Friday, December 09, 2005


I like using that expression. Most ladies who come to the restaurant that I work in are always trying to justify to me why they can have fries. Honestly I don't care. You're paying for it. I don't have to eat it. Eat what you want. Whatever. So I tell them on fridays when they've justified it to themselves why they deserve fries that it is afterall Fryday. haha. I'm so witty.
Last night we had our first performance. It was a packed house. Usually opening night is quiet because it's a school night. But nope, the extra seating was even taken up. Woo hoo. I think that's awesome. I never look out to the audience or I would probably freak out. I couldn't believe it but just before we entered I got really nervous. So nervous that I had to take some really deep breaths. Then I felt faint. Then we started and everything was ok. It kept freaking me out when people would clap. I was like, who's clapping? Why is it so noisy. Then I remembered there was an audience tonight. haha. I'm so use to doing it in front of empty pews. haha.
We noticed there were a lot of people crying at the end. (It has a touching ending). Even this one old man sitting in the front pew. Some of the choir members were telling us that they couldn't look at him because it would have made them cry. How sweet. My friend told me that her mom cried.(Her mom's not a christian). She was so excited, she like, we're making progress!! That's awesome.
After the performance I was starving. When I get nervous I can't eat anything. Same thing happens when I travel. Then after it's all over I'm like give me FOOD!!! It's usually an urgent thing. haha. So we went to Gullivers for half price dessert. I had yummy applecrisp. It's not like mom's but it will have to do. It was good. Then I came home and had some yummy drugs. Ok, I know I took the night time ones but again I was up until 2am???? What the heck! It's suppose to help you go to sleep no? I drives me nuts. But it's ok in the end because they taste really good.
When I was getting ready to go to sleep I put in an Adventures in Odyssey tape. Yes I'm 25 and I still listen to them EVERY night. I just got some new stories and I was listening to the one where Eugene looses his memory. I started to cry. Actually I was sobbing. It was such a sad story until the end. haha. I'm pathetic. Then I fell asleep. (I had a really cool dream but I won't reveal it on my blog).
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Nothing really new to report. She's a crazy cat so everyday she usually does something. She still keeps looking for Jordaghn. She knows his cage is kept in the storage room so she keeps going and standing by the door. It's kind of sad. I think she misses tormenting him.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Christmas Memory Lane*
During Christmas time my mom becomes the biggest liar you will ever meet. She says it's justified because it's Christmas. !991 was no exception. Dawn, who likes to snoop for presents, convinced me to go snooping with her. While in our journey we found a bunch of really cool presents. We found two pairs of iceskates. An Adventures in Odyessy case. And a lot more. We confronted mom and told her what we found. I don't know why we told her we were snooping? Never thought of that. Anyways, she told us that those were the Visser kids(our weird neighbours, Christmas presents. And that our presents were over at their house so we wouldn't be able to snoop. Well, on Christmas morning when we felt the presents that were still wrapped we could tell that mom had lied to us. It's just funny because we had believed her.
Anyways, that's all for now. Until next time.
Peace Out.


white girl said...

yay! I'm the first to comment again! I win! I win!

Congratulations on the smooth, first performance! I'm so proud of you! I wish we could see the play, it sounds like it was really good. I almost started crying just thinking about the old man sitting in the front pew crying. So sweet.

And Mom was always a total liar around Christmas. I remember one year she totally lied to me about me getting a Bible. And then later, she lied about lying! haha I still love to snoop out my presents, but I'm more into trying to guess what my presents are once they are wrapped. Maybe I'll write about what caused me to switch from snooping to guessing on my blog! Thanks for the topic idea, Michelle! You are the best!

Anonymous said...

i went to mcdonalds and had a filet of fish on fryday, but no fries! :)

Michelle said...

That's great dad!! haha. Filet of fish...have you ever seen that documentary Super Size Me. Whatever. I hope you enjoyed it!!
Dawn you win a great big smile!!! Thankyou for coming and being the first to comment!! Yay for you!!
