Hello, so I took this weekend off from updating my blog. The reason? Detailing my car and getting it ready for selling. Yes I have put up my beloved tracker for sale. Why, you ask? Because it's time to move to a different car. I've had this car since I was in college 10 years ago. I bought it in May 2000 and now it's time for someone else to have it to enjoy. I'm ready for a four door vehicle. Just so much easier when you're letting your friends out of the car. They don't have to wait for you to get out first (especially if you're slow). It's also easier to get things in and out of the car. Anyways, all this to say my car is clean and ready to be sold now. B put so much work into it over the weekend and we still have one more little tweek to make before I feel comfortable selling it. I just think of some young girl buying it and I don't want this new person to have any trouble with it. B was making fun of me because I cleaned that thing like crazy. For example it took me approximately 10 minutes to clean one vent. I wanted it to shine like new and now I'm afraid of getting into it because I don't want to dirty it. haha. Well people that was our weekend in a nutshell. I will have to finish our Mexico trip updates soon. Until next time, Keep it classy!
Spotless ... Good work team!!!
Oi! I left a message earlier and it mysteriously vanished?! I'm glad your little baby is all nice and clean! Now all ya gotta do is sell it!
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