Ok, I'm going to try this, once again. I am not expecting to get passed this line. So if I post this, count yourself lucky for reading anything:). Anyways, I'm going to start with yesterdays adventures. It was said on Saturday night that I am consistently late for church. So I had to prove that statement wrong and I showed up to church 15mins early(this is a record for me, I'm usually about 5-10 mins late and sometimes even half an hour.) Anyways, when Barbie walked in she just laughed and said, you just had to prove us wrong eh? haha. The truth is, I don't mean to be late my bed just sucks me in and I have to fight with it's force. I'm weak, especially when I just wake up. I'm going to the gym now so I should be getting stronger to fight with such a force. After church we all went out for lunch. I invited my friend Rett and he agreed. He actually told me that he had told his ride not to come and get him after lunch because he was going to go out for lunch with us. haha. That was before the service, before we knew we were going to go out. haha. What faith. So he came with me in my car because he finds my car is easy to get into. (He's in a wheelchair) and the oh crap handle is handy. When we got to the restaurant I asked him if I could push his chair for him. He said yes(note to yourself....never let me push you if you're in a wheelchair). I asked him if I could run and I think he thought I was joking and he said yes...but I wasn't joking so I started to run. He was like, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Too fast. I stopped and apologized I didn't mean to scare him. He said it was because of all the ice, it was really bumpy...I told him that I didn't feel them. haha...of course not, I wasn't in the chair without the control. We went in and had lunch..eventually...it took over half an hour to order and then at least 45 mins until our food came. So we got our drinks for free...to bad I had a water. After lunch I took Rett home and went shopping with Jodi and Barbie for some new jeans for Jodi. It was fun because we pretended we were in a fashion show. haha. I love being a girl sometimes. I don't think boys do that. Then I came home and relaxed for an hour, talking to my brother on the phone the whole time. I like talking to him, he's so funny. After our hour long chat we both had to go. I don't know what he did, but I went to Starbucks to meet up with Barbie and Jodi. We had a good chat after we all zoned in. All three of us were zoned out at first. After our coffee we all seperated for another hour. This time I came home and talked to my mom for an hour. Then it was young adults time. So, once again, we met up at Pastor Ruth's house. I don't know if it was because I was over tired but the study video was halarious to me. I was laughing so hard that I was crying. I don't think it was suppose to be funny but the people in the background were so stinkin funny. There was one guy speaking to all of them and they were all responding with the funniest non-natural head gestures, comments and smiles. Their laughs, in the appropriate places, were so fake that it just made me laugh harder. The message was really good, I was still paying attention, but just giddy. After the video we all broke off and discussed. When we came back together Lindsey and Craig's dog, so stinkin' cute, was running around and kept licking my face...yuck.(I love the dog, I just don't care to be licked in the face.) After the bible study we had some snacks and socialized. At about 12:30am pastor Ruth asked me if I was ok. She proceeded to tell me that my face was really red and I was burning up. I felt fine, but decided it was probably time to go home to bed. However, we all know me a little better than that. I called Cameron again and talked to him for a while. Then I wrote my blog and finally went to bed at about 2am but couldn't sleep until about 3:30am. Now we are into today's adventures.
Monday: Happy Voting Day
May I be honest. This is the first year I have ever voted. I got to work and did my job until 2pm. When I would take people's bills to them I would say, I'll just leave this here for you and you have a happy voting day. Most people laughed. It's not your common departing quote. haha. I love getting reactions out of people. This surprisingly increased conversation. Weird. After I left work I went to Walmart and did some shopping(I had to buy some shampoo and stuff....stuff meaning toilet paper). I bought the huge pack of toilet paper so I don't have to buy it again for a very long time. YAY!!! Then I purposly picked a line with a cute boy in it. I could tell by his body language that he was uncomfortable...hahaha. Reactions are so much fun. Hello....we all use it! At least I hope that we all use it. After my walmart experience I headed over to the Future Shop to talk to my friend Ruth-ann. She told me that she was going on her break right away so I went looking around the store. I found myself in the stereo stuff. I found some really nice speakers and turned them all the way down and then pushed the button. The next sound scared me so much that I hit the button again, it didn't go off, I hit the power button and ran away. I'm not saying I walked away, I RAN away. I hid in the next aisle and the sale guy came up to me and said, it's ok. He said that he did that all the time and the volume switches on that particular speaker set is backwards. (Why don't they have a sign telling people that?) I was so embarassed. Finally Ruth was ready and we went to A+W for her lunch. After her lunch was done I dropped her off and headed to the main office for voting because for some strange reason I wasn't registered. So I found out where I was suppose to go and the lady said that I was a pleasant face to have come around. How sweet. I went and voted and then went home. That was pretty much it. It doesn't sound funny when you write it down, but I really had a great day. I had a lot of fun and I laughed a lot. Weird. Maybe I'm just laughing at random things. I don't know. Strange.
Ok, this is kind of late to post, but I'm going to do it anyways. I have a picture of a house in Brandon. They decorate their house to the extreme. When you turn the corner onto their street all you see is their house, no matter what time of day it is. It reminds me of the Lampoons Christmas movie. Here it is. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the lights go around their entire house including their backyard.

They must be doctors or something to be able to afford the electricity bill. That's all I can say.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
There isn't really anything to report. She's still a crazy bean. She's really cuddly though. ooh, I know what I can tell you. I bought some milk today and brought it home. (I do this, I buy it, I bring it home, is this odd? Does everyone do that?) Anyways, I showed it to her and she didn't seem all that interested in it. Then when I picked up her milk dish she clicked in to what I was holding. To her it's like a drug, or gold or something of value. Once I touched her milk dish she was all over me. It was nearly impossible to pour the milk because she was right there. Once I walked away she drank some and then found me on the couch. She jumped up and immediately started to purr and cuddled with me. What a suck up. But if you want to buy someones love, see if they'll go for some milk. That might just do the trick. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Well, that's about all to report for now. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings. Another exciting adventure day I'm sure. Every day has the potential of being packed full of fun. Until next time Peace Out.
I Can. Not. Believe. You have never voted before! You are 25! The legal age for voting is 18! Those are 7 years you can't ever get back. Your voice will forever be silent for those 7 years! If I had only known before now that you hadn't voted, I would have given you a lecture.
But I am proud of you for voting! Did my blog post give you courage to go vote? I hope I had some influence on you that way.
Do you know what? It doesn't matter, I'm going to take credit for you going to vote today.
Yay me!
Michelle-o! Your life sounds stinkin fun. I used to go into those speakers etc areas and turn up all the speakers ot their maz and run away. Then I would work my way over ot the toys that talked and I'd press all their buttons. I was rebellious. And just so you know if I'm ever in a wheelchair and you happen to be around, I'll let you push me, that's a promise...I think
and that was supposed to say max not maz and Im saying this so that you don't make fun of me for my spelling mistake like you did to Jonathan
when i went to vote i walked in the door and said rather loudly to the greeter "now voting under the 'M'.." and she laughed and said perhaps i recognized her from bingo? ha ha i dont think so but just trying to make voting fun!
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