On Saturday evening I was more productive. I went to the youth group at our church to take photo's for their special event. It was a lot of fun and it surfaced my inner photographer gene once again. I really enjoyed it. They had an "Oscar" evening. They had broken up into small groups and made a short film. Than they gave out awards. I was impressed they even had nominees and everything....and shout out to Brenton's brother Aaryn who put together the short clips to introduce the nominees and the winners. It was very well done. My favorite film out of all of them was the one that did "CSI Miami". The effects were bang on and the music was well timed and the acting was funny. I was not surprised when it won "Best Picture".
After the evening was over I headed over to my dad's house and had a visit with Cameron and Becky. That was so much fun. We were killing ourselves laughing and just having a great time. I asked them "If I ran like this would you still love me?" and I presented a run that was utterly ridiculous and we all laughed so hard and all 3 of us mimicked it. Then for some reason the both started talking about something where I was not included so I sat on the love seat practicing my new run (you don't need to stand to do it....it's more just arm motions than anything) and they stopped and looked over and started laughing all over again. It was a tearful moment (laughter tears, not sad tears).
Than Becky asked me if I would be a bridesmaid in her wedding!! I of course said, "I'll think about it". Yeah right! I said "YES!!!!!" I am so excited to be a part of their big day. It's going to be such an awesome day! But that just means my motivation for getting in shape has increased just that much more.
Sunday was a big day...and for that I think it deserves it's own post. I will make a new post for both Sunday and Monday combined in hopes that I don't bore you in one post. Instead I'll bore you in two...mwahahaha
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