Tuesday, January 31, 2006
I'm back (Part 2)
I'm Back
Anyways, I'll start by telling you what happened on Friday. I got off work and came home. I went skating with Barbie and Jodi to the family fun night with the church. It ended up being mostly the young adult crowd. I even picked up a hockey stick and scored my first goal. Don't worry all you Michelle teeth worriers, I wasn't playing with any other players but I did score from a respectable distance away.
On Saturday I didn't wake up until 2:30pm. It felt so good to sleep in. When I got up I prepared some hash browns and hung out in my pj's. So fun. Then I got a call from Barbie saying that Dave suggested that we all go out for dinner. So of course I went. We went to Smitty's on the hill. That's just what we call the Smitty's by the highway. Our server was halarious. Not because she was telling funny jokes or anything. But because she wouldn't stop. Not even when she asked us how everything was. "How is everythinggggggg" No stopping allowed. We must have been in the Red Zone.
Ok, I'm going to post another one right away...but this is just the beginning
Friday, January 27, 2006

That's what it use to look like. Now for the way it looks now.

Now is your time to vote on which one you like better. Really I like number 2 because my tv reception is so much better. But that's just from the view of the person that lives here. Anyways, now that the pictures are over and the voting has begun I will rant a little bit about my computer. It keeps freezing up so after the 16th attempt..yes I'm counting, it is finally letting me write a post. If I had been able to get it working I would have had a new post on Wednesday already. Any who...I guess it just built up the suspense for you and the stress level for me. :)
On Wednesday night I went to youth group. I was actually about 10mins late because I was doing laundry, watching American Idol and finishing my blog post. Man I'm a multi-tasker. When I got to the church I was greeted by a group of happy excited youth. They all yelled at me for being late. Last Friday night the guys all got together and played Halo(I hoped I spelt that right) at the church. I drove by and realized that it was all guys so I didn't bother going in. But I would really like to try it sometime. Dawn says it's fun. Anyways, so we were talking about that until Lori got there. Then we all headed down to the oval(our outdoor skating rink). Once we got there we fought to get our skates on and then headed to the ice. Before you can get on the ice you have to mountain climb over this snow bank. I swear it was 10 feet tall. I was half way over it and then kirplunk. I sat fast on a very hard piece of ice. I have a bruise on my bum to prove it. I would take a picture of it and post it but I think that's going too far. Anyways, this started the night of falling. We skated around for a while and then ordered pizza to come to the rink...how fun!!! Once it got there we all took off our skates and headed over to the covered area for the pizza. I had a yummy cup of hot chocolate...I was saving room for McDonalds. After the pizza was gone all the younger kids vanished...weird how that works. This is actually where the falling began. First Lori went down. There was a big patch of ice just outside the door of the covered thing where we ate the pizza. I was afraid she was going to be hurt but she got up ok. Then Sarah??(question marks because I know that's not her name...but it's 3:30 am and my mind is having a block so I'm just going to go with it until I can correct it) fell down when she was going to run up it and do a snowboard move. That was the funniest fall of the night. After I found out she was ok, I busted a gut. Then Nikki, the crazy one(she danced on a chair at the youth Christmas party) decided she wanted to break dance on the patch of ice and slide down it on a pizza box. As a youth leader I encouraged this behavior.
(this picture is of Nikki dancing at the Christmas party on a chair in front of everyone).
After we stood a long time waiting to decide what we were suppose to be doing some of the guys in the youth group decided they wanted to drive my car. So I turned it off and said, if you can turn it on, you can drive it. (I have a hidden button in my car to turn over the engine. If you don't know about it, you can't get my car to start). Well, after some cheating(the girls that knew about the switch told them) Naz one the competition and he had the priviledge to drive my car to McDonalds(up the street from the Oval). That was a fun ride because the girls in the back seat took the remote to my stereo so I had absolutely no control over my own car. It was a blast. At McDonalds when I went to go and sit down I realized that the group had split. Half were on one side of the restaurant and in yelling distance sat the other half. One half yelled at me to come and sit with them the other half did not.(However, they were engrossed in their conversation...so to make me feel better I say they didn't notice me trying to choose.) This is where my however is smashed to pieces. I went over to the smaller group and asked them to come and join us on the other side. They said they would after they were done their conversation about Basketball. I was like, oh, I know how to double dribble. Their looks of terror were enough for me to say, and I know you're not suppose to do that! They pointed their little fingers and said, go sit with them. I was dismissed by my own peeps. So I went and sat with Pastor Ruth who had sat in the middle of the two groups.
Today, after work, I went to an all girls so-long party for my friend Kristin. We went over to Lindsey and Craigs house(they have a beautiful home). We had snacks and talked and had a great time. Then we watched Bridget Jone's Diary. It is a good movie. I haven't seen it since it first came out so it made me laugh. What made me laugh more was Lori's reaction to Lindsey and Craig's dog. That was stinkin' halarious. Yeah, so that brings us up to date. I need to go to bed now. Hopefully it won't take me so long to get this blog page working for me again. I have someone(my friend Jeff) coming to look at my computer this weekend! Yay for good friends. Happy Voting!!
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Blond Moment
After work yesterday I got a delicious sub from the Sub Shop. So good. If you haven't had the chance to experience this, I invite you to Brandon so you too can partake in the heavenly sub. Cameron has tried it and he has come to the heavenly side. While I was eating my sub I was watching American Idol. It is so funny to watch. Right now it's just in the audition times. Which is actually my favorite part of the whole thing. There were a lot of people who just shouldn't sing. Then there were a couple of people who I thought were good but I guess they weren't good enough. Than the girl who her Grandma was a famous singer, when this girl sang I was so surprised. Her talking voice sounded kind of mousey but her singing voice was amazing. I cried when I saw her reaction. She was so happy.
Today I'm going to re-arrange my furniture. I am just in the mood to do this. Plus my kitty hid my glasses on me so I'm hoping that I will be able to find them if I re-arrange the furniture. I will tidy my place up a little bit and to a before and after picture so that you can judge and vote on which one is better. This sounds like a fun thing to do and it might just get you to comment. :)
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Today my kitty got a hold of the bottom of the curtains and started to play with them. When she turned to see if I was watching I had my squirt gun ready and aiming. She looked at me, then she looked back at the curtains. You could see her weighing the pros and cons of the situation. She dropped down and walked away. Good Kitty.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Well that's about all for now. I will have more to talk about later because as you know, it's Wednesday and that means it's youth group night. Tonight should be full of adventure because we are going to the oval(our local out door skating rink) to go ice skating. It's so warm here today so it's a good day to go skating. I'm excited.
Until next time.
Peace Out
Monday, January 23, 2006
Monday: Happy Voting Day
May I be honest. This is the first year I have ever voted. I got to work and did my job until 2pm. When I would take people's bills to them I would say, I'll just leave this here for you and you have a happy voting day. Most people laughed. It's not your common departing quote. haha. I love getting reactions out of people. This surprisingly increased conversation. Weird. After I left work I went to Walmart and did some shopping(I had to buy some shampoo and stuff....stuff meaning toilet paper). I bought the huge pack of toilet paper so I don't have to buy it again for a very long time. YAY!!! Then I purposly picked a line with a cute boy in it. I could tell by his body language that he was uncomfortable...hahaha. Reactions are so much fun. Hello....we all use it! At least I hope that we all use it. After my walmart experience I headed over to the Future Shop to talk to my friend Ruth-ann. She told me that she was going on her break right away so I went looking around the store. I found myself in the stereo stuff. I found some really nice speakers and turned them all the way down and then pushed the button. The next sound scared me so much that I hit the button again, it didn't go off, I hit the power button and ran away. I'm not saying I walked away, I RAN away. I hid in the next aisle and the sale guy came up to me and said, it's ok. He said that he did that all the time and the volume switches on that particular speaker set is backwards. (Why don't they have a sign telling people that?) I was so embarassed. Finally Ruth was ready and we went to A+W for her lunch. After her lunch was done I dropped her off and headed to the main office for voting because for some strange reason I wasn't registered. So I found out where I was suppose to go and the lady said that I was a pleasant face to have come around. How sweet. I went and voted and then went home. That was pretty much it. It doesn't sound funny when you write it down, but I really had a great day. I had a lot of fun and I laughed a lot. Weird. Maybe I'm just laughing at random things. I don't know. Strange.
Ok, this is kind of late to post, but I'm going to do it anyways. I have a picture of a house in Brandon. They decorate their house to the extreme. When you turn the corner onto their street all you see is their house, no matter what time of day it is. It reminds me of the Lampoons Christmas movie. Here it is. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the lights go around their entire house including their backyard.

*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
There isn't really anything to report. She's still a crazy bean. She's really cuddly though. ooh, I know what I can tell you. I bought some milk today and brought it home. (I do this, I buy it, I bring it home, is this odd? Does everyone do that?) Anyways, I showed it to her and she didn't seem all that interested in it. Then when I picked up her milk dish she clicked in to what I was holding. To her it's like a drug, or gold or something of value. Once I touched her milk dish she was all over me. It was nearly impossible to pour the milk because she was right there. Once I walked away she drank some and then found me on the couch. She jumped up and immediately started to purr and cuddled with me. What a suck up. But if you want to buy someones love, see if they'll go for some milk. That might just do the trick. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Well, that's about all to report for now. I am excited to see what tomorrow brings. Another exciting adventure day I'm sure. Every day has the potential of being packed full of fun. Until next time Peace Out.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
I Am Not a Chew Toy

I wonder if it will let me write. I love cookies, except for when they won't let me write in my blog. It took me forever to be able to figure out what the stink was going on. Then I talked to my dad and he said, it's the cookie monster and it's eating up all your words and only leaving the crumbs. (Those weren't his exact words I'm just paraphrasing).
Anywho, are you wondering about the title yet? Well it comes from *Crazy Cat Lady Moment*. I know this comes really early in the blog but I'm really tired and not feeling great so I want to write it before I forget what I was going to say. My Kitty, whom I think is teething, has taken me as her new chew toy. Every time I walk by her she grabs my leg with both her paws, hugs on and starts to chomp on my calf. All I can say is that I look like I have issues with all these scratches and bite marks. While I'm just sitting at the computer minding my own business she comes over and starts to chomp on my legs and feet. Seriously, I've thrown her down, sprayed her with a water bottle and the only thing that seems to work is to give her a time out. But how healthy is it for her to live in my room all the time. Today was a good day though, (I spent most of Friday and Saturday with her) and today she actually came over to me while I was on the computer, wiggled her way in and fell asleep on my lap. I love those moments. It almost makes me forget those intense biting sessions. How can you get mad at her, just look at her. She's so little. Trust me, her teeth are huge and sharp and she's just like the killer bunny. *Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Anyways, for the last couple of days nothing too exciting has happened. I just pierced my lip, and got a tatoo, jumped out of a plane and started Karote. Just kidding to all of the above. But if I had done any of those things I would probably have a great story to tell. However, on Friday night I finally got some decent sleep. I slept until 1pm. 1pm!!! That's a long time to sleep in. When I got up I felt great. Like I could take on the world. I went to work, got everyone around me really hyper because, well, I guess I rub off on people. I made sound effects for the coffee I poured. It was a bloop, bloop, bloop sound. Then after work I joined my two friends Jodi and Barbie at Humpty's for something to eat. Which was weird because I was going to go there anyways and then they phoned and asked me to go there. Weird when that happens. Once I was there(I can't speak for the time I wasn't there, because well, I don't know what happened because I wasn't there to find out) we all talked and I had the best tea ever. It was Lipton's French Vanilla tea. (Dawn, if the time for the tea wasn't going to take so long to get it to you I would send you some now...but we'll just have to enjoy it together when you come back to Canada). I also had a great BBQ Chicken Ceasar Salad. So yummy. Now that your mouth's are all watering I'll give you five seconds to go and get a snack that won't even come close to the satisfaction I endured. We just hung out and had a good time catching up.
Have you ever had one of those weeks when everything sets you off? Last week I had mine. Everything on T.V. set off the water park at michelle's house. If it was Doctor Phil, I was crying, if it was Oprah I was crying, if it was Zoolander, I was crying. It was RETARDED! But humourous at the same time. I would go from crying to laughing. I've never experienced such mood swings (and no I'm not pregnant). So weird.
Do you know what. Everything I just told you about Saturday night didn't happen on Saturday. It happened on Friday. Except the work stuff. I got my friends hanging out stuff mixed up though. So I went to Humpty's on Friday not Saturday. (Sorry for the confusion...however I did warn you that I was tired...so please try to follow.)
Ok, Saturday night I stepped in the door and the phone was ringing. I answered it. (I'm prone to doing this. It's my weakness...I know...I'm working on it....ringing phone...resist the urge to answer it.....I fail every time...I always answer when I'm at home.) It was my friend Jodi (did you enjoy the suspense to find out who it was? I should write movies). They were all (Barbie, Dave and Jodi) at Boston Pizza. So I went there. When the waitress came by to see if I wanted a drink they told her not to let me have anything and she believed them and walked away. I'm just kidding. They said that we were going right away so I didn't get anything. We decided to go to Dave's house and watch a movie called Serenity(really hard to follow when you're not able to focus on anything and when your friends say it's a funny movie but it's not a comedy...sci-fi movies do not = funny). Anyways, they sent Jodi and I on snack attack(meaning to buy the snacks) while Barbie and Dave headed to his house to do a 30 second tidy. Well, on our scout to the snack aisle we picked one stick of celery(for Dave, the celery king). Some ice cream bars, a bottle of coke and a bag of chips with a stirfry.(The stirfry was for me, it was a premade thingy because I hadn't had supper yet). Then we went to pick up this movie and inside the rental place there was a hopscotch set up. So of course we played it. Then we found out that one of the workers was sending her friend out to find out where this guy was hanging out so that she could meet up with him later and if he wasn't at one place then she was going to go to this other place that he might be at. (Yeah....stocker!!! and I'm not talking about the shelves). I told her that it sounded creepy. The guy behind the counter thought that it was too...then I said something and he said that I was creeping him out now. So I said tootaloo and Jodi and I went on our merry way. We watched this movie and about half way through I got radation poisioning from Dave's microwave....just kidding, but half way throught the movie I gave up and asked for help understanding the movie. I was lost and fed up trying to figure it out. Once they explained it to me I understood what was going on...but still not a comedy. After the movie we hung out and talked until 12:30am. It was fun. I won't give away any adventures that I had today because I need to save some for tomorrow's post.
Until next time
The cookie Monster...oops I mean Michelle

Friday, January 20, 2006
The Wait is Over
After Cameron was gone life went back to normal. Man I missed the crazy days. The next week was such a blur. Without a computer I was on the phone with Cameron everyday begging him to send me something. Even if it was just the mouse. I would periodically sit in front of my blank screen. Unable to do anything with it. I would just sit and remember the good o'l days of blogging. During that week though, I picked up a few extra hours at work and oh...got my tv up and running. I bought ears for the tv so now I'm in the world of Doctor Phil and Desperate Housewives(I haven't watched this show but I have access to it now if I ever get the desire to watch it). So yeah, I don't really have any really funny stories. I probably do but I just can't remember them.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
I have been watching my cat for the last couple of weeks trying to find a really funny cat lady moment to post. I think the funniest one comes from today. I found her cuddled up on my bed. So I started to walk in the room and right away she started to meow at me(not the good kind of meow, the leave me alone kind). So of course I didn't listen. I went and curled around her and she looked at me and bit my nose. I'm sure there has to be a law against that. I just thought that was funny and totally worth bugging her over.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Last night at youth group we were playing with the special features in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We didn't watch the movie, we just played instead. You can learn two of the Umpa Lumpa dances. Well, there were about 5 people learning them and I just sat on the stage and supervised, I mean, watched. While I was watching my eyes decided to close, and man did that feel good so I let them. Then they didn't open and still I didn't resist and then I was in another world....it suddenly got interupted with an Umpa Lumpa song and I realized that I was still at youth group. When I woke up the youth were still dancing and Dave was giving me a strange look. Yes, I fell asleep in front of everyone. It was a humbling experience. The night was full of them let me tell you. After that whole fiasco I went and sat on a chair beside the sofa. I was leaning back on the chair and felt really relaxed. Suddenly out came a loud noise. Everyone thought it was just the chair until I said excuse me. haha. That was the first time I farted in front of the youth and they all reacted by running away. Not even walking, running. haha. It wasn't even a stinker. They were all just shocked that I would pass wind before them(if I knew there was an order I would have waited my turn). I had a good time at youth.
Are you wondering why I was so tired at youth group? It was because of the stupid snow removing people who like to go right outside my bedroom window until 3:30am every night. From Sunday until Wednesday I didn't get to sleep before 3:30am. So harsh. Finally last night I beat them. I went to bed before midnight so I would be past out before they started with there racket. I'm sure they were playing tennis or something out there with their loud back up noises and such. I think it would have been funny to run out there and throw a shovel at them in my pj's. haha. (You know, like Brandon Fraser did in Encino Man). I always laugh at that part...what the driver must have thought...haha.
Well, that's it for now. I am glad to be back and all that stuff. Now the phone calls will stop. Yes I had phone calls begging me to come back and post a new entry. Wow, they love me...they really love me!!
Until next time
Peace Out!!
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Post Christmas Post
After we picked Cameron up from the airport we drove out to the Ranch. Bev's doggy past away the monday before Christmas and they got her a new puppy for Christmas. So cute. Except that it kept peeing everywhere. After the ranch we drove back to mom's place for present opening. By this time it was almost one in the morning. So technically it was boxing day. However, Cameron was still on BC time so it was still Christmas. I got some really cool computer stuff from my dad that I can't use because, well, my computer is stupid but will soon be fixed. I got some Calvin and Hobbes comic books which I'm addicted to(I read both of Cameron's already because he's going to be going home soon). There were some really cool gifts for me and I don't remember asking for anything. I'm a very blessed girl.
The gift I got for Cameron was still at the store. I knew what I was getting him but I couldn't get them for him until I had his feet. (I bought him some iceskates...which he's used a lot since he's been here).
The time we've all been spending together is my favorite part. I drove out to mom's house like 4 days straight, back and forth. Can we say obsessed. haha. We went skating a lot(it's the only thing to do in the big hopping town of Edrans.) It's funny because everytime we went to skate it was usually 10pm and that's when everyone else would leave. Maybe we are known as the stinky kids or something. It was so weird. They are all early birds. They all go to bed when we start to play. I felt like such a rebel.
When Cameron came to Brandon, it was New years Eve. We(Mom, Cameron, and myself) went for dinner, followed by going to the movie, The fun with Dyck and Jane(so stinkin funny). After the movie we went to my work for a drink. After that mom went home and Cameron and I proceeded to my friend Lori's house. He thought she was really funny. We watched the countdown for New years, then we played a game like sharades but a little different. Then we played Disney's Scene it game. Cameron and I were on one team and everyone else was on the other team. They thought we knew a lot about Disney and we ended up losing by one turn. Not bad. We also had a karyoke machine and that was a lot of fun. Good times. Lori, you throw a wicked party!! (That's a good thing).
The next morning I was really sick. I don't know what I ate but my body was doing everything to get it out. Not a fun way to start the new year. So we missed church. I was so sad because I really wanted to go.
I got a prank phone call a little later in the afternoon. It was Lori. I told her, I have caller id so I know it's you. But I just went a long with it. It was really funny. She invited me to pastor Ruth's house for New Year's dinner. Pastor Ruth is so awesome to us. We watched a movie, which I don't even know what it was called but it had a million commercial breaks and I think we were all more into the urine away commercial than the movie. It was so funny.
The following day, Monday, I had off work. Cameron and I both slept in. We rented a lot of movies because everything was closed. We rented 40 year Old Virgin, (very funny) Must Love Dogs (chick flick), Airheads(classic) and Chasing Amy(almost one of the best movies ever). In the evening we went for coffee with Barbie, Kristin, Lori, Jodie and us. It was fun. I just started drinking coffee last week. Who knew it was good?
Tueday, we wached more movies and did some shopping. We had a good time. We got some computer stuff for the computer(go figure) and some other stuff. I worked most of the day so it was kind of boring. I have now idea what Cameron did all day because I wasn't with him. I'm sure he had more fun than I had because it was such a slow day in the office for me. haha. I know he found a car that he wants but that's nothing new for him.
Then today after I was done work I came home and begged to go and get something to eat. I was dying. And he ignored my cries of hunger. So I bit him. That still didn't phase him so I told my dad on him. I know so mature of me. We went and got some really good subs from my favorite place...it's called the sub shop. So good. Cameron really thinks so too.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
As soon as Cameron met my cat he started to torment her. He still hasn't let up. They have this game that he hisses at her and she hisses back at him. Really funny to watch. When he came over on New Years Eve he walked in the door and she smelt him and hissed and walked away. I can see that they are going to be having a lasting relationship. haha. I'm just glad that my hands are healing from all the scratches. I can't say the same about Cameron's hands. They both really go at eachother.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Well, that brings us up to date. I hope you all had a wonderful safe and happy Christmas and New Years. Love you all.
Peace out
P.S. My blog will be down for a couple of weeks due to my computer going in for fixing. It should be a maximum of two weeks.