I was thinking today that blogs are funny things. They're like a diary that you invite others to come and read. So how personal can you get really when you know others are going to be reading it. Then there's also the pressure of being entertaining. You want people to like you, to enjoy reading your thoughts. Isn't that a strange thing? Just my random thought for today.
I am excited for the road trip we are going to take this weekend. I'm excited to watch a couple begin their marriage. It just makes me so happy. I'm a hopeless romantic. I have even been caught looking at wedding photo's of people I don't know. I just think it's heart warming and romantic. These two people so in love and ready to embrace each other for life. To walk through life holding hands through the thick and thin. I also really like this couple and it's exciting! They were at our wedding as boyfriend and girlfriend and now they are becoming husband and wife 6 months later.
I will try to remember to take pictures and post them. No promises. I have a short memory. In fact, B enjoys my short memory. If I get upset he's learned to just wait it out and about 10 mins after I will forget why I was upset in the first place and continue on. An example of this was at my Uncle's house. I was making myself some toast and Brenton walked into the kitchen and said, "Oh, I want jam on that". And I mumbled to myself about how this was my breakfast and how dare he, but as I was mumbling I proceeded to put jam on it and hand it to him while putting more bread into the toaster. My brother who was sitting there laughed at the ordeal and B was like, "It's ok, she'll forget about it in about 10 mins". I said I would not forget for the whole day. About 2 hours later we were walking through the mall and I asked, "What was it I was suppose to remember being mad about." They all laughed...then I did something miraculous, I remembered. I wasn't mad any more, but I remember that story because it was a challenge.
Anyways, all that to say that I'm very excited for the events of this weekend! It's also Valentine's Day on Sunday! How exciting!!! It's such a great day to stop and reflect on all the love in our lives.
Until next time,
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