Monday, January 18, 2010

It's a Veg day

Hello and Happy Monday to you! Today I had an interview for working with kids in an after school program. I sure hope I get it. I don't think I did so well when it came to the discipline part. They asked me what I would do, and I blanked. I don't like giving discipline. In fact the first time I had to give my nephew big G a time out I had just of a pouty face as he did. His crime: He had turned the garden hose on his sister (little G) His time: Spending 5 minutes on the stairs. While he sat there I changed little G and let her go play and then I sat behind Big G (so he couldn't see me) and pouted right behind him. That's when my sister and brother in law walked in and asked, "what's going on" and Big G told them. It was quite the sight. So yeah, discipline sucks! Anyways, I muffled through that part of the interview and got through to the next part of it. I didn't know how to read them. (There were 2 people). All I know is that at the end of the interview she told me that they had 3 other people to interview and there were 2 positions available. And I would be hearing back from them by the end of the week. So please pray that they hire me. :) (yes that's me using my high pitched whiny voice).

I have another interview on Wednesday (but this position isn't available until April). Anyways, this week is looking a lot brighter than last week. :) I think today I am going to invest some of my time making a chicken stew. A random thought for you. I like stew. It's so good and it has a lot of veggies. I love veggies. The other day my cousin Lauren came over and we watched the movie Julie and Julia and then Enchanted. While we watched it I offered her an ice cream sandwich, (we have a lot of them because my husband is crazy and bought 4 boxes at dairy queen because they were on sale) and she asked, "do you want to share one?" and I said, "No, I'm going to have some vegetables". Thinking I was joking she agreed to have her own ice cream sandwich and laughed when she noticed that I was actually making myself a big bowl of veggies.

Also Yesterday we went out for lunch with Brenton's family. I had ordered the chicken finger dinner. Why?! You'd think it was for the chicken fingers right? Nope, it's because it was chicken fingers and Broccoli and garlic toast, Broccoli does it get any better! Anyways, needless to say I love veggies...Ok, it is needed! It should be shouted!!!! My poor future kids.

Until next time. Keep fit and have fun

1 comment:

white girl said...

Don't worry about your kids! They will love veggies as much as you do. I'm a firm believer that kids will eat whatever is placed before them as long as it's done without a fuss. Charlie cheered one time while we were flying somewhere when he saw that there was broccoli included in his meal. I fought the temptation to stand up and take a bow. haha And? My kids LOVE brussel sprouts. Weird! But true!
