Ok, before I say this first I must tell you what inspired me to do something. I was watching one of my favorite shows, The Biggest Loser. The one girl that was on there was 5lbs heavier than I am. My mouth dropped. She’s on this show?? So after work today I went to the gym. I’m declaring it here so that I can have your support to work out a minimum of 3 times a week. I want to lose 20lbs before August 1. That means I must work my butt off(literally). So after I ran and lifted weights for an hour I headed towards the downstairs change rooms. On my way there I got distracted. There was a guy climbing up the wall. So I stopped and asked him if I could watch. He was like sure. You can even do it if you want. I was like, I’ve never tried wall climbing before. So after watching him do a couple of walls I decided I would give it a try. Let me tell you, I was instantly hooked. There was a line about 7 feet up and I told him that it was my goal to reach that line. He looked at me and said, it’s 7feet. I think you can go all the way to the roof. I said, I want to set my goal low so if I don’t reach it I have something to strive for. Well, I could hear him talking to someone and when he looked up he was like, Holy crap you’re at the top already. haha. I went past the red line. I went all the way to the roof. 20 feet. Still not that high, but for my first time ever I was happy. He said ok now to get down you just have to lean back and let go of the wall. I was like ok. So I leaned back. He said, ok we’ll try again. This time lean back like you’re in a chair and let go of the wall. I was like, ok. I leaned back and sat like I was in a chair. He said, ok, now let go of the wall. Do you know how scary that is? So finally I leaned back and started pushing myself off the wall. He said, don’t do that. Just walk down the wall slowly. (Takes the fun right out of it.) He said, you’re not James Bond so you don’t need to do that. When I got to the ground I told him, I’m not James Bond, but I am from the Matrix. haha. He said to me, now which one would you like to do? I told him I was done for the day. He was like, what? I said, you know I just finished working out in the other room. My arms are tired but I’ll be back to do the wall again. So I think I’ll go on Saturday. I’m hooked. It was sooo much fun.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number One.
This moment happened a couple of weeks ago but I thought it was a funny story and decided to share it with you. It was a hot day so I took the roof off my car. Later that evening I decided I wasn’t going to use my car any more so I should put the roof back on. When I opened the door I was welcomed with two very large eyes, just staring at me. There was a cat in my car, and it wasn’t my cat. I got freaked and jumped behind the door. It just stayed there. Staring at me. I said in a loud firm voice, get out. It still didn’t move. So I snapped my fingers and said, get out. It still didn’t move. I don’t know why I was so scared, seriously I have a cat. But this cat was big. Fat. And in an unusual closed environment with the scent of another, my, cat. So I was scared. I didn’t know how to respond. And so I said out loud, ok, it’s probably just as scared of you as you are of it so I said in a loud voice Get Out Now, Please. I guess it doesn’t know manners and it still didn’t budge. So I scurried behind the car and tapped on the glass right behind where it was sitting. It was gone within seconds. Whew. I put the roof back on in a fast pace and ran back inside. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.

*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number 2.
Yesterday my intention was to take my cat with me to the bon fire that I never got to. So I went out and bought her a collar and a leash. It is really cute with a bell on it. Well, if you know my cat you know she freaks out when anything is on her head. So when I put this collar on at first she couldn’t understand that the bell noise was coming from her. So she would run and try to grab it at the same time. Her arms were up in the air as though she was reaching for something. Than she would grab nothing and tackle it. It was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m going to try to take a picture of it. If there is a picture of it on here that means I got it, but if there isn’t a picture of it then you know I failed this mission. Ok, remember that these pictures were all taken within a minute. She goes nuts with her collar on...it's so funny. She's so dramatic, especially when she lays down in defeat. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* Number 2 is now over.

Well, that’s about all I have to report for this time. Until next time. Peace Out!
I am snorting over here, I'm laughing so hard. I'm sure while you were taking the pictures there was action going on. But to someone with an untrained eye, all I see is a cat laying around on the floor. haha
My imagination tells me, though, that PB looks very funny while chasing the bells sound around. It's so close! I can't find it! Where is it! There it goes again! haha
PB eyes are glowing....scary but cute.
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