As mentioned earlier, I said I would post pictures of my project. It was a large project so instead of taking pictures of the whole thing I just took a couple pictures from each section. I had a lot of fun while putting the information together. There was a lot of sweat and tears poured into it, but all in all it was worth it for a 100% mark. I was a little choked though when my teacher was marking it because it took him 5 mins to mark when it took me over 20 hours to put together. So without further ado I will allow my pictures to speak for themselves. I will just mention that each section had a theme to it and it was used through out the entire thing. (Remember this is only a mere fraction of the entire book)

Beautiful work! I'm so proud of you! I love the cover. Those little kids are so cute! Did you draw them?
No, I didn't draw them, they are actually on the paper I bought :) It took a while to make sure the writing didn't go over top of them, cause it's not pretty when there's writing all over a kids face...haha.
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