Howdy blogging world. Does anyone even come by here any more? Well in case you have stumbled upon this page I shall try to entertain. Since the last time I posted I have had another high risk pregnancy which resulted in another beautiful little girl. We shall call her Fairy. Why? Because that's the theme of her bedroom. She was born weighing 9lbs on the dot. She has a long name like the other two where their middle names are full of meaning. She was born via c-section.
Both Sprout and Kiwi love her to bits. They have both proven to be such amazing older siblings. Sprout just turned 2 last weekend and she's definitely found her way into the terrible two's already. She's stubborn, independent, crazy, witty, and so much fun. She had a Minnie Mouse party in which I shall post some photos of at some point.
Kiwi turned 4 back in June and he had a Paw Patrol birthday party. It almost felt like I was cheating as we had his party at an indoor play centre where they did everything for us. I just brought some snack and cupcakes. It was fun and enjoyable.
B has been crazy busy working in our back yard. He's in the process of building a shed. It will be awesome when it is complete.
Our summer has consisted of family time and fruit trees and bushes and more fruit and more fruit. I am not complaining by any means. It actually makes play time outside really easy for snack time. Kids ask for a snack and I just ask them what kind they would like. We have blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, snap peas, cherry tomatoes, grapes, Mr. Honeyberry, Mrs. Honeyberry, peaches, more peaches, and cherries. I have to say that I love that our yard produces so much yumminess.
I can't believe Kiwi is going to be starting pre-school in just a few short weeks. He's such a chatty fellow and always making us laugh. Today we were playing in a cardboard box(empty freezer box) so all 4 of us could fit inside. While inside I asked them to each come up with one rule. Kiwi's rule, No pooping or peeing your pants while inside the clubhouse. Sprouts rule, you must knock.
Well this just went all over the place. If you long for more just leave a comment. If not don't leave a comment. That simple.
Until next time.