Tuesday, February 02, 2010

No Iron man here

Sorry I disappeared for 2 whole days. I didn't mean to leave you hanging. I do have so much going on in my life I can understand why you're so upset. Please, let me catch my breath and I will catch you up on what's going on.

So remember how I've been really moody and tired lately? Well I found out why, and no sorry sister I'm not pregnant, but I do have a very low iron level. I find this weird since I love brussels sprouts and broccoli. I eat meat every day so how can this be possible? Well, it's a reality and I am going to do what I can to remedy it. I am taking some iron supplements and increasing my intake of dark green veggies, meat and nuts. I am glad that it got figured out and now maybe my energy level will increase back to normal. I find myself always tired and ready for a nap. Last time I checked I wasn't 96 so having to have a nap almost daily is just not right.

I'm also glad this was found out bef
ore B and I want to start having kids (which is not in the for-see-able future). It will just be something that will have already been taken care of when it does come time.

So yeah, this is getting a bit on the incredibly personal side, so let me switch it up a little. Today I took off to Penticton to apply to the school district there. I am determined to work with kids and won't give up. I know my dream, my calling. I sometimes don't understand why it doesn't seem to be working in my timing, but I know it will happen eventually. Patience is a virtue...I'm just not very virtuous. haha. Just kidding.

Well, the bed is calling me once again and it's time for me to go sleep. Until next time



white girl said...

I absolutely adore that picture of you! It captures everything so precious that is you.

Amy said...

...that and she's prolly looking at you :)

mar said...

beautiful , beautiful picture!
