Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Filming Day

Hey. As you read in the title it is filming day. The day in which we have our last dress rehersal. The only diffence with this one is...yes you've guess it...we are being filmed. I don't know if I'm just really nervous or if I'm coming down with something. I woke up this morning with a headache, a scratchy throat and an achy body. I'm hoping it's just nerves. All day at work I felt nauseated. It was aweful. Whatever. The show must go on and if I have to carry a bucket with me I will make it work!!! I'm devoted to my part. Those Hollywood actors have nothing on me. Would they make a bucket work for their part? Probably not. Those wimps would probably call in a sick day.
Only 19 more days until my brother comes out to visit!!! I'm so pumped. It's pumpin'. (For those that don't know that is my new cool word. I'm going to get everyone saying it so that when it becomes popluar I can say I started that. I already got half the youth doing my African Tribal Dialect. I have so much power in starting things. And I'm pretty sure this will catch on too. I just have to committ to it like I did with my part in the Christmas play.
To my fans, you have once again helped side track me from cleaning my house. I was about half way done when I looked over at my computer. It's like I could hear the crys for a new entry on my blog coming through the speakers. So I have put my house cleaning on hold for two minutes. (All that's left is putting my laundry away.)
Today or maybe tomorrow is putting up the Christmas Tree day. I'm pretty excited. Christmas is always so much fun. I remember when I was younger my Aunty Sandy would come over for Christmas. I usually woke up around 5 or 6am. Then I would play quietly until 7. The one year though, Aunty Sandy was sleeping in my room and when I was playing(which I thought was pretty dang quiet) she woke up and told me that I had to go back to sleep. So I layed in my bed and tossed and turned and tossed and turned. (I'm pretty sure I was more quiet playing). Finally 7am arrived. I don't know what it was like in your families but my Dad was always the last one up. So we were given permission by mom that if dad wasn't up by 8am we could go and wake him up. The power!!!!The Noise!!!!Obedience!! So we just did as we were told. haha. She left it open to us how we wanted to wake up dad. I think if we had any other dad he would have shot us. But instead he just grumbled and got up. (We woke him up with none other than pots and pans.
oooh..that's a great idea...maybe I'll come up with a new Christmas memory until Christmas day. I'm excited now.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
A few weeks ago at youth group we went to Ruckers. A place for kids to just hang out and play arcade games and such. Well, with my tickets that I won I got a hacky-sack. (An old school kind that's made with beans and knitted.) Well...seeing as this is Crazy Cat Lady Moment you know my cat is going to be mentioned pretty soon. She found my hacky-sack and started to balance it on her paws and back. She's phenominal. Just kidding. She got a hold of my hacky-sack and ripped a hole in it and spilled the beans, so to say. They were all over the floor. When I got home she was still playing with the outer part of the sack. Crazy messy cat. I tell you. She's like having a little kid. Constantly chasing after her. Telling her what is good and what is bad. Yikes!!! Sometimes I want to call her names. But then she just looks at me with her huge green eyes. (Have you seen the movie Shrek2? You know the part with the cat and its eyes???) She's just like that.
Okay...first it was my computer calling me over. Now it's my laundry. I have to put it away before I do my hair and get ready for tonight. Wish us luck!!!!!
Until next time. Peace Out!


~M said...

Michelle, you're seriously losing the comment war with your sister. you need more fans! :)

~M said...

Michelle, you're seriously losing the comment war with your sister. you need more fans! :)

Anonymous said...

The "wake up" moment I most remember was when I heard little footsteps and little voices coming down the hallway and the bedroom door opening and a chirpy little voice exclaiming to her friend "....and that's my dad!" 'slam' and the door closes and the little voices and footsteps leave. And thus the saying "the body is home for viewing"!

Michelle said...

hahaha. I remember that. I was giving someone a tour of the house and my family. You, however, had just come home from a long trip and were sleeping. I didn't want to leave you out of the sightseeing. haha. good times, good times.
The reason that I'm losing the comment war is because I keep my blog clean. No dirty talk here. I won't even mention the bbp. Oh no, there I went ahead and mentioned it after I said I wouldn't. haha.

Michelle said...

hahaha. I remember that. I was giving someone a tour of the house and my family. You, however, had just come home from a long trip and were sleeping. I didn't want to leave you out of the sightseeing. haha. good times, good times.
The reason that I'm losing the comment war is because I keep my blog clean. No dirty talk here. I won't even mention the bbp. Oh no, there I went ahead and mentioned it after I said I wouldn't. haha.

Michelle said...

hahaha. I remember that. I was giving someone a tour of the house and my family. You, however, had just come home from a long trip and were sleeping. I didn't want to leave you out of the sightseeing. haha. good times, good times.
The reason that I'm losing the comment war is because I keep my blog clean. No dirty talk here. I won't even mention the bbp. Oh no, there I went ahead and mentioned it after I said I wouldn't. haha.

Anonymous said...

I suppose that is another way to win the comment war michelle, and other michelle.....post multiples of the same comment! LOL ;)

white girl said...

I forgot to wish you luck tonight!

Good luck with the filming of your play tonight!

I also wanted to say that I loved waking dad up with the pots and pans. I still can't believe we weren't killed over that. I'm looking forward to hear more Christmas memories. I want to see what you remember and what I've forgotten. hehe

And? this is NOT a multiple post because it has different content. It is like my children are both made by me and Corrie but they don't have the exact same genetic make-up, and therefore are not twins. They are siblings. So this is a sibling to my other comment. Comprendo?

~M said...

I swear I didn't post twice on purpose...really I didn't...really...

Michelle said...

I also didn't mean to post multiple times. The first couple times it didn't go through. Then it did on the third try. Weird. But I'll take it. When I looked at the comment # I was like wow 10. That's so exciting. Then I realized it was mostly from me and Michelle(the other one). Oh well.
