I don't want to give the wrong impression that B and I don't have our issues to work out. Every couple has them. I just don't ever want to display our dirty laundry, it's stinky, not pleasant to look at or hear about and really inappropriate. So that is why I only discuss our happy moments. But on this note I'd like to share my favorite story of us just getting use to living with each other since being married.
First I have to set the scene: We've been married for about a month at this time. Both of us are sitting on the couch watching T.V. It's about midnight and I have to work early in the morning. I yawn and Brenton turns to me and says, "It's getting pretty late, you should probably head home soon." I just stared at him, confused and not knowing if I should laugh because he's joking or if he's serious and confused himself. I decided to laugh. I reminded him that we were married now and I live HERE! haha. I asked him if he would like me to go and stay at my dad's house and he said, "Shut up". He had a moment and it was funny. Just one of those things when you first get married and have to get use to I guess..haha.
This picture that I'm including comes after this Mickey had stolen a kiss from me. Brenton had gone to put our camera bag down in a safe location and while his back was turned Mickey grabbed my face and pulled me in and layed a smacker on me. And then B turned around and Mickey held one finger up to his lips to tell me it was a secret. I was in shock. Then this picture was taken shortly after. I love this man with all my heart and I'm soo happy that he picked me.

"I love this man with all my heart and I'm soo happy that he picked me."
Who? B? or Mickey? In the context it could go either way.
Those are great pics and they tell a story even without words.
I'm pretty sure she meant B! And I'm pretty sure that "Anonymous" is actually B, himself. :p
About a month after we got married, I had a nightmare that everyone stood up when asked, "If anyone objects to this union, please stand." I woke up beside my husband and was confused... I was dreaming about the wedding, so it must have not happened yet. Why is he sleeping in my bed???? I started pushing him out of bed, shouting, "you have to get out! You have to go!" And then I realized that we were already married. haha
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