I can't wait until tomorrow. Why? Because it's Thursday and I will have funny stories from tonight to write about. Last night was, as you are all aware, filming night. I don't know what happened to the cast that I've been around for the last few months, but we all nailed our parts. It went really well. I think only one of the little kids forgot her line. But she made a comeback and all was well. So much fun.
I don't know why, but they gave me, the most clumsey girl ever, a cake to carry in. Oh no, it's not just a cake but I'm wearing a costume that covers my feet. Oh no, that's not the only obstacle I have to go up stairs while carrying a cake, with a candle on it, while walking up stairs in a costume that covers my feet into a loft of hay. Are we asking for trouble? I would have to say affermative. During the taping yesterday I was so happy with myself for getting that part right. I later looked down and saw icing all over my costume. haha. I guess I'm still partical with getting stuff all over me. haha. But I wiped it off and nobody noticed. whew.
Okay, I'm back. I bet you never knew I was gone. Well, I was. I had a two hour nap. You see, when I woke up this morning my achy body had actually developed into a stupid cold. That's right, when I was kissing the frogs yesterday, (trying to find my prince) one of them liked me so much it jumped down my throat and stayed there. My voice sounds like a frog. This better be gone by tomorrow. (That's when the singing Christmas tree starts). YIKES.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
During my nap today, Puss in Boots, came over and started to bite my hand. What did I do? Nope no the squirt bottle(remember I had no energy). All I said was relax. Immedietly she stopped and went and layed down. How crazy is that? It kind of reminded me of the movie Zoolander. Maybe she's brainwashed to that word. haha. I couldn't believe it so I sat up and looked at her. She looked back at me and then jumped back at my arm. I had to try it again. I said RELAX. And again, she went and layed down. What a wonderful discovery. I hope she remembers it tomorrow when she's biting my toes.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Christmas Memory Lane*
I don't know how many families like to stop at the rest stops along the highway. But our family it's like a tradition. In the summer time we stop and take pictures of the same lake just at different pit stops. It's from a different angle. (That's what we were told anyways.) Well, one Christmas after opening our presents and all that fun stuff. The Templeton's came over. Not only did we stop at the rest stop on the highway. That was our destination. Looking back now, that's kind of strange, but at the time it made nothing but sense. (And you people wonder why I'm so strange). Sheryline, Pam, her parents, my mom, my dad, sister and brother and yes...they let me come along too, all headed out for the reststop on just the other side of the tollbooth(this was when we lived in Abbotsford). There's another strange thing about it. We actually paid the toll fee just to stop at the reststop just beyond it. Man we were devoted to that rest stop weren't we. Once we got to the rest stop we went tobogganing. What a great time. I remember someone coming back soaking wet. There were two of them. They had fallen in some water somewhere. It was funny nonetheless. My favorite part about that trip was eating the iceicles(help me with my spelling Dawn). We would break them off the side of the shack that was there. After spending the day out there we headed back and if I remember correctly had people over from the church. Maybe that was a different Christmas. I just remember a whole bunch of people over one year. (I thought I would throw that in here).
Anyways, I have to go to youth group now. So until next time.
Peace Out.
Well, since you asked, I will help you with your spelling:
clumsey -> clumsy
affermative -> affirmative
partical? did you mean to use partial instead?
no -> should actually be "not the squirt bottle"
Sheryline -> Sheralyn is one way of spelling this name, I'm not sure how she actually spells it.
iceicles -> icicles
I'm glad you didn't fall flat, face first into the cake! Although, that would have been the perfect time to happen since you were being filmed. You could have made a lot of money on America's Funniest Home Videos, now known as AFV!
Hey Michelle.......you are suppose to "Kiss the Frog", not EAT them!!!No wonder you are not finding your Prince Charming. By the way..I have a frog collection...big ones, fat ones, long ones,and itty bitty skinny ones. Come on over and I will show my collection to you.
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