Ok, so I told you all that I have started my training for becoming a server. My first night on was a lot of fun. I got to know a couple of the regular customers and learned a lot. Last night I was in the middle of learning when it started to get really busy. We had a line up at the door. This usually wouldn't be an issue but the hostess that was suppose to be on the door called in sick. The hostess that was suppose to be working the back making sure the food was going out on time had also called in sick. We were still good with staff because the manager was going to work the door. But wouldn't you know it one of the cooks cut part of her finger off and was no longer able to work. She did this in the afternoon and was rushed to the hospital. But when she came back they took one look at her and said she wasn't going to be able to work. So the manager who was working the door now had to go back onto the cook line to help out. This left the door unattended. So he, the manager, asked if I could work the door because he wasn't able to be in two places at once. I agreed. And preformed my magic. I even ended up taking an order for one of the servers. It was so much more fun.
Before all this madness started happening though I had this one table. It was an older couple. Not old, but older than me. I'd say probably in their 50's. Anyways, I brought the lady her wine and the gentleman his beer. He responded in saying you just gave Santa a beer. I kind of laughed and then said, "What?" In a confused manner. He looked like Santa but I didn't want to say anything rude. He told me that he goes to the old folk homes around town dressed as Santa. I was like, oh cool. He had the real beard and everything. If I had had my camera I would have taken a photo and posted it. He really did look like a real Santa. He asked me what I wanted for Christmas and I told him, free dinner. Later on when I was checking on him and his wife's soup progress the girl I was shadowing overheard what I said. I had said, "How's your soup Santa?" When I came back to where she was she asked me what I said. I told her and she looked at me in horror....almost like you can't be going around insulting our guests like that. haha. I explained to her what he had told me earlier and ease washed across her face. It was Awesome.
Oh and by the way I did get to go back to shadowing in the bar after the restaurant calmed down. Plus my manager said I could have a dinner for free for switching and helping out. SCORE! Santa has really come to town!
Older than you!
Like Fifty!
Like Santa'
I am as old as Santa!
Yer dad...your hair is the color of Santa's too. Only thing missing is the beard...hohoho.
Michelle, maybe you could be Santa's helper @ Kelsey's?
See you all in 4 sleeps.
I thought your New Year's resolution was to keep your blog updated??? Guess what??? It is the first day of the new year and NO NEW BLOG!!! What's up with that?
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