Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Go Canucks

Lucky you. Two blog updates in one day. I must be bored. The hockey game is on and I'm supporting my husband in watching. I still can't believe it got worked into the vows that I must cheer for this team. Talk about a set up!

I'm feeling a lot more up-itty from earlier. Like I said I don't know what's causing this funk but I can't say it's been enjoyable. I have decided though that I will not let my emotions run my life. I am 99% feeling rather than rational but there's still that 1% of me that thinks things through right?

I decided tomorrow is going to be baking day and have pre-pared myself for this adventure. I'm excited about it because I found a cookie cutter we had bought in Disney World on our honeymoon and I'm sooo excited to use it while making yummy cookies tomorrow. I will take a picture of them and post it as soon as they're blog worthy.

I cleaned the bathrooms. This helped me get out of my funk a little. Who knew?! I love the smell! It makes me happy to have clean washrooms, although I still have to wash the shower which I will do while I'm in there tomorrow. My favorite comment tonight was when B emerged from the washroom so happy that he had turned the water green claiming that even the toilet was on his team's side. This made me laugh.



white girl said...

Can you count it as watching the game when you are updating your blog? heeee!

I can't wait to see the cookies! They will be so fun!

Michelle said...

I think it counts :) I was facing the tv. I didn't make it through the game though...I went to bed really early. (9pm). It was a good sleep! And the Canucks won, so everyone is happy! haha
