TGIF! I love Fridays. Not because it's the weekend (because hey, I'm not working so it doesn't matter) but just because everyone seems to be so happy on Fridays. It is the sabbath in the Middle East so everyone there is happy and in North America it's the beginning of our weekend so we are all happy! Every day should be Friday don't you think?
Good news to report. I have a job interview on Monday morning with an after school program helping kids with homework and recreation. Please pray that the interview goes well and that I can get it. If I do the crock pot will be coming in very handy since I will be working into the early evening. Good thing I got over that fear already ;)
I don't know what was wrong with me yesterday. I think maybe all the stress just built up to the point where everything made me cry. I mean everything. A stupid tv show at one point. It was so weird. I try to keep my stress hidden, I don't do that well. haha. I think I do, but really I wear my heart on my sleeve. Dagnabit!
God is really showing me how to rely on him and keep him as my focus. Also to just rest in his care. Not so easy! I like to think I have control but in reality does anyone?
Today I got a letter from my sister in the mail. It was so touching and it reminded me of my Grandma! (Just some of the phrases that she used would often be in the letters my Grandma would write). I miss her lots (this refers to both my sister and my Grandma). My Grandma was so grounded in her faith and always had wise words to spread. She also had her very quirky moments. Here is the last picture I ever had taken with her.
1 comment:
I love that picture! I need to get a good picture of Grandma to print out and frame. I love you!
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