I will first say this, I have not forgotten about this blog. I have actually been working on a post that is still not ready for publishing, but it is in the works. It's just taking me longer to get through than most so I thought I should say, "Hey, I'm still alive and still blogging". Although I doubt anyone reads this any more. It's almost become a safe place for me to just voice out what I'm thinking with no real repercussions. However, I do still have a filter just in case.
This coming year is going to be so full of happy events. In just the last weekend I have had two cousins get engaged (one on B's side and one on mine). Also we already have 3 other weddings to attend this year making our total 5! I think that is the most in one year that we've attended. And with all this celebrating and happiness I can't help but remember the people who are still in mourning from the final months of 2013.
Last week one of my friends' son went into the children's hospital with a heart problem. He was born with it and given a pace maker back in September when he was first born. That pace maker wasn't able to keep up any more and he just went in for his second pace maker today. He made it through the surgery and is doing well considering. However he needs a new heart. This breaks my heart to pieces. I had so much hope for my cousin's little guy that a heart would come for him and it didn't. Is it wrong that I feel jaded in my prayers? I don't mean to be. I want to believe with all my might that he will get the heart he needs. It's hard.
On a happier note: I started a day home. I have 2 little boys that come over on Mon/Wed/Fri and they are super cute and fun! The 3.5 year old is hilarious! I love the things he says, an example: I asked him if he wanted to play play dough while the little ones slept and he said, "yes because little guys can't play with it because it's a choking hazard". I was like you're 3.5? Or 40? Also there was one time I was playing the piano to calm his brother down when he came in with his hands on his ears and said, "it's too loud, I need quiet, I'm playing trains". Seriously I laugh multiple times a day.
Today I had them over for 7 hours. It was busy and fun. B was home for part of it and witnessed the meltdowns of both 1.5 year olds. It was epic. They wanted to go in the washroom with the 3.5 year old for whatever reason and I wouldn't allow it so they both got upset. Toddlers, do they make sense to you?! I just laugh at the situation cause what else can you do? They were also hungry and cold because we had just returned from the park. After a snack the meltdowns subsided. By the end of the day though, I'm exhausted.
Well, I guess I will end on that note. Until next time