Sunday, May 30, 2010

All in a Day

Today is Sunday. Yesterday was Saturday. And tomorrow is Monday. Now you know!

Yesterday B and I went house hunting again! It was fun. This time we took in 6 houses and by the end I was so tired. I went straight down for a nap as soon as we got home. When I woke up 3 hours later (no exaggeration) B and I hung out for a bit before heading to bed for the night.

Friday (the day before Saturday) B and I hung out with my dad for the evening. It was awesome. We went for pie, but when we got to the restaurant we were all hungry for actual food before our pie so we ordered the half orders and then we all had dessert afterwards and it was AWESOME! I really love my dad and it was so great to hang out with him since he lives so far (Calgary) away. Ok, it's not soo far but it's not local. I envy B a bit for having his family at such a close range sometimes. I love hanging out with B's family too. I've really adopted them as my own which is sweet!

Today (Sunday) after church we went for lunch with B's family and my dad and a couple of friends of ours. It was great! After that we did something.....oh yeah, stopped by my dad's place to pick up the keys and registration papers for my new car so we could go and get it insured. Than we came home and talked to B's best friends and then just got sucked into the world of "do nothing" and that's exactly what we've been doing since. I answered the phone like a million times this afternoon, ok more like a dozen, and every time it was someone interested in buying my Tracker :) This is good. I have a feeling it will be gone this week. Last chance anyone of my friends who want it, it can be yours for $2000.

Well, until next time, hopefully tomorrow (Monday)


Thursday, May 27, 2010


Ok, so you remember me telling you the other day that I was overly emotional and it didn't make sense? Well today I figured out why. When I was trying to wake up my body just wouldn't get up. I would set my alarm for another 15 minutes, only to close my eyes and rudely be awoken by it in what seemed seconds. So I would set my alarm again. I think I reset my alarm 3 times. That's an extra 45 minutes of sleep. When I finally dragged myself out of bed and willed myself to the washroom I found out the reason to why I was so tired. I'm not going into detail, but ladies you know what happened.

This my friends explains the irrational emotional outbursts of the last week. Why I didn't connect the dots sooner I don't know. It happens every month you'd think that I would know this by now. Oh well.

That was probably too much information for a blog update, but there ya have it. B will probably say, "Gross Michelle, you're talking about that on your blog?" And I will delightfully reply "Yes, isn't it great?" and he will say, "You're so weird" in which I'll just stare at him.

I'm excited for this evening, my cousin Lauren and I are going to have a tea party. It's going to be so much fun! I like her a lot!

Until next time

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Tuesday at a glance

Hello fellow bloggers. Do you ever have days when you just cry for no reason? Or you hear a song that you've heard a million times before, but someone new sings it and it totally brings on some emotional spill you were not expecting? Well that just happened and for no reason at all. I was not prepared for that. I tell ya, some things should have warnings on them.

Today I woke up and made B's lunch (he was running a little late). As soon as he was out the door I had the urge to clean the shower so that's just what I did. Than I got ready for work and headed off. It was a great shift. The child I was working with today was so cute and the shift flew by. Before I knew it, the time was up and it was time to go home. So I called my other work to see if they needed me, nope was the answer so I headed home.

My friend A and I are going to go for a bike ride or a walk, depending on the rain issue. I enjoy our walks/rides. They are fun and we talk about all kinds of things. I'm excited to see her, I haven't seen her all weekend and that's because I'm a bad friend. On Saturday after our errands of looking at houses I fell asleep for a 'nap'. I quote that because it wasn't as much of a nap as a hibernation. I fell asleep at about 4, woke up at 9 and back in bed by 11. I don't know why I was so tired but my body needed it's sleep (I hadn't slept well on Friday night so that might have been why). So there went Saturday...and on Sunday I have no idea what I did. That day is a total blur. And Monday I forgot was Monday! How is that possible? I don't know. It wasn't until I was about to go to bed that I declared to B "It's Monday?!" and he responded, good job and now it's time for bed. haha. But I was like, "No, it's Monday! I forgot that today is walking day with A". Bad friend award!

Today is a new day (Tuesday) and we are going to get to see each other. So much to catch up on. Yesterday I also got a surprise visit from my friend Sherena. I was able to meet her baby for the first time. He's a little grunter and makes funny noises non-stop. He's so precious! He's so sweet and the baby fever grew stronger. Yikes!!!

After our visit with Sherena, B and I decided to clean up our place. Half way through clean up time I said, "B" and he responded, "you want to change the furniture around don't you". I don't know how he knew so quickly and with just the way I said his name but that was exactly what I was going to ask. So after we did our clean up we changed the furniture around and cleaned up under where they pieces were sitting and made our place a little different. A fresh take on the place. I quite enjoy how it's set up right now. I will have to take a picture and post it next time.
Well that's about all to report so far. Until next time.
Keep it classy


Sunday, May 23, 2010

So many thoughts

The big 3-0 is coming up in only 3 and a half months. Can you believe it? I can and can't at the same time. I feel like I'm more than 30 some days when I look back at all that I've done. Yet at the same time I still feel youthful and full of imagination. I relate to Anne of Green Gables in that I can live in my imagination quite comfortably. Though I'm not as dramatic as my bosom friend, I am able to understand her and as a child wished I could be in her world along side her. What would it be like to be one of her classmates. Sitting beside Gilbert or Diana? Oh don't you just drown in the adventure possibilities?

Anyways, another tangent just for you. I hope you enjoyed it. I don't even remember what my original thought of blog update was going to be. I got side tracked because of the thought of me turning 30 this year crept inside and took over. It's a big year. But because I've been telling people I'm 30 for the last 3 years (yes just so it wouldn't come as a shock when it actually happened) it doesn't feel like it's that big of a deal. I would really just like a quiet movie night with some pizza and a few friends. Nothing spectacular. This is how I took in all my teen years. And I quite enjoyed my birthdays then.

I think I was going to finish off our last day of our Mexico trip. Well, actually last 2 days of our trip. The Friday, day 7, was just as much fun. A few of us (B, B's mom, B's brother T and I) headed downtown to set B off to the ocean to do some diving. However, because it was so windy his trip got cancelled. I felt so bad for him because he was really excited to be going. Part of me was a little relieved though because for
some reason I was really anxious of him going diving (I had just seen the movie 'Open Water' before we left and that scared me to the core). But I was mostly sad for him because I knew this was one of the adventures he had gotten so pumped about. So we went shopping for a bit before heading back to the resort. Once we got back to the resort we had lunch and just had a rest for the afternoon. It was so relaxing. That evening we had defined as "date night" so all the couples went to their 'restaurant' of choice. B and I chose the Mexican restaurant. As the host took us to our table we noticed B's brother J and his wife J. Then the host sat us down at the table right next to them. It was funny. After dinner we headed to B's other brother's room and played a card game called 10 phases.

Than we went back to our room for our final night in Mexico. The next morning we got up early and went for breakfast with B's brother T and his wife A/M (depending on how specific you wanna get). Than after breakfast we just kind of walked around and took in Mexico. B and I played in the water a little bit and then headed back to our room to pack. We went for lunch and then headed to the check out area to get ready to depart to the airport.

Once we arrived at the airport we were greeted with all the hopeful new tourists. The unburnt, adventure seeking, still a little high strung people. It was great! We looked so experienced and refreshed, and definitely use to the Mexican timing of things. Just like many hot cultures where they're a little more laid back and not so rushed. And that my friends concludes our Mexico trip.

This picture is one I took on day 7 while waiting to find out what was going to be happening with B's diving trip. This picture is also hanging on my washroom wall because it's calming and refreshing to me. I love it!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Long Weekend

It's Friday, it's Friday! I'm so excited it's Friday (can you hear me singing it?) Yesterday while I was playing Grounders (a tag game on the playground) I would constantly be "it". Especially when the kids who HATE being 'it' got tagged I would make myself very easy to tag. Anyways, I'd be it quite a lot and decided to change things up a little every time I got tagged. I would count to ten in a sing-songy type of way and then say who I was going to try to tag. It was fun especially since half the time my eyes were closed (if you're on the playground equipment your eyes have to be closed, but if you're on the ground you can keep them open. And if you hear someone on the ground and yell out "Grounders" while they're still on the ground they become 'it'. It's a lot of fun.) All that to say that my first sentence being sung reminded me of my day yesterday.

I'm so happy it's Friday. But not only Friday, but the beginning of the LONG weekend! Can I hear a woot woot? I'm really excited for this weekend. B and I are going to be looking at 4 houses tomorrow. We are house looking but in no rush. We just want to see what's out there. I'm excited to see the houses, it's so fun to go into a place an allow your imagination go wild with decorating ideas. I don't know about you, but I love house reno and house finding shows. I'm addicted. This wasn't so before our Mexico trip, but on the plane I got hooked and poor B that's all he seems to hear about lately. His one co-worker warned him about this, telling B of his adventure when he allowed his wife to start dreaming and searching. He warned him that once they start dreaming they almost become obsessed. I wouldn't say obsessed, but I would say deeply taken. I love to dream. I'm a daydreamer always allowing my imagination to just go and I must say it's a lot of fun.

Man I'm a rambler today. So many words, but really no deep and meaningful message. I'm giddy too...that's never a good combo...haha, it's going to be a good day.

Happy long weekend everyone! Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I am still breathing

Here I sit, I have a few ideas about what to talk about. But alas, at the moment my brain draws a blank. It's not because I don't want to update, or even that I lack the material for one, but I have just finished work and my brain is mush. This happens quite often after work because not only do I have to be 5 steps ahead of the children I'm working with, but be 5 steps ahead of myself because what if the idea I've come up with is a flop, than you have to have a back up with the same type of principals to cover and all the supplies for this plan B needs to be prepped and ready to go. then it comes to updating my blog and I go, oh no, I know I had an idea but which one was it and is it going to be a flop? So many thoughts that go through this brain I tell you.

Anyways, I can tell you that my friend A and I have been faithful in going for our walks and bike rides. And today being Thursday it's bike riding day. Which is going to be fun. I feel myself lagging though so maybe I will pop my iron pill and hope that helps pick up my energy level. I think I forgot to take it yesterday...oops.

The other day on our walk A decided that she was going to be the dog whisperer and walked up to a barking dog to tell it to stop barking and make it sit and then lay down. It worked. But yesterday when we were on our walk she tried to do the same thing but this time her powers had been unexpectedly turned off. However, the were transferred because I asked the dog to lay down and sure enough he did what I commanded. Who knew you could take someone else's power? I must use it for good and not evil! "I have the Power" (please yell this in your head like Heman because that is how I heard it in mine as I typed it).

Well, there's an update for you. A little weird perhaps but an update none-the-less.
Thanks for stopping by


Monday, May 17, 2010

Cleaning Baby Nelly

Hello, so I took this weekend off from updating my blog. The reason? Detailing my car and getting it ready for selling. Yes I have put up my beloved tracker for sale. Why, you ask? Because it's time to move to a different car. I've had this car since I was in college 10 years ago. I bought it in May 2000 and now it's time for someone else to have it to enjoy. I'm ready for a four door vehicle. Just so much easier when you're letting your friends out of the car. They don't have to wait for you to get out first (especially if you're slow). It's also easier to get things in and out of the car. Anyways, all this to say my car is clean and ready to be sold now.
B put so much work into it over the weekend and we still have one more little tweek to make before I feel comfortable selling it. I just think of some young girl buying it and I don't want this new person to have any trouble with it. B was making fun of me because I cleaned that thing like crazy. For example it took me approximately 10 minutes to clean one vent. I wanted it to shine like new and now I'm afraid of getting into it because I don't want to dirty it. haha. Well people that was our weekend in a nutshell. I will have to finish our Mexico trip updates soon. Until next time, Keep it classy!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Energy to burn

It's a bright Thursday morning, the birds are chirping. I've already done a 40 minute workout, had a shower, cleaned the shower, made my half of the bed because B was still sleeping in his half, and started a blog post at 7:39 am. Talk about productive! It's going to be a good day.

Yesterday was also a productive day. I talked with my sister, my brother and niece and nephew first thing...wait! First I did a work out because I was up and I have the urge to get back into shape...I'm motivated now and I don't want to lose it, so I sprang out of bed and did my two work out cd's. Than I talked with my sister and her family. I could feel myself slipping into a mode of laziness and decided I must take action! So I grabbed my purse and ran out the door. Where was I going? Hmm....Pick N Pull because that's logical. I had a purpose of going there, I am selling my car and it's missing a couple of knobs that go on the heat and airflow stick thingys. Yes those are the technical terms. But to no avail. So then what's a girl to do? I washed my car. It was fun. I blasted the music so I could hear it on the outside above the water noise and danced to my hearts content and sang out loud. No one could hear me so it was ok. Oh yeah, and I went to Peachland to get a head massager from the dollar store down there (we know the owners personally so it makes it more fun plus it's only a 15 minute drive at most). Then I came home and got the wiggles within 20 minutes and then it was out the door again. I don't know where all the energy came from but it was there and I wasn't going to waste it. I had gotten the urge to plant something. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm not big into plants, just not my thing...but this urge was weird so I went with it and went to Walmart and picked up 4 plants and and a cute flower pot. I also got some pictures developed to put in the empty picture frames we have hanging up around our place. Then I came home and dropped it off and within 10 minutes I was out the door again. Haha, so funny. This time I was off to a chiropractor appointment. On my way I had the music blasting and I was singing to my hearts content and yes, even danced a little. It wasn't until a little boy in the passenger seat of a truck that was passing me got my attention and we laughed together that I realized that I'm not invisible. Oh well, the dirty dancing soundtrack is too good of one not to sing along to. After my appointment I came home and got ready for a walk that I had planned with a friend of mine. We'll call her A. We have decided to be accountable to each other and work out Mon-Fri. Nothing too vigorous but steady and easy to commit to. Yesterday we took our husbands with us and it was more like a gaunter than a walk, but it was fun! We went walking in this one sketchy neighbourhood that B and I had seen a house for sale in. Needless to say I don't think we'll be getting that one. After our walk we came back and watched some good old Criminal minds. While we did I potted my plants.
Now, I need some advice, you can see I've thought of something to put in the big box and the little box, but what do you think should go in the middle sized box? Doesn't the little cactus look so cute? I just love that little guy. And the Mickey and Minnie statue we got on our honeymoon in Disney World. And we also have to get three more wedding photo's to put in frames to make this corner complete. We need to get one of B's brother A and his wife T and also my sister and her husband and my brother and his soon to be wife. So many good memories.

Wow, if that wasn't an ADD post I don't know what is.

Happy Thursday everyone

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Two in One

Day 5 on our trip that would make it Wednesday. We were suppose to go to a place but that fell through until the next day. So instead we stayed back at the resort and did whatever we wanted. That included sitting by the pool, reading books, watching tv, doing whatever pleased us all. It was a great relaxing day. (Again we were still burnt but we did come out of our room to be greeted with the sun). It was a wonderful day. It was Elephant towel art day and it was perfect because I was reading a book called, Elephant in the Playroom. It's a book about children who have special needs and what their parents go through. It's an interesting look into people's lives and how some of them feel when they are out in public or when their children are playing with other children. It's a great book and it really spikes my interest. Anyways, I don't know if the house keeping staff did their towel art on purpose to match the title of my book, but they did and it was exciting. Our dinners were always something to look forward to. On day 5 we went to the Italian restaurant and again the soup was amazing. And the food was great!! Oh and I forgot to mention that on Tuesday night we celebrated Mandi's birthday! It was fun watching the staff sing happy birthday to her with their thick Mexican accents. Watching her face as they sang was so great, pure bliss.

After dinner we headed to the sports bar and waited for the Micheal Jackson show
to begin. It was fantastic! So much fun and Jenn and I really bonded over the songs It was a great blast from the past

Day 6 was AMAZING!!! Probably my favourite day for sure. The reason being because we went to a place called "Xel-ha" (pronounced - Shell-ha). When we first got there we went snorkeling. I had never done this before and I found it amazing when I could actually see fish of all colours. It was amazing. I had to get out of the water and go and check into the dolphins swim that I had signed up for. It was so cool. I was paired up with two couples. It was a little awkward at first being the only single person in the group (B didn't want to swim with the smelly fish) but then we found out 3 out of 5 of us were from Canada so we ganged up on the couple from the states..haha. It was a fun group to be a part of. During the show I giggled a lot like a little kid, and said "excuse me" to the dolphins when they rubbed by my leg because well they ran into me, but it was very canadian of me to say excuse me for getting in their way. It was so much fun. The one dolphin gave me a peck on my cheek and then I was given a leg push by two of them. That was the highlight for me. So much fun!
After the dolphins were done we stopped for lunch. Than I headed to the Ocean front with
B, his mom, and his two brothers.
After which we were going to walk across a floating bridge but decided to snorkel to the other side instead. I'm so glad we did. We were able to see a couple of sting rays and an huge assortment of different coloured fish. It was awesome! After about two hours of swimming we got out and went for a mini-hike into the bushes. We headed back down by tubbing down the river canal and floating back to the beginning. We got some ice cream and got changed and got ready to go back to the resort. Our outing was an all day excursion and so much fun!!!! We headed back to the hotel and went straight to dinner at the French restaurant to celebrate Travis' birthday. It was funny when the staff came out to sing because there was one server that had made a woman's top of a bathing suit and held it up for Travis...we all looked a little confused at it, but it was funny, weird, but funny. It was a great way to end the evening. After the dinner we followed it up by going to the sports bar and had a visit until the show started. It was the play of "Grease". I only lasted through one song and headed back to our
room to go to sleep because I was exhausted. And that was the end of day 6.

Monday, May 10, 2010

The trip at the half way point

Even though you don't always comment I know there have been a few people that come to this blog on a regular basis, hence the update. I know this because if you look in the column to the right you will see a number saying you are guest number #2000and something. Well my friends I know you're coming in for a visit when that number goes up. Also when I click on that number it will tell me how many people that day have come in. Sneaky eh? I enjoy it because my curiosity is satisfied.

Anyways, now for the update on Day 4. Day 4 of Mexico included a trip to the town to do a little shopping. We walked around and stood on the beach. It was beautiful to look out to the ocean and just enjoy the sounds of the waves crashing on the shore. It was then that I said I was going to have to get one of those relaxation ocean sounds cd. It's just a wonderful sound.

After walking around and B buying some cigars we started heading back to the meeting area when we stopped and got some ice cream at their local Dairy Queen. It was awesome! I had a peanut buster parfait, and it was good!

We headed back to the resort shortly after and had some lunch. Than we followed up with our ritual afternoon nap. It too was great! haha. We stayed in our room until the sun layed off a bit (we were still really burnt) and when we emerged back into the world it was around 5pmish. Dinner was at 6. We went to the steakhouse. It was amazing! I loved the soup. It was creamy delight! Then for dinner of course was steak and then dessert. Seriously we had dessert with every dinner and I can't remember which one went with which meal...but they were all so good and it doesn't really matter the order. After dinner we went for a walk around and headed to the sports bar for some visiting time. At 9:30 the shows started and it was so fun to be involved with them. This particular night was the circus show. I had forgotten my glasses, but the blurs were still pretty spectacular! How someone can distort their bodies is so interesting and I've always wondered how these people found out that they possess this type of skill, and how they decide, when I grow up I'm going to be a part of the circus.

After the show we headed back to the hotel room and called it a night. And that my friends was the end of day 4.

Friday, May 07, 2010

Inside Day - remember these at school..totally loved them!

Day 3....hahahahaha...I laugh because I remember day 3 very well. Both B and I slept in until about 10am. It was glorious! When we awoke we realized that we both looked like freaks and exposure to the sun would only be bad. We were bright red, like lobsters (no exaggeration). We decided this would be a good day to stay in and watch tv, read a book, relax, and just hang out with each other. It was painful. We borrowed a bottle of Aloe Vera lotion from Trav and Mandi and continued to put it on over and over and over. (By the end of the week we had used about 1/2 the bottle - we owe them a new bottle -) Every time I put it on though I would cringe. My leg would do this little temper tantrum as though it were a toddler fighting for Independence. It was a terrible pain. It was like pins and needles if that gives you any indication on how uncomfortable it was. However, it wasn't as bad as I've had in the past so I really couldn't complain.

It was an overall really relaxing day. B's family, however, did get concerned because we hadn't revealed ourselves to the outside world for the entire day. When they came to check on us they were really worried that we hadn't emerged for breakfast or for lunch. But don't worry we hadn't starved...we still had snacks left over from our initial journey. (This is why it's important to pack a crazy amount of snacks for your flight). You never know when you might get burned in Mexico and will need it to survive a day in your hotel room.

*Boys don't read this next paragraph* If you do though, you can't blame me because I did warn you.

Do you know that commercial dealing with "Mother Nature". You know the one when she shows up on the tropical beach thinking she's totally going to ruin the girls vacation. But the girl turns it around on Mother Nature and shows her that she brought a supply of girl things to take care of it? Well this totally happened on Day 3! haha. It was like that commercial came to life for me. I kind of laughed and boy was I glad I packed "EVERYTHING" I might need for such an event.

Overall Day 3 was a welcomed non-eventful, relaxing day! Just what was ordered...except for the burn part.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Day 2

The second day we were there we slept in to a nice time of 9am. Which if you think about it wasn't really sleeping in since it was 7am our time. But it said 9 on the clock and so we obliged and allowed the day to begin. We started the day off right with eating breakfast outside. I had indulged in cottage cheese and fresh fruit, honey dew and cantaloupe. It was so good!

After breakfast we headed down to the ocean to enjoy. Once we arrived I took no time stripping down to my bathing suit and proceeded to jump into the wave
s. B and I jumped over the waves at first, making a game out of it. Then our game became a new game where you had to sit and see who would get pushed further towards the shore. It was so much fun. I must tell you that we did have sunscreen on. I think it's 30 or 35 and it was waterproof. However, being in salt water it apparently gets washed off a lot quicker...who knew?

After our time in the ocean we relaxed on the shore basking in the sun. Enjoying our Pina Colada's that the girl was so kind enough to bring right to me. And I must tell you as a pineapple lover I enjoyed every sip!

We took a break for lunch and let me tell you the food there was fantastic! So many choices of meat, and for someone who forgot to take my iron pills along I was quite happy with the selection. I was able to indulge in many types of meat to get my iron lacking body what it needed. I must have looked like a freak to everyone with a mass of beefy goodness on my plate but I had my reasons and I'm sure it just looked like I wanted to try everything..haha. I was also happy with the mass selection of veggies to choose from. Seriously I could just go on and on about the food it was so good!

After lunch the entire Bartel clan wandered out to the pool. We had fun sitting on the side reading or chatting or swimming. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a fish and I pretty much spent the whole time in the water and enjoyed watching B's brother push B's mom across the pool on the underwater bike. It was a stationary bike, but he pushed it making it look like she was actually riding the bike under water. It was funny, trust me!

It was during my bathroom break when I looked in the mirror for the first time since leaving our hotel room. To my surprise Bob the Tomato was looking back at me. There was a lady standing to my right and looked in my direction when she heard my shock. I looked at her and said, "Oh well, what can I do about it now?" She laughed.

That was at the end of the day anyways. Shortly after (within minutes) we called it a day and headed back to our hotel to get ready for dinner. Both B and I were the equivalent colour of a lobster. The pain had yet to set in, but I knew what I was in for. B however, not so much prepared for what was to come.

Dinner was no disappointment. It was so great and I loved how every meal was completed with ice cream. Utopia! After dinner we walked as a family socializing and just having a great time. B and I would complete each day with an episode of Alf. That's right my 80's friends. Our alien friend Alf lives in Mexico!

This completes day 2. Guess what's next? You got it, day 3

Monday, May 03, 2010

Mexico day one

Well we're back from the wonderful world of Mexico. It was an awesome trip. Many adventures were had and lessons learned for next time. Our adventure started early in the am on
Saturday morning. When we arrived at the airport we ended our stay in Canada with of course, Tim Hortons. We joked that this should become a new family Saturday morning tradition. Just meet at the airport early in the morning for breakfast at Timmy's. The flight there was delightfully uneventful. Once we landed we were given the warning of not allowing anyone to take your bags for you or you will have to tip. Well..what do you know as soon as we walked out the door a man grabbed our bags and wouldn't give them back to me. I looked to B for some support and also being stunned by this guy allowed him to walk our bags the 15 steps to our bus. Once we arrived at our bus this guy looked to us for a tip. I didn't have any cash on me and B didn't have anything less than a $20 we just looked at him. He looked at us, we looked at him some more. It was an awkward stare down. But eventually the guy turned around and walked away. Sorry guy!

Afterwards we hopped on a bus and headed to our resort. It was bliss! The humidity was enough to suck the breath out of you. The heat was intense. The best ingredients for a perfect vacation in my world. We got settled in our rooms and met up with the family for dinner. The first evening we went to the buffet and it was so good. After dinner we went for a walk around the resort getting acquainted with our new home. The end of the evening ended with a walk along the ocean shoreline and jumping in the waves. A great beginning of our trip!

There will be more to come, but that's enough for now. I gotta leave you hanging for more don't I? :)
