Hey there. It is my obligation to the world to let you all know that there has been a death in the night. One of my very own family members is gone. (This kind of sounds like the game we play at youth group called Mafia...except this time it is real). Before my sister starts freaking out I will tell you who it is that is no longer with us. We shall miss this dear friend for he brought only smiles to all our faces. Jordaghn is no longer here. But we will one day see him again. He's gone to a better place. My cat is going nuts though cause it was her best friend. Jordaghn for those who don't know is my chinchilla. I don't know if he died from natural causes or what. When I went to go and take him out of his cage that's when I started to cry. His wheel was flipped over and his head was wedged between the metal pieces. (I'm sorry if this is too graphic for some). I was horrified and started to ball/cry. I was sad for losing him...but he was old so I knew it was coming soon...but like that??? Gross.
If you haven't noticed the comment thing is now open to those who don't have their own blogs. This was brought to my attention by an anonymous fan(a.k.a my dad). I told my dad that he should just start up his own blog and it could be about the weather in all parts of the world. He proceeded to tell me that after nightfall it will be dark. haha. And you wonder why I am the way I am??? haha. So now, all those anonymous people...you too can leave a message after the beep. I mean..you too can leave a comment on my blog.
I'm trying to come up with things to tell...but it's hard to find funny stories on the fly. Mostly because fly season is over.
*What's Funny at 2AM Moment*
Everything. Especially when you have a blast with your roommate. I'm going to go back in history for a minute and tell a funny story about Bible College days. You might have noticed my friend Michelle write a comment on here. haha. I'm surprised, to say the least, that she still will associate with me. haha. I remember when she would go to bed really early for whatever reason, my roommate and I would make her our target. That's right. We liked to play practical jokes on her. (We thought it was funny). Michelle(not me) would be asleep in her bed(and I don't know how she managed it but she had her own room). So we would creep into her room and climb to the top bunk. That's where we would hide until our giggles would wake her up. haha. So much fun. We didn't do this just once. Oh no. We did it many times. Poor girl...she just wanted some extra sleep. haha. Why did they allow us to have sugar if they weren't willing to reap the consequences? They brought it on themselves. haha. Poor Michelle was usually our target because we knew she could handle it. One night we snuck out and papershut her door. So when she opened it all she saw was coloured paper. Haha. This was so much fun. We made sure that the paper at about eye level had a message on it. Do you know who she accused first? That's right. She knew it was Lorraine and I. haha. So much fun living in a dorm.
*Crazy Cat Lady Moment*
The Toe Muncher. That's my new nickname for her. She's crazy. She likes to chew on my toes first thing in the morning. EVERY morning. For those who know me well, know that I hate getting up early in the morning. It drives me insane. And it tickles. Oh I tell you...they should inlist my cat for the army and use her for times of interigation. YOU TELL US WHAT WE WANT TO KNOW OR THIS HERE CAT WILL MUNCH ON YOUR TOES. I bet they wouldn't last long. Crazy cat.
There was something else I was going to say...but I can't remember. I kept that thought in my left foot...and when my crazy cat munched on my toes she took the thought with her.
Until next time. Peace Out.
I'm so sorry to hear of Jordaghn's passing. Corrie passes this message along: "Too bad about your rat killing itself with it's own wheel" Corrie is really big on sentiment, if you didn't notice.
Are you doing okay? I know how much you loved Jordaghn. Are you going to go get anothe chinchilla?
Mannz - Michelle is a blogger. A person who keeps a blog - otherwise known as a public, online diary. You could be one too. It's free! And so much fun. I'm the one that got Michelle to start a blog.
Way to try and get everyone hooked to blogging. Thank you Corrie for your words of encouragement and sympathy at such a time as this. I'm doing fine about it, and no I'm not going to get another one. They are messy. Puss in Boots is having more of a tough time with it. It breaks my heart to see her go through heartbreak. They were really good friends. If I could put my picture of them on here I would insert it right here. But I have to wait for Cameron's arrival.(My brother for those who don't know). He's going to show me how to insert a new card thingy so that I can plug my digital camera into the computer so I can share my kodak moments with all of you!!!
Awww...such fond memories....know what I thought of the other day....Remember when you, lorraine, me (and someone else I think) skipped Mark's class and he passed right by the jeep as we were all sitting in it ready to go! good times....
haha. we left all our books on our desks in the class and waved as we drove away..hahaha...that was awesome. I bet he just glared at our desks during that whole class. haha. Awesome times we should do it again. Just to jog his memory.
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