Thursday, December 22, 2005

Christmas Post

Hello. It's been a few days since I last posted because, well, I am lazy. There have been a few things that have happened and I will try to remember them. It's late so please understand that some of my thoughts might not make sense.(When do they ever really?). Anywho. A few days ago, we'll say on Monday because it sounds good, I went skating with some of my friends, Barbie, Jodi, Ashley and Jaquie. It was so much fun. I only fell down once which is pretty good for me(if you know my skating history it was pretty much the same as that). After skating we went to Starbucks. I don't know if they do this in all Starbucks but they yell your order when it's ready. It's so funny because the building is really small and there were only two tables in the whole place(not that noisy) so the girl didn't have to yell, but I think she gets some sick joy from yelling at people. She was really loud and of course our table had to mock her. haha. She brought it on herself really!! Dave, who joined us later, wanted to go and yell his order at the girl. Personally I would have paid to see that, but it didn't happen.
I still haven't seen the movie Elf. I was suppose to see it last weekend but the stupid rental store didn't get our memo and rented it to someone else. Stupid non-memo readers. This weekend though, I'm totally watching it. My momma owns it. Holla to my momma. (This does not mean yell at my mom!)
On Tuesday, another fun day, our group went for coffee. This time we went to a more civil non-yelling place called Tim Hortons. I don't know if any of you know what this is because it's such a rare non-heard of place. It was a great social time. Barbie was in her horror when she realized that Jodi and I have the same sense of humour as Dave. Therefore, we were an audience. haha. Great times hey Jodi? (p.s. to Jodi, you can leave a comment by going under don't have to have a blog to comment). (And Dawn, you don't have to correct my spelling I did that on purpose). The conversation of the toe hair was my personal favorite.
Wednesday, another fun day. Are you seeing the pattern? Everyday is a fun day for me. Yay to fun. After I was done work I went to youth group for our final Christmas banquet. So fun. One of the youth, Naz, reminds me so much of Cameron, my brother. We have the same type of friendship. We had dinner, followed by telling our Christmas traditions, I mentioned how we, Dawn, Cameron and myself, would get to open one present on Christmas Eve. Surprise Surprise it was always a new pair of pj's. This, as I later found out, was so that on Christmas morning when we were opening presents, getting our pictures taken, we were always in clean new pj's. So we always looked nice on Christmas morning. Sneaky? I think so! After going around the circle we did the steal game. This lasted a lot longer than our steal game at the young adults Christmas party. It was so fun. There was a farting santa, a race track, a Napolean Dynamite pen that had 7 different sayings from the movie, and some other really cool presents. After the steal game we played the celebrity game. It was really fun. I don't know how to really describe it. But I'll try. Everyone writes down a celebrity's name and that's who you become for the game. Everyone has to try and guess who everyone is. (You want to pick someone nobody would associate you with...aka wouldn't guess you for that person). If someone does guess who you are they own you and you become part of their team and help them guess who everyone else is. The purpose of this game is to own everyone at the end. (Did I explain that ok?). It's a lot of fun. I was Dwayne Johnson(a.k.a. the Rock). I know all you Bible College friends would have guessed that for me right away, but my friends out here don't know that side of me yet.). I owned about 6 people at one time, then I was found out. My rein did not last that long...however, while I was the queen two of the guys under my power started to wrestle...I looked at one of the girls(Olivia) and said, my slaves are fighting. haha...I get so into the part. Good times. After the game was over everyone pretty much went home and that was the end of the Christmas party. I love the youth group. They keep me young. (Because I am so OLD!!!!) Just kidding.
Thursday, (can you guess what is coming next?) another fun day (did you get it right? good for you!). Today is actually the day I'm going to talk about so I'm no longer in past tense, now I'm in present tense...are you keeping up? After I was done work I decided that I should probably do my Christmas shopping since I hadn't started yet. I started at about 3 or 3:30 and I was done at 6:30. The first store I went into(Giant Tiger, the best store ever!!) I couldn't find anything that appealed to me. Except a really cool race track, but I had to stay focused, I couldn't shop for myself. I was dancing and singing to the songs they were playing. The people all around me were having fun too. Either that or they were laughing at me. I rather think that they were just having a great time too! (By the way, I was shopping by myself). After that store was a bust I headed over to Zellers. I could only find stocking stuffers for my mom there. So after I bought those I was really into the shopping spirit! So I headed on down to Wal-mart. So fun. Grumpy people everywhere. This is my favorite audience. It's like a challenge. If I can get a grumpy person to smile, I have won the lottery. When I first got there I started out with a basket. If you have ever shopped with me, you know that as soon as I get the basket it goes on my head covering my face. I don't know why I do this, but I think it's fun. Or I carry it on my head like I'm from Africa(Holla at Lauren for going to Africa, you're my little white african friend now!!).(*whisper* hey lauren, what's your blog address so I can check out your blog?). Anyways, after I did my basket on my head thing I started to dance down the aisle and sing my own little song. When to my horror someone said, Michelle? I was like, oh no...someone has spotted me. It was my friend Cassey from Circle Square Ranch, or from church...which ever one makes you happy. She looked embarassed to know me while I was acting like a funny person. I talked to her for a while and then I carried on for a while and finished my shopping. When I was all done I came home and had a nap. It's hard to do all that dancing and singing and cheering the grumpy people up. ( I love it gives me a little high!)
My brother comes in 3 sleeps. 3!! I tried to capitalize the 3 and it came out like #. haha. So if you see a random # sign, you know it's because I'm trying to capatalize the 3. haha. I am such a mean sister. I am going to pick him up from the airport on Sunday. I know, so mean right? No, let me finish, I have made a poster for him, for when he comes down the stairs of the airport. It reads, "Miss Teen USA Carmen" haha. I know Dawn will laugh when she reads that. Dawn and I use to dress my poor little brother up like a girl when he was little. (We were bigger than him back then). Then we would call him Carmen. He hated it. We loved it because he hated it. (Wierd how that works?). So I think it will be funny if there are guys at the airport and see the sign. I bet they will wait for the teen princess to come down and when they see it's my brother? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I will laugh. I'm already laughing and it hasn't even happened yet. (THANK YOU DAVE FOR THE GREAT IDEA!!!) That's my shout out to Dave. If you haven't met him, you should. He's funny. He introduced me to a song called Yeah Toast. So stinkin funny you'll poop your pants. If you haven't heard it, download it. So worth it.
And that brings us up to date. I will probably update after Christmas. Until then I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. (I just farted and it stinks bad!) I must leave the computer area now. I love you all!!
Peace Out.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Orange Juice Tastes so Good

The other night the young adults from my church had our Christmas party. What a great time. At the beginning the group was going to go Christmas Caroling at the hospital. Well, there were only 5 of us that showed up. So we went anyways. When we got there the lady who was leading us kept calling us a choir. We were like, um...we aren't a choir....please don't tell people that. But she kept saying it. When everyone else got there (one more person now making our group a booming 6) we got started. We went to the lobby and sang there first. After that we went to another floor. This would be the OR floor. Just before we started singing there was a code blue announced. The lady leading us was like, just stand to the side because there might be some people come running through here. (Um, should we be on this floor???) We hadn't even started singing yet and the person just looses it. Yikes. (I later found out that the person who went into Code Blue, died after we left the hospital). Anyways, back to something happier, as we were singing we ran into the choir director from church. So mid song we stopped(on cue) and started to talk to her. That is when the lady who was leading us turned from nice lady to Caroling Nazi. She was like, um..please remember where we are...we're in a hospital. (Thankyou lady for the recap...couldn't remember where I was for that split second). I understand that we were there to carol but it was ok to stop for a second and talk to someone we knew who was visiting a family member in the hospital. Isn't that what we were there for ulimately? Whatever! She was nuts after that. Everything turned to ok, now walk my pace, now stand in a circle facing the room ok, now turn around and face the other come back you're walking too fast, oh, come back here to sing to this person YIKES is all I can say. I wasn't kidding when I said she went from nice lady to Caroling Nazi. haha.
After the caroling was over we all went back to Pastor Ruth's house. We had a wonderful dinner and snackies and then we did the gift exchange. At the end of the game I was left to pick either someone elses present or the one still under the tree. (Which was the present that I brought). I said, hey I like what I brought I'll take it. Then I decided I would save Dave from a girlie gift. (How nice am I). When he opened it all the guys in the group(all 3 of them) were like, that's so cool I want that. haha. I am so cool. I brought a shower radio. I rock. haha.
After all was said and done everyone kind of drifted off one by one. There was Barbie, Lori, pastor Ruth and I still left talking until 3am. 3 AM!!! Stink I thought it was only 1am when I left. When I got home it said 3. 3. I can't believe that still.
Then yesterday after work I went over to Dave's house to watch movies with Barbie, Jodi and yes, we let Dave come along too. His house is really neat. He has pictures and sayings all over the walls. He even has hagar cartoons posted. It's pretty cool. To discribe it I give it no justice, you must see it to appreciate it. I brought along popcorn twists, you know those things that melt in your mouth. I was laughing pretty hard when I was buying them and there is a story behind that but I won't get into it. When I got there though, both Barbie and Jodi laughed too!! This is my holla out to Kristin. We love ya girlfriend.
We watched the movies Bewitched and some new Disney movie, it's the sequel to the New Groove movie. It's wasn't that great so it's not worth remembering the name to. That's my excuse anyways.
Today after church we all went out for lunch. I don't know why but I joined a conversation when it was almost over. I had no idea what they were talking about but I added my own little bit that made absolutely no sense to their entire conversation. I said, well, maybe they didn't know they lived so close together because they're always in front of their computers. My friend Justin was like what? They don't really go on their computers ever. I was like, oh...we aren't talking about people dating on the internet? They all looked at me like I was on crack. I have no idea what inspired me to stir up in their conversation but whatever, I was so lost in left field and I think they were all lost in right field. It was so funny. The funniest part was that I was making sense to the story that I was playing out in my mind. haha. Have you ever done that? And you think everyone else has the same story going on but they are on a completely different page. Maybe I'm just a doofus. What is even funnier is that I did it a second time during lunch. Seriously they're going to think twice before allowing me to come to lunch again.
Yeah....I know I'm missing a few parts to this blog but I'm really tired and I just want to sleep. So I will say so long for now. By the way Karla, mouse soup is really just a soup with a lot of mice parts chopped up in it. So good. Just kidding, it's a soup with fruit in it. It's really yummy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Another Day, Another Funny Story

Ok, sorry it took so long to post this, but I have an excuse. I was half way done a post when my computer froze on me and I had to turn it off. Thus losing my half way done post. So out of frustration I didn't write. However, I have gotten over it and now I am going to write.
The last night of the performance went well. The afternoon one went without a hitch. The evening one however, was funny. First, there's a part when my friend Lori, who plays the old lady, says I think I was a little out of tune. In return the rest of the cast says, a little. Well, the choir thought they would be funny and they all joined in that line too. It startled the whole cast because we didn't know they were going to do this. (there is about 60 people in the choir). So we all jumped and that is where all the giggling started. After that line I am suppose to say that she was so out of tune she was killing my ears. She started coming towards me and she started to push me. I was falling off stage and laughing so hard I couldn't get my line out. It was soooo funny. She didn't realize that she was pushing me off stage so the guy who plays my husband grabbed my shoulders and kept me from falling off completely. It was halarious. Then there was a part when I was in Lori's way so she hit me with her cane. I mean hit me. She hit me so hard I screamed. (That's not part of the script). It was so funny. The audience all laughed at my pain. After that scene was over, us drama people went back stage and laughed so hard. We had to get ourselves composed to go back on stage but it was nearly impossible. After a few scenes my character says lets go get on our costumes. Well, the guy playing my husband said, can I be a sheperd and instead of saying, we'll see, I said, I was thinking more like the donkey. haha. The audience laughed and when we got back stage all the cast asked me what I said. haha. Good times. At the end of the performance us drama people wanted to get back at the choir for making us laugh. So we went and got some candles and stood in the foyer. One the song got to the softer point we all raised our candles and swayed back and forth. No one could see us except the choir and they were all laughing so hard they could hardly sing. haha. It was awesome.
On Monday I took a reservation at work. This was one of the funniest reservations I have ever taken. The lady was older and she at first asked for my boss. I told her that my boss wasn't there. So she reluctantly gave me the information I needed to make the reservation for her. Then she repeated that it was for Wednesday about 10 times. I was like, ok, on Wednesday the 14th. Got it. Then she asked for the booth up by the windows. She said, do you know where that is? I was like yep I know. We only have two windows in the dining area. haha. It was so cute. After I had all the information(this took about 15 minutes to get) she asked me if I was going to cancel on her. I told her that wasn't possible unless she cancelled. Then she told me that if she didn't get the table she wanted she would take me outside. haha. I've never been threatened by a senior before. It was halarious. She said, I don't want to have to take you out side because it's cold out there. haha. What a funny lady.
Yesterday which was Tuesday was a great day. I went to work, came home and did some laundry and had a nap. The phone rang and woke me up. I don't know about you but when I'm deep in sleep and suddenly wake up I'm really out of it. I didn't know what was going on around me or anything. The movie on the TV didn't make any sense but after a few minutes of talking on the phone I noticed what movie it was. (Sleepy Hollow). My friend Barbie was on the phone and we made plans to go Christmas light looking. I love doing this. I usually do it with my brother Cameron. However, Cameron is three provinces away. I will have to take him when he comes to visit though. There is one house that we saw that reminded us of that movie with Chevy Chase. Lampoons Christmas vacation or something like that. Really funny anyways. After half hour of driving around, and after having a grande mocha Frapachinno, I had to pee. I didn't say anything to anyone in the car though so I suffered for another hour and a half before I got to go. There is no better feeling than that. haha.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Yesterday my cat was walking around all crouched down and acting really weird. She was always hiding on me and making really wierd noises. I couldn't figure it out and kept yelling at her to act normal. haha. Well, later in the evening I was petting her and asking her what was wrong. I asked her if she ate something that was bad for her or something. Then I touched her tail and her bum went straight up in the air. I was like I get it. She's in heat. I've never experienced this before. She got really embarassed and went and hid again. I told her that it was natural and that she was becoming a woman. It was really funny having a sex talk with a cat. haha.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Christmas Memory Lane*
I remember the Christmas that we came out to Manitoba. There was so much snow that Cameron and I jumped off the top of the stairs at Grandma in the yellow house's house and it was almost as deep as our hight(which probably wasn't that high). It was such a fun Christmas because we got to sleep in the basement and Dawn and I would read all her readers digest magazines. I remember there being mouse soup(my favorite) and homemade perogies(both cottage cheese and raisin). I remember playing that mastermind game(my favorite game) and Shauna taking grandma's cigarettes and hiding them on her. haha. That was always fun to watch. I also remember that it was so easy to walk around her whole town in half an hour. haha. I thought that was really neat. And that Tim and Jason lived in the same town as Grandma. I liked reading her book of the 1000 home medical remedies. It was always funny to read. I just remember having a lot of fun that Christmas.
Anyways, that's all for now. I'll have funny stories tomorrow because as you all know it's youth group night!!!
Until next time
Peace Out

Sunday, December 11, 2005

The finally

Yesterday was such a busy day that I never had a chance to stop and write a blog. So sorry to all my fans! On friday night the performance went fairly well. A bunch of us forgot a lot of lines. However, they weren't important lines so we covered our mistakes with improve. Then during the manger scene I was feeling really sick. I felt like I was going to lose my cookies. Then I felt like I was going to pass out. So I sat down on the hay and "prayed". haha. Thankgoodness that takes up two scenes. Then the play is over.
Yesterday though, the play went really well. I didn't feel sick at all. Nobody forgot their lines. It was so FUN. Dean kept trying to make us laugh in the manger scene. First he started tickling my foot with some hay. Then he started to pick his nose. His back is to the audience so they didn't see him. But we all did. I was laughing so hard. I'm sure people could see my body shaking. haha.
Afterwards we were all mingling. My mom came to the show and I was introducing her to my friends. When I was introducing her to my friend Jodi she reached out her hand to shake my moms hand. But her hand was stuck inside her jacket. Jodi's face was histarical. She didn't think mom had a hand. haha. Then mom said, oh my hand is stuck in this jacket. Jodi started to laugh. She told us what she was thinking and we all laughed too. How would you handle that situation if she didn't have a hand? Do you shake the stump? Do you switch and shake the left hand? How would you shake the stump? haha. Good times, good times.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Yesterday, I was cuddling with my kitty. She was being so sweet and cute. Then suddenly after like 10 mins of cuddles she decided she would become psyco kitty. She instantly went from cuddles to chomping on my hand. It hurt so bad. So I got her off my hand and put her on the floor. She jumped back up and started use my hand as a chew toy again. So again, I put her on the floor and this cycle went on for quite a while. I think she could tell I was mad at her because she went to her hiding spot and stared at me. Crazy Cat!!! She's psyco sometimes.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*is over.
*Christmas Memory Lane*
This one my sister might not like me telling everyone. It's funny though to everyone else. One Christmas we were heading out to Edmonton. On the way there we were following my dad in his truck and the rest of us were in the beaster(a.k.a. the van). Well, I don't know exactly where we were but we were on the TransCanada Highway, and the van broke down. After a few minutes Dawn decided that we were all going to die there and became hysterical. I know that's hard for some of you to believe but it's true, Dawn does become emotional. My mom tried to calm her down and that's when she asked if we could open all the presents so she knew what she got before she died. I remember my brother and I sitting on the bench in the back. He looked at me and I told him that we should pray. I was more afraid of freezing than dying.
I don't remember the details on how long it took someone to help us or what happened after that. I remember that Christmas though I got money and Dawn tried to help me spend it on more mature things. Instead I bought a playground kid. (a doll). Dawn was so upset with me. She tried to get me to buy the BodyGuard Soundtrack(which I saw was on sale for $2 the other day I thought of you Dawn). Then she tried to get me to buy a curling iron???? I think those were the things she wanted. haha.
anyways, I have to get ready for the performance today. We have two performances back to back followed by a dinner for all the cast. It's going to be a long day. I didn't go to church today because I was too tired. I got up, started to get ready and then that dang bed of mine called me back. It was lonely and I didn't have the heart to leave it today. So I comforted it by lying on it and sleeping. But now I must go. Don't fret...I will return tomorrow. Until then my little grasshoppers, Peace OUT!(I wanted to play the capital game)

Friday, December 09, 2005


I like using that expression. Most ladies who come to the restaurant that I work in are always trying to justify to me why they can have fries. Honestly I don't care. You're paying for it. I don't have to eat it. Eat what you want. Whatever. So I tell them on fridays when they've justified it to themselves why they deserve fries that it is afterall Fryday. haha. I'm so witty.
Last night we had our first performance. It was a packed house. Usually opening night is quiet because it's a school night. But nope, the extra seating was even taken up. Woo hoo. I think that's awesome. I never look out to the audience or I would probably freak out. I couldn't believe it but just before we entered I got really nervous. So nervous that I had to take some really deep breaths. Then I felt faint. Then we started and everything was ok. It kept freaking me out when people would clap. I was like, who's clapping? Why is it so noisy. Then I remembered there was an audience tonight. haha. I'm so use to doing it in front of empty pews. haha.
We noticed there were a lot of people crying at the end. (It has a touching ending). Even this one old man sitting in the front pew. Some of the choir members were telling us that they couldn't look at him because it would have made them cry. How sweet. My friend told me that her mom cried.(Her mom's not a christian). She was so excited, she like, we're making progress!! That's awesome.
After the performance I was starving. When I get nervous I can't eat anything. Same thing happens when I travel. Then after it's all over I'm like give me FOOD!!! It's usually an urgent thing. haha. So we went to Gullivers for half price dessert. I had yummy applecrisp. It's not like mom's but it will have to do. It was good. Then I came home and had some yummy drugs. Ok, I know I took the night time ones but again I was up until 2am???? What the heck! It's suppose to help you go to sleep no? I drives me nuts. But it's ok in the end because they taste really good.
When I was getting ready to go to sleep I put in an Adventures in Odyssey tape. Yes I'm 25 and I still listen to them EVERY night. I just got some new stories and I was listening to the one where Eugene looses his memory. I started to cry. Actually I was sobbing. It was such a sad story until the end. haha. I'm pathetic. Then I fell asleep. (I had a really cool dream but I won't reveal it on my blog).
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Nothing really new to report. She's a crazy cat so everyday she usually does something. She still keeps looking for Jordaghn. She knows his cage is kept in the storage room so she keeps going and standing by the door. It's kind of sad. I think she misses tormenting him.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Christmas Memory Lane*
During Christmas time my mom becomes the biggest liar you will ever meet. She says it's justified because it's Christmas. !991 was no exception. Dawn, who likes to snoop for presents, convinced me to go snooping with her. While in our journey we found a bunch of really cool presents. We found two pairs of iceskates. An Adventures in Odyessy case. And a lot more. We confronted mom and told her what we found. I don't know why we told her we were snooping? Never thought of that. Anyways, she told us that those were the Visser kids(our weird neighbours, Christmas presents. And that our presents were over at their house so we wouldn't be able to snoop. Well, on Christmas morning when we felt the presents that were still wrapped we could tell that mom had lied to us. It's just funny because we had believed her.
Anyways, that's all for now. Until next time.
Peace Out.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

First Performance Night

Hello my loyal fans. I just want to send out a thank you for "the other Michelle" and myself for boosting up my comment count. haha. I don't know what happened there but it sure did get me excited, until I saw it was just multiples of the same comment. Whatever. I'll take it.
Yesterday, as you know, was youth group night. I love youth group night because it brings potential of halarious stories to tell. Last night was no exception. First was game time. We had to write down as many Christmas carols that we could remember. Then we had to sing them one at a time. If you could have heard my voice. haha. It was the funniest thing ever. I tried to sing Silver Bells and it came out worse than that guy who really can't sing that has a record contract. Hoy Chung or something? Whatever. One of the kids looked at me and said that I should have a record contract too. But I should only sing when I have a cold. I was like, quick phone my manager, tell him to book a stadium for a concert. I have a cold. haha. I thought it was really funny...and so did they.
Oh yes, before I forget, the "it's pumin'" saying totally went over. I heard a few people use it through the night. I have so much influence!!! How pumpin' is that! Ok, I'll stop.
While we were singing the songs at youth group I kept making up some funny dances. There were a few people doing them with me so it was a blast. The one kid though kicked another kid on accident. It was really funny. (The kid is ok...he's not traumatized from kicking the other kid at all). Instead of a bible study last night we had a serving activity instead. We stuffed all the bullitins for the Christmas tree production. There were 1500 to stuff. They were all done within half an hour. Amazing. We were all singing veggie tales songs while we did it. It was so fun. After that we went downstairs. Some of us cleaned up and some played some songs. It would have been good but every band member was either playing or singing their own song. I think there were like 7 different songs being played at the same time. So it didn't sound that great unless you singled one out. It was funny to watch. Some people were trying to get everyone on the same page but some couldn't be bothered and stayed in their own little bubble. Is there a life lesson here? Maybe so..hmmm.
After that we all headed to McDonalds. Something we always do after youth. While we were there the youth pastor, also the drama director, convinced me to get some cold meds. After McDonalds she even took me to the store. haha. My friend Lori, who is also in the drama, came to McD's after she was done work. I asked her how she was doing and she too is sick. Oh no!!! I hope the whole cast isn't sick. Lori blamed me. I hope I'm not the one that got her sick. Doesn't it take a week for the virus to spread and react? Then I only got sick on Sunday so it wasn't me. Whew....I can breath. Anyways, so the pastor insisted that I buy drugs so I did. haha. That sounds funny. How often can you say that really? haha. My drug dealer pastor hooked me up with some pure good stuff. haha. It's called Tylenol Cold. Wicked stuff. Not only does it work great but it tastes really good too. Especially if you take it with milk. Mmmm. I am not going to get hooked for those of you who are worried. I just don't mind taking them while I have my cold!! Seriously if you have a cold these really work and take them with milk. Yummy treat! The only thing I was confused of was that I took the nighttime one and I was awake forever. Aren't they suppose to make you drowsy? I couldn't sleep. Maybe I had too much expectation. A while later though I woke up thinking my nose was bleeding. But it was just runny. So I blew my nose and walla I could breath again. YAY for drugs. haha. Such a good sleep later I got up in a super chipper mood from my phone ringing(much better than that annoying sound on my alarm clock, my phone plays a song when it rings). This brings us to our
*Crazy Cat Lady* moment.
This morning my sister instant messaged me, even though my status was set to away. She said...Michelle are you there? I heard this first message come but I was like, no I like my sleep. Then the second message came through, Puss in Boots, go get Michelle. The crazy thing is she did. She came over and instead of biting my toes she bit my calf muscle. (Weird). I didn't think anything of it and said Puss in Boots, Relax. She remembered the word. Yay. She went and layed down for a minute. Then she bit my calf again. I told her to relax again. She went and layed down. Then the phone rang. It was Dawn. Yay for my computer litterate and word associated cat!! She so smart!
*Crazy Cat Lady* moment is over.
I talked to my sister for a while this morning. So much fun. We mostly talked about our blogs. We are so obsessed. I love it! Anywho..that's all for now.
Until next time
Peace Out!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Wacky Wednesday

I can't wait until tomorrow. Why? Because it's Thursday and I will have funny stories from tonight to write about. Last night was, as you are all aware, filming night. I don't know what happened to the cast that I've been around for the last few months, but we all nailed our parts. It went really well. I think only one of the little kids forgot her line. But she made a comeback and all was well. So much fun.
I don't know why, but they gave me, the most clumsey girl ever, a cake to carry in. Oh no, it's not just a cake but I'm wearing a costume that covers my feet. Oh no, that's not the only obstacle I have to go up stairs while carrying a cake, with a candle on it, while walking up stairs in a costume that covers my feet into a loft of hay. Are we asking for trouble? I would have to say affermative. During the taping yesterday I was so happy with myself for getting that part right. I later looked down and saw icing all over my costume. haha. I guess I'm still partical with getting stuff all over me. haha. But I wiped it off and nobody noticed. whew.
Okay, I'm back. I bet you never knew I was gone. Well, I was. I had a two hour nap. You see, when I woke up this morning my achy body had actually developed into a stupid cold. That's right, when I was kissing the frogs yesterday, (trying to find my prince) one of them liked me so much it jumped down my throat and stayed there. My voice sounds like a frog. This better be gone by tomorrow. (That's when the singing Christmas tree starts). YIKES.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
During my nap today, Puss in Boots, came over and started to bite my hand. What did I do? Nope no the squirt bottle(remember I had no energy). All I said was relax. Immedietly she stopped and went and layed down. How crazy is that? It kind of reminded me of the movie Zoolander. Maybe she's brainwashed to that word. haha. I couldn't believe it so I sat up and looked at her. She looked back at me and then jumped back at my arm. I had to try it again. I said RELAX. And again, she went and layed down. What a wonderful discovery. I hope she remembers it tomorrow when she's biting my toes.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
*Christmas Memory Lane*
I don't know how many families like to stop at the rest stops along the highway. But our family it's like a tradition. In the summer time we stop and take pictures of the same lake just at different pit stops. It's from a different angle. (That's what we were told anyways.) Well, one Christmas after opening our presents and all that fun stuff. The Templeton's came over. Not only did we stop at the rest stop on the highway. That was our destination. Looking back now, that's kind of strange, but at the time it made nothing but sense. (And you people wonder why I'm so strange). Sheryline, Pam, her parents, my mom, my dad, sister and brother and yes...they let me come along too, all headed out for the reststop on just the other side of the tollbooth(this was when we lived in Abbotsford). There's another strange thing about it. We actually paid the toll fee just to stop at the reststop just beyond it. Man we were devoted to that rest stop weren't we. Once we got to the rest stop we went tobogganing. What a great time. I remember someone coming back soaking wet. There were two of them. They had fallen in some water somewhere. It was funny nonetheless. My favorite part about that trip was eating the iceicles(help me with my spelling Dawn). We would break them off the side of the shack that was there. After spending the day out there we headed back and if I remember correctly had people over from the church. Maybe that was a different Christmas. I just remember a whole bunch of people over one year. (I thought I would throw that in here).
Anyways, I have to go to youth group now. So until next time.
Peace Out.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Filming Day

Hey. As you read in the title it is filming day. The day in which we have our last dress rehersal. The only diffence with this one is...yes you've guess it...we are being filmed. I don't know if I'm just really nervous or if I'm coming down with something. I woke up this morning with a headache, a scratchy throat and an achy body. I'm hoping it's just nerves. All day at work I felt nauseated. It was aweful. Whatever. The show must go on and if I have to carry a bucket with me I will make it work!!! I'm devoted to my part. Those Hollywood actors have nothing on me. Would they make a bucket work for their part? Probably not. Those wimps would probably call in a sick day.
Only 19 more days until my brother comes out to visit!!! I'm so pumped. It's pumpin'. (For those that don't know that is my new cool word. I'm going to get everyone saying it so that when it becomes popluar I can say I started that. I already got half the youth doing my African Tribal Dialect. I have so much power in starting things. And I'm pretty sure this will catch on too. I just have to committ to it like I did with my part in the Christmas play.
To my fans, you have once again helped side track me from cleaning my house. I was about half way done when I looked over at my computer. It's like I could hear the crys for a new entry on my blog coming through the speakers. So I have put my house cleaning on hold for two minutes. (All that's left is putting my laundry away.)
Today or maybe tomorrow is putting up the Christmas Tree day. I'm pretty excited. Christmas is always so much fun. I remember when I was younger my Aunty Sandy would come over for Christmas. I usually woke up around 5 or 6am. Then I would play quietly until 7. The one year though, Aunty Sandy was sleeping in my room and when I was playing(which I thought was pretty dang quiet) she woke up and told me that I had to go back to sleep. So I layed in my bed and tossed and turned and tossed and turned. (I'm pretty sure I was more quiet playing). Finally 7am arrived. I don't know what it was like in your families but my Dad was always the last one up. So we were given permission by mom that if dad wasn't up by 8am we could go and wake him up. The power!!!!The Noise!!!!Obedience!! So we just did as we were told. haha. She left it open to us how we wanted to wake up dad. I think if we had any other dad he would have shot us. But instead he just grumbled and got up. (We woke him up with none other than pots and pans.
oooh..that's a great idea...maybe I'll come up with a new Christmas memory until Christmas day. I'm excited now.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
A few weeks ago at youth group we went to Ruckers. A place for kids to just hang out and play arcade games and such. Well, with my tickets that I won I got a hacky-sack. (An old school kind that's made with beans and knitted.) Well...seeing as this is Crazy Cat Lady Moment you know my cat is going to be mentioned pretty soon. She found my hacky-sack and started to balance it on her paws and back. She's phenominal. Just kidding. She got a hold of my hacky-sack and ripped a hole in it and spilled the beans, so to say. They were all over the floor. When I got home she was still playing with the outer part of the sack. Crazy messy cat. I tell you. She's like having a little kid. Constantly chasing after her. Telling her what is good and what is bad. Yikes!!! Sometimes I want to call her names. But then she just looks at me with her huge green eyes. (Have you seen the movie Shrek2? You know the part with the cat and its eyes???) She's just like that.
Okay...first it was my computer calling me over. Now it's my laundry. I have to put it away before I do my hair and get ready for tonight. Wish us luck!!!!!
Until next time. Peace Out!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sundays = funny stories

Ok..I think I should only write in here on Sundays and Wednesdays. They seem to be the days when funny stories arise. I'll start with last night though. I went to see the movie "Rent" in the theatre with my friend Lori. ( A very funny girl that everyone should meet). During one of the scenes a girl flirts with a guy by asking him to light her candle(because there isn't any heat or light in their apartment building). And every time he lights it she blows it out. Well, Lori who didn't realize the girl was flirting was getting really mad. (Remember this is a movie....a.k.a not real!!). She turns to me and says....why does that stupid girl keep blowing out her candle. haha. I couldn't help but laugh. It was so funny because she was getting really mad.
Today, Sunday, is a perfect day for funny stories. They are coming out of my ying yang. I will start with the beginning of the day. I went to church and met a new friend. His name is Rett. He suffers from MS so he is in a wheelchair. He's hoping that his strength comes back soon so he can walk again. When I was talking to him about it he told me that it's only been 8 months since he's been in the wheelchair. I said to him, it's not something you've just started doing one day? haha. He laughed. He's a really nice guy and it was his first time coming out with the young adults. It was so funny because all of us at the one end of the table were talking about our favorite movies and Rett and Justin would only talk about Star Trek and Star Wars. Jodi and I were like, yeah...if you're going to name your favorite movies they can't be from either of those. (We are both not Sci-Fi fans). haha. The funny thing about that was that both Jodi and I could do the finger seperated thing that they do on those movies and both Justin and Rett, both huge fans of the movie, couldn't do it. How ironic.
After lunch I had to zip back to the church for drama practice. It was a lot of fun. During the manger scene a few of us don't have any lines so we were just standing there and Racha(I don't know the correct spelling on that so feel free to correct me) made the funniest face with the funniest sound to accompany it. I started laughing so hard and couldn't stop. Soon the entire cast is laughing because I was laughing so hard. Seriously I was crying a lot because of it. Finally I composed myself and everything went smoothly until the second round of the play. That's when Lucille(played by my friend Lori) fell off the stage in my mid-sentence. I couldn't help but laugh through the rest of my line. Then during my next line she if you've ever heard Lori's cough you would laugh. It's the loudest thing in the world and it sounds more like a sneeze. So again I laughed through that line. It's important that I get my lines because the play starts this Thursday night. Anyways, we went back stage and there is two scenes before we return. So of course, the cast just goofs around back there. Well I decided to make some clicking noises and whistles. They all looked at me and asked if I had terets. I said's my African Tribel language. They all started laughing. I backed up and hit my head on the shelf in the pastor's office(our green room). Then they all started to laugh. It was so funny. (The headache in which I had for the rest of the night wasn't so funny). But how I received it was. So the next scene...which only I talk in, I was saying my line when the guy playing my husband made the clicking noise. I lost it and just started to laugh uncontrolably. I hit him in the arm too. It was great. By this time in the night we had been practicing for 7 hours. So we were all giggly and tired. That's my excuse anyways. I think the play and singing Christmas tree will go very well. But honestly I'm kind of excited to have it over next week. It's been so consuming, but so much fun. I'm going to miss hanging out with all these people every week though. It's been a blast getting to know them all.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Yesterday I was having a bubble bath with Lavender soap bubbles. So relaxing. Well, my crazy cat who likes water(so wierd) came over to investigate. She was trying to balance herself on the ledge when she fell off and went right into the bath water. I was lying down so didn't react in time but I saw everything. She looked like a pebble skipping across the water. It seriously looked like she was just on top of the water not sinking in. Maybe I'm mean but I laughed. I thought it was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. It serves her right for being so proud and curious. haha. After the fiasco she just sat on the bath mat and stared at me. haha. I think she heard me laugh at her.
Well, that's about it for now. Until next time. Peace Out.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hello fellow blog-readers. I am back with yet another entry. Another entry that no one seems to read. Or maybe its that you read it and are left speachless. I'm going to tell myself that because it's easier for me to cope with.
Yesterday I was talking to my brother on the phone. He's coming to visit at Christmas time. So I told him that there is only 26 more days until he comes. And only 21 more days until mom moves back into her house. He was like you count down everything. I thought about it for a minute and yeah. I do count down everything. Even when my best friend Karen was getting married she would ask ME how many more days until HER wedding. (did you notice the capital game being played there?). I am officially the count down queen. You know the much music countdown?'s my favorite because of's a countdown show. It's like an addiction. Once I start counting down something I have to see it to the end. And once it's over I have to find something else to countdown to. Again with that show, I might not even care what's being played but I must finish watching it...just so I know what the number one is. It's really sick. But at the same time I'm so happy that I have two countdowns going on at the same time right now.
I forgot to tell a story that happened on the weekend. When we were setting up the Christmas tree(for the choir to stand in) we had to hook the garlands on with these really weird wires. We had to use a special hook machine thing. Anyways. Someone needed a partner and yelled out....WE NEED A HOOKER OVER HERE. (hehehe) I right away stood up and ran over...I was like ok I'll come. Than I stopped about half way there and was like...what did you say? haha. hesitation..hahaha. We all thought it was really funny. The senior pastor(who was my partner) just kept laughing.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
Just now, as I was writing the last paragraph, my crazy cat jumped up onto my shoulder. Not only that but she started to bite it. How do I taste kitty, how do I taste.(A line from the movie Finding Nemo..but just with kitty instead.) How weird is that. When I looked over to see what she was doing she stopped, looked at me and then went back to whatever she was doing. What a freakin' weirdo.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment* is over.
Last night I had youth group. What a great time. We played a few games to get the night going. My favorite one was to duck tape one of the kids to the wall. What a great time. We sedated one of the kids and talked her into being the volunteer. She didn't stay up for very long. But it was a lot of fun. She can go home and tell her parents what they did to her at youth. hehe. I love games that really don't have any point.
After youth group was over the guys convinced me to play a game called the garbage game. The point of this game is to stand in a circle everyone holding hands to the person next to them. You run around a garbage can and try not to touch it. However, you want to get the other people out by pushing them into the garbage can. This game gets really violent. I didn't want to play but I ended up in the circle. It started out with a bunch of us...mostly boys and 4 girls. I ended up in the last four..which was my goal. I looked down at my hands and said...look what you guys have done to me. They looked at my hands and immedietly started to appologize. haha. After I had my laugh I told them that I have a cat and that's where all the scratches came from. haha. I'm such a dork.
After all the youth left the leaders went up to Pastor Ruth's office. We laughed so hard at some of the emails that she received. There was one of this person who sings Oh Holy Night. So stinkin funny. It's the worst thing I've ever heard. I think someone my lipsink to it at church on Sunday just to get everyone to smile. haha. Anways, they are stinkin funny.
That's about it. Until next time. Peace Out.
