The other night the young adults from my church had our Christmas party. What a great time. At the beginning the group was going to go Christmas Caroling at the hospital. Well, there were only 5 of us that showed up. So we went anyways. When we got there the lady who was leading us kept calling us a choir. We were like, um...we aren't a choir....please don't tell people that. But she kept saying it. When everyone else got there (one more person now making our group a booming 6) we got started. We went to the lobby and sang there first. After that we went to another floor. This would be the OR floor. Just before we started singing there was a code blue announced. The lady leading us was like, just stand to the side because there might be some people come running through here. (Um, should we be on this floor???) We hadn't even started singing yet and the person just looses it. Yikes. (I later found out that the person who went into Code Blue, died after we left the hospital). Anyways, back to something happier, as we were singing we ran into the choir director from church. So mid song we stopped(on cue) and started to talk to her. That is when the lady who was leading us turned from nice lady to Caroling Nazi. She was like, um..please remember where we are...we're in a hospital. (Thankyou lady for the recap...couldn't remember where I was for that split second). I understand that we were there to carol but it was ok to stop for a second and talk to someone we knew who was visiting a family member in the hospital. Isn't that what we were there for ulimately? Whatever! She was nuts after that. Everything turned to ok, now walk my pace, now stand in a circle facing the room ok, now turn around and face the other come back you're walking too fast, oh, come back here to sing to this person YIKES is all I can say. I wasn't kidding when I said she went from nice lady to Caroling Nazi. haha.
After the caroling was over we all went back to Pastor Ruth's house. We had a wonderful dinner and snackies and then we did the gift exchange. At the end of the game I was left to pick either someone elses present or the one still under the tree. (Which was the present that I brought). I said, hey I like what I brought I'll take it. Then I decided I would save Dave from a girlie gift. (How nice am I). When he opened it all the guys in the group(all 3 of them) were like, that's so cool I want that. haha. I am so cool. I brought a shower radio. I rock. haha.
After all was said and done everyone kind of drifted off one by one. There was Barbie, Lori, pastor Ruth and I still left talking until 3am. 3 AM!!! Stink I thought it was only 1am when I left. When I got home it said 3. 3. I can't believe that still.
Then yesterday after work I went over to Dave's house to watch movies with Barbie, Jodi and yes, we let Dave come along too. His house is really neat. He has pictures and sayings all over the walls. He even has hagar cartoons posted. It's pretty cool. To discribe it I give it no justice, you must see it to appreciate it. I brought along popcorn twists, you know those things that melt in your mouth. I was laughing pretty hard when I was buying them and there is a story behind that but I won't get into it. When I got there though, both Barbie and Jodi laughed too!! This is my holla out to Kristin. We love ya girlfriend.
We watched the movies Bewitched and some new Disney movie, it's the sequel to the New Groove movie. It's wasn't that great so it's not worth remembering the name to. That's my excuse anyways.
Today after church we all went out for lunch. I don't know why but I joined a conversation when it was almost over. I had no idea what they were talking about but I added my own little bit that made absolutely no sense to their entire conversation. I said, well, maybe they didn't know they lived so close together because they're always in front of their computers. My friend Justin was like what? They don't really go on their computers ever. I was like, oh...we aren't talking about people dating on the internet? They all looked at me like I was on crack. I have no idea what inspired me to stir up in their conversation but whatever, I was so lost in left field and I think they were all lost in right field. It was so funny. The funniest part was that I was making sense to the story that I was playing out in my mind. haha. Have you ever done that? And you think everyone else has the same story going on but they are on a completely different page. Maybe I'm just a doofus. What is even funnier is that I did it a second time during lunch. Seriously they're going to think twice before allowing me to come to lunch again.
Yeah....I know I'm missing a few parts to this blog but I'm really tired and I just want to sleep. So I will say so long for now. By the way Karla, mouse soup is really just a soup with a lot of mice parts chopped up in it. So good. Just kidding, it's a soup with fruit in it. It's really yummy.
Yeah!!! I get to comment first. You forgot to mention the best mice to use in mouse soup is the young pink ones before their eyes open and they get fur and the bones are still soft.
Dad! You are so gross!
Michelle, I think that was one of the most random posts you've ever written. I'm not sure what to comment on because I'm still not sure what you talked about. haha
And I'm still really upset about Ryan.
Ryan, if you ever read this. I still loooooooooooooooooove you!
You guys are funny! Thank you for making me laugh, cuz my day really sucked today....probably almost as much as the innocent soft pink mice's (mouse's?) day.:)
Michelle! It's your long lost Kelowna-ite friend. do you recall all those lovely holiday dinners, babysitting, and trampoline jumping with the good ol' airth family? Well now our familys off to africa in 8 days...but anyway I made a blog, so old buddy you should check it out.
YOU DIDN'T LIKE KRONK'S NEW GROOVE???? It's so good! But only if you really like the first one. Which I do.
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