This post is going to have some outdated parts to it. I decided I would start writing it while some of the details and events are fresh in my mind. I want to have a reference to go to when remembering how some things went down.
Starting with last Wednesday, September 21, 2011. I was at work and had a shadow (someone who watches you do your job because they are just learning - a new hire.) I was working with little ray of sunshine and he stopped what he was doing (cutting out a picture) and pointed to my tummy and said, "What's that?" I told him, "that's my tummy" and he said, "there's a baby in there" and I saddenly told him that there was not a baby in there. But that two of the other girls had babies in their tummy, but Michelle did not. He looked at the girl who was shadowing me and asked her, is there a baby in there? while pointing to her tummy and she said no. Than he turned around, stared me down and said, "Michelle has a baby too!" I was like, ok well, hopefully you're prophetic. And we moved on.
The following day, Thursday September 22, 2011 I was at work. My last session I was working with one little guy who was having an off day. By the end of the session I was crying because I was feeling frustrated and so sad to send him home that way. Because this wasn't a normal reaction to my job (I make kids cry every day) I decided that I would take a test. Not just a normal test, a pregnancy test. I have had no symptoms other than being emotional at work which could very well be chalked up to being tired with the new transition back into work after having the summer off. Anyways, I took the test. I waited the 3 long minutes and checked back in. I saw something so very light and I believed it to be the evaporation line because in order to see it I had to flip the test upside down, tilt my head, take my glasses off, start from an arm length away and slowly move it towards me before I could see it. So I didn't believe it. It was also late at night when I took it.
I reluctantly went to sleep, my mind was racing because I was also hosting a get together at my house the next day and had a million things to do on my to do list. I finally fell asleep at 2am. Woke up nice and prompt at 5. I couldn't get back to sleep so I took another test. This time a second line, faint, but clearly there showed up. I was crying and in disbelief. I was going to tell B in a really cute way but instead I ran into the room, woke him up at 6 and told him the news. He was groggy and confused but happy.
I went to work, it was Friday and I could hardly contain myself. I made some calls to the doctors and made an appointment for Saturday. My doctor had just happened to be the one on walk-in clinic duty this weekend so I could go and see her without making a formal appointment. So awesome! I hardly got through that day without saying something to someone! But I did. That evening we had a wonderful get together and when it was over I cleaned up and went straight to bed.
Saturday, I woke up, peed on a stick and the results came up positive again! I was beyond estatic. I went to my doctor where she confirmed that she too got a positive test although really faint. She asked me when I had missed my period (I know tmi) and I told her that I hadn't yet. It wasn't suppose to come until Tuesday of next week. She looked a little surprised that I was so on the ball. Than she said I could go for a blood test if I wanted but I didn't have to since it was already confirmed to be in my urine. But I asked to go cause B just wouldn't believe it until it was confirmed by blood. So Monday I went for a blood test. The next day I called for my results and the lady on the other end told me, not so clearly, that I am indeed pregnant. She said, "We're not normally suppose to give the results over the phone, but I think I can in this case, but what did your doctor say?" and I said "she told me to come in, in another 2 weeks if it's positive." than the lady said, "Well, I guess we'll see you in two weeks". I was like, what? Does that mean I am? and she said, yes. Tricky little lady. I am delusional right now!

We told a close couple friend of ours later that afternoon. We went mini-golfing and started dropping hints along the way. She had asked B if we were pregnant, but since no one else was around them at that time he denied it. When we went out for dinner we were all sitting there and B told her, I lied. She was like, what? and her husband said, "What are you talking about?" and then we told them our news. It was so crazy. They were happy because she too is pregnant!
We also told my sister and her husband. We had always said that we each were able to pick one safe couple to tell. With my sister because she lives so far away, I had to tell her via skype. I was talking with her and had previously set the timer on the oven. When it went off I told her I was baking something and needed to go get it. I asked her, do you want to see what's in the oven? She said, sure. So I brought the computer over and lowered the screen so she could see and inside the oven sat a bun. Her first thought was, "you're making a sandwich?" than she thought about it and started to scream and cry and it was so exciting! The funny thing was that just minutes before telling them, my niece asked me if I was going to have any kids anytime soon and that she wanted a baby cousin.
Last night, September 30th, 2011. We went and told B's parents. We lead it up by telling them about B's work and how that's going and the good news he got there. Than he said that Michelle's been diagnosed with gravida (the latin word for pregnant) and that I'll have to go in for a procedure in June. (B's mom is a nurse so we wanted to see if she would get it). We let them ponder on it for mere moments and then B said, it's a latin word is it again?.....oh yeah pregnant. It took a moment and then the screaming happened and hugs and it was really a great moment.
On the evening of October 4th we told my Dad and Sheila, we invited them over for dinner. On the menu was baby back ribs (which I was so nervous about since I had never made ribs before), baby potatoes, baby honey carrots, baby spinich salad and for dessert little cinnamon rolls that were out of the oven. They clued in pretty quick but didn't want to say anything in case it wasn't what they thought. Then we gave them a card that was to congratulate them on their new home and we signed it, Brenton, Michelle and Baby B. At first Sheila thought baby B was our bird but then we quickly let her in on our secret.
Then Friday October 7th we flew into Winnipeg and drove out to my mom's place. When we walked in we had a quick visit before she asked if we were hungry. Of course I'm always hungry so I said yes. B asked, what's baby hungry for? and I said I could go for a toasted tomato sandwich (can't get enough tomatoes). My mom asked right away, are you pregnant and I said yes. It was very exciting!
Sunday October 9th we skyped in with B's oldest brother and his wife and we told them how we had made this trip and B was meeting some of my friends and some of my family he hasn't met yet and that this was a really good trip and then we will take another trip in June to meet one more person. They asked where we would be going and we said, "Oh just to the hospital in Kelowna" and then they got all excited and shouted, "You're pregnant?!" It was so fun!
Right after that skype date ended we skyped my brother and Becky and told them to look to the right. The week before I had stopped in at their house and while Cameron was in the shower I put a gift bag in their office beside their computer. They looked to the right and saw the gift bag. I told them it was a Thanksgiving gift. They opened up the card first and it was a funny Turkey card. Inside the card was a picture of the blue room (the nursery) and on the back it said, you're canvas. Inside the gift was a paint by number animal book. When we first bought the house last year I had asked my brother that when the time came would he paint a mural of animals for the nursery. So I told him, it's time. He and Becky were so excited. Becky said, "You have to say it out loud" and I told her, "I'm pregnant" and both her and Cameron's arms went straight in the air like they were cheering for a goal. It was really cute.
The following day, Monday, we skyped with B's brother Travis and his wife Mandy. B dragged out the news to which seemed like forever. They were just hanging there like, get on with it, just tell us already. He was talking about how his new job is going and how we both got promotions and that I won't be starting mine for quite some time yet.
When we got back to Kelowna on Tuesday our first stop was at B's other brother's house, Aaryn and his wife Tifni. We wanted to tell them in person since they live so close. As we were telling them, they shouted out, "are you pregnant?" and we said yes! It was fun.
With my step-sister, I gave her the news the same way she gave me hers (yes she's pregnant too). Facebook messaging. I wrote her a lengthy email telling her about our news and asking about her process. It was so great messaging back and forth fun details and questions and such.
I know I'm leaving out a lot of details but that's because I wasn't good and writing them down immediately so some of the details have left my head. Dagnabit. But over all our news was greatly received and I'm so Thankful. It's been such a long journey to get to this place and I am eagerly awaiting the next nine months to go by. But at the same time I want to soak in the experience of being pregnant.