This past weekend was fun, even though most of it is a blur! As soon as work was over on Friday we headed to Golden. Between Revelstoke and Golden was heavy rain, that turned to heavy snow and then to rain again. It was white knuckle driving for a bit. We stayed in Golden for the night at the Ramada hotel with B's parents (a 2 bedroom suite room). The next day, Saturday, we woke up a little late -it was an hour ahead already and we were still on BC time so we were an hour later than we expected to be. No biggie cause there was no time limit, we didn't need to be anywhere until 5:30.When we got there we visited with a couple of friends of ours (we were staying with them after all so it's only customary to actually visit with them right?). They introduced us to a game called Carasonne and it was awesome! A new game that is definitely on our list. Than we got ourselves together and headed to a restaurant to celebrate B's birthday.The following day we went to church to watch our niece be dedicated at church. During the service Kiwi started playing a little game and I have to admit it was very distracting from the sermon. Kiwi would stretch out his/her hand or foot (I could see it - it was very small, but from the angel I couldn't make out which one it was). It would stretch out and then pull back and then punch/kick really fast. Than he/she would stretch it out nice and slow again and then pull back and fast action! He/she did this 4 or 5 times. It was really funny. It felt really weird too. This was the second day kiwi had practiced stretching, but the first time that this little game occurred.
After we had a great lunch at B's brother and wife's home we headed back to K-town. The roads were great at first. And then once we passed Banff the snow started (I was driving). It wasn't so bad. By the time we got 40km outside of Lake Louise it was white out conditions and I was driving between 30-40km per hour. I stayed behind a semi because I figured if this person is a professional driver I will follow them. Once B and I traded positions he didn't have to deal with the white out conditions anymore, it had cleared up. However, there was such severe fog that it was just as bad. It was a terrible drive. But thankfully we made it home safe and sound.
Here are some baby bump pictures of me at week 26/27. The final picture may be a bit awkward since I'm in a bathing suit, but whatever that's what my body looks like right now.

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