Saturday, September 10, 2011

A very busy day!

Today was an eventful day to say the least. Yesterday evening after getting home from work B and I relaxed inside where it was cooler until it cooled down outside. Than I went outside and weeded two out of three gardens in the front yard. I ran out of day light and decided I would finish it in the morning.

This morning at 8:30 I started weeding the third garden outside and boy am I glad that I didn't do it last night. One of the rose bushes is infested with wasps! Had I tried to prune it last night I'm sure I would have been stung at least once if not multiple times. There were at least 3 dozen of them on the one bush. As I went along there were only a few on the others that surrounded it. I still managed to get it pruned because let's just say I'm a bee charmer. I've never been afraid of them. As long as you stay calm around them they won't hurt you. Just don't startle them. (Which I've done on occasion accidentally).

After finishing the gardening B and I finished setting up our patio set. We also cleaned the patio before setting it up nicely. It looks so fresh and clean and uncluttered. I also dismantled a bunch of the plants that I had neglected and set them to rest in the green bin. Than I promptly put the flower pots in a safe place for the winter. (So sad). Ready to go for next year though :)

After playing outside for the majority of the morning B and I headed out to do some errands. We had to go to Home Depot for some wire (that we didn't end up getting because they didn't have any) and a box for the sprinkler hoses to go under. Exciting I know! I of course stayed in the plant and patio section because it's my favourite section. I can waste a lot of time there. Then we headed and got groceries. Yay! Now that I work Monday to Friday I will do my shopping on Saturday because it's not as busy as Sunday. I use to do my shopping on Mondays because I had the day off and it was dead in the store!

When we got home I went straight back to work. I started cleaning the house. Starting with the inside of the fridge. I hate this job but I love the outcome. So before I put my groceries away I cleaned out the fridge. As I cleaned I put the groceries away in their clean designated spot. It was bliss! B even commented on it after it was done. I love having a clean organized fridge. I'm such a weirdo!

After the fridge was complete and the groceries were all put away I went to it at cleaning the rest of the kitchen. Cleaning the front of the cupboards as well as inside a few. Than came the dusting (I don't care for dusting but I know it's gotta be done. Especially in our house...I don't know how but every week it seems to collect a lot! After the dusting came the sweeping and the swiffering. I had the movie Mama Mia on while I cleaned and it made it so much more fun! I sang along and didn't really care if the neighbours could hear me, except now I secretly, ok not so secretly hope they didn't. After this I realized I hadn't monopolized my time well, I didn't have any laundry in the washing machine. So I quickly grabbed a load and threw it in. Whew! Now I'm multi-tasking! I cleaned both washrooms (bathrooms or restrooms for my American readers - there's a story behind this statement that I will share in a later post).

After the washrooms were clean I headed downstairs and cleaned the entrance way. Our entrance way is so filthy all the time because of the unfinished basement. It always seems so dusty and dirty to me. So I cleaned it! And I even cleaned the windows at the door. I cleaned the banister and all the posts...there's a lot of them. It seemed like a spring cleaning day that's for sure.

Oh yeah, I cleaned out Inigo's cage and he's so funny when I do. He gets so bothered that I have moved his cage and flies around and lands where his cage is suppose to be. Then he looks at me like I've done something so horrific! It's quite funny. I took an extra long time cleaning it today because I thought it was funny how out of sorts he was about it.

After the house was cleaned up I headed back outside and mowed the front lawn! I enjoyed it except I forgot to check to make sure the bag was on tight. (It wasn't). So when I was done mowing I realized that there were grass pieces all over the lawn. So my work was not done. I grabbed the rake and started to clean up my mess. Lesson learned, even when the bag looks like it's on, double check to make sure it's locked in place.

I quickly ran inside to have a shower to clean up for my sister in laws going away party. She has to go for some training for work and will be away for quite some time. So I ran upstairs and while I was in the shower decided hey let's clean it too! So that's what I did. After we got ready I folded the laundry and put it away. Than we headed towards the restaurant and had a wonderful evening with friends and family. It was really nice. Afterwards we came back to our place and had some ice cream cake. It was a great evening, but boy am I bushed.

More to come about our surprise guest we had this evening. And hopefully a few pictures will be included in the next update. Sorry this one was so long. I just decided I would type it up before I forgot all that we had done today. B was very busy out in the yard while I was doing the cleaning.

Until next time,
