That's what it use to look like. Now for the way it looks now.

Now is your time to vote on which one you like better. Really I like number 2 because my tv reception is so much better. But that's just from the view of the person that lives here. Anyways, now that the pictures are over and the voting has begun I will rant a little bit about my computer. It keeps freezing up so after the 16th attempt..yes I'm counting, it is finally letting me write a post. If I had been able to get it working I would have had a new post on Wednesday already. Any who...I guess it just built up the suspense for you and the stress level for me. :)
On Wednesday night I went to youth group. I was actually about 10mins late because I was doing laundry, watching American Idol and finishing my blog post. Man I'm a multi-tasker. When I got to the church I was greeted by a group of happy excited youth. They all yelled at me for being late. Last Friday night the guys all got together and played Halo(I hoped I spelt that right) at the church. I drove by and realized that it was all guys so I didn't bother going in. But I would really like to try it sometime. Dawn says it's fun. Anyways, so we were talking about that until Lori got there. Then we all headed down to the oval(our outdoor skating rink). Once we got there we fought to get our skates on and then headed to the ice. Before you can get on the ice you have to mountain climb over this snow bank. I swear it was 10 feet tall. I was half way over it and then kirplunk. I sat fast on a very hard piece of ice. I have a bruise on my bum to prove it. I would take a picture of it and post it but I think that's going too far. Anyways, this started the night of falling. We skated around for a while and then ordered pizza to come to the rink...how fun!!! Once it got there we all took off our skates and headed over to the covered area for the pizza. I had a yummy cup of hot chocolate...I was saving room for McDonalds. After the pizza was gone all the younger kids vanished...weird how that works. This is actually where the falling began. First Lori went down. There was a big patch of ice just outside the door of the covered thing where we ate the pizza. I was afraid she was going to be hurt but she got up ok. Then Sarah??(question marks because I know that's not her name...but it's 3:30 am and my mind is having a block so I'm just going to go with it until I can correct it) fell down when she was going to run up it and do a snowboard move. That was the funniest fall of the night. After I found out she was ok, I busted a gut. Then Nikki, the crazy one(she danced on a chair at the youth Christmas party) decided she wanted to break dance on the patch of ice and slide down it on a pizza box. As a youth leader I encouraged this behavior.
(this picture is of Nikki dancing at the Christmas party on a chair in front of everyone).
After we stood a long time waiting to decide what we were suppose to be doing some of the guys in the youth group decided they wanted to drive my car. So I turned it off and said, if you can turn it on, you can drive it. (I have a hidden button in my car to turn over the engine. If you don't know about it, you can't get my car to start). Well, after some cheating(the girls that knew about the switch told them) Naz one the competition and he had the priviledge to drive my car to McDonalds(up the street from the Oval). That was a fun ride because the girls in the back seat took the remote to my stereo so I had absolutely no control over my own car. It was a blast. At McDonalds when I went to go and sit down I realized that the group had split. Half were on one side of the restaurant and in yelling distance sat the other half. One half yelled at me to come and sit with them the other half did not.(However, they were engrossed in their conversation...so to make me feel better I say they didn't notice me trying to choose.) This is where my however is smashed to pieces. I went over to the smaller group and asked them to come and join us on the other side. They said they would after they were done their conversation about Basketball. I was like, oh, I know how to double dribble. Their looks of terror were enough for me to say, and I know you're not suppose to do that! They pointed their little fingers and said, go sit with them. I was dismissed by my own peeps. So I went and sat with Pastor Ruth who had sat in the middle of the two groups.
Today, after work, I went to an all girls so-long party for my friend Kristin. We went over to Lindsey and Craigs house(they have a beautiful home). We had snacks and talked and had a great time. Then we watched Bridget Jone's Diary. It is a good movie. I haven't seen it since it first came out so it made me laugh. What made me laugh more was Lori's reaction to Lindsey and Craig's dog. That was stinkin' halarious. Yeah, so that brings us up to date. I need to go to bed now. Hopefully it won't take me so long to get this blog page working for me again. I have someone(my friend Jeff) coming to look at my computer this weekend! Yay for good friends. Happy Voting!!
That was such a long post that by the time I got to the end, I forgot about the voting. Good thing you reminded me! haha
I vote for the new way because of the tv reception.
Did you find your glasses?
Michelle, you cleaned house!! Looks very nice. I like the second way better as well. Just because I like change...change is good! Sounds like you had a very busy week. Sorry about Saturday, maybe I'll come to Brandon on Sunday for the afternoon. We'll talk.
Love you, Mom
yes I did find my glasses. They were under my nightstand way at the back by the wall. I have no idea how she could even reach that far because her arms aren't that long. I was afraid to say anything about them being lost because I knew what Dad would say...on your face or in your case...haha...you'll be happy to know Dad that they are in my case now!
I vote for #2. You did such a nice job cleaning, why don't you come to my place and clean for me?
Glad you found your glasses.
Beware of kitties.....
they love to steal things and hide them.
Happy Weekend.
Oh sure just when I think you are not going to update your blog again, then you post an update! Then by the time I see it you have many comments already! I am glad you have learned the lesson about the glasses.....well maybe not the lesson, but at least the saying!
As for your rearranged furniture, well it is all about TV reception!
cool html tags :)
Go for the one with better tv reception, becuase thats what its all aobut. And stop messing up your computer.
Corrie uses that line "on your face or in your case" too. But he can't use it anymore because I don't use glasses! hahaaaaaaaa!
You really did marry your dad dawn. That's sick! Yes yes I know you don't need glasses any more...some of us still do...and I can always remind you of the days you did too. How are your eyes coming along? Can you see nice and clear now?
Hi Michelle!
I choose whatever way the bad tv reception was, because then you will call me and go out more often!! Remember I have free cable!!! Told you I was going to write this!
Hey Michelle. Did you lose your glasses again? Is that why there isn't a new post on your blog? Come on! You harrass me, so now it's only fair that I harrass you when you don't live up to the expectations you put on me. haha
I went to the eye doctor today and I could read the 20/20 line! I still have the astigmatism, but it's a lot better and will keep improving. She said that she can see that I will have perfect vision once I'm fully healed. Isn't that awesome? I'm so happy!
That's awesome about your eyes Dawn. About the new post. Every time I go to write one I get about 3 lines and then my stupid computer freezes up. It's so frustrating. But as soon as I can get past that I will have a new post on. It is a coming attraction.
I feel so unimportant posting after a billion comments. But that's what I get for caring more about school than blogs. Wanna know what I've been doing all morning "at school?" Reading and commenting on blogs. Yup. I shall also follow the crowd and vote for number two. Guess who doesn't wear glasses? me.
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