Monday, July 17, 2006

As you all know, I love countdowns. I remember watching Much Music on Friday nights just to watch the countdown. It’s not that I was necessarily interested in knowing what the number one video was, I just love countdowns that much. So, what is the 74 more sleeps countdown? You’ll have to wait a while before I get into that.
What did you all do for Canada day? Me? I headed out to my mom’s place on Friday. Right after work. Whew, let me tell you about work. It was suppose to be dead because it’s a holiday weekend right? Wrong. It was so stinkin’ busy that I couldn’t think straight. My bosses and I got a little heated with each other but got it straightened out. I have two bosses and they each told me to do something different and every time one of them saw me doing something else I would get yelled at so I eventually cracked and said to them both, ok. What do you want me to do. We all need to agree. So we settled that.
After work, on the way out to my mom’s house, Puss in boots(PB) was in the car with me. She apparently needed to use the facility that was unavailable. I had cleaned out her litter box, put it inside a garbage bag and flipped it upside down. Note to self, this doesn’t mean anything to a cat that needs to pee. She flipped the litter box over and used her litter box. Then she flipped it back over to resume it’s position. Except, there was pee in it. She was covered in her own grossness. Well, she got embarrassed and came to show me what happened. At first I was like, why are you all wet. Then I pieced it all together and started screaming. I was soooo grossed out. When we got out to my mom’s house(this only happened about 10mins away from our destination) I picked her up and started heading towards the house...knowing that everyone was out by the fire. My mom came over and said, what are you doing? I told her I’d be out shortly but I needed go clean up an accident that we had. I gave PB a bath. She screamed through the first part, then she realized she liked it and sat still. Whew. Then I scrubbed down my legs(she had rubbed against them). Then we headed out towards the fire that was blazing. PB was all wrapped up in a blanket. I didn’t think that it would last long (her sitting still). But to my amazement she was quite content sitting wrapped in a blanket basking in the glow of the raging fire.
After the fire grew tired(as did the rest of us) we headed inside and watched a movie and slowly each one of us fell asleep. The next day we headed into town after eating some awesome waffles. When we got to town we all realized that nothing was open because it was a holiday. haha. So we went for ice cream. Yum. When we got back to my mom’s house we all just relaxed outside. Well, Shawna and I relaxed, my mom started to work on her plants and stuff. After a while we got the Barbee ready to cook some steak. It was so good. We had steak with corn on the cob and potato salad, yum. After supper we all just vegged out and watched movies.
The next day was Sunday. My mom kept trying to wake me up to get ready but I refused. After I heard the door close and the car pull away I woke up and got ready. That’s right people, I’m a rebel. I showed up at the church five minutes late. Awesome! After church we all just vegged out again. It was awesome. And that’s how I spent my Canada Day weekend.
Now what’s up with the 74 more sleep countdown you ask? Well, it’s been asked of me to come back to ya’ll in BC and in 74 more sleeps it will come true. That’s right I’m moving back. And for those of you who can’t figure out what day that will be let’s just put it this way, 10 weeks and 5 days. Other of you who still can’t figure out what day that is it’s October 1st. Geez, do I have to spell everything out for you. haha. Can’t wait to see you all again. Until next time Peace


Lauren said...

You're joining the BC-ians again!!! But where??

Michelle said...

Kelowna in only 72 more sleeps

TyGuy said...

Sucks that your leaving :(
