Am I going crazy? Simple question right? I feel like I am the craziest person right now. I am overwhelmed with so many emotions that right now I am so angry. I am angry at all the emotions that are swirling inside me not making sense of anything. I wish my brain would just process one thing at a time. I had a conversation tonight that really upset me. It's when one person takes all their frustrations and grumpiness out on you and you're left standing there saying WTF was that all about. When someone has built up so much resentment and frustrations and just pours it all over you at once and you leave not knowing the exact reason they are upset because there was just too much laid out.
I'm left hurt and confused and super ticked off.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Good evening or very early morning to you. Today was a fun-very-busy day. Aaryn and Tifni were married today at 1pm. It was a beautiful wedding and watching the two of them take this step in life was wonderful to watch. It felt very surreal and I teared up a few times. She was a gorgeous bride and he was a very handsome groom. The speeches that were given by the family members were well thought out and well delivered. I don't know what to say except that it was a fantastic day. The weather co-operated and was nice and sunny yet not too hot. An outdoor wedding gone completely perfect.
Congratulations you two! I wish you nothing but everlasting happiness
Congratulations you two! I wish you nothing but everlasting happiness
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Falling apart, but so in Love
Hello everyone. Today is Saturday and I'm suppose to be baking. However, my back is so sore that I can hardly stand. What is up with that? I feel like a little old lady. And the worst part is the robaxacette drugs have worn off and it's only been 20 minutes since they started working. What is up with that I ask you? Please someone take this pain away. It's so deliberating! Enough whining Michelle, just suck it up.
Well I started some baking the other day (part of my contribution to the wedding) and I have to tell you it's been fun! I really enjoy baking. It's not even hard to resist the temptation to eat it while I go. I continue to think of the dress I must fit into so "snap peas" are my new best friend. I love the crunching sound they present. It's like they are announcing their deliciousness....yum! Let's take a moment to celebrate them. *Pause*
Ok, that's enough time! They're snap peas after all. I am really looking forward to this Monday. Brenton's brother is getting married to a wonderful girl! I'm so excited for them both! I think it's so romantic when two people decide to spend the rest of their lives together. It's like the joining of two villages. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic (ok, for those of you who know me well know there isn't a maybe needed in that sentence) but I really enjoy the union of two. When she walks down the aisle and their eyes fabulous!
I look forward to the day when Brenton and I are old and gray and still poking fun at each other. When he reads to me or I to him, I long for the days when we are so intune with each other that we don't have to say anything but understand exactly what it is the other needs. It's romantic, it's love, it's us.
Well I started some baking the other day (part of my contribution to the wedding) and I have to tell you it's been fun! I really enjoy baking. It's not even hard to resist the temptation to eat it while I go. I continue to think of the dress I must fit into so "snap peas" are my new best friend. I love the crunching sound they present. It's like they are announcing their deliciousness....yum! Let's take a moment to celebrate them. *Pause*
Ok, that's enough time! They're snap peas after all. I am really looking forward to this Monday. Brenton's brother is getting married to a wonderful girl! I'm so excited for them both! I think it's so romantic when two people decide to spend the rest of their lives together. It's like the joining of two villages. Maybe I'm a hopeless romantic (ok, for those of you who know me well know there isn't a maybe needed in that sentence) but I really enjoy the union of two. When she walks down the aisle and their eyes fabulous!
I look forward to the day when Brenton and I are old and gray and still poking fun at each other. When he reads to me or I to him, I long for the days when we are so intune with each other that we don't have to say anything but understand exactly what it is the other needs. It's romantic, it's love, it's us.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Girls Night Out
Last night I went to my future-sister-in-laws bachelorette party. It was a lot of fun. We had dinner at a really nice restaurant. I had a green salad with a poppyseed dressing (very yummy) and mac and cheese. After dinner we went over to the bride-to-be's sisters house. There we had a glass of wine and played a game. If she was able to answer the question (that her husband-to-be had given answers to) then she could open a gift, if she got the question wrong, however, than she would have to chew a peice of hubba bubba gum and keep adding to it. It was a lot of fun, yet near the end we changed the rules to that we could just play the games and do the gifts later on because it was taking away from the joy of the gift (she had a lot of gum going on). It was really funny. After the game she opened her gifts and we all just sat around and talked to get to know each other a little bit. Good times.
I always feel awkward when people ask me about my wedding at someone else's wedding shower and such. I want to keep the focus so badly on them but I don't want to be rude to the person who asked me the question. What is the proper protocall for that? Am I a bad person for answering? I try to change the subject back onto the person we are celebrating.
I always feel awkward when people ask me about my wedding at someone else's wedding shower and such. I want to keep the focus so badly on them but I don't want to be rude to the person who asked me the question. What is the proper protocall for that? Am I a bad person for answering? I try to change the subject back onto the person we are celebrating.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Countdown Queen
Now that school is done I can turn my attention to the excitement that is held within the summer to come. I have a group of countdowns on the go and I look forward to each event with great anticipation! My countdown looks something like this:
1. Aaryn and Tifni's wedding---------------------4 sleeps
2. Running the 5km------------------------------6 sleeps
3. My best friends Karen's birthday--------------8 sleeps
4. Karen and Tims 9 year anniversary-----------11 sleeps
5. Cameron's birthday----------------------------14 sleeps
6. My mom comes to town-----------------------33 sleeps
7. The Blocks come to town----------------------36 sleeps
8. I get married to the love of my life------------42 sleeps
9. Christmas-----------------------------------182 sleeps
Not that I'm counting :)
1. Aaryn and Tifni's wedding---------------------4 sleeps
2. Running the 5km------------------------------6 sleeps
3. My best friends Karen's birthday--------------8 sleeps
4. Karen and Tims 9 year anniversary-----------11 sleeps
5. Cameron's birthday----------------------------14 sleeps
6. My mom comes to town-----------------------33 sleeps
7. The Blocks come to town----------------------36 sleeps
8. I get married to the love of my life------------42 sleeps
9. Christmas-----------------------------------182 sleeps
Not that I'm counting :)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
To cheat or not to cheat
Moral issues. How do you handle when a student from your class blabs all the details about an exam to the class who is to write the exam the next day? Would you call this cheating? Please leave a comment on how you would handle it! I would call the prof to make sure the other class had a different exam in order to keep the cheating irrelevant. Would you call this cheating?
The Project
As mentioned earlier, I said I would post pictures of my project. It was a large project so instead of taking pictures of the whole thing I just took a couple pictures from each section. I had a lot of fun while putting the information together. There was a lot of sweat and tears poured into it, but all in all it was worth it for a 100% mark. I was a little choked though when my teacher was marking it because it took him 5 mins to mark when it took me over 20 hours to put together. So without further ado I will allow my pictures to speak for themselves. I will just mention that each section had a theme to it and it was used through out the entire thing. (Remember this is only a mere fraction of the entire book)

Exams are Over!
Well! School is officially done! Praise the Lord! Don't get me wrong, I loved school, I had better seeing as I will be working in the school setting, but with the summer coming up with so much going on, having school out of the way frees up so much time. It also takes a lot off the mind and the to do list. No more assignments and no more exams! I'm so excited if you can't tell. Last night I had my final exam and let me tell you it was a doozy. It was the hardest exam I have ever written. Question number one scared me as soon as I saw it was worth 25 marks. The exam was out of 60. I skipped that question and moved on. I jumped to question 3 which was also worth a substantial amount and that question alone took me about an hour to answer. It was a long just over 3 hour exam. It scares a person to look up after answering one question to see that an hour had already gone by! What about the rest of the test my mind screamed. I quickly went back to question one seeing as it was going to take more time to complete it than the rest of the test and since it was worth almost half the test it would be best to pour my energy into it.
After the exam was over Brenton texted me to see if I was coming to bible study. My response was "k". That's all I could muster. When I arrived I could hear the people talking but nothing and I mean nothing was computing. My brain was so fried I couldn't even understand my mother tounge. I've zoned out before but nothing like this. I was still alert and trying to participate but it was like everyone was talking a different language. Needless to say I didn't bring much away from that Bible study (it was over by the time I got there anyway, it was the social part I arrived for).
When I woke up this morning I was so relieved! The entire time I slept...or at least the only part I remember, I dreamed of writing that exam. It was like it never ended, almost on replay over and over and over. Any time I thought I was done I would turn the page and there was more to complete. Do you think I might be over-thinking this exam a little? haha. I was so happy when I woke up (early on my sleep in day) to relize the exam is over and I don't have to think any more. haha. Happy Summer everyone. I am looking forward to everything involved!
After the exam was over Brenton texted me to see if I was coming to bible study. My response was "k". That's all I could muster. When I arrived I could hear the people talking but nothing and I mean nothing was computing. My brain was so fried I couldn't even understand my mother tounge. I've zoned out before but nothing like this. I was still alert and trying to participate but it was like everyone was talking a different language. Needless to say I didn't bring much away from that Bible study (it was over by the time I got there anyway, it was the social part I arrived for).
When I woke up this morning I was so relieved! The entire time I slept...or at least the only part I remember, I dreamed of writing that exam. It was like it never ended, almost on replay over and over and over. Any time I thought I was done I would turn the page and there was more to complete. Do you think I might be over-thinking this exam a little? haha. I was so happy when I woke up (early on my sleep in day) to relize the exam is over and I don't have to think any more. haha. Happy Summer everyone. I am looking forward to everything involved!
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