Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I'm a Flasher!!!

Since I've been in Kelowna I have traumatized my brother in more ways than one. The first time I was sitting in my room talking on the phone. How is this traumatizing you ask? Well, if you've ever heard me talk then you know...just kidding. I actually forgot that I now live with other people. From having lived by myself for the last 5 years I have forgotten a few things. One of these things would be closing the door when you're getting ready to change. So back to the story. I was talking on the phone and decided that I would be more comfy in my pj's. But as this thought was going through my head I wasn't only talking on the phone but my brother was approaching my room. I talked to him for a few minutes and then he turned and walked away...I then started to act on my subconscience thought of changing my shirt but Cameron turned back around and started heading into my room again....just as he entered he said something to me, I responded and then started to....well you know...he was like, can't just do that. heehee...oops. Traumatization #1 has now been completed.
The second time I got him, well actually it didn't traumatize him as much as it did his girlfriend. I have this thing about doing hand checks. So I randomly decide when I'm going to enter into his room and yell out..."Hand Check" in which they need to respond by holding up their hands and then I leave. Not so bad...that's what big sisters are for right? What I didn't know though was that Cameron had just told her about this little thing that I do and she just dismissed the thought as Cameron telling lies. Well when I did a hand check not five minutes after he told her she was in shock. I entered into the room...yelled hand brother right away lifted his hands....Amber however did not. I again yelled...hand check in which she responded accordingly. Traumatization #2 is now complete.
The third time I got him was actually last night. This was a complete accident and I embarassed myself more than anything else. I was talking on the phone again while sitting in the living room with my brother. I was wearing a skirt and yes I talk with my hands a lot. I don't know what my skirt got caught on but suddenly it was attached to my hand and my hand was in the air. That's right, I flipped up my skirt in front of my brother. He was like, ahh Michelle. That's when I started laughing...the awkward laugh and my friend Miguel was talking to me both times this flashing my brother thing came up. He was like, Michelle...stop flashing your bro. It was really funny...maybe you had to be there....Anyways, traumatization #3 is complete.
The fourth time I got him was again last night. I did another hand check except this time was at an awkward time....for all of us. I entered into the room...yelled out hand check...and realized that they had the door closed for a good reason...they were kissing. So I quickly exited and went downstairs and played with my cat. We were playing hide and seek and I entered into my brother's room to hide...again they were all awkward but I was just hiding. I left his room and they soon left after. She actually thanked me for breaking them apart because she was about to be late for curfew. I was like, oops...sorry..hee hee. I'm the meanest big sister ever. Traumatization #4 is complete.
That's all the scoop I've got for you today. Now look at your brother's and sister's with gratitude that they don't do this to you! Until next time.


Michelle said...

Ok I'm commenting on my own blog because I'm sad to see no other comments. So I will talk to myself. I'm not ashamed...I do it all the time. And yes people I answer back to myself too. If that makes me a crazy be it. I'm CRAZY!!!! As if you all didn't know that already no new news for you all to read....too bad. Thanks for writing a comment sure is nice to see that someone reads this thing....oh anytime's always a pleasure talking to crazies need our sleep...good night.....good night back at you. Ok that's enough now Michelle...the joke is over...oh, ok...I didn't get that memo but I'll stop now. Bye....bye!

Sheila said...

Hello Flasher,

white girl said...

poor, poor cameron. Does he have the shakes and jitters now?

The funny thing is that I'm actually, really talking to you on the phone while I'm writing this. hehe
