Thursday, May 11, 2017

Here nor There

Hokey Smokes how does so much time go before I realize I haven't kept up to date on here.  Well.  I think I may just revamp this blog once again.  Maybe into more of a journal of crafty things I have been keeping myself busy with.  What say you?  Nothing?  Well then I will take that as a go ahead Michelle do whatever you want, it's your blog after all.  Why thank you made up person in my head for the permission and the unfailing confidence in my decision making.

Sometimes I feel like I've actually lost my mind and I'm now a full blown crazy person.  I think instead of resisting this, I've just come to accept it and go with the flow.  In essence you now get to take a glimpse into the crazy and hopefully have a chuckle, a smile or just a good old shaking the head and say to yourself, well at least I haven't quite lost it like her.  I'm ok with that.

Currently there is a thunder storm taking place outside.  Both my girls are sleeping and my little man is watching a kids show while playing blocks.  Yes a multi-tacker.  He's so advanced.  This morning he had a soccer practice and it was in the rain.  Not bad for the kids playing as they're running around keeping warm.  But for us mama's (and Dads) and the little siblings who are too small to play it was freezing!!! So much so that 4 hours later I'm still wearing socks(This is a very rare occasion as my feet are mini-furnaces).

Ok, so now I have to figure out how to load the pictures on my phone onto here.  I take a picture of all the things I make on my phone so it will just take some creative invest-tigotory work on my part and then I shall share.  Let's face it, pictures are the best part of a blog (in my not so humble opinion anyways).
