Alrighty, I left you off at the part where we were sitting in the van for a while before we even took off to our first camping destination. Once we got the van a rollin’ we headed towards Kenora. Which is just on the other side of the Ontario/Manitoba border. It was beautiful there. I have to say though my focus was more on my project(Cross Stitching) than on the view. The van ride was beautifully sung about by our dear friend Joe. Seriously I almost peed my pants from laughing so hard. Ok, I did pee my pants, but whatever...just kidding people, I do have my bladder control still intact except for that one time in Bible College, but we won’t go there.
We stopped for a late lunch in Portage at the Mc of the Dee’s. I laughed so hard when Joe asked if they still had free smiles. The girl said no. Then Joe slammed down his hands on the counter and said, “Well, see if I come back here again”. It made the girl give him a free smile. I wonder if she noticed that...haha.
When we arrived at the camp site we set up our tent. That was so much fun...I haven’t been “real” camping since I was about 11. I mean the whole tent bit. I was ready to get down and dirty. After we set up our tents we headed across the highway to purchase some beverages for dinner. (Also the washroom was across the highway...that’s right there would be no in the middle of the night pee for me....hee hee). When we got back to the camp site Scott made us some of the best bbq burgers ever!
After dinner we played a game with a ball. I don’t think it had a name, so I will name it “Throw the ball and bounce it off the fence” game. And if you went to catch the ball and missed you had to run and touch the fence before someone else could catch the ball and hit the fence. If they hit the fence with the ball before you were able to touch it you got a point. The person with the least amount of points at the end of the game won. It was actually a lot of fun.
After the game was over we all just sat around and talked.
The next morning we headed towards deeper Ontario. When we got to our next destination we set up our tents right away. Then we went for a walk down to the lake. We played on the playground for a while. The boys all got on the merry go round and were spinning really fast. I think I got motion sickness just from watching them. I played it safe and stayed on the swings. We then headed back to our campsite and just relaxed for quite a while.
Nicky and I did a lot of movie quoting. Our favorite to quote from was Bio Dome. I recommend that you watch it if you haven’t yet. (I’m writing about this trip about a month after it happened so please forgive me if I’ve left out some details...for those of you who weren’t there you won’t even notice if I’ve missed something so just forget you read this footnote).
The next day we woke up and had our breakfast. Sometimes the fire was created by using funny things. Such as, you ask? Pudding snacks. haha. Don’t worry pudding lovers, we ate the pudding first. But let me tell you, there is nothing like waking up to the smell of burning plastic first thing in the am. YUM! I have to say though, the cooking on this trip was exceptional. (Not even kidding).
We did a lot of relaxing and oh yeah, we went for a nice walk the first morning we were there. It was so beautiful there. It reminded me of nothing I’ve ever seen before... so really I can’t say it reminded me of something when there is nothing to compare it to. So yes people, I used the wrong word choice there. Cross out the “remind” and oh, whatever, it was really nice there ok.
The weekend was so full of relaxing and fun times. We went swimming one day. The water was awesome. You could see the bottom. I did a handstand in the water and when I went down I smacked my head into the floor of the lake. That hurt enough for me to call it quits for the day. I had a bit of a headache for the rest of the trip but it just reminded me of how much fun I was having. haha.
The Saturday we headed into Sioux Lookout to check out the town from which my friend Dave comes from. We went for ice cream and then went out to Dave’s parents’ house. It was amazing. I’d have to say though the Tonka Toys totally ruled over everything there. They were awesome. There was even a mixer truck! How amazing is that!?! So cool. The guys had a lot of fun with the paddle boat and the sauna room.
His parents even fed us while we were there. Yummy burgers once again. While we were eating them they had the TV on and that’s how we learnt that there was a Tornado warning for where we were camping. AWESOME!!! For everyone who knows me I’m freakin’ scared of storms. However, since we had that flood in Brandon last year, I’d have to say that I am not so afraid any more. Anyways, off topic, we were wondering if we should go back to our camp site. But the adventurous campers that we are we thought, why not. So off we went. When we were half way back one of the guys remembered he hadn’t closed his tent window. As soon as we got back to the camp site he ran and checked out the damage. Yep, soaked. Everything soaked. And the vent on the one side of the girls tent was open so a couple of things got wet in there. And the second boys tent, things were soaked in there too. So some ok, most of the people went to dry their stuff. Dave, Nicky and I all stayed back at the camp site. We had so much fun and indirectly met Dave’s brother. That was funny. We were sitting at the picnic table just talking when someone’s car alarm went off. Suddenly we heard a bunch of yelling, “Turn that **** off”. Then it turned off. (Dave hung his head and replied, “That’s my brother”. Then the car alarm went off again just a minute later, followed by Dave’s brother yelling “You have 5 seconds to turn that off”. Then he started counting down. It was so funny. What a good time. The wind died down and when everyone got back from drying their stuff we all sat under the tarps and hung out. (This is what you are suppose to do when you’re in a Tornado warning situation. Sit out in the open...totally safe). Afterwards we went to bed and the next morning was our last morning camping. It was a bitter sweet. I missed my bed, but I could handle the flat air mattress that Pastor Ruth and I were sharing..haha. One of the guys said to me, Michelle, we are camping you don’t need two pillows. In which I replied, I cut down pretty good I think, I usually sleep with 6 pillows. We all had so much fun. I loved every minute. Then we headed home. Joe entertained us on the trip back again with his awesome singing and playing of the guitar. At one point he had his pillow over his face while playing and singing. It was mildly muffled but still really funny. That was the end of our awesome camping trip. I recommend it for anyone who just needs to relax and have a great time.
That sounds like one awesome camping trip, and I am pretty jealous. My goodness. Last time I had a good camping time like that I was 13 in the Queen Charlotte Islands for a missions trip. We had camped out on the beach, didn't set up tents until 1am, then woke up at 4 to go crabbing. SO awesome. So are you in my city yet!?
Holy long post, Batman. I wonder if you are going to document each road sign you pass while on your road trip to your new city. I can hardly wait until you are out here!!
Oh yeah... I guess I should comment on what you actually wrote. I can't believe you sleep with 6 pillows! What are you? Some sort of diva or something?
I remember Sioux Lookout, I delivered the mail there in 1971.
It was my first truck driving job!
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