Wow! What a busy weekend I had. I traveled all around the world in only one evening. First I went to Iceland.
That was really informative. Did you know that Iceland is made out of Lava? And the coldest it ever gets it -15 and the warmest it gets is plus 15. Interesting. After all I was traveling with Jodi, Barbie and Sandra. Sandra was kind of scared of Iceland. I found her hiding.
We can still see you Sandra. haha. After Iceland we hopped onto our locomotive and headed to El Salvador. When we got there we had just missed the show so we waited for 20 mins to grab the next one. It was really interesting except I couldn’t understand a thing the guy was saying. But the dancers were awesome. We learnt how to do the dances. It’s a lot of shaking your girls and hopping. After we left we couldn’t help but do the dances down the street back to our traveling devise. Next stop, my background, Scotland. Yay!!! The bagpipes were stupendous the dancers were marvelous what can I say, us Scots know how to party.
We stayed there the longest...I became a wee little monster and then we left. We went to some place I don’t know where. It was neat but I was so jetlagged that I needed to go home and rest.
The next day I went to work, I know what you’re thinking, I’m a machine. Do all that traveling all night long and still go to work in the am. Well, to tell you the truth, Brandon just had the winter festival where everyone presents different cultures and you can go and visit and learn about each one. It was really fun. After work on Saturday I came home and had a nap. Mmmmm....nap...good time. After I woke up I headed over to my friend Dave’s house and Jodi, Barbie, Dave and I had a conversation for a while and then we watched the movie Fantastic 4. Good movie, sick sappy love mushy crap at the end. Seriously, this movie went overboard on the cheesy stuff. But the funny stuff was really funny. Good movie over all. Ater the movie was over I went home and talked on the internet until 3am. When I woke up this morning I knew I told Barbie I was going to pick her up. When I left the house I knew I was going to pick up Barbie. I got in the car, knowing that I was going to Barbie’s house. I started to drive thinking I’m going to go to Barbie’s house. That’s when I realized I was heading to the church and Barbie lives the other way. haha. Blond moment. So I turned around and went and got Barbie. After church we went out to lunch. We went to Montannas. It was yummy, but I had to leave early. I had an appointment. For what you ask? This is where you get to vote again. Yay!!!!! I love voting. I wish I got to vote. I got to on Lauren’s blog. So fun!!! I voted long. I hope it wasn’t suppose to be a secret ballet because, well, I just told all of you what my vote was. Anywho, I got my hair done. I put some color into it and you get to vote on what you like better. My natural looks like this:
My new hairdo looks like this:
Now this is where you get to vote. Have fun. I hope you all had a great weekend. And don’t forget to comment! Until next time. Peace Out.
I get to be your first comment...yah!! I love your hair with the streaks in it, I can hardly wait to see it in person. I'll bet you had so much fun at the festival...I wish I could have been there with you. They are loads of fun and informative too. Love you, Mom
I vote on the new hairdo. It looks great DARLING.
The new hair looks good, but the new "green suit" has got to go! You wee monster.!.....oh look.. children of the corn eyes!
My vote is for the long green hair at the end. I love the wee monster! heheeeeee
I like the new colour. Very pretty. :)
lovin' the streaks!
I adore your new hair! I'm going to get on that whole meme thing as soon as this internet will work long enough for me to post! But thankyou for the honor of being tagged, I feel so cool! Haha
HEY MICHELLE!!! It's awesome to hear from ya. Love the blog. And love the new do. The colour is really warm and the streaks look hot. My vote is for the new look.
You are beautiful. What an wonderful cuz....that I haven't seen in like FOREVER!!!!
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