I wonder if it will let me write. I love cookies, except for when they won't let me write in my blog. It took me forever to be able to figure out what the stink was going on. Then I talked to my dad and he said, it's the cookie monster and it's eating up all your words and only leaving the crumbs. (Those weren't his exact words I'm just paraphrasing).
Anywho, are you wondering about the title yet? Well it comes from *Crazy Cat Lady Moment*. I know this comes really early in the blog but I'm really tired and not feeling great so I want to write it before I forget what I was going to say. My Kitty, whom I think is teething, has taken me as her new chew toy. Every time I walk by her she grabs my leg with both her paws, hugs on and starts to chomp on my calf. All I can say is that I look like I have issues with all these scratches and bite marks. While I'm just sitting at the computer minding my own business she comes over and starts to chomp on my legs and feet. Seriously, I've thrown her down, sprayed her with a water bottle and the only thing that seems to work is to give her a time out. But how healthy is it for her to live in my room all the time. Today was a good day though, (I spent most of Friday and Saturday with her) and today she actually came over to me while I was on the computer, wiggled her way in and fell asleep on my lap. I love those moments. It almost makes me forget those intense biting sessions. How can you get mad at her, just look at her. She's so little. Trust me, her teeth are huge and sharp and she's just like the killer bunny. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Anyways, for the last couple of days nothing too exciting has happened. I just pierced my lip, and got a tatoo, jumped out of a plane and started Karote. Just kidding to all of the above. But if I had done any of those things I would probably have a great story to tell. However, on Friday night I finally got some decent sleep. I slept until 1pm. 1pm!!! That's a long time to sleep in. When I got up I felt great. Like I could take on the world. I went to work, got everyone around me really hyper because, well, I guess I rub off on people. I made sound effects for the coffee I poured. It was a bloop, bloop, bloop sound. Then after work I joined my two friends Jodi and Barbie at Humpty's for something to eat. Which was weird because I was going to go there anyways and then they phoned and asked me to go there. Weird when that happens. Once I was there(I can't speak for the time I wasn't there, because well, I don't know what happened because I wasn't there to find out) we all talked and I had the best tea ever. It was Lipton's French Vanilla tea. (Dawn, if the time for the tea wasn't going to take so long to get it to you I would send you some now...but we'll just have to enjoy it together when you come back to Canada). I also had a great BBQ Chicken Ceasar Salad. So yummy. Now that your mouth's are all watering I'll give you five seconds to go and get a snack that won't even come close to the satisfaction I endured. We just hung out and had a good time catching up.
Have you ever had one of those weeks when everything sets you off? Last week I had mine. Everything on T.V. set off the water park at michelle's house. If it was Doctor Phil, I was crying, if it was Oprah I was crying, if it was Zoolander, I was crying. It was RETARDED! But humourous at the same time. I would go from crying to laughing. I've never experienced such mood swings (and no I'm not pregnant). So weird.
Do you know what. Everything I just told you about Saturday night didn't happen on Saturday. It happened on Friday. Except the work stuff. I got my friends hanging out stuff mixed up though. So I went to Humpty's on Friday not Saturday. (Sorry for the confusion...however I did warn you that I was tired...so please try to follow.)
Ok, Saturday night I stepped in the door and the phone was ringing. I answered it. (I'm prone to doing this. It's my weakness...I know...I'm working on it....ringing phone...resist the urge to answer it.....I fail every time...I always answer when I'm at home.) It was my friend Jodi (did you enjoy the suspense to find out who it was? I should write movies). They were all (Barbie, Dave and Jodi) at Boston Pizza. So I went there. When the waitress came by to see if I wanted a drink they told her not to let me have anything and she believed them and walked away. I'm just kidding. They said that we were going right away so I didn't get anything. We decided to go to Dave's house and watch a movie called Serenity(really hard to follow when you're not able to focus on anything and when your friends say it's a funny movie but it's not a comedy...sci-fi movies do not = funny). Anyways, they sent Jodi and I on snack attack(meaning to buy the snacks) while Barbie and Dave headed to his house to do a 30 second tidy. Well, on our scout to the snack aisle we picked one stick of celery(for Dave, the celery king). Some ice cream bars, a bottle of coke and a bag of chips with a stirfry.(The stirfry was for me, it was a premade thingy because I hadn't had supper yet). Then we went to pick up this movie and inside the rental place there was a hopscotch set up. So of course we played it. Then we found out that one of the workers was sending her friend out to find out where this guy was hanging out so that she could meet up with him later and if he wasn't at one place then she was going to go to this other place that he might be at. (Yeah....stocker!!! and I'm not talking about the shelves). I told her that it sounded creepy. The guy behind the counter thought that it was too...then I said something and he said that I was creeping him out now. So I said tootaloo and Jodi and I went on our merry way. We watched this movie and about half way through I got radation poisioning from Dave's microwave....just kidding, but half way throught the movie I gave up and asked for help understanding the movie. I was lost and fed up trying to figure it out. Once they explained it to me I understood what was going on...but still not a comedy. After the movie we hung out and talked until 12:30am. It was fun. I won't give away any adventures that I had today because I need to save some for tomorrow's post.
Until next time
The cookie Monster...oops I mean Michelle

Do you know what made me the happiest about this post? When you said that you needed to save the details of your adventures from today so that you could tell us about them tomorrow. That means that there will be a new post again tomorrow! I'm so happy!
I'm also so happy that I was mentioned by name in your blog. Yet, at the same time, I'm a little sad that I won't be getting a package in the mail from Michelle with some French Vanilla tea in it. (aside to all the other fans of Michelle: I haven't ever gotten a package in the mail from Michelle while we've been here, and it's been 7 years. Isn't that sad? It is sad.)
Also? It is spelled stALker, not stocker. haha You and your spelling are so funny. I love you!
I hope your adventures from today include going to vote. It's Election Day in Canada! Woohoo!! Let's hear a shout, peeps!
Thank you, OtherMichelle. I'm glad you see the injustice in this situation, as do I.
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