Thursday, June 12, 2014

June update

Hello.  So much has changed in the last month.  A month!!  Isn't that crazy that it's been that long since I've updated.  Oy!  I'd be surprised if anyone still comes back to read this blog since it's so inconsistently updated.  Any who onto something more interesting than my meaningless ramblings.  

I no longer am taking care of the boys I was looking after 3 days a week.  I was suppose to have them until the end of June, however their father lost his job and so they didn't need me for the remainder of the month.  Also the other little boy I was taking care of randomly will also not be coming back because the school year came to a shocking finish as of tomorrow due to the teachers' walk-out/strike which will take place on Monday.  So his mommy won't be needing to go to the school to help out so I will not be needed for him for the next two weeks.  So as of now I am done taking care of other people's children for the remainder of my pregnancy/newborn stage.  

Kiwi turned 2!!! Can you believe it?  I can't!  It's hard to wrap my mind around that he's a 2 year old already.  I feel like the last year went by so fast.  We had two birthday parties to celebrate.  One with 5 of his friends and the other with our families.  They were both a lot of fun, a lot of work, but a lot of fun!  He had a bug themed party.  He mostly enjoyed playing in the sandbox.  

The last couple of days we have been attempting toilet training, so that's been "fun".  Yesterday he had an accident and was completely unaware of it.  Today he had 2 accidents and both times as he was peeing he realized it and started to run to the washroom.  The first one he had finished peeing before he started to run, the second time he had just leaked a little bit and then finished in the potty.  So we're making progress, it's slow, but it's progress!!  I was planning on potty training after I was done with the boys at the end of the month, but since they are no longer coming I figured let's direct our attention towards that now.  Our system that we're using right now is going and sitting on the potty every 10 minutes.  Kiwi loves it because he gets a story read to him each time and the kid loves books!  We might have to go and get some new to us books at the library, mostly for my sanity, you can only read the same books so many times.  When he's not on the potty he runs around in his thicker than normal underwear (helps to soak up some of the leaks so it doesn't go all over the floor) and a t-shirt.  This way he's able to pull his own underwear down and be successful that way.  For nap and bed time I still put him in a diaper.  

Another thing that's new since the last update, I went to my doctor for an appointment a couple of weeks ago now and when I was there she told me that the surgeon had brought it to her attention that I would not be a good candidate for a VBAC (a natural birth after c-section).  Apparently my doctor had skimmed the report from the surgeon the last time and missed some pretty vital information.  She printed off the report for me to read for myself and I'm no medical expert but I understood what it was saying.  Basically when they had opened me up to get Kiwi out they discovered that my uterus had started to tear vertically along my left side leading all the way down to my cervix  (beginning stages of a ruptured uterus which is not a good scenario to find yourself in).  I was glad to hear that this was caught and fixed, but I was shocked, annoyed, angry, sad that I didn't find out about this until 2 years later and after I had set my mind on a VBAC and now that wasn't even an option.  So I came home had a good cry, let B know and by the next day I had come to terms with it and moved on.  I want sprout to come out as safe and sound and as healthy as possible and it doesn't matter how that is.  

Sprout is a mover!  Constantly fidgeting in there and I can hardly wait to meet him/her.  However there's a lot yet to do and I am happy that there's 9 weeks left to get things done.  We are going to be moving Kiwi into a big boy bed and taking the crib out of his room and giving it to his sibling.  We still have to paint the nursery (we're doing green). We still have 2 weddings to go to before my due date and several birthday parties.

Well that's about all there is to report.  Lots of news.  I'm sure I am missing something else in there, but that's all you're going to get for now.  

Oh and on my last post I had a stranger comment on my blog saying that they didn't appreciate all caps.  I have no idea what you're talking about as I only have capitals at the beginning of my sentences or on names/places…etc…where's they're grammatically needed.  I am sorry it offended you but I don't plan on changing they way I write.  

Until next time, 
