I left work early that day, at lunch time. It was October 12th, a Wednesday. I went and picked B up from work and we headed towards the specialist's office. She likes to do an ultra-sound before releasing her patients back to their regular doctors. They assumed I would be 7 weeks along when I knew I'm only 6 but didn't argue with them. Then we got to the office and I was told to put on this weird skirt thing that didn't have any ties on it....so it looked more like a little blanket or towel. I tried to make it look as fashionable as possible and as I sat down on the exam chair I said, I'm assuming I'm suppose to sit here, not B? haha....I'm hilarious in case you didn't know. The nurse was curteous and gave me a smile. Then the doctor came in and did the ultrasound. We were able to see our little bean's heartbeat. It was so fast and cute and sooo small. She said that I was only measuring 6 weeks and asked me if I had done any OPK tests (Ovulation tests) and I said yes and that I didn't actually O until a week later than the normal person. She said, that makes sense and was happy with what she found. She printed off a picture of our little bean and we left her office so incredibly happy. I said to B, it's funny, the last time we left here I was in tears of sadness and this time it's tears of joy. It was weird, as soon as I saw it, it was real. I bonded right away and I'm over the moon excited! After dropping B back off at work I had a few errands I had to run. I ended up stopping in one store and a few weeks ago when I first found out I had stopped in this store and found a really cute sweater that could be for either a boy or a girl and thought about buying it but decided against it. This time when I was in the store I found the same sweater, only this time it was on sale for 60% off. I couldn't pass it up and I bought the first baby item I've ever boughten for our own baby! It looks so little hanging in the big closet all by itself, but so cute at the same time. It's actually a size 9month but I figure it would be perfect for the fall (just roll up the sleeves) and then again in the spring. 
Until later
1 comment:
I want to see a picture of the cute little sweater in the big, big closet! So exciting that you bought something for your very own baby! Weee! It won't be the last... ;)
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