she informed me that I had been tricked by a 5 year old. He wasn't suppose to have any candy and I shared the candy which he gave me knowing that I would probably give him some. Tricky! I had been had! So he had to hand over all his Smarties the next day. Ouch!
On Saturday I was woken up by Gabriel. He came into the room in which I was sleeping and so quietly said, Aunty M it's time to get up. I looked up at hime and said, how about 10 more minutes. He agreed. Then he came back and woke me up again. Again in the quiet voice. I said um...I can't hear you and then covered my head with a pillow. That's when he started to yell....you see it was a game that we created in that moment...we do this often. When I got down stairs Dawn apologized to me for Gabriel yelling at me to wake up. I just laughed and then told her that we were playing. She seemed relieved. haha.
Then Dawn and Corrie got ready to go to a mass. But before they went Dawn made the spagetti sauce and bread for lunch. So really I had it so easy. I had to make noodles, a salad and heat the bread....simple. Grace was down for a nap, Gabriel was entertained by cartoons...I just had to focus at the task at hand. Once lunch was ready Grace woke up...perfect timing...and we all sat down and talked while we ate. They are such funny kids. After lunch was over I started cleaning up and Gabriel came up to me and said, um...we're hungry. I was like what? We just had lunch. He told me he was still hungry though. So I offered him the rest of his lunch that he didn't eat. He obviously wasn't that hungry because he didn't want that. He was like, can I have a candy? I said no you've already had a candy and that was our agreement. How about a banana. He was ok with that but he wanted an apple too. I said no you have to decided a banana or an apple? He chose the banana. I told him that if he's still hungry after the banana he can have an apple or wait until his mom and dad got home to have an apple....which ever one came first. Well, Dawn and Corrie came home while both chillin's were eating bananas(I look like such a health nut aunty..haha) and the whole apple thing got forgotten about.
When they got home they had lunch and I read a magazine and the chillin's played amongst themselves. Corrie thought Dawn and I were crazy for reading instead of visiting but I think we were both quite happy. In the afternoon it was quite gloomy outside so it was an inside day. I remember waking up from a nap that I didn't know I was going to take, just in time to get ready to go out on the town. But that adventure is for my next post.
On Saturday I was woken up by Gabriel. He came into the room in which I was sleeping and so quietly said, Aunty M it's time to get up. I looked up at hime and said, how about 10 more minutes. He agreed. Then he came back and woke me up again. Again in the quiet voice. I said um...I can't hear you and then covered my head with a pillow. That's when he started to yell....you see it was a game that we created in that moment...we do this often. When I got down stairs Dawn apologized to me for Gabriel yelling at me to wake up. I just laughed and then told her that we were playing. She seemed relieved. haha.
Then Dawn and Corrie got ready to go to a mass. But before they went Dawn made the spagetti sauce and bread for lunch. So really I had it so easy. I had to make noodles, a salad and heat the bread....simple. Grace was down for a nap, Gabriel was entertained by cartoons...I just had to focus at the task at hand. Once lunch was ready Grace woke up...perfect timing...and we all sat down and talked while we ate. They are such funny kids. After lunch was over I started cleaning up and Gabriel came up to me and said, um...we're hungry. I was like what? We just had lunch. He told me he was still hungry though. So I offered him the rest of his lunch that he didn't eat. He obviously wasn't that hungry because he didn't want that. He was like, can I have a candy? I said no you've already had a candy and that was our agreement. How about a banana. He was ok with that but he wanted an apple too. I said no you have to decided a banana or an apple? He chose the banana. I told him that if he's still hungry after the banana he can have an apple or wait until his mom and dad got home to have an apple....which ever one came first. Well, Dawn and Corrie came home while both chillin's were eating bananas(I look like such a health nut aunty..haha) and the whole apple thing got forgotten about.
When they got home they had lunch and I read a magazine and the chillin's played amongst themselves. Corrie thought Dawn and I were crazy for reading instead of visiting but I think we were both quite happy. In the afternoon it was quite gloomy outside so it was an inside day. I remember waking up from a nap that I didn't know I was going to take, just in time to get ready to go out on the town. But that adventure is for my next post.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Too much of a good thing is just too much.
So, to catch you all up I have a job. I am currently working at Kelsey's Restaurant. Right now I'm a hostess but I'm working my way up to a serving position. This is hard for me to do, not because the job is hard, but because I'm use to being a server. But all is good. However, the day I got this job I was also offered a part time postion at Ricki's clothing store. But that's not enough you see because I was also offered a casual position at Bootlegger. That's right people, 3 jobs. I decided not to take the second two jobs, even though they were both willing to work around Kelsey's and eachother(they're a joint company). The reason I didn't take those two as well was because I'm working a lot...and a lot of split shifts. It's hard to work around that. So that's the news on that.
Just yesterday I thought I would do a nice thing and bring home some groceries. When I got home though my dad had the same thought. Not only did we both bring home groceries but we bought the same groceries. Not even kidding people. It was scary and funny all at the same time. All I can say is that we'll be eating healthy for the next little while so if you're wanting junk....you'll have to bring your own. I love junk though...don't get me wrong...but I'm starting to eat really good food again. But have you tried those new Sunchips...Salsa. Let me tell you..if you haven't tried them yet you haven't even started to live. Ok, that was a little intense. Let's try that again. If you haven't tried Salsa Sunchips you haven't even started to live. Ok there it is again...so it must be true. Let's just go with it.
Until next time. Peace Out
Just yesterday I thought I would do a nice thing and bring home some groceries. When I got home though my dad had the same thought. Not only did we both bring home groceries but we bought the same groceries. Not even kidding people. It was scary and funny all at the same time. All I can say is that we'll be eating healthy for the next little while so if you're wanting junk....you'll have to bring your own. I love junk though...don't get me wrong...but I'm starting to eat really good food again. But have you tried those new Sunchips...Salsa. Let me tell you..if you haven't tried them yet you haven't even started to live. Ok, that was a little intense. Let's try that again. If you haven't tried Salsa Sunchips you haven't even started to live. Ok there it is again...so it must be true. Let's just go with it.
Until next time. Peace Out
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I'm a Flasher!!!
Since I've been in Kelowna I have traumatized my brother in more ways than one. The first time I was sitting in my room talking on the phone. How is this traumatizing you ask? Well, if you've ever heard me talk then you know...just kidding. I actually forgot that I now live with other people. From having lived by myself for the last 5 years I have forgotten a few things. One of these things would be closing the door when you're getting ready to change. So back to the story. I was talking on the phone and decided that I would be more comfy in my pj's. But as this thought was going through my head I wasn't only talking on the phone but my brother was approaching my room. I talked to him for a few minutes and then he turned and walked away...I then started to act on my subconscience thought of changing my shirt but Cameron turned back around and started heading into my room again....just as he entered he said something to me, I responded and then started to....well you know...he was like, Michelle...you can't just do that. heehee...oops. Traumatization #1 has now been completed.
The second time I got him, well actually it didn't traumatize him as much as it did his girlfriend. I have this thing about doing hand checks. So I randomly decide when I'm going to enter into his room and yell out..."Hand Check" in which they need to respond by holding up their hands and then I leave. Not so bad...that's what big sisters are for right? What I didn't know though was that Cameron had just told her about this little thing that I do and she just dismissed the thought as Cameron telling lies. Well when I did a hand check not five minutes after he told her she was in shock. I entered into the room...yelled hand check..my brother right away lifted his hands....Amber however did not. I again yelled...hand check in which she responded accordingly. Traumatization #2 is now complete.
The third time I got him was actually last night. This was a complete accident and I embarassed myself more than anything else. I was talking on the phone again while sitting in the living room with my brother. I was wearing a skirt and yes I talk with my hands a lot. I don't know what my skirt got caught on but suddenly it was attached to my hand and my hand was in the air. That's right, I flipped up my skirt in front of my brother. He was like, ahh Michelle. That's when I started laughing...the awkward laugh and my friend Miguel was talking to me both times this flashing my brother thing came up. He was like, Michelle...stop flashing your bro. It was really funny...maybe you had to be there....Anyways, traumatization #3 is complete.
The fourth time I got him was again last night. I did another hand check except this time was at an awkward time....for all of us. I entered into the room...yelled out hand check...and realized that they had the door closed for a good reason...they were kissing. So I quickly exited and went downstairs and played with my cat. We were playing hide and seek and I entered into my brother's room to hide...again they were all awkward but I was just hiding. I left his room and they soon left after. She actually thanked me for breaking them apart because she was about to be late for curfew. I was like, oops...sorry..hee hee. I'm the meanest big sister ever. Traumatization #4 is complete.
That's all the scoop I've got for you today. Now look at your brother's and sister's with gratitude that they don't do this to you! Until next time.
The second time I got him, well actually it didn't traumatize him as much as it did his girlfriend. I have this thing about doing hand checks. So I randomly decide when I'm going to enter into his room and yell out..."Hand Check" in which they need to respond by holding up their hands and then I leave. Not so bad...that's what big sisters are for right? What I didn't know though was that Cameron had just told her about this little thing that I do and she just dismissed the thought as Cameron telling lies. Well when I did a hand check not five minutes after he told her she was in shock. I entered into the room...yelled hand check..my brother right away lifted his hands....Amber however did not. I again yelled...hand check in which she responded accordingly. Traumatization #2 is now complete.
The third time I got him was actually last night. This was a complete accident and I embarassed myself more than anything else. I was talking on the phone again while sitting in the living room with my brother. I was wearing a skirt and yes I talk with my hands a lot. I don't know what my skirt got caught on but suddenly it was attached to my hand and my hand was in the air. That's right, I flipped up my skirt in front of my brother. He was like, ahh Michelle. That's when I started laughing...the awkward laugh and my friend Miguel was talking to me both times this flashing my brother thing came up. He was like, Michelle...stop flashing your bro. It was really funny...maybe you had to be there....Anyways, traumatization #3 is complete.
The fourth time I got him was again last night. I did another hand check except this time was at an awkward time....for all of us. I entered into the room...yelled out hand check...and realized that they had the door closed for a good reason...they were kissing. So I quickly exited and went downstairs and played with my cat. We were playing hide and seek and I entered into my brother's room to hide...again they were all awkward but I was just hiding. I left his room and they soon left after. She actually thanked me for breaking them apart because she was about to be late for curfew. I was like, oops...sorry..hee hee. I'm the meanest big sister ever. Traumatization #4 is complete.
That's all the scoop I've got for you today. Now look at your brother's and sister's with gratitude that they don't do this to you! Until next time.
Saturday, October 07, 2006
On Strike!
Hey, this update is all about you. How you ask? Well I've noticed that everytime I write an update it's always about me and what I've been up to. Now I want to know what's new with you. So all you have to do is go to the comment section and leave a little blurb about what you've been up to. Until I have at least 5 comments I will not update again! So it's up to you. Tell me about you!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Moving Part 2
Wow, ok so Dawn totally called it and I didn't take any pictures of the car before or after the unloading process. Sorry everyone. Just imagine this: Everything was packed tight. A 5 by 8 trailor wasn't enough to hold everything. I still have a car load back in Manitoba at my mom's home. But enough about that. We covered all that stuff already...let's move on to what it's been like since I unpacked the car. The unpacking process only took less than an hour to do. It was so simple. My sister had come up to Kelowna with her kids. Once they were in bed we headed out to the car to unload it. Ok, so we procrastinated a little. We were waiting for my brother to get home to help out but once 11pm hit we lost our patience and did it ourselves. We had my friend Mike there to help out too. So we started. It was so much fun. My sister and I just laughed the whole time. What about you ask? Does it matter. It could have been a butterfly and we would find it funny. When we're together all we do is laugh. I'll give you an example of what made us laugh really hard. We had taken most of the stuff off the top part so my dresser that was laying flat on my couch was exposed. I turned to Dawn and said look at this...then I plastered myself ontop of the dresser, then I said, it's my clothes. Yay!! She just started laughing because the couch was in the way of me actually sliding across the dresser so it stopped me short. She thought it looked so funny so for the rest of the unpacking time she kept imitating what I had done. I don't know if Mike was getting annoyed by us because of our goofing off and not really doing anything but laugh...whatever. It was so much fun.
The next morning I went down to the Uhaul return place at about 7. Well the sign said it doesn't open until 8. So I went home. I headed back for 8 and once I got there nobody was around. So I sat down and waited. And I waited. And I waited. It's a really good thing I can read because while I was sitting there I looked up at the door and it said on Saturday's you need an appointment. So I went home and looked up the number to call. Well, wouldn't you know it when I called he told me that they open at 9 and if I'm dropping off I don't need an appointment. So after my third trip down there they took the thing from me. I was so excited to back up out of the parking spot without something being attached to the back of my car. I also have the back window again!!! Yippee!!! So exciting in my world.
For the rest of the day I hung out with Dawn(my sister), Gabriel(my nephew) , Grace(my niece) and Mike. That was on Saturday...I can't remember what we did...oh yes it just came back to me....lucky for you! Dawn and I and the G's went to Walmart and got some stuff..(i.e. bath stuff) and then we rented the first season of Grey's Anatomy...I love that show. We watched the first 5 episodes...so awesum. While we watched we drank Screamers. For those of you who don't know what that is I'll describe it but you must make your way to Kelowna to try one for yourself. They are heaven in in cup. You have access to both a slurpee machine with your choice of slurpee flavor and an icecream machine. Your choice of vanilla, twist or chocolate. Then you create your own...I love the layer look. I put in a little icecream, followed by a little slurpee followed by a little icecream....and it goes on and on...I'm sure you get the picture. It tastes so good. I like that you get to choose your own pattern. It makes me smile. My favorite combination is Root Beer slurpee with chocolate ice cream. It sounds disgusting but it tastes incredible. You are all invited out to visit me and I will personally take you down to the station and introduce you properly to a little piece of heaven. Yum!
Until next time.
The next morning I went down to the Uhaul return place at about 7. Well the sign said it doesn't open until 8. So I went home. I headed back for 8 and once I got there nobody was around. So I sat down and waited. And I waited. And I waited. It's a really good thing I can read because while I was sitting there I looked up at the door and it said on Saturday's you need an appointment. So I went home and looked up the number to call. Well, wouldn't you know it when I called he told me that they open at 9 and if I'm dropping off I don't need an appointment. So after my third trip down there they took the thing from me. I was so excited to back up out of the parking spot without something being attached to the back of my car. I also have the back window again!!! Yippee!!! So exciting in my world.
For the rest of the day I hung out with Dawn(my sister), Gabriel(my nephew) , Grace(my niece) and Mike. That was on Saturday...I can't remember what we did...oh yes it just came back to me....lucky for you! Dawn and I and the G's went to Walmart and got some stuff..(i.e. bath stuff) and then we rented the first season of Grey's Anatomy...I love that show. We watched the first 5 episodes...so awesum. While we watched we drank Screamers. For those of you who don't know what that is I'll describe it but you must make your way to Kelowna to try one for yourself. They are heaven in in cup. You have access to both a slurpee machine with your choice of slurpee flavor and an icecream machine. Your choice of vanilla, twist or chocolate. Then you create your own...I love the layer look. I put in a little icecream, followed by a little slurpee followed by a little icecream....and it goes on and on...I'm sure you get the picture. It tastes so good. I like that you get to choose your own pattern. It makes me smile. My favorite combination is Root Beer slurpee with chocolate ice cream. It sounds disgusting but it tastes incredible. You are all invited out to visit me and I will personally take you down to the station and introduce you properly to a little piece of heaven. Yum!
Until next time.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Stinky Feet
Well, it's official. I am a BC resident once again. The trip out was a lot of fun. I left town on Monday night at about......ok wait, I'm getting ahead of myself. First on Monday morning I got back to town from spending the night out at my mom's house. When I got home my friend Chris came over and we loaded up my futon and a few boxes to take to good will. When we got to the good will building I noticed that in the box of goodies I was carrying there was a lone sock. So I took it out. (You can't give a lone sock to charity...that's like saying I was too lazy to throw out my garbage and gave it to you to sort out). What did I do with the sock you ask? Well, I didn't throw it out. It became the maskcot of my journey. I tied it to the bar that connects the traillor to the hitch. I didn't name it though, it was just the sock maskcot. Awesomeness! After dropping those few items off we went out for breakfast and then went back to my place to start packing up the rest of my house. It took until 5:30 in the evening to finish packing and there is still a car load of stuff that wasn't able to be packed. My mom took it back to her house and she'll keep it there for me for now. haha. The ironic thing is the stuff that didn't come with me this time is the stuff I just took with me the last time I was here. Weird eh.
After my car was all packed, which was a challenge in itself. We had to take the roof off because my back door is stuck closed. Then we packed it all up and then put the roof back on. But we had to sit on the roof just so that it would close. Lot's of fun, let me tell you. Anyways, after I went over to my friend Jeremy's house. Then I went over to Ruth's house. I crashed there for a couple of hours and then I hit the road. It was about 12:30 when I left town. I pulled over at about 3:30 in the morning to sleep a little more. When I woke up I started driving but my eyes were being all weird so I pulled over again and went to sleep. When I woke up it was 8:30am. So I got back on the road and set off. I'm usually really talkative when I'm travelling. I like to talk to the people who pump my gas and anyone else who might make the mistake of giving me any kind of eye contact. But this day I was really just quiet. Except everyone seemed to want to talk to me. I was like is this opposite day or what? When I finally got to RedCliff I tried to figure out where my friend Mike was. I was suppose to pick him up. I told him that I hope he packed light. When he saw my car he was like, you weren't kidding. Nope I sure wasn't. Poor guy had to ride in my car with the passenger seat right up to the front, kitty litter on the floor so his feet were in it, Stuff packed behind the chair he was in kept getting knocked into his head because my kitty who was really angry that he took her seat was kicking it into his head. (She's a brat, I have no idea where she gets it from). And he had to hold his bag in his lap. It was a really tight fit but it was only like that for about 3 hours. Once we got to Calgary we stayed at my friend Miguel's house. But that's for another posting. There's a lot more to come and I'm going to take some pictures of the unpacking process just so you can get a little bit of an idea of what's it's been like. :) Until next time....Peace Out.
After my car was all packed, which was a challenge in itself. We had to take the roof off because my back door is stuck closed. Then we packed it all up and then put the roof back on. But we had to sit on the roof just so that it would close. Lot's of fun, let me tell you. Anyways, after I went over to my friend Jeremy's house. Then I went over to Ruth's house. I crashed there for a couple of hours and then I hit the road. It was about 12:30 when I left town. I pulled over at about 3:30 in the morning to sleep a little more. When I woke up I started driving but my eyes were being all weird so I pulled over again and went to sleep. When I woke up it was 8:30am. So I got back on the road and set off. I'm usually really talkative when I'm travelling. I like to talk to the people who pump my gas and anyone else who might make the mistake of giving me any kind of eye contact. But this day I was really just quiet. Except everyone seemed to want to talk to me. I was like is this opposite day or what? When I finally got to RedCliff I tried to figure out where my friend Mike was. I was suppose to pick him up. I told him that I hope he packed light. When he saw my car he was like, you weren't kidding. Nope I sure wasn't. Poor guy had to ride in my car with the passenger seat right up to the front, kitty litter on the floor so his feet were in it, Stuff packed behind the chair he was in kept getting knocked into his head because my kitty who was really angry that he took her seat was kicking it into his head. (She's a brat, I have no idea where she gets it from). And he had to hold his bag in his lap. It was a really tight fit but it was only like that for about 3 hours. Once we got to Calgary we stayed at my friend Miguel's house. But that's for another posting. There's a lot more to come and I'm going to take some pictures of the unpacking process just so you can get a little bit of an idea of what's it's been like. :) Until next time....Peace Out.
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Bad Day
It’s been a day and a half already and it’s only 1:30 in the afternoon. Seriously does Saturday mean everyone can be rude day? Where do I start? How about when I woke up. Awesomeness, I’m still alive let’s get on with the day. Following that I got a phone call from my sister. So stinkin’ awesome. I always have fun talking to her. So far you’re thinking you’re having a good day Michelle why are you freakin’. Well hold on a second and I’ll get to it. So I leave the house (first mistake) and take my abswing thing to a pawnshop. It’s an exercise equipment thingy, whatever. So I walk into the store and tell the guy at the counter (which I know but he doesn’t know that I know him) about it and ask if I can sell it to him. Ok, I was looking for maybe 5 or 10 dollars for the stinkin’ thing, but he looked at me and rudely said no way. I was like, oh that’s fine thanks anyway and I left. I don’t know who peed in his corn flakes this morning but seriously. Arrh. So then I took my old game cube to the micro play in town and told the guy I was talking with Tyler and he said to bring err on down. Well when I got there I had forgotten one of the controllers so I went all the way home and got it. When I got back I found out that the guy couldn’t take it because Tyler wasn’t there. (Why couldn’t you tell me that before I made a trip across town and back????) So I left. There was a young girl in the parking lot so I just gave her my ab swing thing. I was like, do you want this??? Then I gave it to her. I was so frustrated. So I went and got my oil changed. Let’s just say that before they even started I told them that I wanted a new air filter and I don’t want them to yell at me for how dirty my oil is. When he took out the air filter he said let’s see how bad it is...he shook it a bit and he looked up at me and said, yep you’re right you’ll need a new one. haha. That was funny. Then the guy underneath said to the other guy that the oil was really dirty and I think he was going to talk to me but the person said, yep she warned us. So he didn’t. And dad if you’re reading this don’t yell at me. I think I did well on my own for beating myself up and plus I did get it changed right? That should count for some points. Whatever. So I talked to the guy before (Another person who has no idea what he’s talking about) and asked him the price it would be. Ok, I had enough on me. Well, when the bill came it was 20 dollars more. (Only because my car takes a special air filter). I was so ticked off. He could have said something. So I had to make another trip across town and back to get the extra 20 dollars that I owed them. When I got close to home I was about to pull into my back lane when a car came racing down it. I was on the main street and you would think that he would have just stayed a ways back to let me in. Nope that didn’t happen. What a jerk. Let’s just say that when I got into my house I was freakin’ mad. I’m afraid to go to work. What will the customers be like? Or better yet, maybe I should be a waitress who knows nothing. What if I were to go to a table and when they asked me the special say, oh I don’t know. Or when they ask if they could have a drink replay “No Way”. Seriously people, it’s your job to know things that pertain to your job! Frustrating day to say the least. I’m kind of tempted to be a lazy/stupid waitress...it would kind of be fun...don’t cha think??
Friday, September 15, 2006
Camping Pictures
Do you know how to annoy a van full of youth? I do. The supplies you’ll need are as follows: A tape deck(not a cd player, that’s too advanced), speakers(doesn’t matter what kind they are as long as they work), and a tape. It has to be a certain tape though. Psalty the singing songbook is the best. And you should try to keep it to theme. I, kept it to the camping theme and brought along my Psalty We’re going camping now tape. And yes we played it. Not only are the songs annoying but they get stuck in one’s head. Nothing made me smile more than hearing one of the kids singing “We’re going Camping now we’re on our way. We’re going to climb up a mountain and run and jump and play. And as we hike along we’re going to sing....” You get it. Every time I would start to sing it I would get the dirtiest looks, or a slug to the arm. It was totally worth it. Take a look at these camping pictures, I hope you enjoy them. Peace Out!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Camping Trip Part 2
Alrighty, I left you off at the part where we were sitting in the van for a while before we even took off to our first camping destination. Once we got the van a rollin’ we headed towards Kenora. Which is just on the other side of the Ontario/Manitoba border. It was beautiful there. I have to say though my focus was more on my project(Cross Stitching) than on the view. The van ride was beautifully sung about by our dear friend Joe. Seriously I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard. Ok, I did pee my pants, but whatever...just kidding people, I do have my bladder control still intact except for that one time in Bible College, but we won’t go there.
We stopped for a late lunch in Portage at the Mc of the Dee’s. I laughed so hard when Joe asked if they still had free smiles. The girl said no. Then Joe slammed down his hands on the counter and said, “Well, see if I come back here again”. It made the girl give him a free smile. I wonder if she noticed that...haha.
When we arrived at the camp site we set up our tent. That was so much fun...I haven’t been “real” camping since I was about 11. I mean the whole tent bit. I was ready to get down and dirty. After we set up our tents we headed across the highway to purchase some beverages for dinner. (Also the washroom was across the highway...that’s right there would be no in the middle of the night pee for me....hee hee). When we got back to the camp site Scott made us some of the best bbq burgers ever!
After dinner we played a game with a ball. I don’t think it had a name, so I will name it “Throw the ball and bounce it off the fence” game. And if you went to catch the ball and missed you had to run and touch the fence before someone else could catch the ball and hit the fence. If they hit the fence with the ball before you were able to touch it you got a point. The person with the least amount of points at the end of the game won. It was actually a lot of fun.
After the game was over we all just sat around and talked.
The next morning we headed towards deeper Ontario. When we got to our next destination we set up our tents right away. Then we went for a walk down to the lake. We played on the playground for a while. The boys all got on the merry go round and were spinning really fast. I think I got motion sickness just from watching them. I played it safe and stayed on the swings. We then headed back to our campsite and just relaxed for quite a while.
Nicky and I did a lot of movie quoting. Our favorite to quote from was Bio Dome. I recommend that you watch it if you haven’t yet. (I’m writing about this trip about a month after it happened so please forgive me if I’ve left out some details...for those of you who weren’t there you won’t even notice if I’ve missed something so just forget you read this footnote).
The next day we woke up and had our breakfast. Sometimes the fire was created by using funny things. Such as, you ask? Pudding snacks. haha. Don’t worry pudding lovers, we ate the pudding first. But let me tell you, there is nothing like waking up to the smell of burning plastic first thing in the am. YUM! I have to say though, the cooking on this trip was exceptional. (Not even kidding).
We did a lot of relaxing and oh yeah, we went for a nice walk the first morning we were there. It was so beautiful there. It reminded me of nothing I’ve ever seen before... so really I can’t say it reminded me of something when there is nothing to compare it to. So yes people, I used the wrong word choice there. Cross out the “remind” and oh, whatever, it was really nice there ok.
The weekend was so full of relaxing and fun times. We went swimming one day. The water was awesome. You could see the bottom. I did a handstand in the water and when I went down I smacked my head into the floor of the lake. That hurt enough for me to call it quits for the day. I had a bit of a headache for the rest of the trip but it just reminded me of how much fun I was having. haha.
The Saturday we headed into Sioux Lookout to check out the town from which my friend Dave comes from. We went for ice cream and then went out to Dave’s parents’ house. It was amazing. I’d have to say though the Tonka Toys totally ruled over everything there. They were awesome. There was even a mixer truck! How amazing is that!?! So cool. The guys had a lot of fun with the paddle boat and the sauna room.
His parents even fed us while we were there. Yummy burgers once again. While we were eating them they had the TV on and that’s how we learnt that there was a Tornado warning for where we were camping. AWESOME!!! For everyone who knows me I’m freakin’ scared of storms. However, since we had that flood in Brandon last year, I’d have to say that I am not so afraid any more. Anyways, off topic, we were wondering if we should go back to our camp site. But the adventurous campers that we are we thought, why not. So off we went. When we were half way back one of the guys remembered he hadn’t closed his tent window. As soon as we got back to the camp site he ran and checked out the damage. Yep, soaked. Everything soaked. And the vent on the one side of the girls tent was open so a couple of things got wet in there. And the second boys tent, things were soaked in there too. So some ok, most of the people went to dry their stuff. Dave, Nicky and I all stayed back at the camp site. We had so much fun and indirectly met Dave’s brother. That was funny. We were sitting at the picnic table just talking when someone’s car alarm went off. Suddenly we heard a bunch of yelling, “Turn that **** off”. Then it turned off. (Dave hung his head and replied, “That’s my brother”. Then the car alarm went off again just a minute later, followed by Dave’s brother yelling “You have 5 seconds to turn that off”. Then he started counting down. It was so funny. What a good time. The wind died down and when everyone got back from drying their stuff we all sat under the tarps and hung out. (This is what you are suppose to do when you’re in a Tornado warning situation. Sit out in the open...totally safe). Afterwards we went to bed and the next morning was our last morning camping. It was a bitter sweet. I missed my bed, but I could handle the flat air mattress that Pastor Ruth and I were sharing..haha. One of the guys said to me, Michelle, we are camping you don’t need two pillows. In which I replied, I cut down pretty good I think, I usually sleep with 6 pillows. We all had so much fun. I loved every minute. Then we headed home. Joe entertained us on the trip back again with his awesome singing and playing of the guitar. At one point he had his pillow over his face while playing and singing. It was mildly muffled but still really funny. That was the end of our awesome camping trip. I recommend it for anyone who just needs to relax and have a great time.
We stopped for a late lunch in Portage at the Mc of the Dee’s. I laughed so hard when Joe asked if they still had free smiles. The girl said no. Then Joe slammed down his hands on the counter and said, “Well, see if I come back here again”. It made the girl give him a free smile. I wonder if she noticed that...haha.
When we arrived at the camp site we set up our tent. That was so much fun...I haven’t been “real” camping since I was about 11. I mean the whole tent bit. I was ready to get down and dirty. After we set up our tents we headed across the highway to purchase some beverages for dinner. (Also the washroom was across the highway...that’s right there would be no in the middle of the night pee for me....hee hee). When we got back to the camp site Scott made us some of the best bbq burgers ever!
After dinner we played a game with a ball. I don’t think it had a name, so I will name it “Throw the ball and bounce it off the fence” game. And if you went to catch the ball and missed you had to run and touch the fence before someone else could catch the ball and hit the fence. If they hit the fence with the ball before you were able to touch it you got a point. The person with the least amount of points at the end of the game won. It was actually a lot of fun.
After the game was over we all just sat around and talked.
The next morning we headed towards deeper Ontario. When we got to our next destination we set up our tents right away. Then we went for a walk down to the lake. We played on the playground for a while. The boys all got on the merry go round and were spinning really fast. I think I got motion sickness just from watching them. I played it safe and stayed on the swings. We then headed back to our campsite and just relaxed for quite a while.
Nicky and I did a lot of movie quoting. Our favorite to quote from was Bio Dome. I recommend that you watch it if you haven’t yet. (I’m writing about this trip about a month after it happened so please forgive me if I’ve left out some details...for those of you who weren’t there you won’t even notice if I’ve missed something so just forget you read this footnote).
The next day we woke up and had our breakfast. Sometimes the fire was created by using funny things. Such as, you ask? Pudding snacks. haha. Don’t worry pudding lovers, we ate the pudding first. But let me tell you, there is nothing like waking up to the smell of burning plastic first thing in the am. YUM! I have to say though, the cooking on this trip was exceptional. (Not even kidding).
We did a lot of relaxing and oh yeah, we went for a nice walk the first morning we were there. It was so beautiful there. It reminded me of nothing I’ve ever seen before... so really I can’t say it reminded me of something when there is nothing to compare it to. So yes people, I used the wrong word choice there. Cross out the “remind” and oh, whatever, it was really nice there ok.
The weekend was so full of relaxing and fun times. We went swimming one day. The water was awesome. You could see the bottom. I did a handstand in the water and when I went down I smacked my head into the floor of the lake. That hurt enough for me to call it quits for the day. I had a bit of a headache for the rest of the trip but it just reminded me of how much fun I was having. haha.
The Saturday we headed into Sioux Lookout to check out the town from which my friend Dave comes from. We went for ice cream and then went out to Dave’s parents’ house. It was amazing. I’d have to say though the Tonka Toys totally ruled over everything there. They were awesome. There was even a mixer truck! How amazing is that!?! So cool. The guys had a lot of fun with the paddle boat and the sauna room.
His parents even fed us while we were there. Yummy burgers once again. While we were eating them they had the TV on and that’s how we learnt that there was a Tornado warning for where we were camping. AWESOME!!! For everyone who knows me I’m freakin’ scared of storms. However, since we had that flood in Brandon last year, I’d have to say that I am not so afraid any more. Anyways, off topic, we were wondering if we should go back to our camp site. But the adventurous campers that we are we thought, why not. So off we went. When we were half way back one of the guys remembered he hadn’t closed his tent window. As soon as we got back to the camp site he ran and checked out the damage. Yep, soaked. Everything soaked. And the vent on the one side of the girls tent was open so a couple of things got wet in there. And the second boys tent, things were soaked in there too. So some ok, most of the people went to dry their stuff. Dave, Nicky and I all stayed back at the camp site. We had so much fun and indirectly met Dave’s brother. That was funny. We were sitting at the picnic table just talking when someone’s car alarm went off. Suddenly we heard a bunch of yelling, “Turn that **** off”. Then it turned off. (Dave hung his head and replied, “That’s my brother”. Then the car alarm went off again just a minute later, followed by Dave’s brother yelling “You have 5 seconds to turn that off”. Then he started counting down. It was so funny. What a good time. The wind died down and when everyone got back from drying their stuff we all sat under the tarps and hung out. (This is what you are suppose to do when you’re in a Tornado warning situation. Sit out in the open...totally safe). Afterwards we went to bed and the next morning was our last morning camping. It was a bitter sweet. I missed my bed, but I could handle the flat air mattress that Pastor Ruth and I were sharing..haha. One of the guys said to me, Michelle, we are camping you don’t need two pillows. In which I replied, I cut down pretty good I think, I usually sleep with 6 pillows. We all had so much fun. I loved every minute. Then we headed home. Joe entertained us on the trip back again with his awesome singing and playing of the guitar. At one point he had his pillow over his face while playing and singing. It was mildly muffled but still really funny. That was the end of our awesome camping trip. I recommend it for anyone who just needs to relax and have a great time.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Miss me???
Where do I start? How about the beginning. Once upon a time there was a girl. Her name was Michelle. But she decided that on the back of everyone’s bills she would write, Thank You....Chelle-lee. Why? Because she thought it was cool since it included her real name just without the M and the I. One weekend Chelle-lee decided that she would go a camping trip with the youth group. This sounded like a fun idea, and boy was she right. She got home and packed her bags. Threw them in the back of her car. Ok, ok, it was one backpack and I’m totally lying. Let me start again.
After work on the Wednesday I headed out to my mom’s house. Why? (Man you ask a lot of really annoying questions) Because I needed someone to babysit my cat while I was away. So I partied it up at my mom’s house for the night. By party it up I mean I went in the hottub, watched a couple of movies and went to bed. Yeah! I mean it, Party it up at mom’s house!! Anyways, the next morning I headed back to Brandon. Tunes a blazing, me a singin’ It was a good time. You missed out, let me tell you.
When I got back to Brandon I had time to do a load of laundry, wait, there I go getting ahead of myself. When I first got back to Brandon I went to the mall. I had to get a new belly ring because the ball on the one I had in got lost. So I bought a pack of 4 for the price of one. Yeah, I’m the queen of bargain shopping. Then I went home and had time to do a load of laundry. So I washed the stinky sleeping bag my mom loaned me. It smelt like skunk seeing as it was out in the shed that is in the country. (I know mom, it’s called a bunk house but it’s easier for the people to understand shed...so that’s what it is in this story, ok?). So I washed the sleeping bag and man I’m sure glad I did because that thing was Stink-A. Stink with a capital S!
I headed over to the church. Me and all my excitement wrapped in foil. Ok, there was no foil but I thought it sounded awesome. When I got there I was the only one there. I was almost afraid that I was a day early or tragically a day late. But I was wrong. I was just early. When everyone got there we loaded up in the van. We just all sat there for a long time. I think it was 45mins. It was soo fun, and we hadn’t even left the parking lot yet. Want more? Stay tuned for the next part of the camping story. It’s gonna get more adventurous. It’s gotta, we haven’t even left the parking lot yet people. Get excited. Leave a comment! Do it, I dare you. There’s even going to be pictures in this story. YAY Pictures, ok. I’m just rambling on now. Someone take this keyboard away from me. Until next time. Comment!
After work on the Wednesday I headed out to my mom’s house. Why? (Man you ask a lot of really annoying questions) Because I needed someone to babysit my cat while I was away. So I partied it up at my mom’s house for the night. By party it up I mean I went in the hottub, watched a couple of movies and went to bed. Yeah! I mean it, Party it up at mom’s house!! Anyways, the next morning I headed back to Brandon. Tunes a blazing, me a singin’ It was a good time. You missed out, let me tell you.
When I got back to Brandon I had time to do a load of laundry, wait, there I go getting ahead of myself. When I first got back to Brandon I went to the mall. I had to get a new belly ring because the ball on the one I had in got lost. So I bought a pack of 4 for the price of one. Yeah, I’m the queen of bargain shopping. Then I went home and had time to do a load of laundry. So I washed the stinky sleeping bag my mom loaned me. It smelt like skunk seeing as it was out in the shed that is in the country. (I know mom, it’s called a bunk house but it’s easier for the people to understand shed...so that’s what it is in this story, ok?). So I washed the sleeping bag and man I’m sure glad I did because that thing was Stink-A. Stink with a capital S!
I headed over to the church. Me and all my excitement wrapped in foil. Ok, there was no foil but I thought it sounded awesome. When I got there I was the only one there. I was almost afraid that I was a day early or tragically a day late. But I was wrong. I was just early. When everyone got there we loaded up in the van. We just all sat there for a long time. I think it was 45mins. It was soo fun, and we hadn’t even left the parking lot yet. Want more? Stay tuned for the next part of the camping story. It’s gonna get more adventurous. It’s gotta, we haven’t even left the parking lot yet people. Get excited. Leave a comment! Do it, I dare you. There’s even going to be pictures in this story. YAY Pictures, ok. I’m just rambling on now. Someone take this keyboard away from me. Until next time. Comment!
Monday, July 31, 2006
Nutshell Weekend.
Wow, they must be getting sick of me here at the future shop. I'm very loyal though! haha. Anyways, this week hasn't been hecktic at all so I don't have any excuses to why I haven't updated. This weekend I went and helped out at the farm in High Bluff. It turned out to be a lot of fun. I got the nickname, Alice. I'll explain later.
To understand why I was out there I'll give you the very short explanation. A lady in our church has a daughter and she just lost her husband in a car accident. They were one week away from their one year anniversary. They also have a young daughter, who is almost 3 months old now. This accident happened just over a month ago. Well, this couple lives on a farm and just having a new born in the house is a lot to handle not to mention running a farm at the same time and all alone. So some of us from the church went out to give her a hand cleaning it up to sell. I got to use a pressure washer. SOOO much fun. My job was to wash the entire outside of the house. Well, it took me two hours just to do half of the front of the house. When we breaked for lunch they changed the nozzel and then it took me less than an hour to finish the rest of the house. haha. In the morning all the guys gutted the basement. It had flooded and there was mold growing in the walls. Not too safe with a new born or anyone living in the house. After lunch the men focused their attention the the deck while I filled gofer holes with dirt. So fun. After all was said and done the house looked good. When we came back to town I went home and rested. I was soooo sunburnt. I still am. Just call me Bob. (the tomato, from Veggie Tales). Oh, yeah I have to tell you how I got that nickname. When I was pressure washing the side of the house I kept falling into the stinkin' gofer holes and the guy who was working along side of me called down to me, how's your adventure in Wonderland Alice. haha. It was really funny.
When I got home my friend Lori came over, we watched Benchwarmers. So funny. Then I called my dad and talked for a while. I guess there were too many moments of silence and I fell asleep while I was still on the phone. I woke up and said, oh are you still there? My dad answered yes, what happened did you fall asleep? I had to be honest and told him that I had. So I hung up the phone and went to bed. When I woke up, in time to go to church I didn't feel well at all. I think I may have encountered heat stroke. I felt cold, yet I was sweating. Retarded body. So I went back to sleep. I didn't wake up until 2 in the afternoon. I woke up to Puss in Boots licking my shoulder. How endearing right? Wrong when you have a sunburn. I woke up in pain. So I got up and went shopping for a baby gift. I had to be at a baby shower at 3. I knew what I was getting her so I didn't need much time in the store. But of course as soon as I got to the photoshop in Walmart there was a sign saying I'll be back at 3. I was like oh gurr...that's what I get for procrastinating. So I went and got the other things I would need for the gift. Finally it was 3 and I went back and she still wasn't there. Errr!! So I went and doddled around the store for a few minutes. When I got back there I was greeted by a really uncheerful teenager. I asked her if they sold gift certificates. She said no we don't. I asked do you honour Walmart gift cards? She said no. I said, ok I want to give this package deal to my friend for her baby shower can I just pay for the time now and book the appointment and if she needs to change the time she can call down? Nope, (was her answer) you should probably just come in with her and pay for it then. GRRRr...I don't know why my logical solution wouldn't just work but whatever. So I went and got baby clothes instead. I really wanted to give her professional baby pictures but whatever. So I got in my car and headed towards the shower. Baby shower not actual shower, I had already taken a shower. Anywho, so I was driving towards the exit of the parking lot when this girl who wasn't paying any attention to what she was doing came barreling out of the parking lot. If I hadn't slammed on my brakes I would have been t-boned. Like a steak. Our cars came in less than a foot of eachother. Grr...time for some angry music. So I turned on my limp bisquit and my metalica. And away I went. I was told that the party was on Dennis street so I went up and down Dennis looking for a purple door. Finally an hour later I gave up and went to Future Shop. I was like Ruth do you know where Jenny lives. She said, I know but I don't know what the street is called. I said well I've gone on all the roads with names and I can't find it. So she called Jenny. 13th street. What the heck. So I got to the party after my little break down in Future shop. That's right people. I cried in a store. I was burnt, I almost got hit, had to deal with stupid Walmart girl, had heat stroke still, drove around in my car for an hour without air conditioning, and I was grumpy. So I cried. But it only lasted a couple of minutes. I pulled myself together and away I went to the party. When I got there Jay appologized for giving me the wrong directions. And then I got to hold the baby. She's soooo sweet. After the shower I went home and I went to sleep. I woke up about 4 hours later and played my farming game. It's sooo much fun to be a farmer and not have to deal with the smell. Then I went to bed again after talking on the phone to my mom, dad and my friend Miguel.
Today I woke up and went to work. It was fairly busy for a Monday and that made me happy. After work I went home and was greeted by a deceased cat in my driveway(which is in the back lane). This cat always visits my house and it is still really young. At first I thought it was just sleeping. Then I got out of my car and I knew right away that it was no longer with us. There were flies everywhere around it. So I went inside and looked up the Humaine Society. They aren't listed. So I went back outside and saw my neighbours. I asked them if they owned a cat. They said yes. I was like, um...what does it look like(hahahaha...I have a joke in my head that has a line like that in it and it made me laugh....can't really do it over the computer though so if you see me ask me to tell you the dead cat joke ok). They looked at me with a weird look on their face like, why do you want to know what our cat looks like. So I just told them out right I have a deceased cat in my driveway. They popped their heads over the fence and said nope, that's not our cat. Then my male neighbour said, I can get a garbage bag. I was like, no I have an old towel I'm going to wrap it up and take it to the vet. And that's what I did. Man that thing stank like poo. It was like an ongoing fart all the way to the vet. I had to turn my head out the window to get some fresh air so I could survive the drive. The ladies that the vet clinic were soooo nice. They took down my 411 and said they would call to let me know what was going on with it. So yeah, that's my life of the weekend in a nutshell. Hope you've all had a great weekend. Peace Out.
To understand why I was out there I'll give you the very short explanation. A lady in our church has a daughter and she just lost her husband in a car accident. They were one week away from their one year anniversary. They also have a young daughter, who is almost 3 months old now. This accident happened just over a month ago. Well, this couple lives on a farm and just having a new born in the house is a lot to handle not to mention running a farm at the same time and all alone. So some of us from the church went out to give her a hand cleaning it up to sell. I got to use a pressure washer. SOOO much fun. My job was to wash the entire outside of the house. Well, it took me two hours just to do half of the front of the house. When we breaked for lunch they changed the nozzel and then it took me less than an hour to finish the rest of the house. haha. In the morning all the guys gutted the basement. It had flooded and there was mold growing in the walls. Not too safe with a new born or anyone living in the house. After lunch the men focused their attention the the deck while I filled gofer holes with dirt. So fun. After all was said and done the house looked good. When we came back to town I went home and rested. I was soooo sunburnt. I still am. Just call me Bob. (the tomato, from Veggie Tales). Oh, yeah I have to tell you how I got that nickname. When I was pressure washing the side of the house I kept falling into the stinkin' gofer holes and the guy who was working along side of me called down to me, how's your adventure in Wonderland Alice. haha. It was really funny.
When I got home my friend Lori came over, we watched Benchwarmers. So funny. Then I called my dad and talked for a while. I guess there were too many moments of silence and I fell asleep while I was still on the phone. I woke up and said, oh are you still there? My dad answered yes, what happened did you fall asleep? I had to be honest and told him that I had. So I hung up the phone and went to bed. When I woke up, in time to go to church I didn't feel well at all. I think I may have encountered heat stroke. I felt cold, yet I was sweating. Retarded body. So I went back to sleep. I didn't wake up until 2 in the afternoon. I woke up to Puss in Boots licking my shoulder. How endearing right? Wrong when you have a sunburn. I woke up in pain. So I got up and went shopping for a baby gift. I had to be at a baby shower at 3. I knew what I was getting her so I didn't need much time in the store. But of course as soon as I got to the photoshop in Walmart there was a sign saying I'll be back at 3. I was like oh gurr...that's what I get for procrastinating. So I went and got the other things I would need for the gift. Finally it was 3 and I went back and she still wasn't there. Errr!! So I went and doddled around the store for a few minutes. When I got back there I was greeted by a really uncheerful teenager. I asked her if they sold gift certificates. She said no we don't. I asked do you honour Walmart gift cards? She said no. I said, ok I want to give this package deal to my friend for her baby shower can I just pay for the time now and book the appointment and if she needs to change the time she can call down? Nope, (was her answer) you should probably just come in with her and pay for it then. GRRRr...I don't know why my logical solution wouldn't just work but whatever. So I went and got baby clothes instead. I really wanted to give her professional baby pictures but whatever. So I got in my car and headed towards the shower. Baby shower not actual shower, I had already taken a shower. Anywho, so I was driving towards the exit of the parking lot when this girl who wasn't paying any attention to what she was doing came barreling out of the parking lot. If I hadn't slammed on my brakes I would have been t-boned. Like a steak. Our cars came in less than a foot of eachother. Grr...time for some angry music. So I turned on my limp bisquit and my metalica. And away I went. I was told that the party was on Dennis street so I went up and down Dennis looking for a purple door. Finally an hour later I gave up and went to Future Shop. I was like Ruth do you know where Jenny lives. She said, I know but I don't know what the street is called. I said well I've gone on all the roads with names and I can't find it. So she called Jenny. 13th street. What the heck. So I got to the party after my little break down in Future shop. That's right people. I cried in a store. I was burnt, I almost got hit, had to deal with stupid Walmart girl, had heat stroke still, drove around in my car for an hour without air conditioning, and I was grumpy. So I cried. But it only lasted a couple of minutes. I pulled myself together and away I went to the party. When I got there Jay appologized for giving me the wrong directions. And then I got to hold the baby. She's soooo sweet. After the shower I went home and I went to sleep. I woke up about 4 hours later and played my farming game. It's sooo much fun to be a farmer and not have to deal with the smell. Then I went to bed again after talking on the phone to my mom, dad and my friend Miguel.
Today I woke up and went to work. It was fairly busy for a Monday and that made me happy. After work I went home and was greeted by a deceased cat in my driveway(which is in the back lane). This cat always visits my house and it is still really young. At first I thought it was just sleeping. Then I got out of my car and I knew right away that it was no longer with us. There were flies everywhere around it. So I went inside and looked up the Humaine Society. They aren't listed. So I went back outside and saw my neighbours. I asked them if they owned a cat. They said yes. I was like, um...what does it look like(hahahaha...I have a joke in my head that has a line like that in it and it made me laugh....can't really do it over the computer though so if you see me ask me to tell you the dead cat joke ok). They looked at me with a weird look on their face like, why do you want to know what our cat looks like. So I just told them out right I have a deceased cat in my driveway. They popped their heads over the fence and said nope, that's not our cat. Then my male neighbour said, I can get a garbage bag. I was like, no I have an old towel I'm going to wrap it up and take it to the vet. And that's what I did. Man that thing stank like poo. It was like an ongoing fart all the way to the vet. I had to turn my head out the window to get some fresh air so I could survive the drive. The ladies that the vet clinic were soooo nice. They took down my 411 and said they would call to let me know what was going on with it. So yeah, that's my life of the weekend in a nutshell. Hope you've all had a great weekend. Peace Out.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
My Weekend Adventures
Howdy all from our local Future Shop. I don't really have anything new and exciting to write about so I think I'll just babble for a few minutes. Aren't you lucky to come across my written babble. Welcome to the inside of my mind(a very scary place sometimes.)
On Saturday night, after work, I went over to my friend Lori's pad. It was so much fun. We played old school nintendo. We played Wheel of Fortune and of course Mario Bros. What fun. After a while of playing I went home, it was around mid-night. When I got home I was headed for bed when I came across my cross stitching. No eighty year old trapped in a 25 year old body could resist that so I stopped in my tracks threw on the movie Anne of Green Gables and went to work. At about 2:30am my phone rang. I was like who on earth is calling me at this ridiculous hour. And what am I doing answering it. haha. Well it was my friend Jeremy. He was in town until Sunday night(he's from Red Deer Alberta). He asked me if I wanted to go for coffee. I was like, now? It's almost 3am. So of course I went. First I had to pick him up and then we headed for the world famous coffee shop, known as Humpty's. At Humpty's we caught up on a bunch of stuff and then he asked me if he could go to church with me in the morning. I of course said yes but we would have to pull an all nighter. So that's what we did. At 10am I fell asleep and there was nothing going to wake me up. At about noon Jeremy called me. This was funny because I was in my room sleeping and he was in my living room, about a whole 6 1/2 feet away from me. He didn't want to come into my room(so respectful) so he phoned. I woke up to the phone, so I guess saying I wouldn't wake up for anything is a lie, because apparently I would wake up for a phone call. Anyways, he phoned to say he was going to go to his mom's house. I asked him if he wanted a ride I would get up(it was about noon at this time) . He said he could walk and that I could sleep. But that wouldn't be very nice of me so I got up and gave him a ride. I dropped him off and headed towards the church to see if there was any glimmer of hope it running late and catching the end of it. No such luck. There was nobody there and the doors were locked. Oh well. So I went home and called Lori. I asked her if she knew if there was anything going on for young adults. She told me that they were all meeting at the church at 3 and going to the lake. Awesome I'm totally going. I went to get all my stuff ready and realized that I had left my full piece bathing suit at my mom's house and there was no way I was wearing a bikini in front of the young adults. So I went to Walmart. I knew they were having a sale on their swimwear. When I got there I had less than an hour to find a swimsuit and get to the church. All you chicks know that finding a swimsuit is hard enough to do in a swimming season but an hour? Let's just say I'm the shopping and bargain queen. Not only did it only take half an hour to find but it was a good deal too! And it was flattering. YES!! So I ran home with my prize purchase secured in hand. I ran in the house cut off the tags got ready and headed out the door. And because I'm such an eager beaver I was the first to arrive.
When everyone got there we went to Safeway to pick up some snacks for the day. Then we headed out to OakLake. So much fun. The water was really gross looking but once you got your mind past that it was refreshing and warm. I don't know if it was warm because the sun had been pouring it's heat into it all week or if it was due to all the children's warm deposits. Anyways, we had a good time. After soaking in the sun and the urnine, oops I mean the lake we decided we would try our hand at lawn bowling. I've never done this before and let me tell you it was fun. I apparently got a little too competitive and starting hitting the opposition in the head with bowling balls though. In my defense it only happened one time. And I didn't mean for it to happen. I was bent down to pick up the red bowling ball(my team's color) and my friend Dave was bent down beside me picking up a green ball. I didn't realize he was bend down until I was half way up and by that time I had smacked the side of his head with my ball. I felt so bad but he told me it didn't hurt enough for him to want to kill me. After I heard that relieving news we continued on with the game. I still feel really bad about it. Those things are heavy and not forgiving. We then headed back to town and finished our really awesome day at the beach. When I got home, you would think I would head home right? Nope. Instead I went over to Ruth-Anne's house. We were looking at her brother's wedding photo's (he just got married two weeks ago) when we could hear the newly weds in the other room. We listened to their conversation a bit and it was sooooo funny. They were playing with eachother and it was cute to listen to. Then Ruth and I watched a movie and then I went to bed. The end. Peace Out.
On Saturday night, after work, I went over to my friend Lori's pad. It was so much fun. We played old school nintendo. We played Wheel of Fortune and of course Mario Bros. What fun. After a while of playing I went home, it was around mid-night. When I got home I was headed for bed when I came across my cross stitching. No eighty year old trapped in a 25 year old body could resist that so I stopped in my tracks threw on the movie Anne of Green Gables and went to work. At about 2:30am my phone rang. I was like who on earth is calling me at this ridiculous hour. And what am I doing answering it. haha. Well it was my friend Jeremy. He was in town until Sunday night(he's from Red Deer Alberta). He asked me if I wanted to go for coffee. I was like, now? It's almost 3am. So of course I went. First I had to pick him up and then we headed for the world famous coffee shop, known as Humpty's. At Humpty's we caught up on a bunch of stuff and then he asked me if he could go to church with me in the morning. I of course said yes but we would have to pull an all nighter. So that's what we did. At 10am I fell asleep and there was nothing going to wake me up. At about noon Jeremy called me. This was funny because I was in my room sleeping and he was in my living room, about a whole 6 1/2 feet away from me. He didn't want to come into my room(so respectful) so he phoned. I woke up to the phone, so I guess saying I wouldn't wake up for anything is a lie, because apparently I would wake up for a phone call. Anyways, he phoned to say he was going to go to his mom's house. I asked him if he wanted a ride I would get up(it was about noon at this time) . He said he could walk and that I could sleep. But that wouldn't be very nice of me so I got up and gave him a ride. I dropped him off and headed towards the church to see if there was any glimmer of hope it running late and catching the end of it. No such luck. There was nobody there and the doors were locked. Oh well. So I went home and called Lori. I asked her if she knew if there was anything going on for young adults. She told me that they were all meeting at the church at 3 and going to the lake. Awesome I'm totally going. I went to get all my stuff ready and realized that I had left my full piece bathing suit at my mom's house and there was no way I was wearing a bikini in front of the young adults. So I went to Walmart. I knew they were having a sale on their swimwear. When I got there I had less than an hour to find a swimsuit and get to the church. All you chicks know that finding a swimsuit is hard enough to do in a swimming season but an hour? Let's just say I'm the shopping and bargain queen. Not only did it only take half an hour to find but it was a good deal too! And it was flattering. YES!! So I ran home with my prize purchase secured in hand. I ran in the house cut off the tags got ready and headed out the door. And because I'm such an eager beaver I was the first to arrive.
When everyone got there we went to Safeway to pick up some snacks for the day. Then we headed out to OakLake. So much fun. The water was really gross looking but once you got your mind past that it was refreshing and warm. I don't know if it was warm because the sun had been pouring it's heat into it all week or if it was due to all the children's warm deposits. Anyways, we had a good time. After soaking in the sun and the urnine, oops I mean the lake we decided we would try our hand at lawn bowling. I've never done this before and let me tell you it was fun. I apparently got a little too competitive and starting hitting the opposition in the head with bowling balls though. In my defense it only happened one time. And I didn't mean for it to happen. I was bent down to pick up the red bowling ball(my team's color) and my friend Dave was bent down beside me picking up a green ball. I didn't realize he was bend down until I was half way up and by that time I had smacked the side of his head with my ball. I felt so bad but he told me it didn't hurt enough for him to want to kill me. After I heard that relieving news we continued on with the game. I still feel really bad about it. Those things are heavy and not forgiving. We then headed back to town and finished our really awesome day at the beach. When I got home, you would think I would head home right? Nope. Instead I went over to Ruth-Anne's house. We were looking at her brother's wedding photo's (he just got married two weeks ago) when we could hear the newly weds in the other room. We listened to their conversation a bit and it was sooooo funny. They were playing with eachother and it was cute to listen to. Then Ruth and I watched a movie and then I went to bed. The end. Peace Out.
Monday, July 17, 2006
As you all know, I love countdowns. I remember watching Much Music on Friday nights just to watch the countdown. It’s not that I was necessarily interested in knowing what the number one video was, I just love countdowns that much. So, what is the 74 more sleeps countdown? You’ll have to wait a while before I get into that.
What did you all do for Canada day? Me? I headed out to my mom’s place on Friday. Right after work. Whew, let me tell you about work. It was suppose to be dead because it’s a holiday weekend right? Wrong. It was so stinkin’ busy that I couldn’t think straight. My bosses and I got a little heated with each other but got it straightened out. I have two bosses and they each told me to do something different and every time one of them saw me doing something else I would get yelled at so I eventually cracked and said to them both, ok. What do you want me to do. We all need to agree. So we settled that.
After work, on the way out to my mom’s house, Puss in boots(PB) was in the car with me. She apparently needed to use the facility that was unavailable. I had cleaned out her litter box, put it inside a garbage bag and flipped it upside down. Note to self, this doesn’t mean anything to a cat that needs to pee. She flipped the litter box over and used her litter box. Then she flipped it back over to resume it’s position. Except, there was pee in it. She was covered in her own grossness. Well, she got embarrassed and came to show me what happened. At first I was like, why are you all wet. Then I pieced it all together and started screaming. I was soooo grossed out. When we got out to my mom’s house(this only happened about 10mins away from our destination) I picked her up and started heading towards the house...knowing that everyone was out by the fire. My mom came over and said, what are you doing? I told her I’d be out shortly but I needed go clean up an accident that we had. I gave PB a bath. She screamed through the first part, then she realized she liked it and sat still. Whew. Then I scrubbed down my legs(she had rubbed against them). Then we headed out towards the fire that was blazing. PB was all wrapped up in a blanket. I didn’t think that it would last long (her sitting still). But to my amazement she was quite content sitting wrapped in a blanket basking in the glow of the raging fire.
After the fire grew tired(as did the rest of us) we headed inside and watched a movie and slowly each one of us fell asleep. The next day we headed into town after eating some awesome waffles. When we got to town we all realized that nothing was open because it was a holiday. haha. So we went for ice cream. Yum. When we got back to my mom’s house we all just relaxed outside. Well, Shawna and I relaxed, my mom started to work on her plants and stuff. After a while we got the Barbee ready to cook some steak. It was so good. We had steak with corn on the cob and potato salad, yum. After supper we all just vegged out and watched movies.
The next day was Sunday. My mom kept trying to wake me up to get ready but I refused. After I heard the door close and the car pull away I woke up and got ready. That’s right people, I’m a rebel. I showed up at the church five minutes late. Awesome! After church we all just vegged out again. It was awesome. And that’s how I spent my Canada Day weekend.
Now what’s up with the 74 more sleep countdown you ask? Well, it’s been asked of me to come back to ya’ll in BC and in 74 more sleeps it will come true. That’s right I’m moving back. And for those of you who can’t figure out what day that will be let’s just put it this way, 10 weeks and 5 days. Other of you who still can’t figure out what day that is it’s October 1st. Geez, do I have to spell everything out for you. haha. Can’t wait to see you all again. Until next time Peace
What did you all do for Canada day? Me? I headed out to my mom’s place on Friday. Right after work. Whew, let me tell you about work. It was suppose to be dead because it’s a holiday weekend right? Wrong. It was so stinkin’ busy that I couldn’t think straight. My bosses and I got a little heated with each other but got it straightened out. I have two bosses and they each told me to do something different and every time one of them saw me doing something else I would get yelled at so I eventually cracked and said to them both, ok. What do you want me to do. We all need to agree. So we settled that.
After work, on the way out to my mom’s house, Puss in boots(PB) was in the car with me. She apparently needed to use the facility that was unavailable. I had cleaned out her litter box, put it inside a garbage bag and flipped it upside down. Note to self, this doesn’t mean anything to a cat that needs to pee. She flipped the litter box over and used her litter box. Then she flipped it back over to resume it’s position. Except, there was pee in it. She was covered in her own grossness. Well, she got embarrassed and came to show me what happened. At first I was like, why are you all wet. Then I pieced it all together and started screaming. I was soooo grossed out. When we got out to my mom’s house(this only happened about 10mins away from our destination) I picked her up and started heading towards the house...knowing that everyone was out by the fire. My mom came over and said, what are you doing? I told her I’d be out shortly but I needed go clean up an accident that we had. I gave PB a bath. She screamed through the first part, then she realized she liked it and sat still. Whew. Then I scrubbed down my legs(she had rubbed against them). Then we headed out towards the fire that was blazing. PB was all wrapped up in a blanket. I didn’t think that it would last long (her sitting still). But to my amazement she was quite content sitting wrapped in a blanket basking in the glow of the raging fire.
After the fire grew tired(as did the rest of us) we headed inside and watched a movie and slowly each one of us fell asleep. The next day we headed into town after eating some awesome waffles. When we got to town we all realized that nothing was open because it was a holiday. haha. So we went for ice cream. Yum. When we got back to my mom’s house we all just relaxed outside. Well, Shawna and I relaxed, my mom started to work on her plants and stuff. After a while we got the Barbee ready to cook some steak. It was so good. We had steak with corn on the cob and potato salad, yum. After supper we all just vegged out and watched movies.
The next day was Sunday. My mom kept trying to wake me up to get ready but I refused. After I heard the door close and the car pull away I woke up and got ready. That’s right people, I’m a rebel. I showed up at the church five minutes late. Awesome! After church we all just vegged out again. It was awesome. And that’s how I spent my Canada Day weekend.
Now what’s up with the 74 more sleep countdown you ask? Well, it’s been asked of me to come back to ya’ll in BC and in 74 more sleeps it will come true. That’s right I’m moving back. And for those of you who can’t figure out what day that will be let’s just put it this way, 10 weeks and 5 days. Other of you who still can’t figure out what day that is it’s October 1st. Geez, do I have to spell everything out for you. haha. Can’t wait to see you all again. Until next time Peace
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Um...I win!
Well, the contest is over. And I won!! Congratulations to Me. I would just like to thank all my fans for making this possible. I would also like to thank his parents, um, oops, no I don’t. Well, maybe I never met them so it might not be their fault. What did I win? I found the biggest jerk, so I win the award. How did this happen you ask? (Do you like how I ask the question for you so you don’t actually have to say anything? I like it, and so now so do you. Awesome, let’s continue with the story shall we?). Well, it all started on Tuesday morning. I was opening at the restaurant that I work in and had already had 2 tables before 10:30am. That’s lots ok! Normally we don’t have anyone in until 11:30. So I served those two tables. Then about 11:00 in walked this really nice lady. I served her and when she was about half way done in walk the worlds, ok, Brandon’s biggest jerk. Let’s start a new paragraph in honor of this story.
He walked in and started looking around. I walked up to him and welcomed him and asked if I could help him. He said, I’m meeting 3 or 4 other people here at 11:45, what time is it. I said, it’s exactly 11:45 on my clock, but I only have this one table in right now. Would you like to sit down and wait for them? He looked around and said, can I sit in here or should I sit in there (pointing at the lounge). I said I could sit him in here and walked towards the booth that was maybe 5 feet from where we were standing. He pretty much yelled, I want them to be able to see me when they walk in. I was like hows right here. He said fine. Then he said, well there might be 5 of us. We won’t all fit here, we’ll have to sit somewhere larger. I just ignored him(honestly, he was talking in such a rude tone.) So I walked away and the whole time he was waiting he never sat down. He kept pacing and looking out the window. I was like, whatever. Then my lady at the table was all done so I took her plate and took it to the dishwasher. I was off the floor for not even 45 seconds. Then I came out and he was in the waitress station (just a note to yourself that really pushes my buttons. That’s MY area AWAY from the customers so it ticks me off when they come in there.) He yelled, We’re all here now. I was like, ok. I’ll be right there. Geez. So I grabbed the water jug and walked up to where he had moved his table too. Another pet peeve of mine evens though it’s not the biggest deal. Just sit where you first sat, don’t touch all the cutlery on all the tables and be nice. Apparently I am a demanding server. Whatever! Anyways, back to the story. So now they are sitting up by the window(away from the door, so they couldn’t see him when they came in) and I went up there with the water jug. When I got up there he yelled, That’s what I want. I was like, ok. That’s why I brought it up here. It’s not just for show. Then I asked if I could bring everyone a cup of coffee or tea or anything to drink other than water. The ladies were all so nice and a couple of them said yes to coffee. He said, Me Too. I asked him, you would like a cup of coffee too? He looked at me and said, I wasn’t talking to you. So I asked again, would you like a cup of coffee? He said, UH NO! I said ok. And went and got the ladies their coffee. When I came back I told them all the special and left to give them a minute to decide. Every time I went up there he just ignored me. I didn’t really care. Then I went up to get there order. I asked them all what they would like and the ladies told me. The one lady asked for a salad and a soup. I asked her if she wanted to soup to start and she said all together is just fine unless someone else has a starter. Then I got to him. When I asked him what he would like to try he was like, well do you have a special? I was starting to get really annoyed with him and my tone came off as sharp and crisp when I said in a I’ve already told you two seconds ago type tone, it’s the Denver for $7.95. He said well I don’t want that. Can I have a Greek salad with something on the side? I said, our Greek salad comes with a slice of garlic toast. And he said, that’s not what I meant (I’m suppose to be a mind reader I guess. I must have forgotten to read that part of my job description). He said, could I have a sandwich or something with a Greek salad as the choice. I said of course, it’s just a little extra money. He said I don’t care if you charge me more for it. I was like, ok then what would you like to go with your Greek salad? Well, I’ll have spaghetti but I don’t want meat sauce or meatballs. I asked, would you like that plain or with our tomato sauce? And he said, no I want meat sauce. I was like, ok?! So I brought out his salad and her soup to start. I took her bowl away and he was still working on his salad. That was fine. Then their meals were ready and I brought them out. His was out last because it was pasta. When I brought it he said, I’m not done my salad, you brought that out a little early didn’t you? I just walked away. I didn’t care. For one thing at lunch time most people only have half an hour to an hour for lunch so everything is pushed out fast. I had other tables that needed my attention and he was really getting under my skin. I’m forgetting a lot of things he said, but he was just rude. Anyways, back to the story. So I went to check on everyone, they were all fine. Woo hoo. Then I talked to the table right across from them. They were yummy eye candy.....aka...cute boys. They were really nice too. That was just a small detour from the story but we’ll continue on. So I was taking some of the ladies plates away and he only had one spoonful of sauce left in his pasta bowl and a couple of pieces of feta cheese in his salad bowl, he was leaned back and not touching his fork. These are all signs to your server that you’re done. So I asked him if I could take his plates for him. He said back to me, NO, I’m not done yet. I was like, oh, ok...take your time. Then I walked away. Poor Mags, the girl I was working with, didn’t know I had just been there and she saw the near empty plates and went and asked if she could take his plates for him. He got really upset apparently and told her, NO, I’m Not Done Yet. She was like, oh sorry. By this time I had come back and called him an ass and when she came back in she said, you weren’t kidding. But see, he never looked up at me so he probably didn’t look up at her either and thought it was me coming back and hounding him for his plates. Ha ha. So I told Mags, I’m going to make him sit there with his empty plates for 5 mins. She just laughed. But of course I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I went up and got his plates. Before I took them I asked him if I could take his plates and he said, um, do you think you could take these away now? ???Didn’t I just ask to take them away??? Whatever, would anyone like dessert or anything else?? No ok, I’ll be right back with your bill. His response, Yeah, could you bring our bill now? ???Ok, didn’t I just say I was going to get your bill for you??? Then I brought their bill and they sat there for another hour. I didn’t go back. They were billed. I was done with them. When they were leaving he was short 3 dollars from his bill so he had to come back and pay it. Then he left.
I went to my boss after he was gone and told him, that guy that just left is the biggest JERK(and that’s a nice word) I’ve ever served in all my years serving(11years). My boss’ response, I’m not surprised. I over heard some of their conversation and he thinks he’s God’s gift to all mankind. I told my boss that if I ever had to have lunch with him I think I would have to kill myself. Seriously it was that bad. Yes Dad, it was even worse than “The last one was to go” lady.
What’s the moral of the story? If you have a friend or someone who is arrogant and rude that embarasses you(because I could tell those ladies were embarassed) let them know that they are being an ass. Maybe nobody has ever told him that with an attitude adjustment he would get a lot better service and maybe some new friends. I told Mags that if he ever comes in again, I will NOT serve him. After it was all said and done I just laugh because everything he did just made him look like an idiot. So when people ask me if there are really customers like the lady in the movie “Waiting” I would have to respond, YES. This is one of those stories. :) Until next time. Peace Out.
He walked in and started looking around. I walked up to him and welcomed him and asked if I could help him. He said, I’m meeting 3 or 4 other people here at 11:45, what time is it. I said, it’s exactly 11:45 on my clock, but I only have this one table in right now. Would you like to sit down and wait for them? He looked around and said, can I sit in here or should I sit in there (pointing at the lounge). I said I could sit him in here and walked towards the booth that was maybe 5 feet from where we were standing. He pretty much yelled, I want them to be able to see me when they walk in. I was like hows right here. He said fine. Then he said, well there might be 5 of us. We won’t all fit here, we’ll have to sit somewhere larger. I just ignored him(honestly, he was talking in such a rude tone.) So I walked away and the whole time he was waiting he never sat down. He kept pacing and looking out the window. I was like, whatever. Then my lady at the table was all done so I took her plate and took it to the dishwasher. I was off the floor for not even 45 seconds. Then I came out and he was in the waitress station (just a note to yourself that really pushes my buttons. That’s MY area AWAY from the customers so it ticks me off when they come in there.) He yelled, We’re all here now. I was like, ok. I’ll be right there. Geez. So I grabbed the water jug and walked up to where he had moved his table too. Another pet peeve of mine evens though it’s not the biggest deal. Just sit where you first sat, don’t touch all the cutlery on all the tables and be nice. Apparently I am a demanding server. Whatever! Anyways, back to the story. So now they are sitting up by the window(away from the door, so they couldn’t see him when they came in) and I went up there with the water jug. When I got up there he yelled, That’s what I want. I was like, ok. That’s why I brought it up here. It’s not just for show. Then I asked if I could bring everyone a cup of coffee or tea or anything to drink other than water. The ladies were all so nice and a couple of them said yes to coffee. He said, Me Too. I asked him, you would like a cup of coffee too? He looked at me and said, I wasn’t talking to you. So I asked again, would you like a cup of coffee? He said, UH NO! I said ok. And went and got the ladies their coffee. When I came back I told them all the special and left to give them a minute to decide. Every time I went up there he just ignored me. I didn’t really care. Then I went up to get there order. I asked them all what they would like and the ladies told me. The one lady asked for a salad and a soup. I asked her if she wanted to soup to start and she said all together is just fine unless someone else has a starter. Then I got to him. When I asked him what he would like to try he was like, well do you have a special? I was starting to get really annoyed with him and my tone came off as sharp and crisp when I said in a I’ve already told you two seconds ago type tone, it’s the Denver for $7.95. He said well I don’t want that. Can I have a Greek salad with something on the side? I said, our Greek salad comes with a slice of garlic toast. And he said, that’s not what I meant (I’m suppose to be a mind reader I guess. I must have forgotten to read that part of my job description). He said, could I have a sandwich or something with a Greek salad as the choice. I said of course, it’s just a little extra money. He said I don’t care if you charge me more for it. I was like, ok then what would you like to go with your Greek salad? Well, I’ll have spaghetti but I don’t want meat sauce or meatballs. I asked, would you like that plain or with our tomato sauce? And he said, no I want meat sauce. I was like, ok?! So I brought out his salad and her soup to start. I took her bowl away and he was still working on his salad. That was fine. Then their meals were ready and I brought them out. His was out last because it was pasta. When I brought it he said, I’m not done my salad, you brought that out a little early didn’t you? I just walked away. I didn’t care. For one thing at lunch time most people only have half an hour to an hour for lunch so everything is pushed out fast. I had other tables that needed my attention and he was really getting under my skin. I’m forgetting a lot of things he said, but he was just rude. Anyways, back to the story. So I went to check on everyone, they were all fine. Woo hoo. Then I talked to the table right across from them. They were yummy eye candy.....aka...cute boys. They were really nice too. That was just a small detour from the story but we’ll continue on. So I was taking some of the ladies plates away and he only had one spoonful of sauce left in his pasta bowl and a couple of pieces of feta cheese in his salad bowl, he was leaned back and not touching his fork. These are all signs to your server that you’re done. So I asked him if I could take his plates for him. He said back to me, NO, I’m not done yet. I was like, oh, ok...take your time. Then I walked away. Poor Mags, the girl I was working with, didn’t know I had just been there and she saw the near empty plates and went and asked if she could take his plates for him. He got really upset apparently and told her, NO, I’m Not Done Yet. She was like, oh sorry. By this time I had come back and called him an ass and when she came back in she said, you weren’t kidding. But see, he never looked up at me so he probably didn’t look up at her either and thought it was me coming back and hounding him for his plates. Ha ha. So I told Mags, I’m going to make him sit there with his empty plates for 5 mins. She just laughed. But of course I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I went up and got his plates. Before I took them I asked him if I could take his plates and he said, um, do you think you could take these away now? ???Didn’t I just ask to take them away??? Whatever, would anyone like dessert or anything else?? No ok, I’ll be right back with your bill. His response, Yeah, could you bring our bill now? ???Ok, didn’t I just say I was going to get your bill for you??? Then I brought their bill and they sat there for another hour. I didn’t go back. They were billed. I was done with them. When they were leaving he was short 3 dollars from his bill so he had to come back and pay it. Then he left.
I went to my boss after he was gone and told him, that guy that just left is the biggest JERK(and that’s a nice word) I’ve ever served in all my years serving(11years). My boss’ response, I’m not surprised. I over heard some of their conversation and he thinks he’s God’s gift to all mankind. I told my boss that if I ever had to have lunch with him I think I would have to kill myself. Seriously it was that bad. Yes Dad, it was even worse than “The last one was to go” lady.
What’s the moral of the story? If you have a friend or someone who is arrogant and rude that embarasses you(because I could tell those ladies were embarassed) let them know that they are being an ass. Maybe nobody has ever told him that with an attitude adjustment he would get a lot better service and maybe some new friends. I told Mags that if he ever comes in again, I will NOT serve him. After it was all said and done I just laugh because everything he did just made him look like an idiot. So when people ask me if there are really customers like the lady in the movie “Waiting” I would have to respond, YES. This is one of those stories. :) Until next time. Peace Out.
Friday, June 23, 2006
Car Show
These next pictures are for my brother to check out and tell me if it's ok to be interested in them. I'm really interested in the black VW Golf. It's a 91 or a 92. It's a 1.8 litre engine. 5 speed, shaved off door handles. It has crome wheel wells, ground effects, beautiful rims and it looks hot. I like it a lot. They are asking $7100 or best offer. The blue one just looks pretty so I thought I would take a picture or two or four of it too. So enjoy the show.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
What would you do with 28 and a half hours?
Hello my peeps. Have you ever stayed awake for a really long time against your own will? I did just two days ago. You see on Saturday I went to work and after work I came home and started playing my game, Roller coaster Tycoon. I decided I would go to bed around 2am. That’s when I normally go to bed. I couldn’t sleep. So I got back up and tried reading and playing my game again, trying to get sleepy so that I could get to sleep. Still no luck. By the time 5:30 came along I said forget it I’ll just stay awake until church is over. Well church was so freakin’ awesome on Sunday. After church a few of us went to McDonald’s for lunch. I hardly touched my lunch because I was so tired I wasn’t hungry. Plus I had gone for breakfast at 6am with myself because when you’re awake at that time, you don’t care if you’re seen in public by yourself. Anyways, after lunch we all chatted until 3:30 in the afternoon. I went home and I got my kitty a collar and leash(story about that is in Crazy Cat moment). Then I came home and tried to stay awake for 7pm. Why? Because it was the young adult wind up and we were having a bonfire. Well, at 6pm I was playing my game and my head rested on the arm rest and off I went. I woke up and paused my game and went and lied down on the couch. When I woke up I was in my bed. I don’t know how that happens. However, when I woke up it was 11pm. I jumped up and yelled out, I’m going to be late for work. I worked at noon. Well, I grabbed my stuff and headed out my bedroom door towards the washroom and noticed that the windows were telling me something. It’s night time Michelle, go back to bed. You don’t have to work for another 13 hours. I took a deep breath and headed towards the computer. I played my game, checked out people’s blogs and had a great time until 4am. Finally I felt tired again and headed to bed. I woke up and went to work.
Ok, before I say this first I must tell you what inspired me to do something. I was watching one of my favorite shows, The Biggest Loser. The one girl that was on there was 5lbs heavier than I am. My mouth dropped. She’s on this show?? So after work today I went to the gym. I’m declaring it here so that I can have your support to work out a minimum of 3 times a week. I want to lose 20lbs before August 1. That means I must work my butt off(literally). So after I ran and lifted weights for an hour I headed towards the downstairs change rooms. On my way there I got distracted. There was a guy climbing up the wall. So I stopped and asked him if I could watch. He was like sure. You can even do it if you want. I was like, I’ve never tried wall climbing before. So after watching him do a couple of walls I decided I would give it a try. Let me tell you, I was instantly hooked. There was a line about 7 feet up and I told him that it was my goal to reach that line. He looked at me and said, it’s 7feet. I think you can go all the way to the roof. I said, I want to set my goal low so if I don’t reach it I have something to strive for. Well, I could hear him talking to someone and when he looked up he was like, Holy crap you’re at the top already. haha. I went past the red line. I went all the way to the roof. 20 feet. Still not that high, but for my first time ever I was happy. He said ok now to get down you just have to lean back and let go of the wall. I was like ok. So I leaned back. He said, ok we’ll try again. This time lean back like you’re in a chair and let go of the wall. I was like, ok. I leaned back and sat like I was in a chair. He said, ok, now let go of the wall. Do you know how scary that is? So finally I leaned back and started pushing myself off the wall. He said, don’t do that. Just walk down the wall slowly. (Takes the fun right out of it.) He said, you’re not James Bond so you don’t need to do that. When I got to the ground I told him, I’m not James Bond, but I am from the Matrix. haha. He said to me, now which one would you like to do? I told him I was done for the day. He was like, what? I said, you know I just finished working out in the other room. My arms are tired but I’ll be back to do the wall again. So I think I’ll go on Saturday. I’m hooked. It was sooo much fun.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number One.
This moment happened a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was a funny story and decided to share it with you. It was a hot day so I took the roof off my car. Later that evening I decided I wasn’t going to use my car any more so I should put the roof back on. When I opened the door I was welcomed with two very large eyes, just staring at me. There was a cat in my car, and it wasn’t my cat. I got freaked and jumped behind the door. It just stayed there. Staring at me. I said in a loud firm voice, get out. It still didn’t move. So I snapped my fingers and said, get out. It still didn’t move. I don’t know why I was so scared, seriously I have a cat. But this cat was big. Fat. And in an unusual closed environment with the scent of another, my, cat. So I was scared. I didn’t know how to respond. And so I said out loud, ok, it’s probably just as scared of you as you are of it so I said in a loud voice Get Out Now, Please. I guess it doesn’t know manners and it still didn’t budge. So I scurried behind the car and tapped on the glass right behind where it was sitting. It was gone within seconds. Whew. I put the roof back on in a fast pace and ran back inside. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number 2.
Yesterday my intention was to take my cat with me to the bon fire that I never got to. So I went out and bought her a collar and a leash. It is really cute with a bell on it. Well, if you know my cat you know she freaks out when anything is on her head. So when I put this collar on at first she couldn’t understand that the bell noise was coming from her. So she would run and try to grab it at the same time. Her arms were up in the air as though she was reaching for something. Than she would grab nothing and tackle it. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to try to take a picture of it. If there is a picture of it on here that means I got it, but if there isn’t a picture of it then you know I failed this mission. Ok, remember that these pictures were all taken within a minute. She goes nuts with her collar on...it's so funny. She's so dramatic, especially when she lays down in defeat. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number 2 is now over.

Well, that’s about all I have to report for this time. Until next time. Peace Out!
Ok, before I say this first I must tell you what inspired me to do something. I was watching one of my favorite shows, The Biggest Loser. The one girl that was on there was 5lbs heavier than I am. My mouth dropped. She’s on this show?? So after work today I went to the gym. I’m declaring it here so that I can have your support to work out a minimum of 3 times a week. I want to lose 20lbs before August 1. That means I must work my butt off(literally). So after I ran and lifted weights for an hour I headed towards the downstairs change rooms. On my way there I got distracted. There was a guy climbing up the wall. So I stopped and asked him if I could watch. He was like sure. You can even do it if you want. I was like, I’ve never tried wall climbing before. So after watching him do a couple of walls I decided I would give it a try. Let me tell you, I was instantly hooked. There was a line about 7 feet up and I told him that it was my goal to reach that line. He looked at me and said, it’s 7feet. I think you can go all the way to the roof. I said, I want to set my goal low so if I don’t reach it I have something to strive for. Well, I could hear him talking to someone and when he looked up he was like, Holy crap you’re at the top already. haha. I went past the red line. I went all the way to the roof. 20 feet. Still not that high, but for my first time ever I was happy. He said ok now to get down you just have to lean back and let go of the wall. I was like ok. So I leaned back. He said, ok we’ll try again. This time lean back like you’re in a chair and let go of the wall. I was like, ok. I leaned back and sat like I was in a chair. He said, ok, now let go of the wall. Do you know how scary that is? So finally I leaned back and started pushing myself off the wall. He said, don’t do that. Just walk down the wall slowly. (Takes the fun right out of it.) He said, you’re not James Bond so you don’t need to do that. When I got to the ground I told him, I’m not James Bond, but I am from the Matrix. haha. He said to me, now which one would you like to do? I told him I was done for the day. He was like, what? I said, you know I just finished working out in the other room. My arms are tired but I’ll be back to do the wall again. So I think I’ll go on Saturday. I’m hooked. It was sooo much fun.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number One.
This moment happened a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was a funny story and decided to share it with you. It was a hot day so I took the roof off my car. Later that evening I decided I wasn’t going to use my car any more so I should put the roof back on. When I opened the door I was welcomed with two very large eyes, just staring at me. There was a cat in my car, and it wasn’t my cat. I got freaked and jumped behind the door. It just stayed there. Staring at me. I said in a loud firm voice, get out. It still didn’t move. So I snapped my fingers and said, get out. It still didn’t move. I don’t know why I was so scared, seriously I have a cat. But this cat was big. Fat. And in an unusual closed environment with the scent of another, my, cat. So I was scared. I didn’t know how to respond. And so I said out loud, ok, it’s probably just as scared of you as you are of it so I said in a loud voice Get Out Now, Please. I guess it doesn’t know manners and it still didn’t budge. So I scurried behind the car and tapped on the glass right behind where it was sitting. It was gone within seconds. Whew. I put the roof back on in a fast pace and ran back inside. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.

*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number 2.
Yesterday my intention was to take my cat with me to the bon fire that I never got to. So I went out and bought her a collar and a leash. It is really cute with a bell on it. Well, if you know my cat you know she freaks out when anything is on her head. So when I put this collar on at first she couldn’t understand that the bell noise was coming from her. So she would run and try to grab it at the same time. Her arms were up in the air as though she was reaching for something. Than she would grab nothing and tackle it. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to try to take a picture of it. If there is a picture of it on here that means I got it, but if there isn’t a picture of it then you know I failed this mission. Ok, remember that these pictures were all taken within a minute. She goes nuts with her collar on...it's so funny. She's so dramatic, especially when she lays down in defeat. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number 2 is now over.

Well, that’s about all I have to report for this time. Until next time. Peace Out!
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Oops I did it again
Hello party people. I was reading Dawn’s blog and I decided to use her excuse of why I don’t blog more often. Except the real reason I don’t blog as often is because I’m an addict. I’m addicted to a game. It’s called RollerCoaster Tycoon. I know it’s an older game but I love it. My favorite part is to build a burger stand right beside a ride entrance. It’s my intention for them to eat a burger before they go on the ride and then when they come off the ride they puke. I don’t know why I get suck a cheap thrill from it. I always name one of the green faced kids, Marcus the Pukus and I put a tracer on him for the remainder of his time in the park. Am I sick or what? Anyways, after that last blog entry it struck up some memories of other dating disasters I’ve had.
When I first moved here I was working at Humpty’s. This guy came up to the till to pay for his bill and asked me if I would like to join them to a movie tomorrow. I was like, yes. So the next day just before he got there I was just finishing getting ready in the washroom. My roommate was talking to me through the door. She kept saying I think it’s a date. My response would always be, no it’s not. Michelle, I think it’s a date. Um, nope he said we. I came out of the washroom and she said, you’re wearing that? I said yes, I’m comfortable and it’s not a date, it is just a bunch of us going to a movie(I was in overalls). Well, when he came to the door he was dressed in a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers. I was like, oh...Thank you. We had a great time. We watched the movie Pearl Harbor and went for a long walk and got icecream. When I got home I felt really dumb for wearing overalls.
Another time, really close to this past date I just told you about, some people who came into Humpty’s everyday had become friends of mine. They asked me if I would go on a blind date with someone they knew. I was like, um....nope. Then they told me that he worked with them (at McDonald’s) and that I had come through drive thru and he noticed me and wanted to meet me. I told them I was flattered but still no. After a month of them hounding me(these people are persistent) I finally caved and said fine. So here is how the blind date from.....(this is a G rated blog) goes.
He picked me up(good start). As soon as I saw him though, I knew he wasn’t my type, but I was determined to give it a shot. Then we got into his really old, beat up, falling apart truck. (Still ok). We were going to the theater to see the movie Angel Eyes with Jennifer Lopez(awesome, I wanted to see that movie). When we got to the theater I went to get out of the truck but the door was stuck. I looked up to see if he could help me but he was already out of the truck and walking towards the theater WITHOUT me. (Very bad move). So I pushed as hard as I could and finally got the door open. I RAN to catch up with him. Do you know that show, Blind Date???? Well, that’s all that I could think about. I had all these really funny bubbles coming out of my head and I would laugh to myself. Once we were in the theater I offered to pay for my own but he insisted(good move...I’m starting to forget all about the leaving me in your broken down truck and having to RUN on my date to catch up). I get a drink and we have 25 minutes until the seating for our movie starts. I think wow, we can actually talk a little bit before the movie, this is a good thing. To my dismay, however, he picks up a movie magazine and sits down at a table and reads it from cover to cover. HELLO???? Aren’t we on a date? (Bad move). So what do I do? I check out the other guys in the theater. What other people on dates and wish I had someone to talk to. Finally the guy announces that they will now let the people going to our movie sit. So he puts the magazine down on the table and leaves it there for someone else to clean up for him(bad move) and we head into the movie. The movie was alright but that’s all. We just sat there and watched it. Once it was over we got back into his rickty old truck and went for a little drive. He wanted to talk. Hello, we are on a date. Ok. But the talk is going nowhere. It was almost like random words. I was paying more attention to the imaginary bubbles coming out of my head than to what he was saying. He asked me if I wanted to continue driving around and I said I just wanted to go home. So he took me home. When I went to get out of the truck I put my right foot on the ground, like you normally do before you put your other one down. Well, I hadn’t gotten my other leg out of the truck yet when he started to drive away.(Bad Move). You don’t try to sweep one off their feet that way. I bounced around trying to get my balance without falling completely over and when I finally did, I walked around the house to where my door was. (I lived in the back lane...it was dark, not a good neighbourhood, there is a back alley he could have drivin’ down.) When I walked in the door, my roommate asked me how it went. I started to laugh so hard that I cried. I told her we needed to go for coffee so I could tell her all about it. It doesn’t end there. The next day he sent me flowers with a card that said, I had a great time, I hope you did to, maybe we can do it again. Are you kidding me? Were you on the same date I was on??? When I saw the girls who set me up I swear my eyes turned red. I was like what the heck were you thinking?
Well, that’s it for now. Until next time. Peace Out.
When I first moved here I was working at Humpty’s. This guy came up to the till to pay for his bill and asked me if I would like to join them to a movie tomorrow. I was like, yes. So the next day just before he got there I was just finishing getting ready in the washroom. My roommate was talking to me through the door. She kept saying I think it’s a date. My response would always be, no it’s not. Michelle, I think it’s a date. Um, nope he said we. I came out of the washroom and she said, you’re wearing that? I said yes, I’m comfortable and it’s not a date, it is just a bunch of us going to a movie(I was in overalls). Well, when he came to the door he was dressed in a suit and holding a bouquet of flowers. I was like, oh...Thank you. We had a great time. We watched the movie Pearl Harbor and went for a long walk and got icecream. When I got home I felt really dumb for wearing overalls.
Another time, really close to this past date I just told you about, some people who came into Humpty’s everyday had become friends of mine. They asked me if I would go on a blind date with someone they knew. I was like, um....nope. Then they told me that he worked with them (at McDonald’s) and that I had come through drive thru and he noticed me and wanted to meet me. I told them I was flattered but still no. After a month of them hounding me(these people are persistent) I finally caved and said fine. So here is how the blind date from.....(this is a G rated blog) goes.
He picked me up(good start). As soon as I saw him though, I knew he wasn’t my type, but I was determined to give it a shot. Then we got into his really old, beat up, falling apart truck. (Still ok). We were going to the theater to see the movie Angel Eyes with Jennifer Lopez(awesome, I wanted to see that movie). When we got to the theater I went to get out of the truck but the door was stuck. I looked up to see if he could help me but he was already out of the truck and walking towards the theater WITHOUT me. (Very bad move). So I pushed as hard as I could and finally got the door open. I RAN to catch up with him. Do you know that show, Blind Date???? Well, that’s all that I could think about. I had all these really funny bubbles coming out of my head and I would laugh to myself. Once we were in the theater I offered to pay for my own but he insisted(good move...I’m starting to forget all about the leaving me in your broken down truck and having to RUN on my date to catch up). I get a drink and we have 25 minutes until the seating for our movie starts. I think wow, we can actually talk a little bit before the movie, this is a good thing. To my dismay, however, he picks up a movie magazine and sits down at a table and reads it from cover to cover. HELLO???? Aren’t we on a date? (Bad move). So what do I do? I check out the other guys in the theater. What other people on dates and wish I had someone to talk to. Finally the guy announces that they will now let the people going to our movie sit. So he puts the magazine down on the table and leaves it there for someone else to clean up for him(bad move) and we head into the movie. The movie was alright but that’s all. We just sat there and watched it. Once it was over we got back into his rickty old truck and went for a little drive. He wanted to talk. Hello, we are on a date. Ok. But the talk is going nowhere. It was almost like random words. I was paying more attention to the imaginary bubbles coming out of my head than to what he was saying. He asked me if I wanted to continue driving around and I said I just wanted to go home. So he took me home. When I went to get out of the truck I put my right foot on the ground, like you normally do before you put your other one down. Well, I hadn’t gotten my other leg out of the truck yet when he started to drive away.(Bad Move). You don’t try to sweep one off their feet that way. I bounced around trying to get my balance without falling completely over and when I finally did, I walked around the house to where my door was. (I lived in the back lane...it was dark, not a good neighbourhood, there is a back alley he could have drivin’ down.) When I walked in the door, my roommate asked me how it went. I started to laugh so hard that I cried. I told her we needed to go for coffee so I could tell her all about it. It doesn’t end there. The next day he sent me flowers with a card that said, I had a great time, I hope you did to, maybe we can do it again. Are you kidding me? Were you on the same date I was on??? When I saw the girls who set me up I swear my eyes turned red. I was like what the heck were you thinking?
Well, that’s it for now. Until next time. Peace Out.
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